Unable to login my AWS server - amazon-web-services

i was logging in AWS server (ubuntu#54.564.564.1) with my pem key. After, i created one user in ubuntu and opened "/etc/ssh/sshd_config". In this file I have added following text "allow user username". I did reload that file and logout. but i unable to login my server with newuser(username#54.564.56.1) and olduser (ubu..#54.564.564.1).

Try ssh'ing without the ubuntu#. Just do the ip address because usually the first part implies the username.
if I ssh into my raspberry pi and do: pi# then it just asks me for my password not my username and I login as the user pi.
Hope this helped


Unable to reset password in Django

I have an app which allows the user to reset password. I user the django authentification system but everytime I want to send an email I get the error ' 535, b'5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. '.
I have already generated and app password and replace the password in my "settings.py" but I still get this error.
have you
tried sending passwords with a separate python script or application like the REST Client in VSC to assure the credentials are working? At least when using gmail I know you have to adapt the security settings in the gmail account used.
checked e.g. by using print statements (ONYL in you dev environment!) that the credentials are available as expected?

Set password for VM users when OS Login is enabled: Authentication token manipulation error

I have created a simple Google Cloud VM and enabled OS Login for it. Login using SSH keys works perfectly fine.
I would now like to allow individual users to sign in with a fixed password as well (instead of the public key).
Unfortunately, this results in an error:
$ sudo passwd myusername
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged
$ passwd
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged
Is it impossible to set passwords for users managed by OS Login?
By default, password-based logins are disabled for Google Cloud VMs.
Log in to the instance.
Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Look for the line PasswordAuthentication no.
Change it to yes.
Restart the SSH server: sudo systemctl restart sshd.
There are other password related settings. Review the documentation:
I had the same issue and found a very simple solution in Goggle's Documentation.
The user account created by Compute Engine doesn't have a password.
However, several desktop environments require one for unlocking
screensavers and authorizing administrative actions. It is therefore
important to set a password for your user:
Connect to the instance using SSH, as you did when you first set up the instance.
Create a password for the user:
sudo passwd $(whoami)

How can I log into digital Ocean droplets using username and password, I want to deploy a MERN app

I'm used to using Putty to generate SSH KEY and logging in using my privatekey and passphrase. Now am working on a project and the owner generated a droplet password and username themselves.
I'm very confused now, I don't know how to log in to droplets using the password given to me.
What I have tried:
I have tried running ssh root#<password> but it didn't work.
This is the error I got:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname <password>: Name or service not known
Your effort will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Try ssh <username>#<server> (for example ssh root# You should then be prompted for the password. Enter the password (nothing will show while you type) then press enter.

Logging into PHPMYADMIN

My website runs off of an AWS server. I went to login to phpmyadmin and placed in the username and password that matches the username and password in config.inc.php and I get the error:
The user name or password you entered for this area on ___________:80 was incorrect
Any suggestions on how I can fix this?
phpMyAdmin doesn't have user accounts, when you enter your credentials in the login field those are passed on directly to MySQL (more information).
The only time you should need to have your username and password in config.inc.php is if you're using the "config" auth_type, in which case you aren't prompted at all when logging in.
But the thing is, that doesn't sound like a phpMyAdmin error message. Perhaps you have some other means in place of protecting your phpMyAdmin installation, such as a .htaccess file or Apache configuration directives.
I suggest starting with the command line client, see if you can log in with the username and password you have. Next, look at the phpMyAdmin configuration, config.inc.php, and for testing purposes I suggest you use auth_type cookie. That way, if you get a popup login dialog you know something else is restricting you. With auth_type cookie, phpMyAdmin displays the username and password fields on a web page form rather than a popup dialog. Finally, check your webserver error log for any hints; it might log more information about where this authentication is configured.

Cant connect to new Amazon AWS Centos instance

I cannot connect to my AWS instance. I've searched the other related topics, they've not given me the answer.
I have created a Centos AMI and gone through all the steps. At the end I have imported a key pair.
The instance is created and everything seems fine. Except that I cannot connect to the server.
Putty says: Login As, followed by password request, which of course I don't have. I dont know how to connect using a PEM file there does not seem to be a way to connect using PEM file.
Ive created the keypair in Bitvise. When I connect Ive tried username ec2-user and root and asked for the initial_method to be publickey+slot2+password (and without password).
It ALWAYS asks me for a password, And when I enter (or not) the passphrase I created with the key it fails EVERYTIME to connect.
Driving me crazy, WTH Amazon! Just create a user/ password for us to connect with!!! This key pair thing is just crazy.
you can-not login with pem file you have to convert pem file to ppk by using puttygen, then you give your hostname and this newly generated ppk file, it will allow you to login. you have to use ec2-user in user-name.
The default user for the CentOS image is centos and NOT ec2-user.
Contrary to other answers .pem works fine from macOS terminal! It is possible to sign in to CentOS 7.8 on aws using the ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_key.pem centos#<public_ip>.
Converting to ppk just produced an error. All it took was to change the user to centos as shown below:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_key.ppk centos#<public_ip>
Load key "/Users/ilam/.ssh/my_key.ppk": Permission denied
centos# Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
centos#ec2--36--160.us-**-2.compute.amazonaws.com and your ppk for auth will get you signed in with putty