Python equivalent of Mathematica's "LaguerreL" - python-2.7

I'm trying to plot a function which has a term with a generalized Laguerre polynomial in it. I know Mathematica can use LaguerreL[n, a, f(x,y)], but I'm not sure what the python equivalent would be. I'm currently trying scipy.special.genlaguerre(n, a, (f(x,y)), using x and y as numpy.arange arrays for the values across which I want to plot. but I keep getting the following error:
The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
so I have 2 questions: 1) am I correct in using special.genlaguerre? (I think so)
2) how do I fix the truth value error that numpy is generating here?

Laguerre polynomials only depend on one variable. You want to evaluate it on x,y positions. In your problem, the one variable you need might be the radius from the origin r.
scipy.special.genlaguerre indeeds generate generalized laguerre polynomials. It returns a np.poly1d function. To evaluate this on a range of numbers:
rs = np.linspace(0,10)
scipy.special.genlaguerre(1, 0)(rs)
In your question, you try to supply f(x,y) as monic parameter to genlaguerre
If you need the evaluate this polynomial at very high accuracy, read this:
Laguerre polynomials in python using scipy, lack of convergence?


How to optimize nonlinear funtion with some constraint in c++

I want to find a variable in C++ that allows a given nonlinear formula to have a maximum value in a constraint.
It is to calculate the maximum value of the formula below in the given constraint in C++.
You can also use the library.(e.g. Nlopt)
formula : ln(1+ax+by+c*z)
a, b, c are numbers input by the user
x, y, z are variables to be derived
variable constraint is that x, y, z are positive and x+y+z<=1
This can actually be transformed into a linear optimization problem.
max ln(1+ax+by+cz) <--> max (ax+by+cz) s.t. ax+by+cz > -1
This means that it is a linear optimization problem (with one more constraint) that you can easily handle with whatever C++ methods together with your Convex Optimization knowledge.
Reminders to write a good code:
Check the validity of input value.
Since the input value can be negative, you need to consider this circumstance which can yield different results.
This problem seems to be Off Topic on SO.
If it is your homework, it is for your own good to write the code yourself. Besides, we do not have enough time to write that for you.
This should have been a comment if I had more reputation.

Factorization of univariate polynomials over some number field with Sympy

I am working on factoring multivariate polynomials over some extension fields, using Sympy.
If I can factor univariate polynomials over the reals, I think I would have a working code. For my code this bring me down to factoring a univariate polynomial over 'QQ', and if needed, over some number field.
My approach now is to define these univariate polynomials over 'QQ', then look at the roots and decide for each root if it is real or not. If it is real, I add needed terms to 'QQ' and then ask Sympy to factor. This means that I try to automate the following steps:
(gives [-sqrt(3),sqrt(3),-sqrt(5),sqrt(5)])
(..or some other way, but with similar steps and runtime I think)
This ofcourse has a very long runtime, since you are sort of twice calculating the factors. And there are also a lot of exceptions I need to think about as well.
Long story short: is there a way to ask Sympy to factor a polynomial over 'QQ' and allowing it to make some extensions if needed?
Is there something like f.factor(numberfield=True)?
Thank you in advance!!
This is planned, but not implemented yet (as of version 1.2). See Factoring polynomials into linear factors (emphasis mine):
Currently SymPy can factor polynomials into irreducibles over various domains, which can result in a splitting factorization (into linear factors). However, there is currently no systematic way to infer a splitting field (algebraic number field) automatically. In future the following syntax will be implemented:
factor(x**3 + x**2 - 7, split=True)
Note this is different from extension=True, because the later only tells how expression parsing should be done, not what should be the domain of computation. One can simulate the split keyword for several classes of polynomials using solve() function.
... where the last sentence refers to what you are doing now.

Alglib: solving A * x = b in a least squares sense

I have a somewhat complicated algorithm that requires the fitting of a quadric to a set of points. This quadric is given by its parametrization (u, v, f(u,v)), where f(u,v) = au^2+bv^2+cuv+du+ev+f.
The coefficients of the f(u,v) function need to be found since I have a set of exactly 6 constraints this function should obey. The problem is that this set of constraints, although yielding a problem like A*x = b, is not completely well behaved to guarantee a unique solution.
Thus, to cut it short, I'd like to use alglib's facilities to somehow either determine A's pseudoinverse or directly find the best fit for the x vector.
Apart from computing the SVD, is there a more direct algorithm implemented in this library that can solve a system in a least squares sense (again, apart from the SVD or from using the naive inv(transpose(A)*A)*transpose(A)*b formula for general least squares problems where A is not a square matrix?
Found the answer through some careful documentation browsing:
rmatrixsolvels( A, noRows, noCols, b, singularValueThreshold, info, solverReport, x)
The documentation states the the singular value threshold is a clamping threshold that sets any singular value from the SVD decomposition S matrix to 0 if that value is below it. Thus it should be a scalar between 0 and 1.
Hopefully, it will help someone else too.

Solving equation. Counting (x,y)

I'm having a trouble with my math:
Assume that we have a function: F(x,y) = P; And my question is: what would be the most efficient way of counting up suitable (x,y) plots for this function ? It means that I don't need the coordinates themself, but I need a number of them. P is in a range: [0 ; 10^14]. "x" and "y" are integers. Is it solved using bruteforce or there are some advanced tricks(math / programming language(C,C++)) to solve this fast enough ?
To be more concrete, the function is: x*y - ((x+y)/2) + 1.
x*y - ((x+y)/2) + 1 == P is equivalent to (2x-1)(2y-1) == (4P-3).
So, you're basically looking for the number of factorizations of 4P-3. How to factor a number in C or C++ is probably a different question, but each factorization yields a solution to the original equation. [Edit: in fact two solutions, since if A*B == C then of course (-A)*(-B) == C also].
As far as the programming languages C and C++ are concerned, just make sure you use a type that's big enough to contain 4 * 10^14. int won't do, so try long long.
You have a two-parameter function and want to solve it for a given constant.
This is a pretty big field in mathematics, and there are probably dozens of algorithms of solving your equation. One key idea that many use is the fact that if you find a point where F<P and then a point F>P, then somewhere between these two points, F must equal P.
One of the most basic algorithms for finding a root (or zero, which you of course can convert to by taking F'=F-P) is Newton's method. I suggest you start with that and read your way up to more advanced algorithms. This is a farily large field of study, so happy reading!
Wikipedia has a list of root-finding algorithms that you can use as a starting place.

How to implement Horner's scheme for multivariate polynomials?

I need to solve polynomials in multiple variables using Horner's scheme in Fortran90/95. The main reason for doing this is the increased efficiency and accuracy that occurs when using Horner's scheme to evaluate polynomials.
I currently have an implementation of Horner's scheme for univariate/single variable polynomials. However, developing a function to evaluate multivariate polynomials using Horner's scheme is proving to be beyond me.
An example bivariate polynomial would be: 12x^2y^2+8x^2y+6xy^2+4xy+2x+2y which would factorised to x(x(y(12y+8))+y(6y+4)+2)+2y and then evaluated for particular values of x & y.
I've done my research and found a number of papers such as:
However, I'm not a mathematician or computer scientist, so I'm having trouble with the mathematics used to convey the algorithms and ideas.
As far as I can tell the basic strategy is to turn a multivariate polynomial into separate univariate polynomials and compute it that way.
Can anyone help me? If anyone could help me turn the algorithms into pseudo-code that I can implement into Fortran myself, I would be very grateful.
For two variables one can store the polynomial coefficients in a rank=2 matrix K(n+1,n+1) where n is the order of the polynomial. Then observe the following pattern (in pseudo-code)
p(x,y) = (K(1,1)+y*(K(1,2)+y*(K(1,3)+...y*K(1,n+1))) +
x*(K(2,1)+y*(K(2,2)+y*(K(2,3)+...y*K(2,n+1))) +
x^2*(K(3,1)+y*(K(3,2)+y*(K(3,3)+...y*K(3,n+1))) +
Each row is a separate homer's scheme in terms of y and all-together is a final homer's scheme in terms of x.
To code in FORTRAN or any language create an intermediate vector z(n+1) such that
z(i) = homers(y,K(i,1:n+1))
p = homers(x,z(1:n+1))
where homers(value,vector) is an implementation of the single variable evaluation with polynomial coefficients stored in vector.