How to implement django-allauth in homepage as modal? - django

There are few questions based on this idea like:
Implementing Ajax requests / response with django-allauth
Log in / Sign up directly on home page
but I need a little more help. I understand that I have to make form action url of modal as {% url 'account_login' %}. I have included {% load account %} and changed the 'name' and 'id' of username and password fields. My question is what other things I need to do to achieve this as it is still not working.

I had the same question and I wrote little tutorial for 3 methods I found so far. You can find details at
P.S. If it was just one method, I would post it here, but because I do not know which one you would prefer, I simply give you a link.


Django Form post action

So I can't figure it out how to make form submit action link to external website be invisible in inspect element. For example I got my html form something like this:
<form method='POST' action='some link to external website'> <div>{{ form }}</div>
Is it possible to make it hidden or not ?
You shouldn't do this, the browser has to know where to send requests. Although, this answer may help you.


I am very new to Django and I'm nearing the end of the django girls tutorial. I have added "#login_required" above my post_detail in views (view for clicking on a specific post) and added a login.html template. So when I click on a post title I get redirected to my login page (so far, so good) and the url is: (trying this on my computer atm.)
Then I type in my admin name/password and automatically get redirected to and of course get a "Page not found (404)" (since I have no url/view/template for that). I thought "Dang, I just wanted to be redirected to /post/11/"!
Looked around on stack overflow and found this question:
Signing in leads to "/accounts/profile/" in Django (sounds about right)
and got the answer
Change the value of LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL in your
So I looked up LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL in the Django documentation:
Default: '/accounts/profile/'
The URL where requests are redirected after login when the contrib.auth.login view gets no next parameter.
This is used by the login_required() decorator, for example.
This setting also accepts named URL patterns which can be used to reduce configuration duplication since you don’t have to define the URL in two places (settings and URLconf).
Deprecated since version 1.8: The setting may also be a dotted Python path to a view function. Support for this will be removed in Django 1.10.
But doesn't my contrib.auth.login get a next parameter? (looking at my url that say "?next=/post/11/" at the end) Please help me out here, I'm lost for what the problem could be here :(
You can view the page at:
And the source code at:
So I now know that the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL is the thing that's deciding where I end up next, which must mean that it ignores the next-parameter in the url. I googled further on the problem and found this question which was very similar to my problem, i.e.
Documentation states that I need to use the "next" parameter and context processors. I have the {{next}} in my template, but I'm confused on how to actually pass the "/gallery/(username)". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(I don't even have the {{next}} in my template, where/how should I add it?)
The preferred answer to that question seemed to be:
Django's login view django.contrib.auth.views.login accepts a dictionary named extra_context. The values in the dictionary are directly passed to the template. So you can use that to set the next parameter. Once that is done, you can set a hidden field with name next and value {{ next }} so that it gets rendered in the template.
But I'm not sure how to interpret this. While writing this edit I got an answer on this post (by kacperd) and will read it through now)
The problem is that contrib.auth.login doesn't get the next parameter.
When you try to get the login_required view without credentials your request is redirect to login view, and the template you created is rendered. The next parameter is present in this view, but when you perform the login action which is submitting the form, you are not including next in your request so contrib.auth.login doesn't get it and redirects to default page.
The solution to your problem is to include the next param and pass it forward. You can do this by modifying your login template. Simply add ?next={{ }} to form action attribute.
<form method="post" action="{% url 'django.contrib.auth.views.login' %}?next={{ }}">

{% url %} gives me NoReverseMatch error while reverse() returns the url just fine. Why?

I don't know if this SO question is of the same problem that I am about to describe, but it does share the same symptoms. Unfortunately, it still remains unresolved as I am writing.
So here is my problem. I am trying to add James Bennett's django-registration app to my django project. I have pretty much finished configuring it to my needs - custom templates and urls. Just when I thought everything was good to go. I got NoReverseMatch error from using {% url 'testing' item_id=123 %} (I also tried using the view name, myapp.views.test, instead but no luck) in one of the custom templates required by django-registration. Interestingly, I tried reverse('testing', kwargs={'item_id':123}) in the shell and the url was returned just fine. I thought {% url %} uses reverse() in the back-end but why did I get different outcomes? (the URLconf of my site)
urlpatterns = patterns('myapp.views',
url(r'^test/(?P<item_id>\d+)/$', 'test', name='testing'),
activation_email.txt: (the said template. Note it's intentionally in .txt extension as required by django-registration and that shouldn't be the cause of the problem.)
{% comment %}Used to generate the body of the activation email.{% endcomment %}
Welcome to {{ site }}! Please activate your account by clicking on the following link:
{% url 'testing' item_id=123 %}
Note the activation link/code will be expired in {{ expiration_days }} days.
I don't know if it matters but just thought I should mention activation_email.txt is stored in the templates directory of myapp though it is used by django-registration.
Also, I am using django 1.4
I have a feeling that the problem has something to do with the url namespaces, a topic that I have never understood, but it's just a naive guess. (IMO, the django documentation is great in explaining everything about django, except when it comes to url namespaces)
I'm no expert here, but in a Django project I'm working on at the moment I use the name of the url without quotes. I just added quotes around a similar line in one of my templates and it produced the same error as your error.
{% url testing item_id=123 %}

Infinite scroll in django

Is it possible to implement facebook style loading of content while scrolling down? I would like to implement it in an ecommerce site. There are a lot of items in each category and the category page becomes too long. I could implement page numbers but my client wants me to implement that facebook type of loading. Is there anything I can use? Rest of the site has already been built.
I did look into django-endless-pagination but was not able to get it to work. Is there any demo of it so that I can look into it?
We used django endless pagination on without too much problem. Because we were using html5media we did have to add a line to run that function with a one second delay. (setTimeOut("html5media()", 1000). Running it without the delay caused problems in some browsers. If your not using html5media, this should not be a concern however.
Core part of the template code.
{% load endless %}
{% paginate memories %}
{% for memory in memories %}
{% endfor %}
{% show_more %}
In the view we have the following to handle the ajax request.
if request.is_ajax():
template = page_template
return render_to_response(template,context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
The page_template is not the whole page, just the portion related to the "paging".
I thinks the easiest way to do endless pagination is use jQuery (use $.loads).
You even don't need change the back-end code.
Perhaps take a look at that?

Render to response to a redirected url in Django

In a form submission scenario, form is post to "/submit". I want to redirect user to "/sucess" on success and pass render some message to a template at new url. How to do this in Django? render_to_response doesn't do redirect and HttpResponseRedirect doesn't do template rendering.
The response from Daniel Roseman is potentially dangerous, opening your site to XSS vulnerabilities.
Make sure you strip html tags from whatever message is passed if you must do it this way.
A better way would be to redirect to /success/?msg=ok, and have in your view a dictionary:
{ 'ok': 'Your success message' }
If your success page needs a dynamic message, you need to pass it there somehow. You can either do this via GET parameters in the URL you are redirecting to - eg return HttpResponseRedirect('/success/?msg=My+success+message+here') - or by setting some values in the session, which the success view can pick up.
The best way to do what you want is:
In your view set the success message (or error message) as a dict. And use the render_to_response to display any template.
In your template you can verify if there is a message and if the message is an error message or a success message.
Some like this:
In your view:
if anyError:
dict = {"message" : {"error" : "The error message"}}
dict = {"message" : {"success" :"The success message"}}
in your template:
{% if message %}
{% if message.error %}
{{ message.error }}
{% else %}
{{ message.success }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Hope i've helped
There is no good way to do what you want. The browser submits the form, which will take the user to /submit. Once you decide whether it's "successful", it's too late; the browser has already decided on it's destination. All you can do is redirect. But, as you're finding out, it's going to be hard to keep your POST state when you redirect.
I would give up on this. It's not how websites are supposed to work.
I think Django does this already if you extend the generic view. On create there's an optional argument "post_save_redirect". This functionality is used in the automatically generated Django admin system. For example if you want a new resource, say user, you go to the url "/user/add". After you submit it redirects you to "/user/1" with a success message "you just saved user #1". So this is possible, but I'm still researching how to do it without extending the generic view. I'm still very new to Django and python, so looking through Django core to find how they did it is not so easy for me.
I would recommend to use Django message framework which is used for one-time notification messages.