aurelia pages with different page formats - templates

In the Aurelia SPA template it assumes that every page will be inside app.html and use the same nav-bar at the top. But I'll have many pages that don't want the nav-bar at the top and actually not use app.html at all. I was looking at main.js and it looks like I could hook into bootstrap() and change the aurelia.setRoot() for certain pages (I'm just guessing here), but then I start mucking up the main.js file and it won't be long before it gets really messy and maintenance headache. I really just want to have some pages use their own format altogether and ignore the app.html formatting without doing any crazy configurations.
My initial thought is maybe app.html should just be an empty file and make every page decide whether or not it wants the nav-bar and include it on the individual pages. But now I'm duplicating the code across many pages and if the standard page layout changes I have to change all the individual pages. Not sure the best way to go about his. Any suggestions?

I actually disagree with Gilbert's answer. Using .setRoot is a best practice; the root is just the parent view/viewModel pair and you will often have different parents. This is essentially what you're doing when you're creating an empty app view/viewModel, creating a new parent that doesn't do anything. But adding an unnecessary, unused layer is just extra complication.
One of the best use cases for this is a login page. The login page is totally different from your normal app page--there's a login prompt, no navigation bar, etc. Therefore, make a "login" app root and a "app" app root and switch back and forth between them. I've built a template called Sentry that demonstrates how to do this.
Sentry in action
Sentry on GitHub

Using set root, like you said, is a bad idea. Similar to what you said, you can make app.html contain just the router view tag. Different parts of your app, that you want to share a similar page layout, will be gruped under different routes. Now each of theses routes will point to another router that will have its different styles in the view
Just think of it as an empty app.html with child app.html's that have styles in them(e.g. Different navbars, page layout etc)


django - Add another model without Popup

Is there any magic why to do this in admin panel of django?
Let me know
Off the top of my head, you could use JS to grab the popup link and load the HTML in a div on the page. But that means you need to override the admin template. This QA should be helpful.
It also means you need to capture the saving of the new house. So, when someone presses save, depending on the response, the div either closes or shows the errors WITHOUT refreshing th page. I'm not sure but I think you'll also need to override the admin view that does this to send back json responses.
You could use JS to mute that link and call up your own url, which would allow you to create your own view with your own custom form that does this. This would give you a bit more control without having to hack away at the Admin functionality.
e.g /house/ajax_add
You'll need to refresh the options in the House dropdown though. So I don't think you can avoid extending the template, now that I think about it.
It seems like a lot of trouble, really. No magic way that I know of, but it's possible.
To avoid popups, you might want to look at
Django-fm allows to create AJAX forms for creating, editing, deleting
objects in Django. This is a very personalized approach to quickly
build admin-like interfaces.
A live example can be found on
I'm not sure how this integrates with the current admin site, but with some changes it should not be hard.

Opencart different .TPL for the Home Page

I have a doubt and not really sure about how is the best approach, I have a client with a website based on opencart with really bad practices on it, for example, all products are manually placed in the home page instead to be using the CMS capabilities of OC, right now the way it works is, if you are using a computer, full browser, the site displays the full version of the site, but if you are using an ipad or iphone/android device then loads the "small" version, both versions are placed manually in the same home.tpl document and they appear/disappear by some CSS. The question is, the client doesn't want to change the way the home page is designed, so instead to be loading that enormity of code is there a way to have a different tpl for the small version? for example a home.tpl version with the code for the full version and home-mobile.tpl for the small one? how this should work? How the system should determine the screen size and point to a TPL or other TPL?
I know it's a weird request but the client is "happy" with how the site looks like and don't want to change the manual code used on the home page.
CSS is the correct way to handle the resizing and restructuring of the same content on different screens. If you want a vastly different homepage for mobile users, with different content, there are a couple of ways to do it:
Detect the browser using JS and redirect to a mobile-only page. This would probably involve copying your current home controller (and template etc.) to a new file, or using a GET variable to switch templates further down the code.
Detect the browser using PHP, and serve the correct template directly in the code. For this you could use a library like this one (untested, just an example) in your home controller, and change the template path as needed at the bottom of the script.
But first I would really try harder to emphasise to your client that he is doing it wrong.

How to handle a 'signed in' versus a 'default' homepage in Sitecore

I am building a brand new website in Sitecore and I am looking for advice on the following scenario:
My site has 2 version of its homepage. Both are quite different. The layout is the same, but most of the components and sublayouts on it will change depending on whether the user is logged in or not.
Does anybody has a suggestion of a good practice, or way to do that in Sitecore? My basic requirements are, have a single URL for both (the website root, it is a homepage) and do not harm the content author experience.
My thought so far was:
Use of personalization to control the components to be displayed (Concerns: performance and the content author experience he woudnt have to change component by component to see both versions)
Use of two item in the tree and intercept a pipeline to resolve the right item at the right time (Concerns: the content author would have two home items to maintain *not actually a big problem)
Does anybody has any other approach or considerations on those I listed?
An alternative solution would be to make use of devices, and use a pipeline to switch devices if the user is logged in.
Set up your Device in Sitecore to use the default layout as a fallback so it does not affect other pages in your site (and they continue to work as expected). You are then able to set different sublayouts and components for that Item (directly or in Standard Values for the template) for each device. You can make use the VaryByDevice caching option to make better use of the Cache.
Your content editors can also switch between the devices easily in the Page Editor from the ribbon. Any further customization you need in other areas of the site, such has switching out a single component, can be run using a Personlization Rule taking advantage of "where the current device compares to value".
It does sound like you have the need for personalization based on authenticated status, so I would recommend staying with the built-in personalization interface to avoid confusion. Authors will have been trained during Sitecore training on how to use personalization, and introducing an alternative method for accomplishing the same thing could lead to a less-than-optimal experience for the author.
To address your concern of the author needing to view components by toggling each one, I would recommend installing the Experience Explorer module. You can create presets that meet your rules on your presentation and then the author can preview the site for different 'experiences'.
If you have a single URL for the home page, it is more straight-forward to go with a single item, so I would definitely advise against having two home page items that are being resolved by the same URL.
You mentioned a concern for performance, so I would recommend you making sure that you enable your sublayout caching settings. In your case, varying by Data may be the way to go, given you would personalize with two sets of datasources.
In the past I have used the following crude technique:
Make two components, one for "logged in" and the other for anonymous.
Each rendering has just one line, a single placeholder, either:
<sc:placeholder key="logged-in" runat="server" />
<sc:placeholder key="anonymous" runat="server" />
For "logged in" I make a personalisation rule which hides the component if anonymous, and for the anonymous component I make a personalisation rule which hides the component if the user is logged in.
I then nest all the components under the correct placeholder key.

Include a page in the template script in magnolia cms

How can I include a page from magnolia into a magnolia template script?
In the template script with I can access data from a specific page, but how can I load that page into the template?
Let's say I have 2 pages each with its own template. Page 1 contains in its tree page 2. I want to include in the template script of page 1, page 2, but doesn't work.
Thank you very much :)
What I actually want to do is include my header in all of my project's pages. But I don't want to put it as a paragraph, because if I ever want to change my header, I'll have to edit all the project's pages.
So what I try to do and I don't know if this is the correct approach is to create a page template for the header. This template won't include any , or css, it's just the code for the header.
The next thing I want to do is create a page in magnolia with that model to be the header.
Next I'd like to include the page I've just created in my main template model for the project, but I can't figure how to do that.
I am new to Magnolia cms and initially I tried creating my demo site using stk. The only problem was that I couldn't use jsp as a scripting language, or at least I couldn't find any solution on the internet. I don't really know freemarker, but that's not really a big problem. I'm really reluctant in using freemarker because maybe in the future in a more complex project I might need some features that freemarker doesn't support, but jsp does. I'd like to build my site using jsp if that's possible with magnolia.
I'm sorry for this long update, but if anyone has any suggestions on what a best practice could be and if I could implement what I want in jsp I would be really grateful.
Thanks again for you time :)
If you're using the STK then see this guide on content-reuse.
If not have a look at the cms tag-lib, especially the tags cms:loadPage and cms:setNode with which you can get a piece of content and set it as a JSP/JSTL variable and then render it using cms:includeTemplate.
A common scenario is to 'inherit' content from the parent page, the header is an excellent example of this. What you do is for an area you walk up the content hierarchy and render everything from the parent pages in their area with the same name. This way the header which you've only added to the top page is included in all its children.
Another option is to a have special page which simply holds things to be included in other pages. Like header, footer and banners that should go in the side pane of some pages.
Including a page within another page doesn't really work. Page 2 already has its own <html> tags, its own <script> tags, and its own CSS, so including it wholesale into another page just simply doesn't make sense.
You do, however, have a couple of options:
Use an iframe. This will allow you to include the entirety of Page 2 in a region of Page 1.
More recent versions of Magnolia will allow you to render an individual paragraph, which you could then include in another page. (For example, you can see a single paragraph from at This requires knowing a bit about the way the data is structured, but is a pretty useful way to be able to selectively extracts bits of a page.
You can use the Magnolia API in your model class to pull data from sub-pages, and then make it available to your view template. This is the approach the STK uses to build teasers that include content from the pages they reference, and is probably the most powerful and flexible approach, but it does require actually writing some Java code. (See and for details of how to use this approach.)
(Added after question was edited) The footer functionality that's included with the STK does almost exactly this. You might be interested to take a look at that and see how it's implemented there.
Hope that helps a bit!

Django -- hide links from certain users

Is it possible, on a Django webapp, to hide certain links from those users who do not have the permission to click the link?
I bet there is a per-link way to check if the user has persmission to click the link, and then show the link (or not) based on that test. However, when there are a lot links spread across a whole bunch of web pages, that can be ridiculously tedious. Are there any ways to achieve this across the whole website with a setting or something?
write a template tag similar to spaceless that goes over its contents and removes all links that are not accessible. this would save you from having to touch each link manually.
It might be possible to write a custom template tag that would accept a link url, reverse it, introspect what permissions were required for the target view, and then conditionally display it.
You'd still have to touch every link in every template that you wanted to make fancy like that, and it would probably be an ugly beast. All in all, it's probably easier if you come up with a more centralized way to control access.