So ive been working on lighting, and for the purpose of shadow mapping i did light attenuation based on radius instead of the three attenuation factors (Constant, Linear and quadratic) and, well... It doesn't look very nice near the edges.
It cuts off very rapidly, and the shader code looks like this...
#version 330 core
//FragPos = world-space position of current fragment (vec3)
//light.radius is a float.
vec3 distance = (light.pos - FragPos) / light.radius;
float attenuation = 1.0f - dot(distance, distance);
So how should i go about making it look not-terrible? For example,
There exist an endless number of possible (not physically based) attenuations. One that I like to use is the one by John Chapman (see here) that uses a smoothstep interpolation between 0 and the radius of the lightsource:
attenuation = smoothstep(light.radius, 0, length(light.pos - FragPos));
A possible extension is to introduce an additional exponent (compression) that can be used to control how the attenuation should decrease:
attenuation = pow(smoothstep(light.radius, 0, length(light.pos - FragPos)), compression);
I'm developing a game that consists of 2 stages, one of these has an orthographic projection, and the other stage has a perspective projection.
Currently when we go between modes we fade to black, and then come back in the new camera mode.
How would I go about smoothly transitioning between the two?
There are probably a handful of ways of accomplishing this, the two I found that seemed like they would work the best were:
Lerping all the matrix elements from one matrix to the other. Apparently this works pretty well all things considered. I don't believe this transition will appear linear, though. You could try to give it an easing function instead of doing the interpolation linearly
A dolly zoom on the perspective matrix going to/from a near 0 field of view. You would pop from the orthographic matrix to the near 0 perspective matrix and lerp the fov out to your target, and probably be heavily tweaking the near/far planes as you go. In reverse you would lerp to 0 and then pop to the orthographic matrix. The idea behind this being that things appear flatter with a lower fov and that a fov of 0 is essentially an orthographic projection. This is more complex but can also be tweaked a whole lot more.
If you have access to a programmable pipeline (a.k.a. shaders), you can do the transition in the vertex shader. I have found that this works very well and does not introduce artifacts. Here's a GLSL code snippet:
#version 150
uniform mat4 uModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 uViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix;
uniform float uNearClipPlane = 1.0;
uniform vec2 uPerspToOrtho = vec2( 0.0 );
in vec4 inPosition;
void main( void )
// Calculate view space position.
vec4 view = uViewMatrix * uModelMatrix * inPosition;
// Scale x&y to 'undo' perspective projection.
view.x = mix( view.x, view.x * ( -view.z / uNearClipPlane ), uPerspToOrtho.x );
view.y = mix( view.y, view.y * ( -view.z / uNearClipPlane ), uPerspToOrtho.y );
// Output clip space coordinate.
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * view;
In the code, uPerspToOrtho is a vec2 (e.g. a float2) that contains a value in the range [0..1]. When set to 0, your coordinates will use perspective projection (assuming your projection matrix is a perspective one). When set to 1, your coordinates will behave as if projected by an orthographic projection matrix. You can do this separately for the X- and Y-axes.
'uNearClipPlane' is the near plane distance, which is the value you used to create the perspective projection matrix.
When converting this to HLSL, you may need to use view.z instead of -view.z, but I could be wrong.
I hope you find this useful.
Edit: instead of passing in the near clip plane distance, you can also extract it from the projection matrix. For OpenGL, this is how:
float zNear = 2.0 * uProjectionMatrix[3][2] / ( 2.0 * uProjectionMatrix[2][2] - 2.0 );
Edit 2: you can optimize the code by doing the scaling on x and y at the same time:
view.xy = mix( view.xy, view.xy * ( -view.z / uNearClipPlane ), uPerspToOrtho.xy );
To get rid of the division, you could multiply by the inverse near plane distance:
uniform float uInvNearClipPlane; // = 1.0 / zNear
I managed to do this without the explicit use of matrices. I used Java so the syntax is different but comparable. One of the things I used was this mix() function. It returns value1 when factor is 1 and value2 when factor is 0, and has a linear transition for every value in between.
private double mix(double value1, double value2, double factor)
return (value1 * factor) + (value2 * (1 - factor));
When I call this function, I use value1 for perspective and value2 for orthographic, like so:mix(focalLength/voxel.z, orthoZoom, factor)
When determining your focal length and orthographic zoom factor, it is helpful to know that anything at distance focalLength/orthoZoom away from the camera will project to the same point throughout the transition.
Hope this helps. You can download my program to see how it looks at
As an exercise in learning fragment shaders / vector math I am trying to write a post processing shader that colors every point P on the screen based upon the angle (in radians) of the vector PC, between P and the Center of the screen C.
For simplicity sake I will be doing this in grayscale, but a good illustration of the effect I am going for can be seen here, with hue changing as the angle changes, and the hue forming a cycle.
I've searched around, looking for information on finding the angles between vectors, and from those examples I've gotten to here:
#version 110
uniform sampler2D tex0; //Color info
void main()
vec2 ScreenCenter = vec2(0.5 , 0.5);
vec2 texCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
vec2 deltaTexCoord = ( texCoord - ScreenCenter.xy);
float angle = dot(deltaTexCoord , vec2(0,-1));
//I've made attempts here to mess with acos as well as angle=pow(angle, somefloat) and
//have not gotten desired results
gl_FragColor = vec4( angle , angle, angle, 1.0 );
However this code produces linear gradients rather than the effect I want.
The easiest way is to use the built-in GLSL function atan() with two arguments:
float angle = atan(deltaTexCoord.y, deltaTexCoord.x);
This corresponds to the atan2 function that you're probably familiar with from C/C++. Compared to using acos(), the main advantage is that this gives you the full range of angles [-pi, pi], while the angles produced by acos() are only in the range [0, pi], and are therefore incorrect for the bottom half of the circle. With atan(y, x), there is also no need to normalize the input values.
You're almost there. The inner product (also called scalar or dot product) of two vectors is the cosine of the angles between the vectors times the product of the length of the vectors. So to get back to the angle you have map the dot product through the inverse of the cosine and normalize the vectors first (0,1) is already unit length so.
float angle = acos( dot(normalize(deltaTexCoord), vec2(0, -1)) );
Note that the angle is reported in units of radians, which go from 0 to 2pi.
I just tried implementing specular highlights. The issue is that when moving far away from the surface, the highlight becomes stronger and stronger and the edge of the highlight becomes very harsh. When moving too near to the surface, the highlight completely disappears.
This is the related part of my fragment shader. All computations are in view space. I use a directional sun light.
// samplers
vec3 normal = texture2D(normals, coord).xyz;
vec3 position = texture2D(positions, coord).xyz;
float shininess = texture2D(speculars, coord).x;
// normalize directional light source
vec3 source;
if(directional) source = position + normalize(light);
else source = light;
// reflection
float specular = 0;
vec3 lookat = vec3(0, 0, 1);
float reflection = max(0, dot(reflect(position, normal), lookat));
int power = 5;
specular = shininess * pow(reflection, power);
// ...
// output
image = color * attenuation * intensity * (fraction + specular);
This is a screenshot of my lighting buffer. You can see that the foremost barrel has no specular highlight at all while the ones far away shine much too strong. The barrel in the middle is lighted as desired.
What am I doing wrong?
You're calculating the reflection vector from the object position instead of using the inverted light direction (pointing from object to light source).
It's like using the V instead of the L in this diagram:
Also, I think shininess should be the exponent of your expression not something that multiplies linearly the specular contribution.
I think variables naming is confusing you.
From what I'm reading (assuming you're in camera space and without handedness knowledge)
vec3 lookat = vec3(0, 0, 1);
float reflection = max(0, dot(reflect(position, normal), lookat));
lookat is a directional light and position is the actual lookat.
Make sure normal(it's probably already normalized) and position(the lookat) are normalized.
A less confusing code would be:
vec3 light_direction = vec3(0, 0, 1);
vec3 lookat = normalize(position-vec3(0,0,0));
float reflection = max(0, dot(reflect(light_direction, normal), -lookat));
Without normalizing position, reflection will be biased. The bias would be strong when position is far from the camera vec3(0,0,0)
Note how lookat is not a constant; it changes for each and every position. lookat = vec3(0,0,1) is looking toward a single position in view space.
I'm trying to implement a ground fog shader for my terrain rendering engine.
The technique is described in this article:
The idea is to consider the ray going from the camera to the fragment and integrate the fog density function along this ray.
Here's my shader code:
#version 330 core
in vec2 UV;
in vec3 posw;
out vec3 color;
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform vec3 ambientLightColor;
uniform vec3 camPos;
const vec3 FogBaseColor = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
void main()
vec3 light = ambientLightColor;
vec TexBaseColor = texture(tex,UV).rgb;
vec3 camFrag = posw - camPos;
float distance = length(camFrag);
float a = 0.02;
float b = 0.01;
float fogAmount = a * exp(-camPos.z*b) * ( 1.0-exp( -distance*camFrag.z*b ) ) / (b*camFrag.z);
color = mix( light*TexBaseColor, light*FogBaseColor, fogAmount );
The first thing is that I don't understand how to choose a and b and what are their physical role in the fog density function.
Then, the result is not what I expect…
I have a ground fog but the transition of fogAmount from 0 to 1 is always centered at the camera altitude. I've tried a lot of different a and b but when I don't have a transition at camera altitude, I either have a full fogged or not fogged at all terrain.
I checked the data I use and everything's correct:
camPos.z is the altitude of my camera
camFrag.z is the vertical component of the vector going from the camera to the fragment
I can't get to understand what part of the equation cause this.
Any idea about this ?
EDIT : Here's the effect I'm looking for :
This is a pretty standard application of atmospheric scattering.
It is discussed under the umbrella of volumetric lighting usually, which involves transmittance of light through different media (e.g. smoke, air, water). In cutting-edge shader-based graphics, this can be achieved in real-time using ray-marching or if there is only one uniform participating medium (as it is in this case -- the fog only applies to air), simplified to integration over some distance.
Ordinarily you would ray-march through participating media in order to determine the properties of light transfer, but this application is simplified to assume a medium that has well-defined distribution characteristics and that is where the coefficients you are confused about come from. The density of fog varies exponentially with distance, and this is what b is controlling, likewise it also varies with altitude (not shown in the equation directly below).
What this article introduces to the discussion, however, are poorly named coefficients a and b. These control in-scattering and extinction. The author repeatedly refers to the extinction coefficient as extintion, which really makes no sense to me - hopefully this is just because English was not the author's native language. Extinction can be thought of as how quickly light is absorbed, and it describes the opacity of a medium. If you want a more theoretical basis for all of this, have a look at the following paper.
With this in mind, take another look at the code from your article:
vec3 applyFog( in vec3 rgb, // original color of the pixel
in float distance, // camera to point distance
in vec3 rayOri, // camera position
in vec3 rayDir ) // camera to point vector
float fogAmount = c*exp(-rayOri.y*b)*(1.0-exp(-distance*rayDir.y*b))/rayDir.y;
vec3 fogColor = vec3(0.5,0.6,0.7);
return mix( rgb, fogColor, fogAmount );
You can see that c in this code actually a from the original equation.
More importantly, there is an additional expression here:
This additional expression controls the density with respect to altitude. Judging by your implementation of the shader, you have not correctly implemented the second expression. camFrag.z is very likely not altitude, but rather depth. Furthermore, I do not understand why you are multiplying it by the b coefficient.
I found a method that gives the result I was looking for.
The method is described in this article of Eric Lengyel:
It explains how to create a fog layer with density and altitude parameters. You can fly through it, it progressively blends all the geometry above the fog.
I'm using c++, opengl 4.0 and glsh shader language.
I'm wondering how to correctly blend diffuse texture with lightmap texture.
Let's assume that we have a room. Every object has diffuse texture and lightmap. In every forum like or stackoverflow people say, that those textures should be multiplied. And in most cases it gives good results, but sometimes some objects are very close to light source (for example white bulb). This light source for close objects generates white lightmap. But when we multiply diffuse texture with white lightmap, then we get original diffuse texture color.
But if light source is close to some object, then color of light should be dominant
It means, that if white, strong light is close to red wall, then some part of this wall should be white, not red!
I think I need something more than just one lightmap. Lightmap don't have information about light intensity. It means, that the most shiny color is just maximum diffuse color.
Maybe I should have 2 textures - shadowmap and lightmap? Then equations should looks like this:
vec3 color = shadowmapColor * diffuseTextureColor + lightmapColor;
Is it good approach?
Generally speaking, if you're still using lightmaps, you are probably also not using HDR rendering. And without that, what you want is not particularly reasonable. Unless your light map provides the light intensity as an HDR floating-point value (perhaps in a GL_R11F_G11F_B10F or GL_RGBA16F format), this is not going to work very well.
And of course, you'll have to do the usual stuff that you do with HDR, such as tone mapping and so forth.
Lastly, your additive equation makes no sense. If the light map color represents the diffuse interaction between the light and the surface, then simply adding the light map color doesn't mean anything. The standard diffuse lighting equation is C * (dot(N, L) * I * D), where I is the light intensity, D is the distance attenuation factor, and C is the diffuse color. The value from the lightmap is presumably the parenthesized quantity. So adding it doesn't make sense.
It still needs to multiply with the surfaces's diffuse color. Any over-brightening will be due to the effective intensity of the light as a function of D.
What you need is the distance (or to save some sqrt-ing, the squared distance) of the light source to the fragment being illuminated. Then you can, in the simplest case, interpolate linearly between the light map and light source contributions:
The distance is a simple calculation which can be done per vertex in you vertex shader:
in vec4 VertexPosition; // let's assume world space for simplicity
uniform vec4 LightPosisiton; // world-space - might also be part of a uniform block etc.
out float LightDistance; // pass the distance to the fragment shader
// other stuff you need here ....
void main()
// do stuff
LightDistance = length(VertexPosition - LightPosisiton);
In your fragment shader, you use the distance to compute interpolation factors betweem light source and lightmap contributions:
in float LightDistance;
const float MAX_DISTANCE = 10.0;
uniform sampler2D LightMap;
// other stuff ...
out vec4 FragColor;
void main()
vec4 LightContribution;
// calculate illumination (including shadow map evaluation) here
// store in LightContribution
vec4 LightMapConstribution = texture(LightMap, /* tex coords here */);
// The following DistanceFactor will map distances in the range [0, MAX_DISTANCE] to
// [0,1]. The idea is that at LightDistance >= MAX_DISTANCE, the light source
// doesn't contribute anymore.
float DistanceFactor = min(1.0, LightDistance / MAX_DISTANCE);
// linearly interpolat between LightContribution and LightMapConstribution
vec4 FinalContribution = mix(LightContribution, LightMapConstribution, DistanceFactor);
FragColor = WhatEverColor * vec4(, 1.0);
EDIT: To factor in Nicol Bolas' remarks, I assume that the LightMap stores the contribution encoded as an RGB color, storing the contributions for each channel. If you actually have a single channel lightmap which only store monochromatic contributions, you'll have to either use the surface color, use the color of the light source or reduce the light source contribution to a single channel.
EDIT2: Although this works mathematically, it's definitely not physically sound. You might need some correction of the final contribution to make it at least physically plausible. If your only aiming for effect, you can simply play around with correction factors until you're satisfied with the result.