Custom message pump for MessageBox (Windows)? - c++

I have a large code base where there are lots of calls to AfxMessageBox(...). What I need to do is while these messageboxes are modal service some external IO (i.e. a network communication).
I've considered writing a custom CDialog and my own message pump - but I'm unsure of how to make the CDialog generic enough that I can reliably create all the messageboxes without having to test them all.
Alternatively I've been looking at hooking into the messageboxes' windproc function through SetWindowsHookEx but this has the limitation that it happens after the messagepump and will not fire if there are no messages for that dialog.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to acheive this or if either of my two approaches above are worth pursuing. ?


How pump COM messages in STA without pumping WM_PAINT?

I need to pump COM messages while waiting for an event to fix a deadlock. It's better to pump as few messages as possible just to process that COM call. The best candidate for this role is CoWaitForMultipleHandles but starting from Vista it pumps WM_PAINT in addition to COM messages. Pumping WM_PAINT is too dangerous for me from re-entrance perspective and I don't want to install a custom shim database as a solution for this problem.
I'm trying to pump COM messages sent to the hidden message-only window manually.
I have found two ways to get HWND of the hidden window:
((SOleTlsData *) NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForOle)->hwndSTA using ntinfo.h from .NET Core. This seems to be undocumented and not reliable solution in terms of future changes.
Find window of OleMainThreadWndClass as suggested in this question. The problem is that CoInitialize does not create the window. It is created later on first cross-apartment call which may or may not happen in my application. Running the search loop every time I need HWND is bad from performance perspective but caching HWND seems impossible because I don't know when it's created.
Is there a way to determine if the hidden window is created for the current apartment? I suppose it will be cheaper than the loop and then I could find and cache HWND.
Is there a better way to pump COM messages without pumping WM_PAINT?
Update: you can force the window creation by calling CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream for any interface. Then call Co­Release­Marshal­Data to release the stream pointer. This is what I end up doing along with the search for OleMainThreadWndClass.
WM_PAINT is generated when there is no other message in the message queue and you execute GetMessage or use PeekMessage.
But WM_PAINT is only sent if you Dispatch it. Also there is no new WM_PAINT message until a window is invalidated again.
So it depends on you if you dispatch a WM_PAINT message or not. But be aware, there are other chances of reentrances like a WM_TIMER message.
The details about this are in the docs for WM_PAINT.
From my point of view the best solution would be to set you application in a "wait" mode, that even can handle WM_PAINT in this undefined waiting state. You know when you are reentered. It is always after a WM_PAINT... or similar messages that arrive like other input messages. So I don't see any problems here. An STA has one thread and you always process messages to an end, until you execute GetMessage, launch a modal dialog or show a MessageBox. When you are inside some message handling, nothing will disturb you.
Maybe an other solution would be to wait inside a second thread for this event. This thread may not have any windows and you can translate the event to anything you need in your application.
So you question may not have enough information how this deadlock really appears. So this answer may not be sufficient.
After writing als this I tend to the opinion that this is an XY problem.

Win32 api different classes per window?

ive recently started to work with the win32 api and im trying to do a couple of things.
I have a project that is gonna use about 4-5 windows. I want to seperate each of these into a different cpp file where each has its own message Loop. How do i pass information from window to window?(is there some sort of entry point?) at the moment im creating all windows during case WM_CREATE: and I am showing them as required.
I am trying to have a nice OOP design but having trouble with that, my main issue is the communication between windows. I have a fair amount of experience in C# and C++ and other than this the win32 api is not being a problem.
Thanks for your help!
I don't think you want a per-window message loop, unless you want each window in its own thread. You probably need a window procedure instead.
Each window class has its own window procedure, which you register by setting lpfnWndProc field of WNDCLASS structure before passing it to the RegisterClass. Once you've done that, you can use that class when creating a new window with CreateWindow.
In your case, you'll probably want to implement the window procedure so it accepts custom messages (WM_APP + x), and then pass custom messages between windows using PostMessage (for asynchronous communication) or SendMessage (for synchronous communication). If necessary, you can create separate window classes and window procedures for your different windows. A single message loop is capable of pumping messages to all these procedures.
The classic way of inter-window communication is sending / posting messages:

Modeless dialogs and accelerators

I want to perform some action when the user presses CTRL+S inside a modeless dialog.
Accelerators would be perfect for this, except that I don't have control over the thread's message loop (think plugin), so I can't call TranslateAccelerator.
A nested message loop is not an option because the main application does a lot of processing in between calls to PeekMessage.
Is there some way I can 'force' the existing message loop to handle my accelerator?
Is there any other way besides accelerators to catch CTRL+S?
I thought about using a Window hooks on WH_GETMESSAGE, which gets called before returning from GetMessage or PeekMessage. But I'm not sure what would happen after I successfully called TranslateAcellerator, I can't let the application know I handled it.
WH_MSGFILTER would require the app to implement a call to CallMsgFilter, which it doesn't from a quick glance with a debugger.
My last idea was subclassing the control which is what I'm trying to avoid. That would require some mechanism to signal the keypress event to the parent window, which I don't think is a great design. Also, if I add more controls I would have to subclass every single one.
Thanks for any hints.
This is a fairly infamous interop problem, it rears its ugly head also when using Winforms to implement UI in a native program. Microsoft's recommendation is a rough-and-tumble one: start your own thread to display the window so you can pump your own message loop. You'll need SetParent() to avoid Z-order problems. Scary stuff, do consider a modal dialog thrice before committing to this.
Can you use WM_GETDLGCODE?

MFC basic structure questions

There are few things I'm not sure of :
When you create a basic SDI using MFC app wizard (let's call it TestMfc) you get :
4 major classes :
What I noticed is that CTestMfcApp has those declaration
// Standard file based document commands
// Standard print setup command
while CTestMfcView has these :
// Standard printing commands
What I don't understand is why does MFC create that separation?
I can't see why the app class needs to declare functions for handling events... isn't that the view's job? If for exmaple there are few windows it's even becoming more clear.
Second, how those events get called? I know there's supposed to be WINPROC function who's supposed to get the MSG and call the right handler. is the ON_COMMAND the macro who sets some kind of pointer function who is later available to the the WINPROC function.
And why doesn't the ON_COMMAND get a WINDOWS handle... if for example there is another WINDOW in the program with the same ID ?
Third and last, let's say I want to change some window's threads to an alert state.
To do that I want to change the main loop (which keeps calling getmessage/dispatchmessage
etc.. and insert the waitformultibleonject function. where is the winmain function? I can't find it when the appwizard is doing all the job for me.
In MFC, messages "bubble up" until they find a handler. IIRC it's View -> Document -> Document Template -> MainFrame -> App. This allows to handle view-specific events in the view, document-specific events in the document etc.
Usually, global handlers end up in the mainframe class. However, you can use multiple mainframe windows - even with different behavior - where the distinction between "MainFrame" and "App class" becomes important.
Control-specific handlers do belong in the view class, though. I'd put only WM_COMMAND handlers into higher-up classes.
for your third question: I wouldn't do that. While MFC avoids a few common modal loops, you can't avoid them all. OnIdle is a good place to implement defered updates.
[update] MFC uses one global WNDPROC to handle all messages. It uses a HWND to CWnd mapping to locate the MFC object. When the WNDPROC sees a WM_COMMAND message, it will first check the message map of the receiver window if it contains a handler for that message. If there is none, it will do a variety of checks, e.g. "Is this not just a CWnd, but a CView?" Yes --> get the document and see if the documents message map has a handler for this particular command.
Introduction to the MFC architecture
The Microsoft Foundation Class library framework does a reasonable job of providing the basics of an MVC design pattern using messages of various sort to provide the communication between the various parts. However like any framework it provides a structure which can provide lots of functionality you do not have to write as well as quite a bit of restrictions and constraints if your approach is not congruent with the framework.
The framework uses messages between cooperating entities, extending the idea of Windows messages and using the message infrastructure of the Windows operating system. Some of these cooperating entities have their own Windows message pump (modal dialogs and threads) while the rest use the application message pump serviced by the main or UI thread.
Messages sent to the application's main window such as keyboard or mouse events or posted messages using PostMessage() are pulled off the Windows message queue by the main window thread, also known as the main UI thread, servicing the message pump and then forwarded to the entity that it belongs to by the MFC framework. This is why actions that pause or wait the main UI thread make the application unresponsive. The main UI thread must continually run to pull Windows messages from the Windows message queue and then distribute them to the rest of the application.
The MFC framework forwards messages by looking through a list of message maps in order to find which entity or MFC class instance is expecting the message and if one is found, calling the C++ function specified in the message map entry with the arguments the MFC specification requires. The expectation is that any message processing function will either complete the action quickly and return back to the MFC framework's message dispatch functionality or will use a thread to perform any action that requires some time and then return.
The MVC design pattern views the application as made up of three cooperating entities, the Model entity containing the data, the View entity which presents a view of the Model and its data, and the Controller entity which is the affordance the user manipulates to change what is viewed as well as the model and its data.
The MFC framework architecture starts with a couple of base classes which are then specialized through inheritance. For instance there is a general view class which provides the message infrastructure for a general display then subclasses extend and specialize the general view class. For instance the CView class is specialized with the CScrollView class.
Main types of MFC UI classes
In general the document class will handle messages that involve changes to the document content and the view class will handle messages that involve the presentation of the document content. The document class is responsible for serializing all of the data or content to or from the document object from or to a file.
The document class uses the Observer design pattern to allow views to know when an update is needed. The document class has a list of view instances so that when a change is made to the document or model or data, all of the registered views are sent a message indicating a change and need to update.
The view class is responsible for displaying a view of the document data to a device such as a window on the screen or a printer. So it would be normal for a CView class to have a function that would handle a print request sent via a message with a message Id of ID_FILE_PRINT or ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW.
When data within the document changes, a message can be sent to all of the views registered with the document informing those views of the data change so that the views can decide whether to make changes to the view or not.
The third main class of the framework, the CWinApp or application class is a container and manager for the document and view classes. Within the app object, which is the entry point for the application (a construct which is also used for an MFC DLL as well to provide for the DLL load and unload entry points), is the hooks for the main message pump. The purpose of the app class is to set up the initial environment and to then allow the programmer to hook their particular document and view objects into the MFC framework of the app class.
Since the CWinApp class is a container for the application, it would be normal for it to handle such events as ID_FILE_NEW or ID_FILE_OPEN as it would cause the document class to close out the current document and reinitialize the application to start with a new document and its associated views.
My opinion is that the About dialog handling and Help handling was put into the CWinApp class since it was the easiest place to put it. Typically an About is a dialog with a basic description of the application. And both Help and About may be things you want to access without having to start a document or view first.
The MFC framework has other, supporting classes for the main UI functionality. There are also other additional libraries that have been added since MFC was first introduced in the early 1990s.
A few details about messages
Windows messages have a message Id indicating the type of message. There are various ranges of message Id values that are allocated to different purposes. One range is the WM_USER range that an application can use without concern of using a message Id assigned to a Windows message such as a keyboard message. Part of this range is allocated to MFC messages (see WM_USER vs WM_APP as well as Sending and receiving Windows messages as well as How to handle a posted, registered windows message within a VCL application? ).
These messages are standard Windows messages using PostMessage() or SendMessage() with the standard Windows format of handle of the target window, a message identifier, and the two parameters which are used to provide additional information. The MFC framework has lots of different C Preprocessor defines for various message identifiers. If you follow the class derivation hierarchy you will find that document classes, CDocument, end up being derived from CCmdTarget classes just as the view classes, CView or derivations of CView, are as well. CCmdTarget in turn derives from the most basic MFC class, CObject.
Much of the message map functionality seems to come from the functionality of the CCmdTarget class which uses a method of accepting a message, checking to see if the message identifier is in the CCmdTarget message list for the specific object and if not passing it on to the next CCmdTarget object in the chain. So the MFC framework uses a kind of Strategy Design Pattern so that a message is passed along a chain of components until an object that can handle the message is found.
Due to the age of the MFC framework, quite a bit of the exposed pieces use the C Preprocessor and macros. You can inspect the macros to see what they are doing and how they are implemented using the Visual Studio IDE. And those parts of the MFC framework that are implemented as templates are also easily available through the Visual Studio IDE to read. Both macros and templates are in the MFC include files.
However to read the code in the actual classes you will need to find a copy of the MFC source body. Using the MFC Source Files from the Microsoft web site provides a starting point including where to find the source from your installation of Visual Studio.
The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library supplies full source
code. Header files (.h) are in the \atlmfc\include directory;
implementation files (.cpp) are in the \atlmfc\src\mfc directory.
I would not recommend forking this with your own changes.
Your third question is about threads and the approach you describe does not make sense within the MFC framework. With MFC you would normally create a thread using the AfxBeginThread() or AfxBeginThreadEx() functions. There are two kinds of threads, one with a user interface and one without.
It does not make sense that a multi-threaded MFC application would need to modify the message pump. You would instead send messages to the thread once you have created it using something like PostThreadMessage(). The thread can receive messages by calling either the GetMessage() or PeekMessage() functions. Each MFC thread has a message pump and message queue that is set up "when the thread makes its first call to one of the User or GDI functions" (see PostThreadMessageW function).
Is MFC is based on any design pattern,if so which design pattern?
Windows Messages
SendMessage/PostMessage to a derived CView class not working for MFC application
MFC - How to post a message to all views that were derived from CView class?
Is the 'C' in MVC really necessary?
This article, Threads with MFC, in code project provides an overview and source example.
Print is normally handled in the view because in win32 you print by calling the OnPaint event to a printer rather than the screen. Also for any events that involve getting the mouse position it's easier to do it in the view.
You can easily get the current doc form the view but it's more effort to get the view form the doc.

Application wide periodic tasks with Dialog Based MFC application

In Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI) MFC application, I created an application wide timer in the View. The timer will tick as long as the application is running and trigger some periodic actions.
How can I do the same with Dialog Based MFC application?
Should I create Thread's Timer (SetTimer with NULL HWND) and pass a callback function to it?
Should I create worker threads? My experience with other projects was when I tried to display some feedback GUI from non-GUI/worker threads, I need to roll out my own "delegate"/command pattern and a "delegate invoker"/command invoker. The worker thread will send message (I think using message is safer than direct function call when dealing across thread-boundary, CMIIW) to the UI-thread. and the UI-thread will be the "delegate"/command invoker. Failing to do this and to make sure that the windows/dialogs have the correct parent will result in bizzare behaviors such as the Application suddenly disappears to the background; Window/Dialog that is shown behind the current window/dialog and causing the current window to be unresponsive/unclickable. Probably I was doing something wrong but there were so much problems when dealing with threads.
Are there best practices for this?
A timer works as well in a dialog-based application as an SDI or MDI app. OTOH, timers are (mostly) a leftover from 16-bit Windows. If you want to do things periodically, a worker thread is usually a better way to do it (and yes, Windows Mobile supports multiple threads).
Edit: in a dialog-based application, the main dialog exists for (essentially) the entire life of the application. Unless you really need the timer during the milliseconds between application startup and dialog creation or dialog destruction and application exit, just attach it to the dialog. Otherwise, you can attach it to the main window -- which MFC creates and destroys, even though it's never displayed.
If you use the MFC Wizard to create the Dialog based app, you probably have a hidden view window as well as a dialog window. The view window creates the dialog with DoModal(), which runs the dialog in the same thread, effectively suspending the view window.
While the dialog is open, the view window will not process any events. So, if the view window owns the timer, it will not process the timer events.
The simplest solution is to create the timer in the dialog and let the dialog handle the timer messages.
IMO, use the Timer if it solves the problem. As you've mentioned a Worker Thread interacting with the UI, in MFC, can be more trouble than its worth sometimes.
If the problem is simple enough for a timer to suffice, thats what i'd use (Remember KISS)
SetTimer does not have to be handed a window to work, it can call a callback method.
You can use that in your application - declare in your CWinApp (or anywhere really)
static void CALLBACK OnTimer(HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD);
Then in the InitInstance call SetTimer(0, [eventid], [time period], OnTimer);
In OnTimer you can get back to the CWinApp instance via AfxGetApp() or theApp since there is only one.
Second attempt: my previous answer was dne in a hurry and was not correct.
Your basic vanilla MFC Dialog app only uses one thread. The main thread starts with a class derived from CWinApp. In the InitInstance() method it launches the dialog using CDialog::DoModal(). This function doesn't return until the dialog is closed.
While the dialog is running, the CWinApp class does not process any messages, so won't see a WM_TIMER.
There are many ways around this.
Let the first dialog own the timer and make all other dialogs children of it. This might be OK, depending on your dialog requirements, but it might be too restrictive.
Launch the first Dialog as modeless, i.e. use Create() instead of DoModal(). Create() returns straight away (putting the Dialog into a different thread). You can then create a message loop in the CWinApp class and process timers there. You'll have to use thread timers instead of window timers as the CWinApp class doesn't have a window. (or you could create a hidden window if that is more convenient).
You can hack the dialog's mesage loop and make it pass messages to the CWinApp class' message handler. That is quite complex and not for the faint hearted.
You can create a dedicated timer thread. You'd probably do that from the CWinApp class before it creates the dialog, but other strategies are possible.
Do any of those schemes sound like they fit your needs? If not, maybe you can explain your needs more fully and we might be able to come up with something appropriate.