AWS Kinesis Lambda Scheduled Pull Invocation - amazon-web-services

There seems to be no way to tell lambdas to pull records in a scheduled manner.
This means that my lambda function never gets invoked unless the size of records meets the batch specification.
I'd like to my lambda function to get invoked eagerly so that it can pull records after a specified time elapses as well.
Imagine that you are building a real time analytics service that do not fill the specified batch size for a long time during off-peaks.
Is there any workaround to pull records periodically?

This means that my lambda function never gets invoked unless the size of records meets the batch specification.
That is not correct to my knowledge - can you provide the documentation that says so?
To my knowledge
AWS uses a daemon for polling the stream and check for new records. The daemon is what triggers the Lambda and it happens in one of the two cases:
Batch size crossed the specified limit (the one configured in Lambda).
Certain time had passed (don't know how much exactly) and current batch is not empty.
I had done a massive use of Kinesis and Lambda, I have configured the batch limit to 500 records (per invocation).
I have had invocations with less than 500 records, sometimes even ~20 records - this is a fact.


Automated Real Time Data Processing on AWS with Lambda

I am interested in doing automated real-time data processing on AWS using Lambda and I am not certain about how I can trigger my Lambda function. My data processing code involves taking multiple files and concatenating them into a single data frame after performing calculations on each file. Since files are uploaded simultaneously onto S3 and files are dependent on each other, I would like the Lambda to be only triggered when all files are uploaded.
Current Approaches/Attempts:
-I am considering an S3 trigger, but my concern is that an S3 Trigger will result in an error in the case where a single file upload triggers the Lambda to start. An alternate option would be adding a wait time but that is not preferred to limit the computation resources used.
-A scheduled trigger using Cloudwatch/EventBridge, but this would not be real-time processing.
-SNS trigger, but I am not certain if the message can be automated without knowing the completion in file uploads.
Any suggestion is appreciated! Thank you!
If you really cannot do it with a scheduled function, the best option is to trigger a Lambda function when an object is created.
The tricky bit is that it will fire your function on each object upload. So you either can identify the "last part", e.g., based on some meta data, or you will need to store and track the state of all uploads, e.g. in a DynamoDB, and do the actual processing only when a batch is complete.
Best, Stefan
Your file coming in parts might be named as -
If any of your systems is generating those files, then use the system to generate a final dummy blank file name as -
Since in your S3 event trigger you can use a suffix to generate an event, use .final extension to invoke lambda, and process records.
In an alternative approach, if you do not have access to the server putting objects to your s3 bucket, then with each PUT operation in your s3 bucket, invoke the lambda and insert an entry in dynamoDB.
You need to put a unique entry per file (not file parts) in dynamo with -
filename and last_part_recieved_time
The last_part_recieved_time keeps getting updated till you keep getting the file parts.
Now, this table can be looked up by a cron lambda invocation which checks if the time skew (time difference between SYSTIME of lambda invocation and dynamoDB entry - last_part_recieved_time) is enough to process the records.
I will still prefer to go with the first approach as the second one still has a chance for error.
Since you want this to be as real time as possible, perhaps you could just perform your logic every single time a file is uploaded, updating the version of the output as new files are added, and iterating through an S3 prefix per grouping of files, like in this other SO answer.
In terms of the architecture, you could add in an SQS queue or two to make this more resilient. An S3 Put Event can trigger an SQS message, which can trigger a Lambda function, and you can have error handling logic in the Lambda function that puts that event in a secondary queue with a visibility timeout (sort of like a backoff strategy) or back in the same queue for retries.

How to process files serially in cloud function?

I have written a cloud storage trigger based cloud function. I have 10-15 files landing at 5 secs interval in cloud bucket which loads data into a bigquery table(truncate and load).
While there are 10 files in the bucket I want cloud function to process them in sequential manner i.e 1 file at a time as all the files accesses the same table for operation.
Currently cloud function is getting triggered for multiple files at a time and it fails in BIgquery operation as multiple files trying to access the same table.
Is there any way to configure this in cloud function??
Thanks in Advance!
You can achieve this by using pubsub, and the max instance param on Cloud Function.
Firstly, use the notification capability of Google Cloud Storage and sink the event into a PubSub topic.
Now you will receive a message every time that a event occur on the bucket. If you want to filter on file creation only (object finalize) you can apply a filter on the subscription. I wrote an article on this
Then, create an HTTP functions (http function is required if you want to apply a filter) with the max instance set to 1. Like this, only 1 function can be executed in the same time. So, no concurrency!
Finally, create a PubSub subscription on the topic, with a filter or not, to call your function in HTTP.
Thanks to your code, I understood what happens. In fact, BigQuery is a declarative system. When you perform a request or a load job, a job is created and it works in background.
In python, you can explicitly wait the end on the job, but, with pandas, I didn't find how!!
I just found a Google Cloud page to explain how to migrate from pandas to BigQuery client library. As you can see, there is a line at the end
# Wait for the load job to complete.
than wait the end of the job.
You did it well in the _insert_into_bigquery_dwh function but it's not the case in the staging _insert_into_bigquery_staging one. This can lead to 2 issues:
The dwh function work on the old data because the staging isn't yet finish when you trigger this job
If the staging take, let's say, 10 seconds and run in "background" (you don't wait the end explicitly in your code) and the dwh take 1 seconds, the next file is processed at the end of the dwh function, even if the staging one continue to run in background. And that leads to your issue.
The architecture you describe isn't the same as the one from the documentation you linked. Note that in the flow diagram and the code samples the storage events triggers the cloud function which will stream the data directly to the destination table. Since BigQuery allow for multiple streaming insert jobs several functions could be executed at the same time without problems. In your use case the intermediate table used to load with write-truncate for data cleaning makes a big difference because each execution needs the previous one to finish thus requiring a sequential processing approach.
I would like to point out that PubSub doesn't allow to configure the rate at which messages are sent, if 10 messages arrive to the topic they all will be sent to the subscriber, even if processed one at a time. Limiting the function to one instance may lead to overhead for the above reason and could increase latency as well. That said, since the expected workload is 15-30 files a day the above maybe isn't a big concern.
If you'd like to have parallel executions you may try creating a new table for each message and set a short expiration deadline for it using table.expires(exp_datetime) setter method so that multiple executions don't conflict with each other. Here is the related library reference. Otherwise the great answer from Guillaume would completely get the job done.

aws dynamodb stream lambda processes too quickly

I have DynamoDb table that I send data into, there is a stream that is being processed by a lambda, that rolls up some stats and inserts them back into the table.
My issue is that my lambda is processing the events too quickly, so almost every insert is being sent back to the dynamo table, and inserting them back into the dynamo table is causing throttling.
I need to slow my lambda down!
I have set my concurrency to 1
I had thought about just putting a sleep statement into the lambda code, but this will be billable time.
Can I delay the Lambda to only start once every x minutes?
You can't easily limit how often the Lambda runs, but you could re-architect things a little bit and use a scheduled CloudWatch Event as a trigger instead of your DynamoDB stream. Then you could have the Lambda execute every x minutes, collate the stats for records added since the last run, and push them to the table.
I never tried this myself, but I think you could do the following:
Put a delay queue between the stream and your Lambda.
That is, you would have a new Lambda function just pushing events from the DDB stream to this SQS queue. You can set an delay of up to 15 minutes on the queue. Then setup your original Lambda to be triggered by the messages in this queue. Be vary of SQS limits though.
As per lambda docs "By default, Lambda invokes your function as soon as records are available in the stream. If the batch it reads from the stream only has one record in it, Lambda only sends one record to the function. To avoid invoking the function with a small number of records, you can tell the event source to buffer records for up to 5 minutes by configuring a batch window. Before invoking the function, Lambda continues to read records from the stream until it has gathered a full batch, or until the batch window expires.", using this you can add a bit of a delay, maybe process the batch sequentially even after receiving it. Also, since execution faster is not your priority you will save cost as well. Less lambda function invocations, cost saved by not doing sleep. From aws lambda docs " You are charged based on the number of requests for your functions and the duration, the time it takes for your code to execute."
No, unfortunately you cannot do it.
Having the concurrency set to 1 will definitely help, but won't solve. What you could do instead would be to slightly increase your RCUs a little bit to prevent throttling.
To circumvent the problem though, #bwest's approach seems very good. I'd go with that.
Instead of putting delay or setting concurrency to 1, you can do the following
Increase the batch size, so that you process few events together. It will introduce some delay as well as cost less money.
Instead of putting data back to dynamodb, put it to another store where you are not charged by wcu but by amount of memory/ram you are using.
Have a cloudwatch triggered lambda, who takes data from this temporary store and puts it back to dynamodb.
This will make sure few things,
You can control the lag w.r.t. staleness of aggregated data. (i.e. you can have 2 strategy defined lets say 15 mins or 1000 events whichever is earlier)
You lambda won't have to discard the events when you are writing aggregated data very often. (this problem will be there even if you use sqs).

Triggering AWS Lambda when a DynamoDB table grows to a certain size

I'm interested in seeing whether I can invoke an AWS Lambda when one of my DynamoDB tables grows to a certain size. Nothing in the DynamoDB Events/Triggers docs nor the Lambda Developer Guide suggests this is possible, but I find that hard to believe. Anyone ever deal with anything like this before?
You will have to do it manually.
I see two out-of-the box ways to achieve this though:
1) You can create a CloudWatch Event that runs every X min (replace X with whatever you think is necessary for your business case) to trigger your Lambda Function. Your function then needs to invoke the describeTable API and run a check against that value. Once it has run, you can disable the event since your table has reached the size you wanted to be notified about. This is the easiest and most cost effective since most of time your tables size will be lower than your predefined limit.
2) You could also use DynamoDB streams and invoke the describeTable API, but then your function would be triggered upon every new event in your table. This is cost ineffective and, in my opinion, overkilling.

How do you run functions in parallel?

My desire is to retrieve x number of records from a database based on some custom select statement, the output will be an array of json data. I then want to pass each element in the array into another lambda function in parallel.
So if 1000 records are returned, 1000 lambda functions need to be executed in parallel (I increase my account limit to what I need). If 30 out of 1000 fail, the main task that was retrieving the records needs to know about it.
I'm struggling to put together this simple flow.
I currently use javascript and AWS Aurora. I'm not looking for node.js/javascript code that retrieves the data, just the AWS Step Functions configuration and how to build an array within each function.
Thank you.
if 1000 records are returned, 1000 lambda functions need to be
executed in parallel
What you are trying to achieve is not supported by Step Functions. A State Machine task cannot be modified based on the input it received. So for instance, a Parallel task cannot be configured to add/remove functions based on the number of items it received in an array input.
You should probably consider using SQS Lambda trigger. Number of records retrieved from DB can be added to SQS queue which will then trigger a Lambda function for each item received.
If 30 out of 1000 fail, the main task that was retrieving the records
needs to know about it.
There are various ways to achieve this. SQS won't delete an item from the queue if Lambda returns an error. You can configure DLQ and RedrivePolicy based on your requirements. Or you may want to come up with a custom solution to keep the count on failing Lambdas to invoke the service that fetch records from the DB.