Setting up Aquila for my c++ Project in Visual studio 2012 - c++

I want to use Aquila DSP to compute MFCC features in my project and trying to make it work.I followed this tutorial but after mingw32-make install on the source code pulled from Aquila's git repo, it generates only libAquila.a in lib folder. I tried changing my project's include and library dependencies using these generated files after install. Also tried adding FindAquila.cmake and tried building my project with cmake for VS 2012, still no luck. Keep getting "aquila/global.h" no such file or directory when I try to include "aquila/global.h".
I also tried building Aquila with cmake for VS 2012 and able to compile it and it generates .lib files as well, but not sure how to proceed with that.
If anyone knows how to make it work, it will be great help.

So, I made it work with Visual studio 2013. Now what I am doing is I am building Aquila with both Mingw and with VisualStudio. Mingw gives required include files and visual studio build gives required .lib files. I am building Aquila in VS 2013 with configuration type static lib (project properties >> General >> Configuration type) for both debug and release configuration and then I build the project.
For Mingw, first I use cmake GUI with mingw cmakefiles configuration and then run mingw32-make install in the build directory, which will put the include, lib and share files in the installation directory( usually C:\\Programme files\\Aquila.
Now I create a Folder Aquila and put include and share from above path and create a new folder lib with two subfolder debug and release. Here I put two .lib files in each folder (aquila.lib and Ooura_fft.lib) (debug libs in debug and release libs in release folder, they will be VS build folder). Once this is done, in my project setting, I add Additional include directories under C++ >> general, Addiotnal library path under linker >> general and names of libraries under linker >> input for both bebug and release configuration. After doing all these things, now the library works with my project.


Compile GLFW Static Libraries in Windows for Visual Studio 2019

Sorry in advance if this is a really simple question or if this has already been answered somewhere. I searched for myself but couldn't find the exact answer to my problem.
I'm following the GLFW documentation to compile the GLFW libraries using CMake. I managed to make the build files, but then the documentation says "Go ahead and compile the actual GLFW library with these files, as you would with any other project."
Unfortunately, IDK how I would compile the library as I would with any other project since I don't see any files I recognize (like .h header files or .cpp files). Instead, I see a bunch of .vcxproj files and a .sln file. I'm unfamiliar with any of these files lol.
So my question is, how would I proceed from here to build a static .lib? Thank you in advance!
Build Output:
Build Directory:
Compiling GLFW Documentation
The build folder will contain a solution file (has a .sln extension) and all the project files (among other generated files) needed to build GLFW. To build you can open the .sln file in Visual Studio and build the Debug and Release configurations directly from the IDE or you can change directory to the build folder and execute this command:
cmake --build .
to build the debug versions of the library or
cmake --build . --config Release
to build the release version.

How to make lib files available to user in package recipe?

I'm creating a conan package for OpenCV but am at a loss on what to put in package_info. Building OpenCV places .lib and .dll files in the paths x64\vc15\lib and x64\vc15\bin. This means that once I install the package and try to link I get linker errors as Visual C++ cannot find the files.
What is the correct way of making these files available to Visual Studio? Should I add code to the package method to move the bin and lib directories out of x64 and into package_folder or should I add code to package_info to indicate the path to those directories via self.cpp_info.libdirs?

How to set up [ ZeroMQ ] for use in a Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise?

While my primary domain of expertise is not Visual Studio 2015 setup / project configuration, I have experienced troubles on loading / configuring ZeroMQ project.
How to proceed correctly on loading a ZeroMQ Project?
Observed errors:
current build on github and even old "stable" versions cause cmake errors
ZeroMQ Installer does not support Visual Studio v14
Instructions would be awesome, as it seems that there is no other source of documentation for this situation on the internet.
Had the same problem a while ago. Here is what I did to solve this:
Download the right ZMQ version
The "download link" provided on the ZMQ website seems outdated.
To really get the current version you would have to use Git:
git clone
Build with Visual Studio 2015
The repository comes with a pre-build Visual Studio project. You can find it in ...\libzmq\builds\msvc. To build for Visual Studio 2015 cd into vs2015 and open libzmq.sln.
You can choose if you want to compile static or dynamic libraries: DynRelease or StaticRelease for either Win32 or x64.
After that, run Build > Build solution to compile everything.
Setup project to use compiled libraries
After you created your project, go to the project's properties:
C++ > General > Additional Include Directories should point to the include path of the repository. If you want to use C++ style some additional files have to be placed in this directory. Alternatively you can take a look at
Linker > General > Additional Library Directories should point to the built libraries. They should be located at ...\libzmq\bin\x64\Release\v140\dynamic\.
Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies should contain the name of the library you want to use. The default should be libzmq.lib, otherwise you will find the name in the bin directory.
The program depends on the libzmq.dll file you just built. This file has to be placed within your project's build directory. To achieve this, you can add the following command to Build Events > Post-Build Event > Command Line:
copy /Y "...\libzmq\bin\x64\Release\v140\dynamic\libzmq.dll" "$(OutDir)"
This will copy the .dll file to the destination directory on every build if it's missing.
Hope this helps =)

Easier way to specify Additional Library locations in Visual studio 2013

When i build the boost library, with the vs 2013 developer prompt,
it will generate the lib files in an subdirectory:
every library is now saved as follows(example):
Now when i try to build an app which uses logging, i will get an linker error because the
file 'libboost_log_setup-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib'
could not be opened. Now, when i specify the location of this file in the linker properties of my project and rebuild it another file is missing:
rinse and repeat and yet another dependency will pop up, libboost_date_time-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib and so on, is there a smart way to solve this problem? like building the boost libraries in a way that the boost build programm will put them in one single folder or can i configure visual studio to search recursively for the libs?
Someone else asked a question on how to build x64 libs with bjam: 64-bit version of Boost for 64-bit windows
the answer also contained the answer to this concrete question:
after the bootstrap command, the bjam command goes as follows:
bjam --toolset=msvc-12.0 --build-type=complete allthelibs
where --toolset=msvc-12.0 corresponds to visual studio 2013
and allthelibs will be the subfolder containing all the boostlibs

Box2D with cmake won't build a .lib file?

I am trying to use cmake to build the box2d library for visual studio 2012. This is what I have in cmake:
The Box2D/Box2D directory has all of the source files in it and the Box2D/Build directory is where I want to put all of the library things. I selected the visual studio 11 compiler and it compiled and generated without errors. However in the build folder I can't find any .lib file. This is what generates in the build folder:
I went through all of these directories but not one had any box2d.lib file in them. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Help please?
Cmake only generates the build files so you can build it with the tool you choose in cmake - Visual Studio in your case. It only generated the Visual Studio project files. You have to open those files to build your library.
I fixed it! I built some projects in Project.sln and some .lib files were generated. I was thinking cmake was supposed to do that for you.