Can I catch VSTS Agent output with SDK? - build

I'm trying to write simple CLI tool, helping me with several VSTS-related tasks, like:
Create project from template
Building and watching build from console
So, it would be nice to attach to running build (triggered via CI) and watch console output in live in my desktop console. Is there such ability in SDK?
I'm currently using this packages:

There isn't any API can achieve this feature as I know. You can submit a feature request on VSTS User Voice.


AWS S3 Get cli command line from each operation done by GUI

When I do an operation like an S3 upload, using the AWS GUI from browser, is it possible to retrieve the relative CLI command for generating the same operation already done?
There is an extension for chrome and Firefox (As far as I know) that records the changes made in the AWS console and translates it to CLI commands.
Plugin Link
Although not all the services / actions are supported It does a pretty good job. Here you can check the service coverage of the plugin
Service Coverage

How to trigger a TeamCity project to deploy to a server

I am using TeamCity (version 9.1.5 if that matters) and I am trying to figure out how to create a trigger that deploys the project to a server. Or maybe there is a way to deploy a project to a server without using a trigger on TeamCity.
It's a very broad question, but I will share the approaches I have used in a couple of scenarios:
1) To deploy when a code checkin is performed, I have setup a build configuration that does the deployment, added the build configuration that does the compiling & packaging as a snapshot and artefact dependency which is then triggered with a Finish Build Trigger
2) To deploy at a given time of the day but only when new code has been checked in, I have setup a build configuration as above but triggered with a Schedule Trigger ensuring to select the dependent build in the Build Changes section.
With regards to how to perform the deployment there are many options, I have used WebDeploy for ASP.Net applications and MSI packages executed by Remote Powershell scripts for Windows Services, but other options are also available depending on the technology you have.
JetBrains provide an end to end example for ASP.Net in their on-line documentation, search for "Continuous Delivery to Windows Azure Web Sites (or IIS)"

Profiling Windows Workflow Services

What should I do to profile worflows exposed as Windows Workflow services? Which tool did you use?
I have tried to use dotTrace (jetBrains): I can see data in the profiling snapshot, but it seems I cannot see methods called by workflows.
Depending on the information you want to get out of it you can use AppFabric. Once installed you can go into IIS and set monitoring to "Troubleshooting" and get back pretty much everything the workflow has done.

Is it possible to use Web Deploy from Visual Studio Online?

I would like to build in Visual Studio Online and then Web Publish to Amazon.
Is this possible? Or does it only publish to Azure?
It publishes to wherever you like.
Use the PowerShell, Batch, or ShellScript task to deploy to whatever system you like in whatever way that you want.
Better yet, create a professional release pipeline with release management and deploy to many environments.
I ran MSBuild with the following parameters added...

Looking for a .NET BuildServer SaaS

I've a question regarding Build Servers for .NET Projects. Currently I'm using TeamBuild in conjunction w/ TFS 2010 to do automated builds in the .NET world. Some older projects are built using plain old MSBuild scripts.
To get rid of the administrative effort I'm currently moving my sources to github. Github offers, as many other sites service hooks to trigger build servers for doing automated builds such as CI or nightly builds.
Sure I could use TeamCity OnPremise and dynamically create Build Agents in Windows Azure using VMRole and Virtual Disks, but I think this hybrid solution is a little bit moronic.
So what are your thoughts about the following architectural idea?
Let's say you're using github as source control platform. When commiting sources to your repository an Azure WebRole hosting a WCF Service will be triggered.
The WebRole itself will just use the Azure API to fire up a new instance of a custom Azure VMRole.
The Azure VMRole itself will use some kind of buildscript such as Rake or MSBuild to have as few developer tools installed on the build agent as needed. After building the entire project the artifacts will be published to Azure BlobStorage and the WebRole hosting the WCF service will be called again, but right now the Azure WebRole is going to terminate the BuildAgent.
While using such a setup you could minimize the costs for the build agent and build nearly any kind of project as far as you're able to install the required element for the build by using PowerShell.
So in bottom line: what are your thoughts on this architecture? Other Ideas? Is there an existing service offering such a solution?
have you looked at ? I know a number of people who are using it to do exactly what you are doing.
Check out Team Foundation Service as it can do the following:
Continuous Delivery to Azure
Deploy to production on Windows Azure with two clicks from Visual Studio, or automatically as part of your build process.
Just found this one AppVeyor is also free for OpenSource projects.