Server Side Directives File Retrieval Possible in IBM HTTP Server V8.0? - ssi

By default, in IBM HTTP Server V8.0 , is server side directives file retrieval possible?
e.g. <!--#include file="C:\boot.ini"-->

In the default configuration, mod_include is loaded but the "Includes" option is not enabled for any context. Also, #include file= cannot use absolute paths or ../.
Also, this seems like a "try it and see" kind of question.


How to redirect part of a URL using regex?

So I am having a bit of trouble.
I have many products with the same part o URL that I recently changed:
I need the "category-sample" to be "category"
So the new URLS would look like this:
And etc.
Thank you!
Assuming that you are using the typical apache http server with loaded rewriting module this should do what you are looking for:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?shop/category-sample/(.*)$ /shop/category/$1 [R=301,QSA,END]
In case "category" actually is a dynamic value, not a fixed literal this variant should do what you ask for:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?shop/(.+)-sample/(.*)$ /shop/$1/$2 [R=301,QSA,END]
That rule will work likewise in the http servers host configuration of in a dynamic configuration file (".htaccess" style file) if you have to use those.
If you receive an "internal server error" using those rules (http status 500) then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. Have a try using the L flag instead of the newer END flag then. You will find a corresponding hint in your http servers error log file in that case.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using dynamic configuration files (".htaccess"). Those dynamic configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

Browserify + WebStorm debug breaks routing in React-Router v4 BrowserRouter

I am writing a single page app with React for educational purposes. My React-Router v4 BrowserRouter handles client side routing correctly on CodeSandbox but not locally. In this case, the local server is the webstorm built-in devserver. HashRouter works locally but BrowserRouter does not.
Functioning properly:
You are likely serving your app on the built-in webserver (localhost:63342), right? Internal web server returns 404 when using 'absolute' URLs (the ones starting with slash) as it serves files from localhost:port/project_name and not from localhost:port. That's why you have to make sure to change all URLs from absolute to the relative ones.
There is no way to set up the internal webserver to use project root as server document root. But you can configure it to use URLs like http://<host name>:<port> where the 'host name' is a name specified in hosts file, like myhostName. See
The solution was to understand how push state routing and the history API works. It is necessary to proxy requests through the index page when serving Single Page Applications that utilize the HTML5 History API.
The Webstorm dev server is not expected to include this feature, therefore the mention of Webstorm in this thread was a mistake.
There are multiple libraries of < 20 lines which do this for us, or it can easily be hand coded.

get list of files Curl

I wanna download *.txt files from server using curl, but unfortunately I can't understand how to do it, because I'm beginner in curl, I though to use recursive iterator from boost::filesystem, maybe you have any different ways to solve my problem? thank you)
boost::filesystem only works with file paths on the local machine, and UNC paths on a local network. You cannot use it to iterate remote files over the Internet.
If the files are on an HTTP server, libCURL cannot iterate the files directly, as that capability is not part of the HTTP protocol. Your only hope is if the HTTP server provides an HTML file (or other format) containing the file listing when you request a URL for the actual directory that the files reside in. However, for obvious security reasons, many HTTP servers disable this feature! Most servers will instead redirect to a specific file, like index.html, index.php, default.aspx, etc. But, if the HTTP server does allow to retreive a file listing, you would have to retrieve and parse that listing data manually in order to determine the URLs of the individual files, and then you can download them as needed.
If the files are on an FTP server, then that is more desirable, as directory listings are part of the FTP protocol, and libCURL can retrieve an FTP directory listing (make sure the requested URL ends with a backslash so libCURL knows a directory is being requested and not a specific file). However, you are responsible for parsing the listing data, which can be in any format the FTP server decides to send (and there are MANY MANY listing formats used by various online FTP servers!). Modern FTP servers support the FTP MLSD and MLST commands (as opposed to the original LIST command) to facilitate easier parsing of listing data, so you can try instructing libCURL to use those commands (via libCURL's CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST option) if the FTP server supports those commands. Or, if you are interested in only the file names and not the file details (like timestamps, sizes, etc), you can use the FTP NLST command instead (via libCURL's CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY option).

How can I do an HTTP redirect in C++

I'm making an HTTP server in c++, I notice that the way apache works is if you request a directory without adding a forward slash at the end, firefox still somehow knows that it's a directory you are requesting (which seems impossible for firefox to do, which is why I'm assuming apache is doing a redirect).
Is that assumption right? Does apache check to see that you are requesting a directory and then does an http redirect to a request with the forward slash? If that is how apache works, how do I implement that in c++? Thanks to anyone who replies.
Determine if the resource represents a directory, if so reply with a:
HTTP/1.X 301 Moved Permanently
Location: URI-including-trailing-slash
Using 301 allows user agents to cache the redirect.
If you wanted to do this, you would:
call stat on the pathname
determine that it is a directory
send the necesssary HTTP response for a redirect
I'm not at all sure that you need to do this. Install the Firefox 'web developer' add-on to see exactly what goes back and forth.
Seriously, this should not be a problem. Suggestions for how to proceed:
Get the source code for Apache and look at what it does
Build a debug build of Apache and step through the code in a debugger in such a case; examine which pieces of code get run.
Install Wireshark (network analysis tool), Live HTTP Headers (Firefox extension) etc, and look at what's happening on the network
Read the relevant RFCs for HTTP - which presumably you should be keeping under your pillow anyway if you're writing a server.
Once you've done those things, it should be obvious how to do it. If you can't do those things, you should not be trying to develop a web server in C++.
The assumption is correct and make sure your response includes a Location header to the URL that allows directory listing and a legal 301/302 first line. It is not a C++ question, it is more of a HTTP protocol question, since you are trying to write a HTTP server, as one of the other posts suggests, read the RFC.
You should install Fiddler and observe the HTTP headers sent by other web servers.
Your question is impossible to answer precisely without more details, but you want to send an HTTP 3xx status code with a Location header.

Setting a header in apache

I'm trying to serve static files for download in a django application, I figured that I'd put the static files in /media/files and have Apache set the content-type header to application/octet-stream (the files to download are going to be word files but I'll work out the details later).
To do this I activated mod_headers and then in the apache config did this:
<Location "/media/files">
Header set Content-Type "application/octet-stream"
After doing this I restarted apache and tried a sample file but it doesn't work, I still get text/plain in the content type and the browser does not prompt me to download anything.
By the way I know it is recommended to use a different web server for static files but I don't have much control on the server I'm going to deploy, it has to be only Apache with mod_python.
There could be any number of problems (it takes a lot more information than you've provided to trace down some apache config problems) but here are some thoughts:
Are you absolutely certain this snippet is being applied to the right files (e.g., if there are multiple virtual servers, and you stuck this in the wrong one, well..)
Do you have rewriting going on that might prevent this from being seen as a match?
Are you setting the Content-Type header elsewhere?
Do you have content arbitration going on? Depending, that could override anything you do in the headers.
One thing you might try is to add some other header and see if it comes back. Also, try doing the request yourself with telnet or elsewise reducing the number of things between you and the server. Use the log files. They are there to help you. Good luck.