what are the commands executed in every click in windows? [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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As some suggested, I'm trying to minimize the question and get out of the web. That web example was not exactly what I wanted. I simply wanted to make a macro. Like if a condition is true open date settings and change the date to December 2000. If false, open time settings. How can I program to do this? Do I need to execute some commands in command prompt window to do it? If yes what are they? Actually, I want to make a macro that will do a lot of work in just on click.
as far as I know, eveything we do in computer or windows just executes a series of commands depending on the input of mouse and keyboard. So, I want to know if it is possible to know what commands are being executed in background. Actually, I want to make a macro in my program. As for example, a program that will go to google, search for a word and download the first imahe that comes from the search. If, it is possible to know then how.
[I could have searched in google. but I just couldn't guess what keywords to use in the search. so, I posted here. I am sorry if it has already been dicussed]

These click-related commands are really related to the GUI system. These 'commands' figure out what type of click, where on the screen it occurred, etc. After all that, some function to do the work will start executing, which is completely unique to the program, rather than the GUI.
Program that leverage other programs do not got through the GUI, and therefore can skip all of that. They instead use API's to directly access the functionality that is accessed by the sequence of events triggered by a mouse click.
The web is not my area of focus, so I do not have a reliable suggestion for how you would accomplish this, but the takeaway is this: Don't strive to understand the underlying technology by tracing mouse clicks. The GUI is an abstraction from what is really going on "under the hood," and is rarely an effective segue into the underlying mechanisms of a program.
Searching for "image search API" would be a good place to start.


How to make a C++ GUI program in Qt Creator 5.7 that is only 1 window, but every click makes the window have other elements- like a setup wizard [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I started making GUI Apps with Qt 5.7 around 2 weeks ago.
Until today I have made a BlackJack game, a basic mini encryption program and 1-2 more programs. Now, I could find any help on how to make an application that actually acts like a Setup Wizard- by that I mean, for example by clicking on next, a label or any elements are gone and new one appera like a progress bar and below the contents that are copied. How is that actually done?
Is it something like on_pushButton_clicked() and afterwards the usless elements are hidden like ui->pushButton->hide(); and others show up, or is it literally made by practically "rebuilding" the window with other elements and functionalities?
Edit: Mike's comment revealing the existence of QWizard and QWizardPage makes my answer quite redundant, unless you have requirements exceeding the abilities of those widgets - or simply want to implement everything yourself - which the OP has replied that they do want to try. For everyone else, you might only need to read on if you need - or want! - to do all the heavy lifting.
One way to do that is, as you pondered, to destroy the old contents (child widgets) of the window after each page, then repopulate it for the next.
But that's far from ideal IMO: it's wasteful, and it would require you to repeatedly destroy/rebuild things, with all the jumping around that entails, to support Back/Next/Jump to Page # buttons and all routes between different pages. That's more programming and more use of resources to keep unnecessarily tearing down and rebuilding stuff.
Your other idea about hiding is better, and I know exactly the container for this job! With this, you can build everything in advance and won't need to repeatedly remove/add children to change pages (as you would e.g. if you used a QGridLayout).
Give your window a single child of the container class QStackedWidget. This container takes multiple child widgets but shows only one at a time. So:
Add to it a child container for each page of your wizard.
Populate each child with required widgets for that page.
Connect buttons, etc in each page to signals to do required actions...
...especially your Back/Next (and Jump, or whatever) buttons. Set these up so that they change the active child of the QStackedWidget by using the Slot setCurrentIndex().
This way, you build the entire stack of all pages, ready to go, before ever showing the window. Then, when ready, you just show it, and everything is present and ready. Your signals, all properly connected, will take care of everything else: changing between pages, validating input, revealing labels or opening dialogs warning about missing information, etc.

How to test a user's code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My query is very basic one but just want to know the exact things which occur behind the bars and how. Lets say, I am given a question to code. User submits the code in any language(I'd like to go for C or C++ here specifically), now the code gets tested on various test files at the server side. How this happens? As I think and searched, there must be a code at the server side which must be accepting solutions(user's code) from the client in form of the file, then run that file on various test files(which will have all test cases according to the input and output specified in the problem description) and match the output. Is it? I think there is something else or something which I am mistaken.
If I have a very simple program to add two numbers, now I want to test the user's code, what exactly do I have to do? I am asking from the implementation point of view i.e. I want to actually do and test the same on my machine. Can someone please tell me from basic what all I should do?(Much the same way online judges do)
PS: I am not asking this for hosting any contest etc, just doing out of curiosity for learning.
I would divide this into two sub goals
learning automated testing
setting up some application which allows the user to submit testcases, run the automated tests and reports feedback
You could start to get some deeper insight by setting up automated tests for some program in your favourite programming language.
Use a search engine to e.g. look for "automated c++ testing".
If you have managed setting up a few automated tests on a local machine, your could then progress with the second goal.
For example you could set up a Jenkins instance and learn how to add automated tests to it.

Window - Lock Program Background [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to lock a program in background by adding a service to background. The user needs to input password to use the program.
sc create newservice binpath = "C:\Users\User\Test.exe"
The problem is, I am not sure that How can I write the program.
First, what programming language can I use? Cmd, C++ or others?
Second, how can I write this exe?
I have heard this from my friend, but I am not sure how to write this.
Any help will be appreciated.
First note, background process not must be service.
Second note, if you wish wrote service, take in account Vista and above session isolation. Also service may run in another account.
Third note. How do you 'trap' browser? Code injection? Finding by process name/ window name? .... Many counterattacks exists, so this is not trivial thing.
Forth note, What if stop service or close/kill your process?
Fifth note, how do you wish store passwords? If as plain text, every skilled person obstruct your app. If encrypted, more code you must wrote...
Sixth note, nobody on SO.com wrote code for wish without you.

Get one file's name method - Customize the interface - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for some guide for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but I can't find nothing useful.
I'm coding in c++.
What I need is to create a button (in the dialog box) that, when I click on it, gives me the possibility to choose a file from my pc.
After that, I only need to charge in memory (like in a string variable nameFile) the name of this file.
Do anyone know how to do this operation?
And second problem, do you guys know any youtube guide or similar to customize the interface??
Like to put one picture on the background of the application, or change button style etc.
I used Eclipse before, coding in Java and It was totally different.
Thank you all!!
Here is an MFC tutorial for adding a button to a dialog and what has to be done to "wire it up" so that clicking the button invokes an event handler for the BN_CLICKED event.
Inside the BN_CLICKED event handler (that is, the function that is called when you click the button), you'll want to launch the dialog that lets you selecte the file. #Jongware suggested this link, which has a couple of approaches.
Once the file has been selected and the dialog disappears, you'll have access to the string containing the selected file. How you do this will depend on which approach you take in the preceding step. Once you have the string, you can use the appropriate File Management functions to slice-and-dice the file name as necessary.
That's far short of the actual code you'll need to write, I know, but it should give you enough of a start to get going. HTH.

How to code a new Windows Shell? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How would I go about coding a new Windows Vista Shell?
Everything you need to do as shell has never been documented, so there are some issues with file change notifications etc. The basics are:
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMINIMIZEDMETRICS,...MINIMIZEDMETRICS) with (undocumented?) flag 8
Register as the shell (SetShellWindow,SetProgmanWindow,ShellDDEInit,RegisterShellHook etc)
Hide welcome screen by setting a signal ("msgina: ShellReadyEvent" and "ShellDesktopSwitchEvent")
Start registry run key, start menu\startup and ShellServiceObjects
Set registry Explorer\SessionInfo
The good thing is, you are not the first to write a new shell, if you look around, you can find some obscure required info. Here is a list to get you started:
A good place to start would be investigating how to build a command line parser, something that can tokenize and interpret the inputs. There are tools that can help with this like ANTLR, or you might like to try building your own.
Once you've parsed the inputs you need to decide what actions to take - launching processes, piping between processes, redirecting output - and making those system calls.
If you're just after a more powerful shell rather than interested in building one, give PowerShell a try.