Boto3 Deploy to Elastic-beanstalk not reading Config files - amazon-web-services

I am using boto3 to deploy my environment to elastic beanstalk using the create_environment function. I have my configuration files in the .elasticbeanstalk folder but the deploy doesn't seem to be using them. When I deploy the same environment using the eb client it works exactly as wanted. Any suggestions?

I figured this out.
boto3 uses the aws api, which does not read the configuration files but rather reads a json configuration option (called option_settings). These allow you to configure all of your post-ec2-deploy settings (Everything you can change from the elastic beanstalk configuration page).
However, if you want to adjust configuration for what your ec2 instance has installed before your application runs (things like package installs, file creation, etc.) then you will have to create an aws image of a ec2 instance you like, and then reference that image id from the option_settings.
obviously the eb client does all of the above for you by reading the configuration files.


AWS How to deploy my internet site created with Typescript on AWS

I have create a website using VS Code in NodeJS with typescript language.
Now I want to try to deploy it on AWS. I read so many things about EC2 , Cloud9 , Elastic Beanstalk, etc...
So I'm totally lost about what to use to deploy my website.
Honestly I'm a programmer, not a site manager or sysops.
Right Now I create an EC2 instances. One with a Key name and One with no key Name.
In the Elastic Beanstalk, I have a button Upload and Deploy.
Can someone send me the way to create my project as a valid package to upload and deploy it ?
I never deploy a website. (Normally it was the sysops at the job). So I don't know what to do to have a correct distributing package.
Does I need to create both EC2 and Beanstalk ?
If you go with ElasticBeanstalk, it will take care of creating the EC2 instances for your.
It actually takes care of creating EC2 instance, DB, loadbalancers, CloudWatch trails and many more. This is pretty much what it does, bundles multiple AWS services and offers on panel of administration.
To get started with EB you should install the eb cli.
Then you should:
go to your directory and run eb init application-name. You'll start a wizard from eb cli asking you in which region you want to deploy, what kind of db and so on
after that your need to run eb create envname to create a new env for your newly create application.
at this point you should head to the EB aws panel and configure the start command for your app, it usually is something like this npm run prod
because you're using TS there are a few steps you need to do before being able to deploy. You should run npm run build, or whatever command you have for transpiling from TS to JS. You'll be deploying compiled scripts and not your source code.
now you are ready to deploy, you can run eb deploy, as this is your only env it should work, when you have multiple envs you can do eb deploy envname. For getting a list of all envs you can run eb list
There are quite a few steps to take care before deploying and any of them can cause multiple issues.
If your website contains only static pages you can use Amazon S3 to deploy your website.
You can put your build files in S3 bucket directly and enable static web hosting.
This will allow anyone to access your website from a url globally, for this you have to make your bucket public also.
Instead you can also use cloudfront here to keep your bucket private but allowing access to bucket through cloudfront url.
You can refer to below links for hosting website through s3.

How to upload application code to AWS Beanstalk

I have a pre-built jar that I can deploy on an ec2-instance and it runs reading from a queue and processing some business logic. I want to use it with AWS Beanstalk but when I try to do that Beanstalk asks for application source code in a zip format. Does this mean that I have to provide the code of just my application? but there are a lot of jars that my application jar depends on and does this mean I must package the source code of those jars also with my application jar? Anyway I can just upload my application compiled jar
There are two options for deployment to beanstalk.
you create a zip file of your application and upload it via the console
you use the eb-cli (from the command line) to create the zip file and do the deployment
Here is the documentation for java applications:
And the documentation for the eb-cli:
After setting up the cli environment (getting ssh keys etc) you can deploy with eb deploy
About uploading code to AWS Beanstalk it can be done through beanstalk console.
Having lot of jar file for application, you need to combine all the files in single source bundle and then need to upload.
Below link gives example of
Bundling Multiple WAR Files for Tomcat Environments

Elastic Beanstalk maintain the changes made directly via ssh for new instances?

When the app autoscale, the previous modifications made in first instance will be kept in new instances?
You will need to add configuration settings to your application archive so that each instance is configured the same way when it is brought online. This is done by creating a folder in your application called .ebextensions. You place files in that folder with the .config extenstion. These should be yaml format.
Check these docs for more information:
Linux specific (I assume Linux since you mention SSH):
No, elastic beanstalk will start a new server using a fresh AMI and your latest deployed application code.
It is considered bad practice to change the instance using SSH login, as it may be replaced at any time by Elastic Beanstalk.
If you'd like to change something in the instance, you can either use a custom AMI (not fun) or create an .ebextensions folder and put some configuration shell scripts there (see documentation).

How can I copy a config file to an AWS EB deployment?

I have set up a Node.js / express app and I am using aws eb to deploy.
That is how my config is set up to be environment specific. However, I don't want to put my in my source control. How can I get that put up to my deployed application?
You can use .ebextensions folder to add some commands to copy additional files from anywhere. More info:

How do I go about creating Elastic Beanstalk configuration files?

I am looking for advice about how I should approach the problem of creating Elastic Beanstalk configuration files.
How do I go about constructing an Elastic Beanstalk configuration files?
How do I know what to include or not include?
Do I construct it by hand using the template reference or are they typically generated by a configuration tool?
You can modify the configuration of Elastic Beanstalk environments in multiple ways.
One way is to place a folder with the name .ebextensions inside your app source zip. Inside this folder you can have one or more files with a .config extension. Files will be processed in the alphabetical order of their name. These files are formatted using YAML syntax.
These files allow you to control lots of configuration options for your beanstalk environments.
This page explains various things you can configure using ebextensions (assuming you are on a linux environment). You can read about ebextensions on Windows here. On this page you will find information on how different parts of your environment configuration can be controlled, e.g. you can install packages on your instances, you can create files, you can run shell commands on your instances during deployment, you can control settings of your environment etc.
You can also control option_settings for your environment using these config files. You can read more details about what option settings are supported here.
You can also modify properties of AWS resources like load balancer, auto scaling groups etc. created by beanstalk or you can create new resources like DynamoDB tables using ebextensions. Documentation on how to create or modify resources is available here.