Eclipse Scout Neon table cell mouseover - row

I would like to know how to achieve mouseover on a cell, if a column is too short for full text.
So, if I have column with fix width, and text is too long, how to present whole text with mouseover in a cell.

You can dynamically add a mouse over tooltip on any cell by overriding the
execDecorateCell(Cell view, ITableRow row, IColumn<?> col) method in AbstractTable and setting your tooltip text like
protected void execDecorateCell(Cell view, ITableRow row, IColumn<?> col) {
super.execDecorateCell(view, row, col);
view.setTooltipText("Hi there: " + view.getText());
Unfortunately, this does not consider if your text length exceeds the length of your column/cell. It will set the tooltip text in any case! So far, I am not sure, whether (or how) it is possible to calculate (in pixels?), if the actual string length inside a cell exceeds ones column length. Maybe you could try something, that takes the actual string length into account (java.lang.String.length()) and only provide a tooltip if a certain length is given.
Let me know, if this is works for you!
Best regards,

The tooltip for truncated text in a table cell is currently only shown if it is not possible to resize the column. This is done by purpose because the tooltip may be very annoying. The code responsible for this is in the file Table.js:
scout.Table.prototype._isTruncatedCellTooltipEnabled = function(column) {
return !this.headerVisible || column.fixedWidth;
If you don't like this behaviour, you could adjust the JavaScript code. There are mainly two ways for doing this:
Replace the original function
Extend the table and override the function
With the first approach you replace the actual function, so everytime a scout.Table gets created this function is used. With the second approach you need to make sure your new table is used. In order to do this you need to specify a mapping between the object type and the constructor which will be used whenever an object should be created using scout.create(objectType). This is normally done by convention, so if you write scout.create('Table') a new scout.Table will be created. Because you now want to create a custom table you need to add the mapping to scout.objectFactories.
For me, the first approach feels more like patching, whereas the second one is a cleaner solution. The advantage of the second solution is that the original object stays untouched and you could, at least theoretically, still create regular tables. That's why I suggest to use the second approach. But in the end it is probably a matter of taste.
In both ways, you need to create one or more JavaScript files, register them in yourproject-module.js and include this module in your index.html. The files could look like this:
Approach 1:
scout.Table.prototype._isTruncatedCellTooltipEnabled = function(column) {
return true;
Approach 2
scout.CustomTable = function() {;
scout.inherits(scout.CustomTable, scout.Table);
* #override
scout.CustomTable.prototype._isTruncatedCellTooltipEnabled = function(column) {
return true;
scout.objectFactories = $.extend(scout.objectFactories, {
'Table': function() {
return new scout.CustomTable();
Remember: The scout JavaScript code is not api and may change anytime. You won't get compile errors if the function will be renamed as you are used to with java. So before adding a lot of custom JavaScript code to adjust the default behaviour you should consider opening a bug first so that it can be fixed in Scout. It could help others as well.


Using jqGrid I need to Show a Hidden Column Based on UserData Parm

Using jqGrid 4.15.6-pre - free jqGrid
I am wondering why the following code will not show the specified column.
var cm = $('#nrtslist').jqGrid('getColProp','override');
cm.hidden = false;
This can't be done this way.
All the concept of the grid is that you can read the properties of colModel or any other grid option, but changing it does not mean that it will change something. With other words something must happen in order to change the property.
These properties describe the current status (in most cases) or this is a consequence, not a cause.
To change something in grid you will need to use the appropriate method or do your own one.
In your case you will need to use the showCol or hideCol methods
$('#nrtslist').jqGrid('showCol','override'); // this will show the column
$('#nrtslist').jqGrid('hideCol','override'); // this will hide it.

How to hide the first column of a wxListCtrl in wxWidgets?

The context
In a wxWidgets (version 3.0.2) C++ application, I am trying to hide the first column of a wxListCtrl.
I did not find a member function to do this so I tried to set the width of the column to 0:
myListCtrl->SetColumnWidth(0, 0);
first argument being the column ID and second one the width in pixels (wxListCtrl documentation).
After running the program, the header of the first column is hidden as I wanted but the data of each row of the first column overlaps the data of each row of the second column (which is not hidden). It is obviously not what I want. The header and the data of the first column should be hidden.
The question
In wxWidgets 3.0.2, is there a way to hide the first column (header and data of each rows) of a wxListCtrl?
I don't believe you can. You have a few options.
Delete the column using DeleteColumn(int columnIndex). You aren't losing any data, just the display of it, so you can always re-insert the column and repopulate it if you need to re-add it. Obviously this could be time consuming if your data is excessively large.
Depending on your application, just don't create the column in the first place. You don't say why you want to hide it, so if you just don't want it, don't add it.
Implement your control as a virtual control which gives your application control over what to display where. The burden of data display management falls to you to do manually but you have a great deal more flexibility. Inherit the class with wxLC_VIRTUAL style and implement OnGetItemText
To expand on the comment question, how to get the selected item index:
The wxListCtrl is a little weird when it comes to selected items. I'm sure it has to do with needing to support report, icon, etc. different views. When dealing with a multi-column report mode, you might find that you can only select items in the first column. If you are on Windows, it should automatically be set to "Full Row Select" but I don't know about other OSs.
Anyway, here is a utility method that returns the first selected item (note that you can support multi-selection if you want to).
//Get the item currently selected
int ListView::GetItemSelected() const
for(int i=0; i<GetItemCount(); ++i)
return i;
return -1;
If you want (and it makes sense), you can connect the list item selected event.
this->Connect(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(ListView::selected_Changed), NULL, this);
and within that event handler, get the selected item and do what needs doing (depending entirely on your application).
You will note that I'm using a derived class here which just makes things a lot easier but you don't have to. You can connect to something like MyMainForm::sqlResults_selectedChanged or whatever.
There is more than one way to accomplish all this and you can also find some good suggestions and help here:

Ultragrid entire column selection when header is clicked

This might seem a very easy problem but I am stuck and can't find a way out of it. I am using ultragrid in my form with several columns. My issue is when I am trying to click on the column header I am expecting my entire column to be selected but it doesn't. I assumed the SelectTypeCol is the property for my column selection but it did not work either. I also tried to add each column to Selected.Columns collection like this UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(i).Header.Selected = True but it didn't work for me either. I believe Selected is only available during runtime but not at the design mode.
So if there is an easier way to make this work, please let me know.
Thank you
You are looking for the property HeaderClickAction
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.Select
This will automatically flip the selection state of the entire column as Selected (or Delected) when you click on the header. Of course this means also that you loose the ability to automatically sort on all columns
You can programmatically set the Selection state of a column with code like this (C#)
grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["youColumnKey"].Header.Selected = true;
this will permit to leave the HeaderClickAction property to SortSingle or SortMulti, but you have to handle the situation using code and appropriate events
You need to have an InitializeLayout event on your grid. in this event you need to set the chekboxsynchronization to default and it should work here is sample code
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender,
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["CheckBox"].Style = ColumnStyle.CheckBox;
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["CheckBox"].Header.CheckBoxVisibility = HeaderCheckBoxVisibility.WhenUsingCheckEditor;
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["CheckBox"].Header.CheckBoxSynchronization = HeaderCheckBoxSynchronization.Default; <-- make sure it is set to default here

Qt - creating a complex "calculator"

I am building an application that requires a graphical interface for a calculation process.
The calculation is basically a formula written by the user to be evaluated with QScriptEngine - ie, Javascript.
The thing is I'm having trouble breaking down the problem into smaller steps. The general objectives are as follows:
The values that are to be used in a formula report to properties of items. The items are already created and have a list of properties with which I populate a QTableWidget.
By dragging/droping from the table to a QTextEdit, I'm creating a string with some rich-formating to help the users read the formula more intuitively. Basically, each item on the table has a certain color, so in the QTextEdit, when an item is dropped, it gets a background-color formatting with the same color, and displays the property's name; something like: <span style='background-color:red;'> propertyName </span>
The drag/drop interface as well as the formating is coded and working as expected. But now I have a few problems:
some items have properties with the same name. If I create the formula with two different properties (from different items) that have the same name, I can't track the property's value backwards without ambiguity - I was thinking of string compare/string replace the property's name with its value and then calculate with evaluate().
I have been breaking my head on how to get around this and I thought of creating a QMultiMap to hold the item: [property, value] relationships, and then, replacing on the string that will be evaluated. But again, I would need to check form which item the property came from, and I don't know how I can do that.
I'm new to Qt/C++ and I know that most of my code has some big faulty practices, and its being done more in the way of hacking my way through the objectives I require, more than building a good structure - so every new problem gets a more complex solution each time.
Even so, how would you suggest I should tackle this problem? By this time I think it is better to not post my code just yet, because it is too long (and probably painful) to look at. If someone requires a specific portion to better understand the context of the problem, let me know and I'll post here.
Also, I have had other question here in SO when I started to think about this - might be useful to check for context: here.
In reply to #Riateche's comment:
Imagine this scenario:
Item A : [property1, value1]
[property2, value2]
Item B : [property1, value3]
[property2, value4]
Now, imagine the user wants to perform ItemA.property1 * ItemB.property1:
I want him to see property1 * property1 - but notice that the background-color of each should be different;
I could place in the QTextEdit something like: <span style='background-color:red;'> property1 </span> * <span style='background-color:blue;'> property1 </span>
what I actually want to evaluate (to calculate) is: value1 * value3 - in which these represent double types.
After thinking a little bit about this, while #Riateche's approach seems simple, I wasn't able to find a way change a tag's attribute (at least in rich text, maybe there is one with QWebkit, but that is not what I need). So I was thinking if building another string (that will be evaluated), at the same time the user builds a string with drag and drop. For instance, let's imagine the user drags and drops something like:
property1 * property1
At the same time I would build other string that contained
value1 * value3
And this would be the evaluated string. Even so, the problem with the user editing the string would still be there - if the user changes the drag/drop string, I need to update the evaluation string again -requiring me to once again check the origin of the data. Any other ideas?
You should put all information important for the formula evaluation to the text edit. You can make it invisible to user. For example, you can put the following to the text edit:
<span style='background-color:red;'><a name='Item A,property1'></a>property1</span>
The Item A,property1 text will be invisible to user, but textEdit->toHtml() result will contain it.

Adding and removing parts from pie with google visualization

Using the Pie Chart ( ), is there anyway I can add/remove a data after the page was loaded?
For example, after a user click on a link I want to be able to remove one of the parts of the pie and when he clicks another link I want to add a new part.
Yes, it is possible. I've thrown together an example on JsFiddle. It's probably not exactly how you would do in a production environment but it should give you an idea.
Basically what I do is:
Make the DataTable and PieChart accessible from outside the drawChart() function (or whatever your draw method is called)
Use the removeRow() method on the DataTable object
Redraw the chart.
Joel, I did what you asked using a ckeckbox instead of links. When the checkbox has unchecked, I called data.removeRow(data.getNumberOfRows()-1) as jensgram points out. And when it was checked I called addRow(theDeletedRow).
Just take care that the added/removed row should be the last one of the RataTable (removing the first row doesn't make all other elements in the array go up), to keep the deleted value in a variable so you can add it again later, and try to specify colors in your options, so each part of the pie doesn't change of color (it gives the appearance that it is a completelly different pie, instead of the same one without just one part).