sitecore compute field not getting called - sitecore

I have created a custom search config from the deafult search index configurations
and I have kept <indexAllFields>true</indexAllFields>,
Also I am created a computed field, which is being called from the config like below
<field fieldName="taglist" returnType="stringCollection">SitecoreComputedField.TaggingItems,SitecoreComputedField</field>
Now I have noticed the computed field is not called if I keep indexAllFields = True but If I make it false the computed field works like an charm. But I dont want to keep it to false. I am not able to find why it is behaving like this ?

Index a field will allow you to use that field in a search filter (Eg: by using LINQ or querying directly your index). That is different, however, from actually storing the content of each field at your index (doing that for every fields will highly increase your index size and times).
In your case I think you must force Sitecore to add the value to Index. Try updating your config entry with parameter storageType="YES" so you have:
<field fieldName="taglist" returnType="stringCollection" storageType="YES">SitecoreComputedField.TaggingItems,SitecoreComputedField</field>


Specifying which index to use in sitecore lucene

I have a website that was produced in sitecore that i have inherited. The search does not seem to be working correctly. Basically documents do not seem to be returned correctly. I have noted that there is the default sitecore_web_index index and also a custom index that seems to index the same content more or less. Currently the search queries the custom index however I would like to change the query to the default index to see if the document is then returned. I was told you can specify which index to use but the person never told me how to do it. Does anyone know how i can change this?
Sitecore 8 content search uses Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(...) method to retrieve chosen index.
You can pass either:
Index name as a string:
IIndexable item - in this case Sitecore will try to find first registered index for you:
Just find where GetIndex is used in your code and replace it with a default index name.
One thing you should be aware of - there is a chance that your custom index has some customization added (like computed fields, list of fields indexed etc). Be careful with any changes. Maybe there are other reasons why your search doesn't work. Try using IndexingManager app to rebuild the indexes and see if it helps.
You also need to remember that on Content Manager environment, the "sitecore_master_index" will be used, and on CD Environment the "sitecore_web_index" will be used
so this can lead to test errors
You can try to get the index dynamically, in that case, the code will select the correct index use, According to their environment
var indexable = Sitecore.Context.Item as SitecoreIndexableItem;
ISearchIndex index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexable);
using (IProviderSearchContext context = index.CreateSearchContext())
//search code...
Had to do it this way ...
var indexable = (SitecoreIndexableItem)Sitecore.Context.Item;

How to get the date when the particular attribute was first changed in rails

I have a boolean atrribute whose default is false. How can i get the date when the attribute was changed to true?
The is_changed gives you if the value was changed. I want the date when the attribute was first changed.
How do i get it in rails?
add attribute 'first_change' in that table which will save time stamp of every first change of the boolean attribute changed to true or false, then in model write the callback like this
before_update :check_changes
def check_changes
if self.<boolean_attribute>.is_changed? and first_change.nil?
After this you can check when the boolean attribute was changed.
You can wrap your boolean attribute in distinct model and from there you can easily trace when specific field was initially setted up or updated. In your current model you can't trace changing state of specific attributes, only the whole object, but it's not what you need I guess.
Well, looks like you basically want the feature of git in ActiveRecord records.
There are two ways
Use a separate col like changed_date. Update it whenever the field is changed for the first time.
I recommend this if your requirement is that simple. Do not use heavier gems.
Use libraries like VestalVersion or PaperTrail
these are helpful to track every activity in your records.
you can keep track of every changes, what its changed to and when
also you can revert your record to any point of time it was changed
I think there are two ways like above answer suggested to make a separate field and add date there when field changed first time or
you can use Public Activity gem that will log all the model activity with params.
It creates a activities table based on this table you can get the date of the fields when it was first changed but it is a lengthy process

Using a bucket as a datasource for a droplink/tree field

I'm trying to enable content editors to select an item that resides in a bucket in a droplink field but I'm unable to find a field type/datasource that enables this.
I need to allow the user to select a single item (so not a multilist), the items are in a bucket as the number of items may be huge and the search api would be most helpful to the editors.
Is there a field or datasource query that will enable a lookup field to select a single bucketed item?
The simplest solution is to use a Sitecore multilist with search field.
First you need to set the source of your field to display items within your bucket of a specific template(s).
Example: StartSearchLocation={11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}&Filter=+_templatename:sample item
Here is an article describing how to set the source of your field: Sitecore 7 field types
If you need to limit the selection to one item then you need to also apply some regex. To achieve this you need to enable standards values in the view tab so you can alter the data section.
In the data section add the following regex: ^({[^}]+}\|?){0,1}$ and add some validation text.
This article provides additional infromation:Limit selected items on Sitecore multilist field
Just in case anyone else comes across this as I did, you can also use a query in the source field to filter the items in a droplink.
You can also use ##templatename='Your Template Name'
Keep in mind that unless your bucketed items aren't numerous (for some reason), the suggested answer is probably better since it provides search, and will not create a massive dropdown list of items.
I made some custom fields for this very purpose:
It gives you the same rich search interface you normally get when searching in buckets.

Reading Sharepoint List Calculated field from PowerShell

I am trying to pull data from a SharePoint list. The field is a calculated column that takes a yes or no answer and changes the words to archived and non-archived.
I can see the data being formatted correctly in the calculated column in IE but when I try to pull the data it shows up as nothing when I check the variable data.
$site = get-spsite https://extranet./sites/site
$web = get-spweb -Identity https://extranet/sites/site
$View = $list.Views["LISTVIEW"]
$listitems = $list.Getitems($view)
foreach ($listitem in $listitems) {
I have tried this also but get an indexing a null variable error.
$mailboxdb = $listitem.Fields["mailboxdb"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCalculated];
I see this also in the $listitems output. ows_MailboxDb='string;#Archived'
But when I check $mailboxdb its empty.
Found this but I don't know what it means by stored results.
In Powershell, although you can reference any field in the list in your script, you can only compare retrieve values from "static" fields - that is, you cannot use calculation fields. PowerShell will not complain - but you will not get results in your script. This is because the .Net library for Sharepoint will not do the field calculation for you - that only happens inside the Sharepoint UI itself.
If you need to have access to a "calculated" field, you actually need to have two fields - the calculated field (usually hidden) and a "stored result" field, which must be updated from the calculated value in the last step of the "Update" workflow. Then you can use the "stored value" field in PowerShell - and also, incidentally, in View calculations in Sharepoint.
You basically have two options here. You can have Powershell do the calculation for you, which is probably the simpler of the two options given the basic nature of your calculation.
The second option, as mentioned at the end of your post is to create a new field which can store the result of the calculation. In your case, you could call it status. Then you would create a workflow that runs whenever a list item is updated or created that stores the results of the calculated field in the results field. This seems redundant to me if you have this field for no other reason than to use the value of the calculated field in a PowerShell script.

How can i query to get the multiple values in SimpleDB (AWS)

In that Picture i have colored one part. i have attribute called "deviceModel". It contains more than one value.. i want to take using query from my domain which ItemName() contains deviceModel attribute values more than one value.
Senthil Raja
There is no direct approach to get what you are asking.. You need to manipulate by writing your own piece of code. By running SELECT query you will get the item Attribute-value pair. So here you need to traverse each each itemName() and count values of your desire attribute.
I think what you are refering to is called MultiValued Attributes. When you put a value in the attribute - if you don't replace the existing attribute value the values will multiply, giving you an array of items connected to the value of that attribute name.
How you create them will depend on the sdk/language you are using for your REST calls, however look for the Replace=true/false when you set the attribute's value.
Here is the documentation page on retrieving them: (look under Using Amazon SimpleDB -> Using Select to Create Amazon SimpleDB Queries -> Queries on Attributes with Multiple Values)