Hint for SML type inference - sml

I am new to SML and I am trying to practice in SML type reference.I am trying to deduct the below types:
a)fun add42 x =x+42
b)fun comp F G = let fun C x = G(F(x)) in C end
c)fun compA42 x = comp add42 x
d)val foo = compA42 add42
e)fun compCompA42 x = comp compA42 x
I think the solutions for the first four is:
But I am a little bit confused about the last one.
Is there any hint to deduct the last type??
Thanks a lot.

Let's do this manually, step-by-step:
fun compCompA42 x = comp compA42 x
It's a function, so compCompA42 has type α -> β.
compCompA42's return value must be of the same type as comp compA42 x, i.e. β = typeof(comp compA42 x).
We already now the most general type for comp:
(a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
Now, we need to specialize it for the case when a -> b = typeof(compA42) and (b -> c) = α:
a -> b = typeof(compA42) = (int -> d) -> int -> d. From this equation follows that a = int -> d and b = int -> d.
So, α = b -> c = (int -> d) -> c and β = typeof(comp compA42 x) = a -> c = (int -> d) -> c.
Finally, our most general type for compCompA42 is
α -> β = ((int -> d) -> c) -> (int -> d) -> c.
Observe that you can always make some SML interpreter (e.g., smlnj) show you types:
- fun compCompA42 x = comp compA42 x;
val compCompA42 = fn : ((int -> 'a) -> 'b) -> (int -> 'a) -> 'b
And it's the same type we've got manually (just rename d to 'a and c to 'b).


Please explain the ppx_variants_conv make_matcher method signature

I found myself wanting a way to do some codegen around some large variant types in my code, and I found ppx_variants_conv (https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_variants_conv)
The make_matcher method sounds potentially useful to me, but there are no docs and tbh I am struggling to read the example signature:
val make_matcher :
a:(('a -> 'a t) Variant.t -> 'b -> ('c -> 'd) * 'e)
-> b:((char -> 'f t) Variant.t -> 'e -> (char -> 'd) * 'g)
-> c:('h t Variant.t -> 'g -> (unit -> 'd) * 'i)
-> d:((int -> int -> 'j t) Variant.t -> 'i -> (int -> int -> 'd) * 'k)
-> 'b
-> ('c t -> 'd) * 'k
a b c and d labelled arguments correspond to the cases of the variant and the first part of each signature corresponds to the constructor for each case... I get a bit lost after that 🤔
and it seems a odd to me that 'b 'c 'd and 'k appear in the latter part of the signature but not 'e 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j
In the make_matcher function each labeled argument takes a function of two arguments that has a general form, fun v x -> f, y, where v is the first-class variant that represents the corresponding constructor, x is the value that is folded over all matchers-generating functions. The function returns a pair, in which the first constituent, the function f, is actually the matcher that will be called if that variant matches and some value y that will be passed to the next matcher-generating function.
Let's do some examples to illustrate this. First, let's define some simple matcher, e.g.,
type 'a t =
| A of 'a
| B of char
| C
| D of int * int
[##deriving variants]
let matcher init = Variants.make_matcher
~a:(fun v (x1 : char) ->
(fun x -> x+1),Char.code x1)
~b:(fun v (x2 : int) ->
(fun c -> Char.code c),float x2)
~c:(fun v (x3 : float) ->
(fun () -> 0), string_of_float x3)
~d:(fun v (x4 : string) ->
(fun x y -> x + y),[x4])
and here's how we can use, it,
# let f,s = matcher '*';;
val f : int t -> int = <fun>
val s : Base.string list = ["42."]
# f (A 10);;
- : int = 11
# f (B '*');;
- : int = 42
# f C;;
- : int = 0
# f (D (1,2));;
- : int = 3
To be honest, I don't know the purpose of the extra parameter that is passed to each matcher-generating function1. Probably, the idea is that depending on the initial parameter we could generate different matchers. But if you don't need this, then just pass () to it and/or define your own simplified matcher that ignores this additional information, e.g.,
let make_simple_matcher ~a ~b ~c ~d =
fst ##Variants.make_matcher
~a:(fun _ _ -> a,())
~b:(fun _ _ -> b,())
~c:(fun _ _ -> c,())
~d:(fun _ _ -> d,())
The make_simple_matcher function has an expected type,
a:('a -> 'b) ->
b:(char -> 'b) ->
c:(unit -> 'b) ->
d:(int -> int -> 'b) ->
'a t -> 'b
1) looking into the guts of the code that generates this function doesn't help a lot, as they use the generic name acc for this parameter, which is not very helpful.

Is eta-expansion foolproof in OCaml?

Is it best to always eta-expand as a fool-proof rule of thumb in OCaml ?
type 'x recordx = { x : int }
type 'y recordy = { y : int }
let rec ok : type n a. n recordx -> a recordy -> int =
fun algebrah x -> ok algebrah x
let rec ok : type a. a recordy -> int =
fun x ->
let go : type b. b recordy -> int = ok in
go x
let rec ok : type n a. n recordx -> a recordy -> int =
fun x y ->
let go : type b. b recordy -> int = fun y -> ok x y in
go y
let rec ok : type n a. n recordx -> a recordy -> int =
fun x y ->
let go = ok x in
go y
(* This definition has type
'b recordy -> int which is less general than
'b0. 'b0 recordy -> int
let rec ko : type n a. n recordx -> a recordy -> int =
fun x y ->
let go : type b. b recordy -> int = ko x in
go y
The relaxed value restriction classifies the eta-expanded form fun y -> f x y as a value that can thus be generalized by let bindings, contrarily to the non-value f y. See https://ocaml.org/manual/polymorphism.html#s%3Aweak-polymorphism .
Moreover, in a eager language like OCaml, eta-expansion does change the semantics of functions. Consider
let print x =
Format.printf "x=%s#." x;
fun y -> Format.printf "y=%s#."
let print1 = print "x"
let print2 y = print "x" y
Thus, eta-expansion is a semantic-changing transformation rather than a "foolproof" transformation.

Sneaking lenses and CPS past the value restriction

I'm encoding a form of van Laarhoven lenses in OCaml, but am having difficulty due to the value restriction.
The relevant code is as follows:
module Optic : sig
type (-'s, +'t, +'a, -'b) t
val lens : ('s -> 'a) -> ('s -> 'b -> 't) -> ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) t
val _1 : ('a * 'x, 'b * 'x, 'a, 'b) t
end = struct
type (-'s, +'t, +'a, -'b) t =
{ op : 'r . ('a -> ('b -> 'r) -> 'r) -> ('s -> ('t -> 'r) -> 'r) }
let lens get set =
let op cont this read = cont (get this) (fun b -> read (set this b))
in { op }
let _1 = let build (_, b) a = (a, b) in lens fst build
Here I am representing a lens as a higher order type, a transformer of CPS-transformed functions ('a -> 'b) -> ('s -> 't) (as was suggested here and discussed here). The functions lens, fst, and build all have fully generalized types but their composition lens fst build does not.
Error: Signature mismatch:
Values do not match:
val _1 : ('_a * '_b, '_c * '_b, '_a, '_c) t
is not included in
val _1 : ('a * 'x, 'b * 'x, 'a, 'b) t
As shown in the gist, it's perfectly possible to write _1
let _1 = { op = fun cont (a, x) read -> cont a (fun b -> read (b, x)) }
but having to manually construct these lenses each time is tedious and it would be nice to build them using higher order functions like lens.
Is there any way around the value restriction here?
The value restriction is a limitation of the OCaml type system that prevents some polymorphic values from being generalized, i.e. having a type that is universally quantified over all type variables. This is done to preserve soundness of the type system in the presence of mutable references and side effects.
In your case, the value restriction applies to the _1 value, which is defined as the result of applying the lens function to two other functions, fst and build. The lens function is polymorphic, but its result is not, because it depends on the type of the arguments it receives. Therefore, the type of _1 is not fully generalized, and it cannot be given the type signature you expect.
There are a few possible ways to work around the value restriction in this case:
Use explicit type annotations to specify the type variables you want to generalize. For example, you can write:
let _1 : type a b x. (a * x, b * x, a, b) Optic.t = lens fst (fun (_, b) a -> (a, b))
This tells the compiler that you want to generalize over the type variables a, b, and x, and that the type of _1 should be a lens that works on pairs with any types for the first and second components.
Use functors to abstract over the type variables and delay the instantiation of the lens function. For example, you can write:
module MakeLens (A : sig type t end) (B : sig type t end) (X : sig type t end) = struct
let _1 = lens fst (fun (_, b) a -> (a, b))
This defines a functor that takes three modules as arguments, each defining a type t, and returns a module that contains a value _1 of type (A.t * X.t, B.t * X.t, A.t, B.t) Optic.t. You can then apply this functor to different modules to get different instances of _1. For example, you can write:
module IntLens = MakeLens (struct type t = int end) (struct type t = int end) (struct type t = string end)
let _1_int = IntLens._1
This gives you a value _1_int of type (int * string, int * string, int, int) Optic.t.
Use records instead of tuples to represent the data types you want to manipulate with lenses. Records have named fields, which can be accessed and updated using the dot notation, and they are more amenable to polymorphism than tuples. For example, you can write:
type ('a, 'x) pair = { first : 'a; second : 'x }
let lens_first = lens (fun p -> p.first) (fun p b -> { p with first = b })
let lens_second = lens (fun p -> p.second) (fun p b -> { p with second = b })
This defines two lenses, lens_first and lens_second, that work on any record type that has a first and a second field, respectively. You can then use them to manipulate different kinds of records, without having to worry about the value restriction. For example, you can write:
type point = { x : int; y : int }
type person = { name : string; age : int }
let p = { x = 1; y = 2 }
let q = lens_first.op (fun x f -> x + 1) p (fun p -> p)
(* q is { x = 2; y = 2 } *)
let r = { name = "Alice"; age = 25 }
let s = lens_second.op (fun x f -> x + 1) r (fun r -> r)
(* s is { name = "Alice"; age = 26 } *)

How to get ` int -> (int -> int)`?

Are the two types: int -> int -> int and int -> (int -> int) the same?
If I write let f x = fun y -> x + y + 1, utop returns int -> int -> int. But I want is a function that takes an int as a parameter and then return a function which also takes an int and returns int, i.e., int -> (int -> int)
Is there a way to do that?
Also for (’a * ’b -> ’c) -> (’a -> ’b -> ’c), I wrote let f g = fun a b -> g (a,b), but it returns (’a * ’b -> ’c) -> ’a -> ’b -> ’c, the parentheses are eliminated. But why?
If a new function is returned as result, will it be anyway curried?
Usually, in lambda-calculus all functions have 1 arguments. Functions that take two arguments (not a tuple) are functions which take 1 argument and return another functions. If you look at the problem from this point of view you will understand that -> is right-associative.
Yes, they are the same. The arrow is a right-associative infix constructor, which is why the parentheses are redundant on the right.
It is perhaps helpful to realise that
let f x y z = e
is simply syntactic sugar for
let f = fun x -> fun y -> fun z -> e
Everything else follows form there.
Well yes, they are the same.
You can try it out, just type in
let f x y = x + y + 1;;
val f : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# let g = f 1;;
val g : int -> int = <fun>
# let _ = List.map g [1;2;3];; (* would do the same with (f 1) instead of g *)
- : int list = [3; 4; 5]
The whole idea is that function are by default curryfied. And as a -> ( b -> c ) and a -> b -> c are equivalent, they are displayed as the lightest type possible.

OCaml's let polymorphism implementation

I'm confused about let polymorphism in OCaml.
Consider the following code:
let f = (fun v -> v) in
((f 3), (f true))
let f = (fun v -> v) in
((fun g ->
let f = g in
f) f)
let f = (fun v -> v) in
((fun g ->
let f = g in
((f 3), (f true))) f)
For A and B, there is no problem. But for C, OCaml reports error:
Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
So for A, when evaluating ((f 3), (f true)), f's type is 'a -> 'a,
for B, when evaluating let f = g in f, f's type is 'a -> 'a.
But for C, when evaluating ((f 3), (f true)), f's type is int -> int.
Why C's f doesn't have type 'a -> 'a?
I have difficulty in understanding the implementation of OCaml's
let polymorphism, I'll appreciate it a lot if anyone can give a concise
description of it with respect to the question.
Your code is unnecessarily confusing because you're using the same name f for two different things in B and also two different things in C.
Inside C you have this function:
fun g -> let f = g in (f 3, f true)
Again this is unnecessarily complicated; it's the same as:
fun g -> (g 3, g true)
The reason this isn't allowed is that it only works if g is a polymorphic function. This requires rank 2 polymorphism, i.e., it requires the ability to define function parameters that are polymorphic.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but you can have a record type whose field is a polymorphic function. You can then use this record type to define something like your function:
# type r = { f : 'a . 'a -> 'a };;
type r = { f : 'a. 'a -> 'a; }
# (fun { f = g } -> (g 3, g true)) { f = fun x -> x };;
- : int * bool = (3, true)
# let myfun { f = g } = (g 3, g true);;
val myfun : r -> int * bool = <fun>
# myfun { f = fun x -> x };;
- : int * bool = (3, true)
The downside is that you need to pack and unpack your polymorphic function.
As a side comment, your example doesn't seem very compelling, because the number of functions of type 'a -> 'a is quite limited.