Checking if a string contains a character in Scala - regex

I have a collection of Strings and I'm checking if they're correctly masked or not.
They're in a map and so I'm iterating over it, pulling out the text value and then checking. I'm trying various different combinations but none of which are giving me the finished result that I need. I have gotten it working by iterating over each character but that feels very java-esque.
My collection is something like:
"text"-> "text"
"text"-> "**xt"
"text"-> "****"
in the first two cases I need to confirm that the value is not all starred out and then add them to another list that can be returned.
My question: I need to check if the value contains anything other an '*', how might I accomplish this in the most efficient scala-esque way?
My attempt at regex also failed giving many false positives and it seems like such a simple task. I'm not sure if regex is the way to go, I also wondered if there was a method I could apply to .contains or use pattern matching

!string.matches("\\*+") will tell you if the string contains characters other than *.

If I understand correctly, you want to find the keys in your map for which the value is not just stars. You can do this with a regex :
val reg = "\\*+".r
yourMap.filter{ case (k,v) => !reg.matches(v) }.keys
If you're not confortable with a regex, you can use a forall statement:
yourMap.filter{ case(k,v) => v.forall(_ == '*') }.keys

Perhaps I misunderstood your question, but if you started with a Map you could try something like:
val myStrings = Map("1"-> "text", "2"-> "**xt", "3"-> "****")
val newStrings = myStrings.filterNot( _._2.contains("*") )
This would give you a Map with just Map(1 -> "text").

val myStrings = Map("1"-> "text", "2"-> "**xt", "3"-> "****")
val goodStrings = myStrings.filter(_._2.exists(_ !='*'))
This finds all cases where the value in the map contains something other than an asterisk. It will remove all empty and asterisk-only strings. For something this simple, i.e. one check, a regex is overkill: you're just looking for strings that contain any non-asterisk character.
If you only need the values and not the whole map, use:
val goodStrings = myStrings.values.filter(_.exists(_ !='*'))


Cypress: find part of a string with cy.contains

Let's say I have two elements with these texts: "Find a hero" and "Find the hero".
I want to use cy.contains() to find one of these, and want to write something like
cy.contains("Find" + * + "hero")
I don't understand how I can write this command to find anything that contains the two words "Find" and "hero" in a sentence, no matter the order or where they come in.
I'm only using the native cypress (no imported testing libraries, was hoping it won't be necessary).
Hope someone can help.
The format of .contains() to use is a regex parameter, which has "/" delimiters:
cy.contains(/Find .* hero/)
The ".*" in the middle means any characters, and any number of characters.
Check out the example on
It's possible to use startsWith and endsWith
.should('satisfy', ($el) => {
const text = $el.text()
return text.startsWith('Find') && text.endsWith('hero')
This is my helper function
const contain = ($el, first, last) => {
const text = $el.text()
return text.startsWith(first) && text.endsWith(last)
.should($el => contain($el, 'Find', 'hero'))
Double contains
I don't think anyone mentioned yet, you can use :contains() inside .contains()
cy.contains(':contains(Find)', 'hero') // both strings contained
Matches the 2nd one:
<div>Find the villain</div>
<div>Find the hero</div>
You could use a regex expression to assert that text contain both 'Find' and 'Hero' by doing the following :
cy.get('[data-cy=login-button]').invoke('text').should('match', new RegExp('.*Find.*hero', 'gi'));
Or your could even do
cy.get('YOUR_ELEMENT').should('contains', 'Find').should('contains', 'Hero')

Extracting key-value pairs from a string using ruby & regex

I want to accomplish the following with ruby and if possible a regex:
Input: "something {\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":3}"
Output: [["\"key\"", "\"value\""], [["\"key2\"", "3"]]
My attempt so far:
s = "something {key:\"value\",key2:3}"
s.scan(/.* {(?:([^:]+):([^,}]+),?)+}$/)
# Output: [["\"key2\"", "3"]]
For some reason the regex above only matches the last key value pair. Does someone know how to retrieve all the pairs?
Just to be clear, "something" can be any kind of string. For this reason, solutions such as (1) splitting the text directly on the equal or (2) a regex as used in s.scan(/(?:([^:]+):([^,}]+),?)/) don't work for me.
I know there are similar questions on SO. Still, from what I saw, they mostly tend towards the solutions 1 & 2 or focus on a single key value pair.
your string looks like a json data structure encoded as a string, you can use JSON.parse for this as long as you remove the word "something " from the string
require 'json'
string = "something {\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":3}"
# the following line removes the word something
string = string[string.index("{")..-1]
x = JSON.parse(string)
puts x["key"]
puts x["key2"]
you can then convert that to an array if required
alternatively if you want to use regular expressions try

parse URL params in Perl

I am working on some tutorials to explain things like GET/POST's and need to parse the URI manually. The follow perl code works, but I am trying to do two things:
list each key/value
be able to look up one specific value
What I do NOT care about is replacing the special chars to spaces or anything, the one value I need to get should be a number. In other languages I have used, the regular expression in question should group each key/value into one grouping with a part 1/part 2, does Perl do the same? If so, how do I put that into a map?
my #paramList = split /(?:\?|&|;)([^=]+)=([^&|;]+)/, $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
print "<h1>The Params</h1><ul>";
foreach my $i (#paramList) {
if($i) {
print "<li>$i</li>";
print "<ul>";
Per the request, here is a basic example of the input:
REQUEST_URI = /cgi-bin/
goal is the following where the left of the equal is the key, and the right is the value:
How about feeding your list of key-value pairs into a hash?
my %paramList = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} =~ /(?:\?|&|;)([^=]+)=([^&|;]+)/g;
(no reason for the split as far as I can tell)
This relies crucially on there being an even-sized list of matches, where each "before-=" thing becomes a key in the hash, with the value being its pairing "after-=" thing.
In order to also get "pairs" without a value (like comments=) change + in the last pattern to *

Using regex to access values from a map in keys

val m = Map("a"->2,"ab"->3,"c"->4)
scala> m.get("a");
scala> println(res.get)
scala> m.get(/a\.*/)
// or something similar.
Can i get a list of all key-value pairs where key contains "a" without having to iterate over the entire map , by doing something as simple as specifying a regex in the key value?
Thanks in advance!
No, you cannot do that without iterating over the entire map. In fact, I can't even think of a single data structure that would allow it, say nothing of the API.
Of course, iterating is pretty simple:
m.filterKeys(_ matches "a.*")

Struggling with regex logic: how do I remove a param from a url query string?

I'm comparing 2 URL query strings to see if they're equal; however, I want to ignore a specific query parameter (always with a numeric value) if it exists. So, these 2 query strings should be equal:
So, I tried to use a regex replace using the REReplaceNoCase function:
REReplaceNoCase(myQueryString, "&paramToIgnore=[0-9]*", "")
This works fine for the above example. I apply the replace to both strings and then compare. The problem is that I can't be sure that the param will be the last one in the string... the following 2 query strings should also be equal:
So, I changed the regex to make the preceding ampersand optional... "&?paramToIgnore=[0-9]*". But - these strings will still not be equal as I'll be left with an extra ampersand in one of the strings but not the other:
Similarly, I can't just remove preceding and following ampersands ("&?paramToIgnore=[0-9]*&?") as if the query param is in the middle of the string I'll strip one ampersand too many in one string and not the other - e.g.
will become
I can't seem to get my head around the logic of this... Can anyone help me out with a solution?
If you can't be sure of the order the parameters appear i would recommend, that you don't compare them by the string itsself.
I recommend splitting the string up like this:
String stringA = "firstName=bobby&lastName=tables&paramToIgnore=2";
String stringB = "firstName=bobby&lastName=tables&paramToIgnore=5";
String[] partsA = stringA.split("&");
String[] partsB = stringB.split("&");
Then go through arrays and make the paramToIgnore somehow euqal:
for(int i = 0; i < partsA.length; i++)
partsA[i] = "IgnoreMePlease";
for(int j = 0; j < partsB.length; j++)
partsB[i] = "IgnoreMePlease";
Then you can sort and compare the arrays to see if they are equal:
boolean b = Arrays.equals(partsA, partsB);
I'm pretty sure it's possible to make this more compact and give it a better performance. But with comparing strings like you do, you somehow alsways have to care about the order of your parameters.
You can use the QueryStringDeleteVar UDF on cflib to remove the query string variables you want to ignore from both strings, then compare them.
Make it in two steps:
first remove your param, as you described in example
then remove ampersand which is left at the begining or the end of query with separate regex, or any double/triple/... ampersands in the middle of the query
How about having an 'or' in the RegEx to match an ampersand at the start or the end?
Seems to do the job when testing in
try changing it to:
REReplaceNoCase(myQueryString, "&?paramToIgnore=[0-9]+", "")
plus instead of star should capture 1 or more of the preceding matched characters. It won't match anything but 0-9 so if there is another parameter after that it'll stop when it can't match any more digits.
Alternatively, you could use:
REReplaceNoCase(myQueryString, "&?paramToIgnore=[^&]", "")
This will match anything but an ampersand. It will cover the case if the parameter exists but there is no value; which is probably something you'd want to account for.