How to use graphviz neato from within C++ program [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/grid_graph.hpp>
typedef boost::grid_graph<2> Grid;
int main()
boost::array<std::size_t, 2> lengths = { { 3, 5 } };
Grid grid(lengths);
std::ofstream gout;"");
boost::write_graphviz(gout, grid);
I run
system('neato -Tpng overlap=false > test.png');
from a c++ program. It is not working.i.e png file is not created
When I run the same command from a console prompt, it does work as expected.

If redirection doesn't work on your system's shell, use the option:
system("neato -Tpng overlap=false -o test.png");
Also be aware of your working directory. Make sure your input is in the current working directory, and also check that you are looking for the output (test.png) in that same directory.
Alternatively, spell out the paths
system("neato -Tpng overlap=false /path/to/dir/ -o /path/to/dir/test.png");
CAVEAT: of course, in C++ strings backslashes need to be escaped, if your paths contains them


How to display asterisks (***) [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to create an ATM application using c++ and I want to display asterisks (****) when I input the pin code. I haven't tried anything because I have no idea on how to do it.
Could someone help me?
A very small program which should help you get started for Windows would go like this:
int main(void)
char character = 0;
while (true)
character = _getch();
if (character == 13) //Enter
//Do whatever
Please note that this code is off the top of my head and still requires the correct includes, but should point you in the right direction.
Please refer to for the documentation of _getch and for a list of control codes you might be getting.

How is this program running in debug mode? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am confused about something I saw today
In a Linux terminal the next commands were given:
g++ hw.cpp
./a.out debug
The second command executes the program and outputs "Hello, World"
The third command seems to run the program in a debug mode and makes the same program output "sending output to terminal" "Hello, World"
I did not see the source code
How can I make my own program only output certain lines in debug mode?
The source is in hw.cpp, which obviously is using some kind of argument parsing to look for 'debug'.
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0)
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
If you would like to do argument parsing more involved then this I suggest you look to getopt

Why file is not created in /etc/ directory [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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Please find the code sample
void createFile(const std::string& FileName, const std::string& Content)
ofstream of(FileName.c_str());
const std::string testFile = "/etc/testFile";
const std::string EmptyContent = "";
createFile(testFile, EmptyContent);
File is not creating at /etc/ directory. I think this is related to permissions. What extra I have to add in the code to work.
There's nothing extra that you can add to this program to "make it work". If an arbitrary program can write to /etc, this would toss the traditional POSIX security model out the window.
In order to be able to write to /etc, your program must be executed as root.
It seems to be a permission issue. Try to run your program using sudo:
sudo yourprogram

Can I only write last 50 lines console output to a file automatically [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is it possible to only write the last 50 lines of console output to a file automatically?
So that the file is always overwritten by the latest 50 lines.
You can use shell to modify and redirect the output of your program :
my_program | tail -n 50 > my_file
use simple redirection > if you want to truncate the file or double redirection >> if you want to append it.
Note :
This method only redirect stdout if you need to redirect stderr put 2>&1 after my_program
If you really want to do this in C++, you could store your console output line by line in a container while your program is running and write the last 50 lines to your file when needed.
Write a wrapper for your output function and each time you print a line to the console, add it to a std::queue. If that makes your queue larger than 50 elements, pop the oldest one (just call pop()).
class Logger {
static std::queue<string> lastFifty;
public static void log(const std::string& str) {
if (lastFifty.size() > 50) {
std::cout << str;
public static void dumpToFile(std::ofstream& file) {
while (!lastFifty.empty()) {
file << lastFifty.pop();

How to change filename alongwith ext in C/CPP [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have hundreds of files in a folder like:
I want to rename all file to another folder:
And so on.
source folder: /home/dir1/foo/
destination folder: /home/dir2/foo/
I am looking for C or C++ code to do so.
Thanks in advance.
Actually this would be a better job for a shell script, but if you insist on C then rename(src, tgt); is what you are looking for.
If you want to read the filenames from the directory, you must use opendir and readdir to loop through the files.
A short sample:
void main(int c,char **args)
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *dent;
dir = opendir("mydir);
printf(dent->d_name); <-- rename
If you insist on using C/C++ for the job you need to use
opendir -, readdir - to get the list of files
That use rename - to change the filename of a file