How to mix queue-based and feed-based input in TensorFlow - python-2.7

I've recently migrated to a fully_connected style model that reads inputs from a queue generated from a TFRecords file. This has proven much more efficient, but I still would like to pass parameters interactively with placeholder/feed_dict.
Is there a way to use the same computation graph (say you have a model class that builds a graph in the init method) for both a feed_dict and full_connected functionality? Can you get a placeholder to receive values from a dequeue?

One possibility is to use the recently added (in TensorFlow 0.8) tf.placeholder_with_default() op, which allows you to specify a default value (typically the output of the queue/reader), and also allows you to feed values that might have different shapes.
For example, let's say your queue produces batches of 32 elements, where each elements has 784 features, to give a 32 x 784 matrix.
input_from_queue = ... # e.g. `queue.dequeue_many(32)` or `tf.train.batch(..., 32)`
# input_from_queue.get_shape() ==> (32, 784)
input = tf.placeholder_with_default(input_from_queue, shape=(None, 784))
# input.get_shape() ==> (?, 784)
# ...
train_op = ... # Takes examples from `queue`., feed_dict={input: ...}) # Takes examples from `feed_dict`.
This allows you to feed in variable-sized batches or use an input reader, as desired.

You could simply feed the output of the dequeue operation. TensorFlow would not actually dequeue any item, it would just use the value you provided. For example:
q = tf.FIFOQueue(capacity=10, dtypes=[tf.float32], shapes=[()])
v = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
enqueue = q.enqueue([v])
dequeue = q.dequeue()
output = dequeue + 10.0
with tf.Session() as sess:, feed_dict={v: 1.0}), feed_dict={v: 2.0}), feed_dict={v: 3.0})
print( # 11.0
print(, feed_dict={dequeue: 5.0})) # 15.0
print( # 12.0
print( # 13.0


How to fine-tune ResNet50 in Keras?

Im trying to finetune the existing models in Keras to classify my own dataset. Till now I have tried the following code (taken from Keras docs: in which Inception V3 is fine-tuned on a new set of classes.
from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Dense, GlobalAveragePooling2D
from keras import backend as K
# create the base pre-trained model
base_model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=False)
# add a global spatial average pooling layer
x = base_model.output
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
# let's add a fully-connected layer
x = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(x)
# and a logistic layer -- let's say we have 200 classes
predictions = Dense(200, activation='softmax')(x)
# this is the model we will train
model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=predictions)
# first: train only the top layers (which were randomly initialized)
# i.e. freeze all convolutional InceptionV3 layers
for layer in base_model.layers:
layer.trainable = False
# compile the model (should be done *after* setting layers to non-trainable)
model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# train the model on the new data for a few epochs
# at this point, the top layers are well trained and we can start fine-tuning
# convolutional layers from inception V3. We will freeze the bottom N layers
# and train the remaining top layers.
# let's visualize layer names and layer indices to see how many layers
# we should freeze:
for i, layer in enumerate(base_model.layers):
# we chose to train the top 2 inception blocks, i.e. we will freeze
# the first 172 layers and unfreeze the rest:
for layer in model.layers[:172]:
layer.trainable = False
for layer in model.layers[172:]:
layer.trainable = True
# we need to recompile the model for these modifications to take effect
# we use SGD with a low learning rate
from keras.optimizers import SGD
model.compile(optimizer=SGD(lr=0.0001, momentum=0.9), loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# we train our model again (this time fine-tuning the top 2 inception blocks
# alongside the top Dense layers
Can anyone plz guide me what changes should I do in the above code so as to fine-tune ResNet50 model present in Keras.
Thanks in advance.
It is difficult to make out a specific question, have you tried anything more than just copying the code without any changes?
That said, there is an abundance of problems in the code: It is a simple copy/paste from, not functional as it is, and needs some adaption before working at all (regardless of using ResNet50 or InceptionV3):
1): You need to define the input_shape when loading InceptionV3, specifically replace base_model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=False) with base_model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(299,299,3))
2): Further, you need to adapt the number of the classes in the last added layer, e.g. if you have only 2 classes to: predictions = Dense(2, activation='softmax')(x)
3): Change the loss-function when compiling your model from categorical_crossentropy to sparse_categorical_crossentropy
4): Most importantly, you need to define the fit_generator before calling model.fit_generator() and add steps_per_epoch. If you have your training images in ./data/train with every category in a different subfolder, this can be done e.g. like this:
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator()
train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(
target_size=(299, 299),
model.fit_generator(train_generator, steps_per_epoch=100)
This of course only does basic training, you will for example need to define save calls to hold on to the trained weights. Only if you get the code working for InceptionV3 with the changes above I suggest to proceed to work on implementing this for ResNet50: As a start you can replace InceptionV3() with ResNet50() (of course only after from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50), and change the input_shape to (224,224,3) and target_size to (224,244).
The above mentioned code-changes should work on Python 3.5.3 / Keras 2.0 / Tensorflow backend.
Beyond the important points mentioned in the above answer for ResNet50 (! if your images are shaped into similar format as in the original Keras code (224,224) - not of rectangular shape) you may substitute:
# add a global spatial average pooling layer
x = base_model.output
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
x = base_model.output
x = Flatten(x)
EDIT: Please read #Yu-Yang comment bellow
I think I experienced the same issue. It appeared to be a complex problem, which has a decent thread on github( The problem is in Batch Normalization of unfreezed blocks of the net. You have two solutions:
Only change top layer(leaving the blocks as they are)
Add a patch from the github thread above.

ODEINT with multiple parameters (time-dependent)

I'm trying to solve a single first-order ODE using ODEINT. Following is the code. I expect to get 3 values of y for 3 time-points. The issue I'm struggling with is ability to pass nth value of mt and nt to calculate dydt. I think the ODEINT passes all 3 values of mt and nt, instead just 0th, 1st or 2nd, depending on the iteration. Because of this, I get this error:
RuntimeError: The size of the array returned by func (4) does not match the size of y0 (1).
Interestingly, if I replace the initial condition, which is (and should be) a single value as: a0= [2]*4, the code works, but gives me a 4X4 matrix as solution, which seems incorrect.
mt = np.array([3,7,4,2]) # Array of constants
nt = np.array([5,1,9,3]) # Array of constants
c1,c2,c3 = [-0.3,1.4,-0.5] # co-efficients
para = [mt,nt] # Packing parameters
#Test ODE function
def test (y,t,extra):
m,n = extra
dydt = c1*c2*m - c1*y - c3*n
return dydt
a0= [2] # Initial Condition
tspan = range(len(mt)) # Define tspan
#Solving the ODE
yt= odeint(test, a0,tspan,args=(para,))
#Plotting the ODE
plt.title('Multiple Parameters Test')
The first order differential equation is:
dy/dt = c1*(c2*mt-y(t)) - c3*nt
This equation represents a part of murine endocrine system, which I am trying to model. The system is analogous to a two-tank system, where the first tank receives a specific hormone [at an unknown rate] but our sensor will detect that level (mt) at specific time intervals (1 second). This tank then feeds into the second tank, where the level of this hormone (y) is detected by another sensor. I labeled the levels using separate variables because the sensors that detect the levels are independent of each other and are not calibrated to each other. 'c2' may be considered as the co-efficient that shows the correlation between the two levels. Also, the transfer of this hormone from tank 1 to tank 2 is diffusion-driven. This hormone is further consumed by a biochemical process (similar to a drain valve for the second tank). At the moment, it is unclear which parameters affect the consumption; however, another sensor can detect the amount of hormone (nt) being consumed at a specific time interval (1 second, in this case too).
Thus, mt and nt are the concentrations/levels of the hormone at specific time points. although only 4-element in length in the code, these arrays are much longer in my study. All sensors report the concentrations at 1 second interval - hence tspan consists of time points separated by 1 second.
The objective is to determine the concentration of this hormone in the second tank (y) mathematically and then optimize the values of these coefficients based on the experimental data. I was able to pass these arrays mt and nt to the defined ODE and solve using ODE45 in MATLAB with no issue. I've been running into this RunTimeError, while trying to replicate the code in Python.
As I mentioned in a comment, if you want to model this system using an ordinary differential equation, you have to make an assumption about the values of m and n between sample times. One possible model is to use linear interpolation. Here's a script that uses scipy.interpolate.interp1d to create the functions mfunc(t) and nfunc(t) based on the samples mt and nt.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mt = np.array([3,7,4,2]) # Array of constants
nt = np.array([5,1,9,3]) # Array of constants
c1, c2, c3 = [-0.3, 1.4, -0.5] # co-efficients
# Create linear interpolators for m(t) and n(t).
sample_times = np.arange(len(mt))
mfunc = interp1d(sample_times, mt, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
nfunc = interp1d(sample_times, nt, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
# Test ODE function
def test (y, t):
dydt = c1*c2*mfunc(t) - c1*y - c3*nfunc(t)
return dydt
a0 = [2] # Initial Condition
tspan = np.linspace(0, sample_times.max(), 8*len(sample_times)+1)
#tspan = sample_times
# Solving the ODE
yt = odeint(test, a0, tspan)
# Plotting the ODE
plt.plot(tspan, yt, 'g')
plt.title('Multiple Parameters Test')
Here is the plot created by the script:
Note that instead of generating the solution only at sample_times (i.e. at times 0, 1, 2, and 3), I set tspan to a denser set of points. This shows the behavior of the model between sample times.

AssertError when fitting a model

I have a small data set, it has less than 2000 rows. I am trying to fit a LinearRegressionModel using ML, well the data set has only one feature (which I already normalized), after the model was fitted, I evaluated it using a RegressionEvaluator and measuring metrics R2 and RMSE. Then I noticed the error was high, and hence decided to create more artificial features, in order to describe better the phenomena. To achieve this I created the following UDF (notice I check it works).
numberFeatures = 12
def addFeatures(value):
v = value.toArray()[0]
return Vectors.dense([v ** (1.0 / x) for x in xrange(2, 10)] +
[v ** x for x in xrange(1, numberFeatures)])
addFeaturesUDF = udf(addFeatures, VectorUDT())
# Here I test it
# [1.0,0.666666666667,0.5,0.4,0.333333333333,0.285714285714,0.25,0.222222222222,2.0,4.0,8.0,16.0,32.0,64.0,128.0,256.0,512.0,1024.0,2048.0]
After this I modify my DataFrame to add more features, using addFeaturesUDF, I can show it bellow.
dtBoosted = dt.withColumn("features", addFeaturesUDF(col("features")))
#| date|price| feature| features|
#|733946.0| 9.92|[733946.0]|[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,...|
#|733948.0| 8.05|[733948.0]|[4.88997555012224...|
#|733949.0| 8.05|[733949.0]|[7.33496332518337...|
#|733950.0| 7.91|[733950.0]|[9.77995110024449...|
#|733951.0| 7.91|[733951.0]|[0.00122249388753...|
# only showing top 5 rows
And works, but when I attempt to fit the model it shows an AssertError.
dtTrain, dtValidation = dtBoosted.randomSplit([0.75, 0.25], seed=107)
lr = LinearRegression(maxIter=100, labelCol="price", featuresCol="features")
lrm =
What is the problem? What am I doing wrong? It worked with one feature and some other features!

Scikit-learn 0.15.2 - OneVsRestClassifier not works due to predict_proba not available

I am trying to do onevsrest classification like below:
classifier = Pipeline([('vectorizer', CountVectorizer()),('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),('clf', OneVsRestClassifier(SVC(kernel='rbf')))]), Y)
predicted = classifier.predict(X_test)
And I get the error 'predict_proba is not available when probability = false'. I saw that there was a bug reported, the one below:
And it was closed as fixed, so I killed scikit-learn from my Windows PC and completely re-downloaded scikit-learn to have version 0.15.2. But I still get this error. Any suggestions? Or I understood this wrong, and I still can't use SVC with OneVSRestClassifier unless I specify probability=true?
UPDATE: just to clarify, I am trying to actually achieve multi-label classification, here is data source:
df = pd.read_csv(fileIn, header = 0, encoding='utf-8-sig')
rows = random.sample(df.index, int(len(df) * 0.9))
work = df.ix[rows]
work_test = df.drop(rows)
X_train = []
y_train = []
X_test = []
y_test = []
for i in work[[i for i in list(work.columns.values) if i.startswith('Change')]].values:
X_train = np.array(X_train)
for i in work[[i for i in list(work.columns.values) if i.startswith('Corax')]].values:
for i in work_test[[i for i in list(work_test.columns.values) if i.startswith('Change')]].values:
X_test = np.array(X_test)
for i in work_test[[i for i in list(work_test.columns.values) if i.startswith('Corax')]].values:
lb = preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer()
Y = lb.fit_transform(y_train)
And after that I send it to pipeline mentioned earlier
Ok, I did some investigation in code. OneVsRestClassifier tries to call decision_function first and if it fails - it goes for predict_proba function of base classifier (svm.svc in our case).
As far as I see, my X_test is numpy.array of lists of strings. After it undergoes a sequence of transformations specified in pipeline CountVectorizer -> TfidfTransformer it becomes a sparse matrix (by design of these things). As I see currently decision_function is not available for sparse matrices, and there is even an open suggestion on github:
So, to summarize, looks like you can't make a multilabel classification using svm.svc unless you specify probability=True. If you do this you introduce some overhead to the process but it will work.

add_edges_from three tuples networkx

I am trying to use networkx to create a DiGraph. I want to use add_edges_from(), and I want the edges and their data to be generated from three tuples.
I am importing the data from a CSV file. I have three columns: one for ids (first set of nodes), one for a set of names (second set of nodes), and another for capacities (no headers in the file). So, I created a dictionary for the ids and capacities.
dictionary = dict(zip(id, capacity))
then I zipped the tuples containing the edges data:
List = zip(id, name, capacity)
but when I execute the next line, it gives me an assertion error.
G.add_edges_from(List, 'weight': 1)
Can someone help me with this problem? I have been trying for a week with no luck.
P.S. I'm a newbie in programming.
so, i found the following solution. I am honestly not sure how it works, but it did the job!
Here is the code:
import networkx as nx
import csv
G = nx.DiGraph()
capacity_dict = dict(zip(zip(id, name),capacity))
List = zip(id, name, capacity)
G.add_edges_from(capacity_dict, weight=1)
for u,v,d in List:
Now when I run:
The result will be:
[(2.0, 'First', {'capacity': 1.0, 'weight': 1}), (3.0, 'Second', {'capacity': 2.0, 'weight': 1})]
I am using the network simplex. Now, I am trying to find a way to make the output of the flowDict more understandable, because it is only showing the ids of the flow. (Maybe i'll try to input them in a database and return the whole row of data instead of using the ids only).
A few improvements on your version. (1) NetworkX algorithms assume that weight is 1 unless you specifically set it differently. Hence there is no need to set it explicitly in your case. (2) Using the generator allows the capacity attribute to be set explicitly and other attributes to also be set once per record. (3) The use of a generator to process each record as it comes through saves you having to iterate through the whole list twice. The performance improvement is probably negligible on small datasets but still it feels more elegant. Having said that -- your method clearly works!
import networkx as nx
import csv
# simulate a csv file.
# This makes a multi-line string behave as a file.
from StringIO import StringIO
filehandle = StringIO('''a,b,30
# process each row in the file
# and generate an edge from each
def edge_generator(fh):
reader = csv.reader(fh)
for row in reader:
row[-1] = float(row[-1]) # convert capacity to float
# add other attributes to the dict() below as needed...
# e.g. you might add weights here as well.
yield (row[0],
# create the graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
print G.edges(data=True)
Returns this:
[('a', 'b', {'capacity': 30.0}),
('b', 'c', {'capacity': 40.0}),
('d', 'a', {'capacity': 20.0})]