How to improve a twitter sentiment analyzer? - c++

I'm working on a C++ Twitter company sentiment analysis tool. User inputs a company and the tool analyzes a # of tweets and returns a sentiment.
So far I did the following:
limit tweets to English and recent
make lowercase
remove RT, # symbol, #usernames and URLs
remove characters like &^%$(){}... etc
I then parse the tweet into words and check words against two dictionaries of positive and negative words. I create a total sentiment for each tweet. Then I count the number of positive , neutral and negative tweets to come up with a final answer. No weights are used.
I am thinking of implementing the following two things:
remove stop words from tweets
remove special characters and emoticons from tweets (non english Unicode basically)
However, even with this, most of the searches end up being very neutral. For example if I search "Apple" in 100 tweets I get say 30 positives, 10 negatives and 60 neutral.
1. Is there any way to lower the neutrals?
2. What kind of positive and negative words should I add to represent my search criteria(Companies)

You say no weighting is used but why not add it. Assign each +/- word a base weight of 1 then maybe apply some of the following conditions:
If they use words like "very", "extremely", etc, weighting the following adjective heavier (or without weighting just count both of them as a +/- word)
Rather than changing everything to lowercase, if there is capslock involved for words weighting those words heavier with a multiplier
Rating words like "fantastic" heavier than words like "good"


Regex - How can you identify strings which are not words?

Got an interesting one, and can't come up with any solid ideas, so thought maybe someone else may have done something similar.
I want to be able to identify strings of letters in a longer sentence that are not words and remove them. Essentially things like kuashdixbkjshakd
Everything annoyingly is in lowercase which makes it more difficult, but since I only care about English, I'm essentially looking for the opposite of consonant clusters, groups of them that don't make phonetically pronounceable sounds.
Has anyone heard of/done something like this before?
EDIT: this is what ChatGpt tells me
It is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of combinations of consonants that have never appeared in a word in the English language. The English language is a dynamic and evolving language, and new words are being created all the time. Additionally, there are many regional and dialectal variations of the language, which can result in different sets of words being used in different parts of the world.
It is also worth noting that the frequency of use of a particular combination of consonants in the English language is difficult to quantify, as the existing literature on the subject is limited. The best way to determine the frequency of use of a particular combination of consonants would be to analyze a large corpus of written or spoken English.
In general, most combinations of consonants are used in some words in the English language, but some combinations of consonants may be relatively rare. Some examples of relatively rare combinations of consonants in English include "xh", "xw", "ckq", and "cqu". However, it is still possible that some words with these combinations of consonants exist.
You could try to pass every single word inside the sentence to a function that checks wether the word is listed inside a dictionary. There is a good number of dictionary text files on GitHub. To speed up the process: use a hash map :)
You could also use an auto-corretion API or a library.
Algorithm to combine both methods:
Run sentence through auto correction
Run every word through dictionary
Delete words that aren't listed in the dictionary
This could remove typos and words that are non-existent.
You could train a simple model on sequences of characters which are permitted in the language(s) you want to support, and then flag any which contain sequences which are not in the training data.
The LangId language detector in SpamAssassin implements the Cavnar & Trenkle language-identification algorithm which basically uses a sliding window over the text and examines the adjacent 1 to 5 characters at each position. So from the training data "abracadabra" you would get
a 5
ab 2
abr 2
abra 2
abrac 1
b 2
br 2
bra 2
brac 1
braca 1
With enough data, you could build a model which identifies unusual patterns (my suggestion would be to try a window size of 3 or smaller for a start, and train it on several human languages from, say, Wikipedia) but it's hard to predict how precise exactly this will be.
SpamAssassin is written in Perl and it should not be hard to extract the language identification module.
As an alternative, there is a library called libtextcat which you can run standalone from C code if you like. The language identification in LibreOffice uses a fork which they adapted to use Unicode specifically, I believe (though it's been a while since I last looked at that).
Following Cavnar & Trenkle, all of these truncate the collected data to a few hundred patterns; you would probably want to extend this to cover up to all the 3-grams you find in your training data at least.
Perhaps see also Gertjan van Noord's link collection:
Depending on your test data, you could still get false positives e.g. on peculiar Internet domain names and long abbreviations. Tweak the limits for what you want to flag - I would think that GmbH should be okay even if you didn't train on German, but something like 7 or more letters long should probably be flagged and manually inspected.
This will match words with more than 5 consonants (you probably want "y" to not be considered a consonant, but it's up to you):
See live demo.
5 was chosen because I believe witchcraft has the longest chain of consonants of any English word. You could dial back "6" in the regex to say 5 or even 4 if you don't mind matching some outliers.

Regex to extract UK Currency including £ symbol and Pence (p)

I am fairly new to RegEx and have had a search around online but am unable to find a regex that fits my requirements.
The ultimate aim is to search a string of text and extract the lowest monetary amount, however as the string may contain more than one £amount, then i'm happy for a regex to just extract all monetary values it can find and then I can write a calculation in order to return the lowest amount.
The string may have numbers that are not monetary values / numerous amounts, therefore the regex should always look for a £ symbol first OR it could end with a "p" or "P" to signify pence. For example "I need 2 of these at £10 each and one of those at 50p" - should return 10.00 & 0.50 - I can then calculate that 0.50 is the lowest amount.
As people also write their amounts in various ways, I need the regex to be able to spot different patterns - including the "," for every thousand. All below values should be valid:
Hopefully someone may be able to advise the best way to approach this.
This works on your data set:
But it may improperly match some edge cases as well because everything is optional...

RegEx to clean VISA merchant names (remove random strings)

I am trying to develop a ReGex (.Net flavor), which I can use to clean VISA merchant names.
Norton *AP1223506209 --> Norton *AP
Norton *AP1223511428
SAS 1174565172360 --> SAS
SAS 1174565172368
I would like to keep the first "name" part, but remove the second "gibberish" part.
The following Regex works for Norton and Air Lingu as well as for Eurowings and Air France, if they contain numbers in the gibberish part. It totally fails for PAYPAL *AIRBNB and other strings, that don't contain any numbers in the gibberish part, and also for SAS, probably because the name is too short / there are too many spaces:
([A-z *-]{2,50}[A-z]{2,50})(.{0,3}([0-9-]{0,3}[A-z *+.#-/]{0,3}){1,10})
Is there any way to make this work for gibberish parts that don't contain numbers? I have something like this in mind, but don't manage to create an according RegEx:
Group 1 (to keep)
Must contain consonants and vowels
Can contain few numbers, spaces or punctuation signs (e.g.: "7x7: Taxi Service")
Group 2 (to be removed)
Consists of sequences of numbers, letters and optional punctuation signs
OR: consists of consonants, only
OR: consists of numbers, only
Thanks for any help and best regards
If I add more examples, Lindens solution still works quite well, but does not recognize all of the examples or in some cases too much of the string. I tried to adjust it, but with my lacking skills didn't quite succeed:
The following problems remain:
with a length of 6 for the last \w, longer patterns would not be matched in full length (e.g. after easyjet and after EMP Merchan). Increasing it, however, causes other strings to be truncated (e.g. AER LINGU, potentially also HOTELS.COM if > 12 was used).
The merchant names after PAYPAL * and GOOGLE * should not be deleted, as they are true merchant names. I tried to exclude strings containing GOOGLE * with a negative lookbehind, but it does not seem to work like that.
Whereas the merchant name after PAYPAL * should generally remain, in some cases it is followed by gibberish, e.g. PAYPAL *AIRBNB HMQXBW. If the negative lookbehind worked, those cases would no longer be cleaned.
if the merchant name is not followed by gibberish, part of the name itself may be deleted (e.g. EMP Merchan)
As the full list of merchant names is long and versatile, the approach to detect "gibberish" should be as generic as possible (i.e. not rely on a certain length of the gibberish part). Hence my original, now slightly modified "pattern":
Consists of sequences of numbers, letters and optional punctuation signs
OR: consists non or very few vowels (EASYJET 000ESJ5TWN -> the gibberish contains only one vowel, EASYJET 3 of them; PAYPAL *NITSCHKE -> NITSCHKE should not be matched, it contains 2 vowels)
OR: consists of numbers, only
Is such a thing even possible? The goal is to use SQL to clean the merchant names. If necessary, this can be done in several run throughs (for different kind of patterns).
Thx again!
Updated regex based on extended sample and desired results:
I cannot validate as I'm only on my phone, but can you try something like this?
^([0-9A-Za-z\*][ ]{0-2})
Take all the numbers, the letters (capital and minor) the star and max 2 spaces from the beginning of the line.
Please check the () but I guess the idea is here.
Sorry, it seems wrong when there is no double space.
You want to take all the char until 2 spaces or 2 numbers according to your examples.
.* {2}|.*[0-9]{2}
Is it better?

telephone number regex

I am currently trying to validate UK telephone numbers:
The format I'm looking for is: 01234 567891 or 01234567891 - So I need the number to have 5 numbers then a space then 6 numbers or simply a 11 numbers.
The number must start with a 0.
I've had a look at a couple of examples:
/^[0-9]{10,11} - to check that the chars are all numbers
/^0[0-9]{9,10}$/ - to check that the first number is a 0
I'm just unsure how to put all these together and check if there is a space or not.
Could someone help me with this regex?
Try this regex:
Many people try to do input validation and formatting in a single step.
It is better to separate these processes.
Match UK telephone number in any format
The above pattern allows the user to enter the number in any format they are comfortable with. Don't constrain the user into entering specific formats.
Extract NSN, prefix and extension
Next, extract the various elements.
$2 will be '44' if international format was used, otherwise assume national format with leading '0'.
$4 contains the extension number if present.
$3 contains the NSN part.
Validation and formatting
Use further RegEx patterns to check the NSN has the right number of digits for this number range. Finally, store the number in E.164 format or display it in E.123 format.
There's a very detailed list of validation and display formatting RegEx patterns for UK numbers at:
It's too long to reproduce here and it would be difficult to maintain multiple copies of this document.
If you are looking for all UK numbers, I'd look for a bit more than just that number, some are in the format 020 7123 4567 etc.
^\s*\(?(020[7,8]{1}\)?[ ]?[1-9]{1}[0-9{2}[ ]?[0-9]{4})|(0[1-8]{1}[0-9]{3}\)?[ ]?[1-9]{1}[0-9]{2}[ ]?[0-9]{3})\s*$
Simple Telephone Regex includes + () and - anywhere, as well as digits
I think ^0[\d]{4}\s?[\d]{5,6}} will work for you. I have used [\d] instead of [0-9].
I find that RegExr is a useful online tool to check and try your regular expressions. It also has a nice library of examples to help point you in the right direction
you should just count the number of digits and check that it's 10,
Some UK numbers have only 9 digits, not 10 (not including the leading 0).
These include 40 of the 01 area codes (using "4+5" format), the 016977 area code (using "5+4" format), all 0500 numbers and some 0800 numbers.
There's a list at:
This US numbers pattern accepts following phones as well:
800-432-4500, Opt: 9, Ext: 100316
800-432-4500, Opt: 9, Ext: X100316
800-432-4500, Option #3
(used this answer in other topic as start point)

Can someone provide a regex for validating and parsing a csv of integers and reals

I am new to regex and struggling to create an expression to parse a csv containing 1 to n values. The values can be integers or real numbers. The sample inputs would be:
1,2.456, 3.08, 0.5, 7
This would be used in c#.
Use a CSV parser instead of RegEx.
There are several options - see this SO questions and answers and this one for the different options (built into the BCL and third party libraries).
The BCL provides the TextFieldParser (within the VisualBasic namespace, but don't let that put you off it).
A third party library that is liked by many is filehelpers.
Using REGEX for CSV parsing has been a 10 year jihad for me. I have found it remarkably frustrating, due to the boundary cases:
Numbers come in a variety of forms (here in the US, Canada):
-1.0 (etc)
But of course, Europe has traditionally been different with regard to commas and decimal points:
Which just ruins everything. So, we ignore the German and French and Continental standard because the comma just is impossible to work out whether it is separating values, or part of values. (The Continent likes TAB instead of COMMA)
I'll assume that you're "just" looking for numerical values separated from each other by commas and possible space-padding. The expression:
is a pretty fair parser of A NUMBER. Catches just about every reasonable case. Doesn't deal with imbedded commas though! It also trims off spaces, either side of the number.
From there, you can either build an iterative CSV string decomposer (walking each field, absorbing commas, assigning to an array, say), or use the scanf type function to do the same thing. I do prefer the iterative decomposition method - as it also allows you to parse out strings, hexadecimal, and virtually any other pattern you find in the data.
The regex you want is
...from which you'll want capture group 1. However, don't use regex for something like this. String manipulation is much better when the input is in a very static, predictable format:
string[] nums = strInput.split(", ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
List<float> results = (from n in nums
select float.Parse(n)).ToList();
If you do use regex, make sure you do a global capture.
I think you would have to loop it to check for an unknown number of ints... or else something like this:
/ *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) *,? *([0-9.]*) */
and you could keep that going ",?([0-9]*)" as far as you wanted to, to account for a lot of numbers. The result would be an array of numbers....