So I am currently trying to figure out how to write a function where it takes 2 lists of equal lengths and multiplies the same position of both lists through folding, and returns the result as a new List.
eg) let prodList [1; 2; 3] [4; 5; 6] ;;
==> (through folding) ==> [1*4; 2*5; 3*6]
==> result = [4; 10; 18]
I feel like I need to use List.combine, since it will put the values that need to be multiplied into tuples. After that, I can't figure out how to break apart the tuple in a way that allows me to multiply the values. Here is what I have so far:
let prodLists l1 l2 =
let f a x = (List.hd(x)) :: a in
let base = [] in
let args = List.rev (List.combine l1 l2) in
List.fold_left f base args
Am I on the right track?
You can use fold_left2 which folds two lists of the same length. The documentation can give you more details (
val fold_left2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'a
List.fold_left2 f a [b1; ...; bn] [c1; ...; cn] is f (... (f (f a b1 c1) b2 c2) ...) bn cn. Raise Invalid_argument if the two lists are determined to have different lengths.
Another way is to fold the output of combine as you have suggested, I would recommend you to try it by yourself before looking at the solution bellow.
let prod_lists l s =
List.rev (List.fold_left2 (fun acc a b -> (a * b) :: acc) [] l s);;
let prod_lists' l s =
List.fold_left (fun acc (a, b) -> (a * b) :: acc) [] (List.rev (List.combine l s));;
First let me note using fold to implement this operation seems a bit forced, since you have to traverse both lists at the same time. Fold however combines the elements of a single list. Nonetheless here is an implementation.
let e [] = []
let f x hxs (y::ys) = (x*y) :: hxs ys
let prodList xs ys = List.fold_right f xs e ys
Looks a bit complicated, so let me explain.
Universal Property of fold right
First you should be aware of the following property of fold_right.
h xs = fold_right f xs e
if and only if
h [] = e
h (x::xs) = f x (h xs)
This means that if we write the multiplication of lists in the recursive form below, then we can use the e and f to write it using fold as above. Note though we are operating two lists so h takes two arguments.
Base case - empty lists
Multiplying two empty lists returns an empty list.
h [] [] = []
How to write this in the form above? Just abstract over the second argument.
h [] = fun [] -> []
e = fun [] -> []`
Or equivalently,
e [] = []
Recursive case - non-empty lists
h (x::xs) (y::ys) = x*y :: h xs ys
Or, using just one argument,
h (x::xs) = fun -> (y::ys) -> x*y :: h xs ys
Now we need to rewrite this expression in the form h (x::xs) = f x (h xs). It may seem complicated but we just need to abstract over x and h xs.
h (x::xs) = (fun x hxs -> fun (y::ys) -> x*y :: hxs ys) x (h xs)
so we have that f is defined by,
f = fun x hxs -> fun (y::ys) -> x*y :: hxs ys
or equivalently,
f x hxs (y::ys) = x*y :: hxs ys
Solution as a fold right
Having determined both e and f we just plug then into fold according to the first equation of the property above. And we get,
h xs = List.fold_right f xs e
or equivalently,
h xs ys = List.fold_right f xs e ys
Understanding the implementation
Note that the type of List.fold_right f xs e is int list -> int list, so the fold is building a function on lists, that given some ys will multiply it with the given parameter xs.
For an empty xs you will expect an empty ys and return an empty result so,
e [] = fun [] -> []
As for the recursive case, the function f in a fold_right must implement a solution for x::xs from a solution for xs. So f takes an x of type int and a function hxs of type int list -> int list which implements the multiplication for the tail, and it must implement multiplication for x::xs.
f x hxs = fun (y::ys) -> x*y :: hxs ys
So f constructs a function that multiplies x with y, and then applies to ys the already constructed hxs which multiplies xs to a list.
You mostly have the right idea; you'll want to combine (zip in other languages) the two lists and then map over each tuple:
let prod_lists l1 l2 =
List.combine l1 l2
|> (fun (a, b) -> a * b)
The key is that you can pattern match on that tuple using (a, b).
You can also fold over the combined list, then rev the result, if you don't want to use map.
To my understanding, curried functions should always return a function. However, in the code below, I believe this function returns a list. But when I check the type, it looks like a curried function.
fun zipWith f xs ys =
case (xs,ys) of
([],_) => []
| (_,[]) => []
| (x::xs',y::ys') => (f(x,y)) :: zipWith f xs' ys'
The type:
val zipWith = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list.
Could someone explain the type and how currying works in this function. Any help is appreciated!
fun f arg1 ... argN = exp is a syntactic shortcut for val rec f = fn arg1 => ... => fn argN => exp. So in your case we have:
val rec zipWith = fn f => fn xs => fn ys =>
case (xs, ys) of
So zipWith is a function that, when given an argument f, returns another function that, when given an argument xs, ... and so on. In other words, it's curried.
It is curried - you don't need to pass all the arguments at once, but it produces a list when all of them have "arrived".
It's common to write all the curried parameters on the left-hand side if the function is not meant to be primarily a "function-creating" function.
The definition looks more like the type if you write it on the (equivalent) form
fun zipWith f = fn xs =>
fn ys =>
case (xs,ys) of
([],_) => []
| (_,[]) => []
| (x::xs',y::ys') => (f(x,y)) :: ((zipWith f) xs') ys'
Example of the "curriedness":
- val add = zipWith (op +);
val add = fn : int list -> int list -> int list
- val add_123 = add [1,2,3];
val add_123 = fn : int list -> int list
- add_123 [4,5,6];
val it = [5,7,9] : int list
Suppose I have a list of elements myl and a function f. I would like to chop up myl into a list of lists, where each new "sublist" contains a contiguous stretch of myl on which the value of f is constant.
For example, if myl = List( (1,2), (3,2), (4,1), (6,2) ) and def f(x: (Int, Int)) = x._2. Then the result should be List( List((1,2), (3,2)), List((4, 1)), List((6,2)) ).
Is there an elegant way to write such a function without any vars?
def groupBy[A](as: List[A])(p: (A, A) => Boolean): List[List[A]] =
as.foldRight(List.empty[List[A]]) {
case (x, (ys # y :: _) :: zs) if p(x, y) => (x :: ys) :: zs
case (x, ys) => List(x) :: ys
scala> groupBy(myl)(_._2 == _._2)
res0: List[List[(Int, Int)]] = List(List((1,2), (3,2)), List((4,1)), List((6,2)))
Edit: I also wrote this version, using span:
def groupBy[A](as: List[A])(p: (A, A) => Boolean): List[List[A]] =
as match {
case x :: xs =>
val (ys, zs) = xs.span(p(x, _))
(x :: ys) :: groupBy(zs)(p)
case _ => Nil
This is essentially similar to ghik's solution, but using pattern matching instead of isEmpty and head.
(An explanation of the name groupBy: there is a function of the same name in the Haskell library, which has this exact same behaviour.)
Little more general solution:
def partitionBy[A](list: List[A])(groupingFunc: A => Any): List[List[A]] =
if (list.nonEmpty) {
val firstGroupingValue = groupingFunc(list.head)
val (group, rest) = list.span(groupingFunc(_) == firstGroupingValue)
group :: partitionBy(rest)(groupingFunc)
} else Nil
Example usage:
scala> partitionBy(List((1,2),(3,2),(5,2),(1,1),(2,1),(3,2),(5,2)))(_._2)
res14: List[List[(Int, Int)]] = List(List((1,2), (3,2), (5,2)), List((1,1), (2,1)), List((3,2), (5,2)))
You could try foldRight
val result2 = l.foldRight(List[List[(Int, Int)]]()) {
(x, acc) =>
if (acc.isEmpty) {
List(x) :: Nil
} else if (acc.head.head._2 == x._2) {
(x :: acc.head) :: acc.tail
} else {
List(x) :: acc
Your problem is too specific for there to exist a general function solving it, so we'll have to write a function of our own.
The standard strategy to implementing functional algorithms is Divide and conquer, which basically means extracting the smallest part of the problem and then gradually building up the algorithm over it.
Okay, the obviously smallest thing we'll need is to test two items for contiguity:
def testContiguity( a : (Int, Int), b : (Int, Int) ) : Boolean
= a._2 == b._2
Then we'll need some function arranging the lists using the two-item comparison function. Would be nice if the standard library had it, but it doesn't, so we define our own:
def arrange
[ A ]
( list : List[ A ] )
( f : (A, A) => Boolean )
: List[ List[ A ] ]
= list match {
case a :: b :: tail =>
if( f(a, b) ) putInFirstGroup( a, arrange( b :: tail )( f ) )
else putInNewGroup( a, arrange( b :: tail )( f ) )
case a :: Nil =>
putInNewGroup( a, Nil )
case Nil =>
Okay, you can see that the above implementation relies on two other functions, let's define them too:
def putInFirstGroup
[ A ]
( item : A, groups : List[ List[ A ] ] )
: List[ List[ A ] ]
= groups match {
case group :: tail =>
(item :: group) :: tail
case Nil =>
(item :: Nil) :: Nil
def putInNewGroup
[ A ]
( item : A, groups : List[ List[ A ] ] )
: List[ List[ A ] ]
= (item :: Nil) :: groups
That's it!
scala> arrange( List( (1,2), (3,2), (4, 1), (6,2) ) )( testContiguity )
res2: List[List[(Int, Int)]] = List(List((1,2), (3,2)), List((4,1)), List((6,2)))
You can now see that we've created a pretty flexible and general solution, working on lists of items of any type and allowing you to use any other testing function to arrange them. Also we've heavily utilized division of a complex algorithm to small easily understandable parts to solve this.
Hi I am a newbie in Haskell.
I am trying to do a simple task.
test :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> [a]
test xs ys= [ w : h: [] | w <- xs, h <- ys]
I am getting an error here. (with out a doubt)
In this task, I am simply trying to bind two lists (ex: test [12.12] [14.14])
and hopefully return a new combined list (ex: [12.12,14.14])
thanks for your help
Your signature is wrong. Try:
test xs ys = ...
then in ghci:
> :t test
test :: [t] -> [t] -> [[t]]
You need two arguments, both are lists, not two arguments of single elements.
Drakosha is correct. List concatenation already has an operator in Haskell.
test :: (RealFloat a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
test xs ys= xs ++ ys
You probably don't want to use a list comprehension here, unless you want to extract every element in your first and second list and do something with them. For example, a Cartesian Product:
list1 = [1.0,1.1,1.2] :: [Double]
list2 = [2.0,2.1,2.2] :: [Double]
testComps xs ys = [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
Or addition:
testComps2 xs ys = [ x + y | x <- xs, y <- ys]
Or even creating lists:
testComps3 xs ys = [x : y : [] | x <- xs, y <- ys]
In GHCi, this will yield the following:
*Main> testComps list1 list2
*Main> testComps2 list1 list2
*Main> testComps3 list1 list2
The weird results in testComps2 is, of course, normal cruft when you're dealing with floating-point numbers. In the real world you'd compensate for this by rounding.
Another problem you'll run into is the difference between (++) and (:). Simply put, (:) tacks individual items onto a list, whereas (++) concatenates two lists.
You need list concatenation:
[12.12] ++ [14.14]
=> [12.12,14.14]
okay, this is probably going to be in the prelude, but: is there a standard library function for finding the unique elements in a list? my (re)implementation, for clarification, is:
has :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
has [] _ = False
has (x:xs) a
| x == a = True
| otherwise = has xs a
unique :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
unique [] = []
unique (x:xs)
| has xs x = unique xs
| otherwise = x : unique xs
I searched for (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] on Hoogle.
First result was nub (remove duplicate elements from a list).
Hoogle is awesome.
The nub function from Data.List (no, it's actually not in the Prelude) definitely does something like what you want, but it is not quite the same as your unique function. They both preserve the original order of the elements, but unique retains the last
occurrence of each element, while nub retains the first occurrence.
You can do this to make nub act exactly like unique, if that's important (though I have a feeling it's not):
unique = reverse . nub . reverse
Also, nub is only good for small lists.
Its complexity is quadratic, so it starts to get slow if your list can contain hundreds of elements.
If you limit your types to types having an Ord instance, you can make it scale better.
This variation on nub still preserves the order of the list elements, but its complexity is O(n * log n):
import qualified Data.Set as Set
nubOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
nubOrd xs = go Set.empty xs where
go s (x:xs)
| x `Set.member` s = go s xs
| otherwise = x : go (Set.insert x s) xs
go _ _ = []
In fact, it has been proposed to add nubOrd to Data.Set.
import Data.Set (toList, fromList)
uniquify lst = toList $ fromList lst
I think that unique should return a list of elements that only appear once in the original list; that is, any elements of the orginal list that appear more than once should not be included in the result.
May I suggest an alternative definition, unique_alt:
unique_alt :: [Int] -> [Int]
unique_alt [] = []
unique_alt (x:xs)
| elem x ( unique_alt xs ) = [ y | y <- ( unique_alt xs ), y /= x ]
| otherwise = x : ( unique_alt xs )
Here are some examples that highlight the differences between unique_alt and unqiue:
unique [1,2,1] = [2,1]
unique_alt [1,2,1] = [2]
unique [1,2,1,2] = [1,2]
unique_alt [1,2,1,2] = []
unique [4,2,1,3,2,3] = [4,1,2,3]
unique_alt [4,2,1,3,2,3] = [4,1]
I think this would do it.
unique [] = []
unique (x:xs) = x:unique (filter ((/=) x) xs)
Another way to remove duplicates:
unique :: [Int] -> [Int]
unique xs = [x | (x,y) <- zip xs [0..], x `notElem` (take y xs)]
Algorithm in Haskell to create a unique list:
data Foo = Foo { id_ :: Int
, name_ :: String
} deriving (Show)
alldata = [ Foo 1 "Name"
, Foo 2 "Name"
, Foo 3 "Karl"
, Foo 4 "Karl"
, Foo 5 "Karl"
, Foo 7 "Tim"
, Foo 8 "Tim"
, Foo 9 "Gaby"
, Foo 9 "Name"
isolate :: [Foo] -> [Foo]
isolate [] = []
isolate (x:xs) = (fst f) : isolate (snd f)
f = foldl helper (x,[]) xs
helper (a,b) y = if name_ x == name_ y
then if id_ x >= id_ y
then (x,b)
else (y,b)
else (a,y:b)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (isolate alldata)
Foo {id_ = 9, name_ = "Name"}
Foo {id_ = 9, name_ = "Gaby"}
Foo {id_ = 5, name_ = "Karl"}
Foo {id_ = 8, name_ = "Tim"}
A library-based solution:
We can use that style of Haskell programming where all looping and recursion activities are pushed out of user code and into suitable library functions. Said library functions are often optimized in ways that are way beyond the skills of a Haskell beginner.
A way to decompose the problem into two passes goes like this:
produce a second list that is parallel to the input list, but with duplicate elements suitably marked
eliminate elements marked as duplicates from that second list
For the first step, duplicate elements don't need a value at all, so we can use [Maybe a] as the type of the second list. So we need a function of type:
pass1 :: Eq a => [a] -> [Maybe a]
Function pass1 is an example of stateful list traversal where the state is the list (or set) of distinct elements seen so far. For this sort of problem, the library provides the mapAccumL :: (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b]) function.
Here the mapAccumL function requires, besides the initial state and the input list, a step function argument, of type s -> a -> (s, Maybe a).
If the current element x is not a duplicate, the output of the step function is Just x and x gets added to the current state. If x is a duplicate, the output of the step function is Nothing, and the state is passed unchanged.
Testing under the ghci interpreter:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: :? for help
λ> stepFn s x = if (elem x s) then (s, Nothing) else (x:s, Just x)
λ> import Data.List(mapAccumL)
λ> pass1 xs = mapAccumL stepFn [] xs
λ> xs2 = snd $ pass1 "abacrba"
λ> xs2
[Just 'a', Just 'b', Nothing, Just 'c', Just 'r', Nothing, Nothing]
Writing a pass2 function is even easier. To filter out Nothing non-values, we could use:
import Data.Maybe( fromJust, isJust)
pass2 = (map fromJust) . (filter isJust)
but why bother at all ? - as this is precisely what the catMaybes library function does.
λ> import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
λ> catMaybes xs2
Putting it all together:
Overall, the source code can be written as:
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
import Data.List(mapAccumL)
uniques :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
uniques = let stepFn s x = if (elem x s) then (s, Nothing) else (x:s, Just x)
in catMaybes . snd . mapAccumL stepFn []
This code is reasonably compatible with infinite lists, something occasionally referred to as being “laziness-friendly”:
λ> take 5 $ uniques $ "abacrba" ++ (cycle "abcrf")
Efficiency note:
If we anticipate that it is possible to find many distinct elements in the input list and we can have an Ord a instance, the state can be implemented as a Set object rather than a plain list, this without having to alter the overall structure of the solution.
Here's a solution that uses only Prelude functions:
uniqueList theList =
if not (null theList)
then head theList : filter (/= head theList) (uniqueList (tail theList))
else []
I'm assuming this is equivalent to running two or three nested "for" loops (running through each element, then running through each element again to check for other elements with the same value, then removing those other elements) so I'd estimate this is O(n^2) or O(n^3)
Might even be better than reversing a list, nubbing it, then reversing it again, depending on your circumstances.