Does Microsoft SAPI support speech recognition on offline mode just like system.speech api? - c++

I have read official documentation of Microsoft SAPI but I couldn't find about whether the api can be used on offline mode or not.
in there, they said that Microsoft SAPI is server based speech recognition api. So It seems like it doesn't support but I have to make sure.
Can I use Microsoft SAPI on offline just like system.speech ?

That link does not say what you think it says. Both Microsoft.Speech.Recognition (server engine) and System.Speech.Recognition (desktop engine) run entirely on the host CPU. The underlying SR engines are different, however.
The reason why the Microsoft.Speech.Recognition engine is called "Server SR" is that it was designed to run as part of Microsoft Speech Server, which ran on an on-premises server.
If you want online (network) SR, you would need to use Windows.Media.Speech.Recognition, which has both online and offline recognition.

I've developed with SAPI using MS's stock recognizer and synthesizers for 2+ years now. I don't think I've ever needed to have a network connection for my projects to work.
According to Microsoft's Speech API Overview it states directly that:
"The SAPI application programming interface (API) dramatically reduces the code overhead required for an application to use speech recognition and text-to-speech, making speech technology more accessible and robust for a wide range of applications."
So, between my personal experience, and the overview, it's safe it say you can recognize/synthesize speech in an offline mode.


Can I use crashlytics in C++ desktop games?

Is it possible to use crashlytics in C++ desktop games?
Fabric's license agreement states the following:
“Application” means any mobile application of Developer into which the Fabric Kit or any other Kit may be integrated.
I was wondering if it would be okay to use Fabric Crash reporter (crashlytics) in non-mobile games even though the license agreement is specific to mobile applications?
Mike from Fabric here. We have no support for desktop games outside of our macOS support.

Google Cloud Speech API on production

As we know, Google Cloud Speech API is in Beta now.
Will it be safe to use it in a application on production server?
I was also searching for the applications which is using Google Cloud Speech API, So far I have found the following,
VoiceBase, Hyperconnect, InterActiveTel
Does anyone know of any other applications that could give us more confidence in using it on production server?
The official definition of GCP launch stages, such as Beta, can be found in our documentation here.
Beta is the point at which we are ready to open a release for any customer to use. There are no SLA or technical support obligations in a Beta release, and charges may be waived in some cases. Products will be complete from a feature perspective, but may have some open outstanding issues. Beta releases are suitable for limited production use cases.
Emphasis is mine: Limited production. Ultimately, it is going to come down to your risk appetite.
As of Tuesday, April 18, the Cloud Speech API has reached General Availability, meaning all features are open to developers and are to be considered stable.
Voicebase provides more than just speech recognition and it is currently used in production by large customers. Take a look at some of the features

Google Earth within custom C++ Linux application

I am exploring using Google Earth within a C++ application I am writing for Linux. This application would be operating at a very high resolution (approx. 6000 x 3000 pixels). I am confident about the graphics performance of Google Earth in the high resolution and the Linux environment. My question is: What is the best way to integrate Google Earth into my Linux C++ application? I have read about the Google Earth COM API (and that it's outdated now). What would be the preferred method to integrate Google Earth into my application?
Specifics for integration: I am hoping to have the Google Earth in the "background" covering the entire 6000 x 3000 resolution with a small "control box" overlay that will interact with the earth.
Thanks for your responses!
As far as I can tell there are only two APIs to access Google Earth content - the Javascript API, and the Windows based C# API (which seem to just be wrapper classes that call the Javascript API.) I don't know but I believe the Google Maps API to also be in Javascript.
Given that you are in Linux and using C++ my suggestion would be to embed a browser in your app and create C++ wrappers to make the Javascript calls that you need (like the Windows C# API.)
If you start an open source project other people may be willing to help you create C++ wrappers.
As far as I know you can't use a Google Earth Api in Linux. The only API Google Earth offers is the Javascript API (only works in MacOs or Windows, but no Linux) and COM API (seems death now)
It doesn't work even in ChromeOS

AVIcode versus AppFabric

I just learned today about the System Center AVIcode product, which is a .net application monitoring tool. I don't know much about it and I was wondering how it would compare to AppFabric. The latter also has monitoring features as well as other useful features. How much do these two product overlap and for which scenario is each one better suited?
Thanks for any insights!
AVIcode (now simply called "APM" feature in System Center 2012 - Operations Manager) and AppDynamics are monitoring products playing in the same space/market.
They both provide visibility into code-level performance issues with your application. If you are interested in AVIcode technology you can watch my talk at TechEd 2012 to see APM in Operations Manager in action
AppFabric provides hosting and activation services, so it is orthogonal to the above - while it provides some "infrastructure" monitoring capability (i.e. the host running your code being up or down) it doesn't go to the code level showing "what was slow" or "what threw exceptions" in your code.
App Sight is applicable only to .NET framework 4.0 in terms on monitoring WCF transactions and Workflows. It's integrated into IIS Mgr thru extensions.
AVICode monitors a more broader range of .NET frameworks and protocols and is available as standalone or through integration with SCOM.
So the overlap would be the visibility they both provide for apps that leverage WCF and Workflows.
If you're interested in .NET application monitoring you might want to checkout We're currently in the middle of our .NET beta program and have had a great response so far from users. I can sign you up for a no hassle free trial if you want to have a play and see what visibility we can provide . Drop me a line at if your keen.

Speech recognition (web) services?

I have a buffer of audio and I'd like to perform speech recognition/transcription on it. I have limited CPU and RAM locally so I want to perform recognition on a server.
Are there any (web) services that allow me to do this?
My searches so far have led nowhere...
Google has just introduced browser-based access to its speech engine through HTML5.
To get this page to work, I launched the Chromium browser as follows in Ubuntu:
$ chromium-browser --enable-speech-input
I believe that the idea is to be able to build applications that use Google's speech recognizer, but I haven't had a chance to look deeply into it.
Another interesting project is WAMI from MIT:
Lumenvox offers such a service but seems expensive for your needs.