Trying to apply the configuration patch to update the shared session state to use mongo per doco below:
However bit stuck with best way to patch it. One option is to delete the sharedSessionState node and add the mongo settings.
Any help will be good.
You don't need to remove existing <sharedSessionState> node. Just use the patch below:
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<patch:attribute name="defaultProvider">mongo</patch:attribute>
Just remember to add it after Sitecore.Analytics.Tracking.config file.
I'm trying to set up a Django/Angular application under IIS.
When I set a similar application under nginx, I pass all URLs starting with /api (my backend) or /admin (the Django admin interface) to Django. I also set two locations: / and /static - both are aliases to the folder with all the static resources.
I need to alias /static, too, because Django's admin application references resources at /static/admin/...
I can't get IIS to work the same way. I'm using wfastcgi to interface with Django, and a rewrite rule to map /static back to /. This is the relevant portion of my Web.config:
<rule name="Static Perfix" stopProcessing="true" >
<match url="^static/(.+)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" />
<add name="Admin"
resourceType="Unspecified" />
This doesn't work. When I access /admin the handler catches it and forwards the request to Django, as it should. Django return an html page with resources located at /static/admin/base.css (for example).
When the browser tries to load such a resource the rewrite rule catches it, rewrites it to /admin/base.css, and then the handler catches it and forwards it to Django, which doesn't know what /admin/base.css is and returns a 404.
I tried making /static a Virtual Directory pointing to the same physical directory as the root directory. This caused all sorts of conflicts because my root Web.config was read twice, causing all sorts of duplicate key violations (for all the keys I have defined, more or less).
I would appreciate any help on getting out of this situation.
I ended up avoiding the problem altogether, by restructuring my static resources folder and adding an actual static subfolder that contains the Admin static files.
I will no longer be able to use collectstatic for front-end deployment, though, I will need to create an additional script. Oh well.
I'm dealing with the Sitecore app that stores some 'items' into the cart for users that are not authenticated (I guess they should not be) using code like this:
Then once user arrive on cart page and wants to proceed than if he waits too long more than a minute than value in the session is lost !
Here is my web.config relevant settings:
I'm at the end of my ropes here and don't know what is cleaning my session?
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20" sessionIDManagerType="Sitecore.FXM.SessionManagement.ConditionalSessionIdManager">
<add name="mongo" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB.MongoSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB" sessionType="Standard" connectionStringName="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" />
<add name="mssql" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.Sql.SqlSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.Sql" sessionType="Standard" connectionStringName="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" />
<authentication mode="None">
<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="90" />
I guess you don't need to be authenticated to use the session?
And yes I did check the code ensuring that nothing nullifying my session.
Issue with 1 minute session timeout often happens when you don't have VisitorIdentification in your layout. Sitecore considers every new visitor as a potential crawling robot and tries not to use 20 minutes session if not necessary.
Make sure you have VisitorIdentification in your layouts. You can add it for Web Forms like that:
<%# Import Namespace="Sitecore.Analytics" %>
<sc:VisitorIdentification runat="server" />
and for MVC like that:
#using Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics.Extensions
If your Visual Studio still complains that it cannot find VisitorIdentification type in Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls namespace, check whether Sitecore.Analytics is referenced from your web project and if Sitecore.Analytics is registered in <system.web><pages><controls> in web.config:
<add tagPrefix="sc" namespace="Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.Analytics" />
Think about having thousands of sessions for robots and each of them can be pretty heavy in terms of RAM usage. If they are all kept for 20 minutes, they can kill the server easily. That's why Sitecore changes session timeout for every new user and sets it to 1 minute.
If Sitecore layout is configured properly and there is VisitorIdentification included, your browser will automatically execute another request to your server and your session timeout will be extended to default setting from web.config (e.g. 20 minutes)
Im currently working with my IIS Server and ive installed the IIS rewrite module.
I currently have a rule on it which allows for all my coldfusion templates to be parsed really easily.
it generates the following pattern
which covers any request for any template on the following page
This rule simply parses any request into my website and makes it go directly to my index.cfm page.
What Im trying to understand is how to get the following.
^/css/ - then any script or sub folder to process like any other page request
^/js/ - then process any js file as it is stored on my server
^/assets/ - process any file in this folder as a normal file.
Ive never used this module before but im struggling to find out how to treat normal files like js and css as they are and in their respective directories.
I have no problem in writing the rules so each is prefixed with the folder names but cant for the life of me work out where to get any information on this from.
As long as you specify a rule before the one that catches everything, you should be able to use the stopProcessing attribute to prevent the module from doing anything with the request. There's no need to specify an action. For example:
<rule name="CSS files" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^/css/" />
Here is for all static files
<rule name="Static Files" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^(.*)$" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{SCRIPT_NAME}" pattern="\.(bmp|gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|txt|pdf|doc|xls)$" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="None" />
I am sorry, I haven't notice you have asked for folder. But I keep in answer in case other people like to know about it.
I have a rewritemap in my web.config that rewrites urls.
<rewriteMap name="Products">
<add key="Ipad_3" value="4399" />
<add key="Ipad_Mini" value="4399" />
Instead of manually inserting new <add> tags, I would like coldfusion script to generate <add> tags with data taken from database and insert it into web.config. Please advice
That isn't going to work the way that you probably want it to.
Changes to web.config aren't recognized until your IIS application pool is recycled. Recycling your application pool every time you add or delete a product seems like a bad idea. Not to mention the fact that if anything goes wrong, your entire website will go down because of a bad web.config file.
You should look into using a dynamic rewrite tool like ISAPI Rewrite instead.
Is there a way to edit/add some information to the asmx web service page? I would like to add some links to some external files that is helpful for the service. Currently, it's displaying something like this:
My Web Services
The following operations are
supported. For a formal definition,
please review the Service Description.
I would like to add a link after the "TetsMethod". Thanks.
I was facing the same problem and found the wsdlHelpGenerator element in web.config could help me out.
I took the source code of the generated help page, hand edited what I needed into it, and saved it as a static html file that I then hooked up to the wsdlHelpGenerator element:
<wsdlHelpGenerator href="help.html"/>
I also needed to add the following to my system.web section:
<add extension=".html" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider" />