informatica generate session with default values - informatica

Is it possible to set a default session parameter in Informatica?
I want to set the target, the source, default database and set the target schema on the prefix and default schema.

You can create a shared parameter file for all the workflows and provide default values for your parameters in the parameter file in the below format:
Then you can override these values for any specific workflow that you need.


How to copy a request from one workspace to another in Postman?

How to copy a request from one workspace to another in Postman? The Duplicate option just creates a copy in the same workspace and collection.
I don't think there is a way to copy individual requests. You can however do it at the collection level.
If you click ... next to collection name, you'll get options to move or export.
Selecting move will give you an option to select the target workspace.
Selecting export will generate a json file. You can then import this json in the target workspace.

Google CDF: Can we set the value of a column as a runtime argument?

I am getting a value returned by hitting a HTTP endpoint which I am storing in a column. Now a want to trigger another Http Endpoint with the value in the column. But the HTTP endpoint takes hardcoded values or macros only. So I want to know if I can set a run-time argrument based on the column value
Please suggest How I can do this.
There are few ways of setting runtime arguments:
Using Argument Setter Plugin - type of Action plugin that allows one to create reusable pipelines by dynamically substituting the configurations that can be served by an HTTP Server.
Specifying runtime arguments as a JSON map in the request body, when starting an program.
CDAP Preferences HTTP RESTful API.
I recommend you check the official documentation for Datafusion, where you can find a way of setting variables/macros using the GCS bucket.
Additionally, have a look at the following thread on SO. It describes the method with specifying runtime arguments as a JSON map in the request body.

update local entry in WSO2 ESB

How can I update local entry in WSO2 ESB through XML configuration or JavaScript?
When I update using set-property() it is not updating in local entry as a whole, it is just updating for that instance.
yes thats right. when u create a property instance from a property saved somewhere in your registry and try a set property, it just change the value in that instance only. To save it in the original local instance first use a custom mediator and load the desired part in property instance then and create an output stream and store it like below
props.setProperty("key", "value");, null);
where out is outputstream instance.

Parameter file for the mapping having two target table in different schema-informatica

I have defined all the properties in parameter file.
The properties tab in session level properties allows one connection string to specify but i have two target tables in different schema.
If i specify any one connection variable in the target connection its showing error stating that value not specified for other target table connection.
Can anyone help me pls.
Instead of giving the target connection in front of '$Target connection value' in Properties tab of the session, you can put both of your connections in two different variables in parameter file and then can specify the respective variable in Mapping tab of the session at respective Connections.
You can always specify different connection detials for different targets in Mapping Tab.
Go to Mapping tab-> choose your Target and in connections Pane you can choose existing connection or specify new conneciton parameter.

SSIS Web Service Task: Dynamically setting WSDLFile

Is there any way to dynamically set the WSDLFile (the one on the Web Service Task Editor) for a SSIS service, so that the filepath is not hardcoded on the package? We want to be able to change this value the way you change values with .config files, is it possible?
Yes you can set the WSDLFile property via an Expression. Select the task, then properties, then Expressions and select WSDLFile from the drop down. You can then populate it from a variable which you can set in the config file. Alternatively, you can set the WSDLFile directly from a Package Configuration.