byte representation of ASCII symbols in std::wstring with different locales - c++

Windows C++ app. We have a string that contain only ASCII symbols: std::wstring(L"abcdeABCDE ... any other ASCII symbol"). Note that this is std::wstring that uses wchar_t.
Question - do byte representation of this string depends on the localization settings, or something else? Can I assume that if I receive such string (for example, from WindowsAPI) while app is running its bytes will be the same as on the my PC?

In general, for characters (not escape sequence) wchar_t and wstring have to use the same codes as ASCII (just extended to 2 bytes).
But I am not sure about codes less then 32 and of course codes greater than 128 can has different meaning (as in ASCII) in the moment of output, so to avoid problem on output set particular locale explicitly, e.g.:
for standard output
I found one more suggestion about adding
before setting localization with imbue
see details on How can I use std::imbue to set the locale for std::wcout?

The byte representation of the literal string does not depend on the environment. It's hardcoded to the binary data from the editor. However, the way that binary data is interpreted depends on the current code page, so you can end up with different results when converted at runtime to a wide string (as opposed to defining the string using a leading L, which means that the wide characters will be set at compile time.)
To be safe, use setlocale() to guarantee the encoding used for conversion. Then you don't have to worry about the environment.
This might help: "By definition, the ASCII character set is a subset of all multibyte-character sets. In many multibyte character sets, each character in the range 0x00 – 0x7F is identical to the character that has the same value in the ASCII character set. For example, in both ASCII and MBCS character strings, the 1-byte NULL character ('\0') has value 0x00 and indicates the terminating null character."
Visual Studio Character Sets 'Not set' vs 'Multi byte character set'


How can force the user/OS to input an Ascii string

This is an extended question of this one: Is std::string suppose to have only Ascii characters
I want to build a simple console application that take an input from the user as set of characters. Those characters include 0->9 digits and a->z letters.
I am dealing with input supposing that it is an Ascii. For example, I am using something like : static_cast<unsigned int>(my_char - '0') to get the number as unsigned int.
How can I make this code cross-platform? How can tell that I want the input to be Ascii always? Or I have missed a lot of concepts and static_cast<unsigned int>(my_char - '0') is just a bad way?
P.S. In Ascii (at least) digits have sequenced order. However, in others encoding, I do not know if they have. (I am pretty sure that they are but there is no guarantee, right?)
How can force the user/OS to input an Ascii string
You cannot, unless you let the user specify the numeric values of such ASCII input.
It all depends how the terminal implementation used to serve std::cin translates key strokes like 0 to a specific number, and what your toolchain expects to match that number with it's intrinsic translation for '0'.
You simply shouldn't expect ASCII values explicitly (e.g. using magic numbers), but char literals to provide portable code. The assumption that my_char - '0' will result in the actual digits value is true for all character sets. The C++ standard states in [lex.charset]/3 that
The basic execution character set and the basic execution wide-character set shall each contain all the members of the basic source character set, plus control characters representing alert, backspace, and carriage return, plus a null character (respectively, null wide character), whose representation has all zero bits. For each basic execution character set, the values of the members shall be non-negative and distinct from one another. In both the source and execution basic character sets, the value of each character after 0 in the above list of decimal digits shall be one greater than the value of the previous.[...]
emphasis mine
You can't force or even verify that beforehand . "Evil user" can always sneak a UTF-8 encoded string into your application, with no characters above U+7F. And such string happens to be also Ascii-encoded.
Also, whatever platform specific measure you take, user can pipe a UTF-16LE encoded file. Or /dev/urandom
Your mistakes string encoding with some magic property of an input stream - and it is not. It is, well, encoding, like JPEG or AVI, and must be handled exactly the same way - read an input, match with format, report errors on parsing failure.
For your case, if you want to accept only ASCII, read input stream byte by byte and throw/exit with error if you ever encounters a byte with the value outside ASCII domain.
However, if later you encounter a terminal providing data with some incompatible encoding, like UTF16LE, you have no choice but to write a detection (based on byte order mark) and a conversion routine.

Streaming Out Extended ASCII

I know that only positive character ASCII values are guaranteed cross platform support.
In Visual Studio 2015, I can do:
cout << '\xBA';
And it prints:
When I try that on I don't print anything.
If I try to directly print this using the literal character:
cout << '║';
Visual Studio gives the warning:
warning C4566: character represented by universal-character-name '\u2551' cannot be represented in the current code page (1252)
And then prints:
When this command is run on I get:
I've read that wchars may provide a cross platform approach to this. Is that true? Or am I simply out of luck on extended ASCII?
There are two separate concepts in play here.
The first one is one of a locale, which is often called "code page" in Microsoft-ese. A locale defines which visual characters are represented by which byte sequence. In your first example, whatever locale your program gets executed as, it shows the "║" character, in response to the byte 0xBA.
Other locales, or code pages, will display different characters for the same bytes. Many locales are multibyte locales, where it can take several bytes to display a single character. In the UTF-8 locale, for example, the same character, ║, takes three bytes to display: 0xE2 0x95 0x91.
The second concept here is one of the source code character set, which comes from the locale in which the source code is edited, before it gets compiled. When you enter the ║ character in your source code, it may get represented, I suppose, either as the 0xBA character, or maybe 0xE2 0x95 0x91 sequence, if your editor uses the UTF-8 locale. The compiler, when it reads the source code, just sees the actual byte sequence. Everything gets reduced to bytes.
Fortunately, all C++ keywords use US-ASCII, so it doesn't matter what character set is used to write C++ code. Until you start using non-Latin characters. Which result in a compiler warning, informing you, basically, that you're using stuff that may or may not work, depending on the eventual locale the resulting program runs in.
First, your input source file has its own encoding. Your compiler needs to be able to read this encoding (maybe with the help of flags/settings).
With a simple string, the compiler is free to do what it wants, but it must yield a const char[]. Usually, the compiler keeps the source encoding when it can, so the string stored in your program will have the encoding of your input file. There are cases when the compiler will do a conversion, for example if your file is UTF-16 (you can't fit UTF-16 characters in chars).
When you use '\xBA', you write a raw character, and you chose yourself your encoding, so there is no encoding from the compiler.
When you use '║', the type of '║' is not necessarily char. If the character is not representable as a single byte in the compiler character set, its type will be int. In the case of Visual Studio with the Windows-1252 source file, '║' doesn't fit, so it will be of type int and printed as such by cout <<.
You can force an encoding with prefixes on string literals. u8"" will force UTF-8, u"" UTF-16 and U"" UTF-32. Note that the L"" prefix will give you a wide char wchar_t string, but it's still implementation dependent. Wide chars on Windows are UCS-2 (2 bytes per char), but UTF-32 (4 bytes per char) on linux.
Printing to the console only depends on the type of the variable. cout << is overloaded with all common types, so what it does depends on the type. cout << will usually feed char strings as is to the console (actually stdin), and wcout << will usually feed wchar_t strings as is. Other combinations may have conversions or interpretations (like feeding an int). UTF-8 strings are char strings, so cout << should always feed them correctly.
Next, there is the console itself. A console is a totally independent piece of software. You feed it some bytes, it display them. It doesn't care one bit about your program. It uses its own encoding, and try to print the bytes you fed using this encoding.
The default console encoding on Windows is Code page 850 (not sure if it is always the case). In your case, your file is CP 1252 and your console is CP 850, which is why you can't print '║' directly (CP 1252 doesn't contain '║'), but you can using a raw character. You can change the console encoding on Windows with SetConsoleCP().
On linux, the default encoding is UTF-8, which is more convenient because it support the whole Unicode range. Ideone uses linux, so it will use UTF-8. Note that there is the added layer of HTTP and HTML, but they also use UTF-8 for that.

how I'm able to store a japanese character in 1 byte normal string?

std::string str1="いい";
std::string str2="الحانةالريفية";
I get "2,13" in my log file which is the exact number of characters in those strings. But how the japanese and arabic characters fit into one byte. I hope str.size() is supposed to return no of bytes used by the string.
On my UTF-8-based locale, I get 6 and 26 bytes respectively.
You must be using a locale that uses the high 8-bit portion of the character set to encode these non-Latin characters, using one byte per character.
If you switch to a UTF-8 locale, you should get the same results as I did.
The answer is, you can't.
Those strings don't contain what you think they contain.
First make sure you save your source file as UTF-8 with BOM, or as UTF-16. (Visual Studio calls these UTF-8 with signature and Unicode).
Don't use any other encoding, as then the meaning of that string literal changes as you move your source file between computers with different language settings.
Then, you need to make sure the compiler uses a suitable character set to embed those strings in your binary. That's called the execution character set → see Does VC have a compile option like '-fexec-charset' in GCC to set the execution character set?
Or you can go for the portable solution, which is encoding the strings to UTF-8 yourself, and then writing the string literals as bytes: "\xe3\x81\x84\xe3\x81\x84".
They're using MBCS (Multi-byte character set).
Underlying while Unicode will encode all characters in two bytes, MBCS will encode common characters in a single byte, and will use an extension character first byte to denote its going to use more than one byte for this character. Confusingly depending on what character you chose for that second character in the Japanese string, you size may have been 3, not 2 or 4.
MBCS is a bit dated, it's recommended to use Unicode for new development when possible. See link below for more info.

How does string work with non-ascii symbols while char does not?

I understand that char in C++ is just an integer type that stores ASCII symbols as numbers ranging from 0 to 127. The Scandinavian letters 'æ', 'ø', and 'å' are not among the 128 symbols in the ASCII table.
So naturally when I try char ch1 = 'ø' I get a compiler error, however string str = "øæå" works fine, even though a string makes use of chars right?
Does string somehow switch over to Unicode?
In C++ there is the source character set and the execution character set. The source character set is what you can use in your source code; but this doesn't have to coincide with which characters are available at runtime.
It's implementation-defined what happens if you use characters in your source code that aren't in the source character set. Apparently 'ø' is not in your compiler's source character set, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten an error; this means that your compiler's documentation should include an explanation of what it does for both of these code samples. Probably you will find that str does have some sort of sequence of bytes in it that form a string.
To avoid this you could use character literals instead of embedding characters in your source code, in this case '\xF8'. If you need to use characters that aren't in the execution character set either, you can use wchar_t and wstring.
From the source code char c = 'ø';:
source_file.cpp:2:12: error: character too large for enclosing character literal type
char c = '<U+00F8>';
What's happening here is that the compiler is converting the character from the source code encoding and determining that there's no representation of that character using the execution encoding that fits inside a single char. (Note that this error has nothing to do with the initialization of c, it would happen with any such character literal. examples)
When you put such characters into a string literal rather than a character literal, however, the compiler's conversion from the source encoding to the execution encoding is perfectly happy to use multi-byte representations of the characters when the execution encoding is multi-byte, such as UTF-8 is.
To better understand what compilers do in this area you should start by reading clauses 2.3 [lex.charsets], 2.14.3 [lex.ccon], and 2.14.5 [lex.string] in the C++ standard.
What's likely happening here is that your source file is encoded as UTF-8 or some other multi-byte character encoding, and the compiler is simply treating it as a sequence of bytes. A single char can only be a single byte, but a string is perfectly happy to be as many bytes as are required.
The ASCII for C++ is only 128 characters.
If you want 'ø' which is ASCII-EXTENDED 248 out of (255) which is 8 bit (is not a character value) that included 7 bit from ASCII.
you can try char ch1 ='\xD8';

UTF-8 Compatibility in C++

I am writing a program that needs to be able to work with text in all languages. My understanding is that UTF-8 will do the job, but I am experiencing a few problems with it.
Am I right to say that UTF-8 can be stored in a simple char in C++? If so, why do I get the following warning when I use a program with char, string and stringstream: warning C4566: character represented by universal-character-name '\uFFFD' cannot be represented in the current code page (1252). (I do not get that error when I use wchar_t, wstring and wstringstream.)
Additionally, I know that UTF is variable length. When I use the at or substr string methods would I get the wrong answer?
To use UTF-8 string literals you need to prefix them with u8, otherwise you get the implementation's character set (in your case, it seems to be Windows-1252): u8"\uFFFD" is null-terminated sequence of bytes with the UTF-8 representation of the replacement character (U+FFFD). It has type char const[4].
Since UTF-8 has variable length, all kinds of indexing will do indexing in code units, not codepoints. It is not possible to do random access on codepoints in an UTF-8 sequence because of it's variable length nature. If you want random access you need to use a fixed length encoding, like UTF-32. For that you can use the U prefix on strings.
Yes, the UTF-8 encoding can be used with char, string, and stringstream. A char will hold a single UTF-8 code unit, of which up to four may be required to represent a single Unicode code point.
However, there are a few issues using UTF-8 specifically with Microsoft's compilers. C++ implementations use an 'execution character set' for a number of things, such as encoding character and string literals. VC++ always use the system locale encoding as the execution character set, and Windows does not support UTF-8 as the system locale encoding, therefore UTF-8 can never by the execution character set.
This means that VC++ never intentionally produces UTF-8 character and string literals. Instead the compiler must be tricked.
The compiler will convert from the known source code encoding to the execution encoding. That means that if the compiler uses the locale encoding for both the source and execution encodings then no conversion is done. If you can get UTF-8 data into the source code but have the compiler think that the source uses the locale encoding, then character and string literals will use the UTF-8 encoding. VC++ uses the so-called 'BOM' to detect the source encoding, and uses the locale encoding if no BOM is detected. Therefore you can get UTF-8 encoded string literals by saving all your source files as "UTF-8 without signature".
There are caveats with this method. First, you cannot use UCNs with narrow character and string literals. Universal Character Names have to be converted to the execution character set, which isn't UTF-8. You must either write the character literally so it appears as UTF-8 in the source code, or you can use hex escapes where you manually write out a UTF-8 encoding. Second, in order to produce wide character and string literals the compiler performs a similar conversion from the source encoding to the wide execution character set (which is always UTF-16 in VC++). Since we're lying to the compiler about the encoding, it will perform this conversion to UTF-16 incorrectly. So in wide character and string literals you cannot use non-ascii characters literally, and instead you must use UCNs or hex escapes.
UTF-8 is variable length (as is UTF-16). The indices used with at() and substr() are code units rather than character or code point indices. So if you want a particular code unit then you can just index into the string or array or whatever as normal. If you need a particular code point then you either need a library that can understand composing UTF-8 code units into code points (such as the Boost Unicode iterators library), or you need to convert the UTF-8 data into UTF-32. If you need actual user perceived characters then you need a library that understands how code points are composed into characters. I imagine ICU has such functionality, or you could implement the Default Grapheme Cluster Boundary Specification from the Unicode standard.
The above consideration of UTF-8 only really matters for how you write Unicode data in the source code. It has little bearing on the program's input and output.
If your requirements allow you to choose how to do input and output then I would still recommend using UTF-8 for input. Depending on what you need to do with the input you can either convert it to another encoding that's easy for you to process, or you can write your processing routines to work directly on UTF-8.
If you want to ever output anything via the Windows console then you'll want a well defined module for output that can have different implementations, because internationalized output to the Windows console will require a different implementation from either outputting to a file on Windows or console and file output on other platforms. (On other platforms the console is just another file, but the Windows console needs special treatment.)
The reason you get the warning about \uFFFD is that you're trying to fit FF FD inside a single byte, since, as you noted, UTF-8 works on chars and is variable length.
If you use at or substr, you will possibly get wrong answers since these methods count that one byte should be one character. This is not the case with UTF-8. Notably, with at, you could end up with a single byte of a character sequence; with substr, you could break a sequence and end up with an invalid UTF-8 string (it would start or end with �, \uFFFD, the same one you're apparently trying to use, and the broken character would be lost).
I would recommend that you use wchar to store Unicode strings. Since the type is at least 16 bits, many many more characters can fit in a single "unit".