is it possible to run a django app in a simple hosting? - django

Hello friends I have one question about django and hostings, is It possible to run a django app in a simple hosting with python support or you must to use a VPS?
I know that php framework like codeigniter,symfony... run in any hosting with php support but I know that django it´s a little special.

There are Platform as a Service few hosting providers out there.
Python Anywhere
But you cant get it from cPanel like in PHP. Each of them have a very good doccumentation on hosting in their platform. Check them out.


deploy Django site on Netlify

I'm trying to upload my full-stack website, done with Django and React on Netlify.
I have tried various ways and searched for different tutorials, but unfortunately I did not find them useful ...
Many recommend using cactus to launch their own applications consisting of python, but I don't think it can work with Django, does anyone know how to do it or give me some advice? Thanks
note: netlify is only for "static" websites, so how can I make my Django application "static"?
Netlify is not really the match made in heaven for Django, I think you should give Heroku a go, which supports Django out-of-the-box.
If you do want to use Netflify and are ready to resign from the Django's backend features (built-in database, admin panel etc are not going to work after you make a static export), Cactus does work with Django. You could also try django-distill.

How to get my Django app in a real server?

I'm starting with web development, the last week I just write an HMTL, JavaScript and PHP scripts and get some very basic working properly in my web page, I used Cyberduck to get my files working in my web page. This week I want to use Django to develop faster, I have got my web page working locally but I have not been able to find a tutorial to get my Django app working in my server, I have a hosting service.
Develop a simple django app following django docs:
For Python 2.7.X and Django 1.11:
For Python 3.7.X and Django 2.1:
Then try hosting the same in pythonanywhere site:

Apache/wsgi/django configuration

We have two django applications running on the same server that interact with an API that uses oauth. They function as expected, communicating with each other, when run under the django development server. However, when deployed using apache/wsgi they don't work together.
(To be more specific, one application is an instance of the Indivo server; the other one is a custom application that interacts with Indivo.)
What is the best way to trouble shoot this?
Make sure that the Django instances are working by themselves first. For example, one app could be started under Apache, and the other using ./ runserver. Reverse which one is running using Apache and verify that all works as expected.
Use the Apache error logs to look for errors such as failed requests.
Since one of your apps appears to implement a web API, use something like the Google Chrome Postman App to exercise the site from a web browser.
Learn how to use the Django logging framework to log information about your apps as they execute.

porting django app to GoogleAppEngine to deploy on

I wanted to port my django app to run on GoogleAppEngine and deploy this on my django app I am using postgres as db to store user info,sothat user login /registration is possible.
I came across this article about porting django to appengine.
It mentions that you need to use Google Cloud SQL backend .This article says that it comes with a price from june12th onwards.
So,it seems that, to I have to pay to deploy even a non commercial application? Or is there some way I can do this without using cloud sql?
I did it with django-nonrel, it requires a few modifications but it worked. Here is a guide on how to set up. After it worked for me, I realized Heroku was easier to set-up and maintain, so my other apps went straight to heroku.

is tornado is the same as django?

is tornado is the same as django ?
can I upload tornado project to normal host providers
No. Tornado is a full web server. Django is a web framework that happens to have a web server included that can be used for testing. You will need more than just basic shared hosting to run it, preferably a full VPS.
Probably you will find this article interesting. Note that you cannot really compare Django to Tornado. Like #Ignacio said above they are not the same thing.
The article:,4258/
And yes if you can upload tornado project to normal host providers.