Cannot Give a Parameter To QT connect Function - c++

I implemented reading bytes at a serial communication in a Qt project(5.5) in Visual Studio 2013.
My code is here:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
//QCoreApplication coreApplication(argc, argv);
int argumentCount = QCoreApplication::arguments().size();
QStringList argumentList = QCoreApplication::arguments();
QTextStream standardOutput(stdout);
if (argumentCount == 1) {
standardOutput << QObject::tr("Usage: %1 <serialportname> [baudrate]").arg(argumentList.first()) << endl;
return 1;
QSerialPort serialPort;
QString serialPortName =;
int serialPortBaudRate = (argumentCount > 2) ? : QSerialPort::Baud9600;
if (! {
standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to open port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl;
return 1;
Camera cam2;
QByteArray abc;
SerialPortReader serialPortReader(&serialPort,abc);
//return coreApplication.exec();
return app.exec();
#include "serialportreader.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
SerialPortReader::SerialPortReader(QSerialPort *serialPort, QByteArray abc, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_serialPort(serialPort)
, m_standardOutput(stdout)
connect(m_serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &SerialPortReader::handleReadyRead);
void SerialPortReader::handleReadyRead()
if (!m_readData.isEmpty()) {
m_standardOutput << m_readData << endl;
This code works successfully. I would like to set the contents of m_readData array to abc array so that I can evaluate the message in main scope. In order to implement this, I gave abc array to handleReadyRead function as a parameter. However, it gives an error.The code is here:
SerialPortReader::SerialPortReader(QSerialPort *serialPort, QByteArray abc, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_serialPort(serialPort)
, m_standardOutput(stdout)
connect(m_serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &SerialPortReader::handleReadyRead(abc));
void SerialPortReader::handleReadyRead(QByteArray abc)
if (!m_readData.isEmpty()) {
m_standardOutput << m_readData << endl;
serialportreader.cpp(45): error C2102: '&' requires l-value
connect(m_serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &SerialPortReader::handleReadyRead(abc));

You can't pass the local variable to the slot this way, but what you are trying to do doesn't even require it. You could just store abc to a member variable in the constructor, and use it in the slot. BUT: you have to change it to a reference, otherwise the call to the constructor copies the array, so the original one in your main function is unaffected.
You could also just implement this array as a member variable of your SerialReader, and provide a getter function, so that the main function (or whoever is the consumer of the data) can just pull this data from the reader instance.


Receiving LCM messages via signals/slots in C++ with Qt?

In my application, I am receiving messages from LCM (Lightweight Communications and Marshalling) that contain data for multiple consumers within the application. I imagined this working with the LCM handler as a singleton so that there is one instance that each class could use. For example, each consumer class would have:
QObject::connect(LCMHandler::getInstance(), SIGNAL(messageReceived()),
this, SLOT(processMessage()));
Where lcmhandler.h is:
class LCMHandler : public QObject
static LCMHandler* getInstance();
~LCMHandler() {}
void handleMessage(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer* rbuf,
const std::string &chan,
const example::example_t *msg);
void messageReceived();
static LCMReceiver* _instance;
And lcmhandler.cpp is:
LCMHandler* LCMHandler::_instance = 0;
lcm::LCM lcm;
lcm.subscribe("MyChannel", &LCMHandler::handleMessage, this);
while(0 == lcm.handle());
} else {
std::cerr << "LCM Error" << std::endl;
LCMHandler* LCMHandler::getInstance() {
if (!_instance) {
_instance = new LCMHandler();
return _instance;
void LCMHandler::handleMessage(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer *rbuf,
const std::string &chan,
const hlelcm::transponder_t *msg)
std::cout << "Received message on channel " << chan.c_str() << std::endl;
emit messageReceived();
The application successfully prints "Received message on channel..." repeatedly; however, nothing else is executed, including code in the consumer class's processMessage(), presumably because the application gets stuck looping on handleMessage(...) and never executes the signal/slot procedure (or refreshes the UI components). So, if the implementation of processMessage() is:
void Consumer::processMessage() {
std::cout << "Message received" << std::endl;
It never executes, while handleMessage(...) loops infinitely. Similarly, the Qt UI never loads because handleMessage is busy looping.
What is the best way to handle the incoming messages? Should I refrain from using a singleton for LCMHandler? What do I need to change to make this implementation work?
Move the contents of your LCM constructor to another function:
lcm::LCM lcm;
//QObject base class call.
moveToThread( &_myLocalQThread );
lcm.subscribe("MyChannel", &LCMHandler::handleMessage, this);
_isActive = true;
// This is blocking, we don't want it to interfere with
// the QApplication loop
while(0 == lcm.handle());
std::cerr << "LCM Error" << std::endl;
_isActive = false;
Then something along these lines to allow your LCM loop to happen in another thread.
auto lcmHandler = LCMHandler::getInstance();
// I like to be explicit about the Qt::QueuedConnection. Default behavior should be thread safe, though.
connect( lcmHandler, &LCMHandler::messageReceived,
this, &Consumer::processMessage, Qt::QueuedConnection );
// Add a std::atomic< bool > _isActive to LCMHandler
if( not lcmHandler.isActive() )
And then make sure to properly close your QThread in the destructor.

print trace of signals/slots called

Is there a way to print the signals and slots being called?
I'm experiencing a weird deadlock in Qt which happens only in particular conditions across multiple threads, and I'd like to know the order of signals/slots being called.
Of course, for slots, I write the method body, and in the worst scenario, I can manually add a print out of the method. But the body of signals is generated automatically, so it is not possible, unless I write a custom moc, which seems like an overkill for this task...
If one leverages the built-in hooks, it's possible to automatically instrument all signals, and all slots connected using the Qt 4 connect syntax. Unfortunately, QtPrivate::QSlotObject doesn't implement these hooks: slots connected using the Qt 5 syntax need to be instrumented manually (e.g. by connecting a functor to them, or adding code to them).
Signal notifications can be relied on for connected signals. Objects with no signals, and some signals of objects with other connections, will not be reported. This is presumably what you want.
#include <QtCore>
#include <private/qobject_p.h>
int signalToMethodIndex(const QMetaObject * mo, int signal)
Q_ASSERT(signal >= 0);
for (int i = 0; i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
if (mo->method(i).methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) {
if (signal == 0) return i;
-- signal;
return -1;
class Spy {
static QThreadStorage<bool> entered;
static void signalBegin(QObject *caller, int signalIndex, void **) {
if (entered.localData()) return;
QScopedValueRollback<bool> roll{entered.localData(), true};
auto index = signalToMethodIndex(caller->metaObject(), signalIndex);
if (index >= 0)
qDebug() << "SIGNAL" << caller << caller->metaObject()->method(index).methodSignature();
static void slotBegin(QObject *caller, int index, void **) {
if (entered.localData()) return;
QScopedValueRollback<bool> roll{entered.localData(), true};
qDebug() << "SLOT" << caller << caller->metaObject()->method(index).methodSignature();
static void start() {
QSignalSpyCallbackSet set{&signalBegin, &slotBegin, nullptr, nullptr};
qt_signal_spy_callback_set = set;
QThreadStorage<bool> Spy::entered;
struct Class : QObject {
Q_SIGNAL void aSignal();
Q_SLOT void aSlot() { qDebug() << "slot"; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QCoreApplication app{argc, argv};
Class obj;
QObject::connect(&obj, SIGNAL(aSignal()), &obj, SLOT(aSlot()));
emit obj.aSignal();
#include "main.moc"
SIGNAL Class(0x7fff51901af0, name = "obj") "objectNameChanged(QString)"
SIGNAL Class(0x7fff51901af0, name = "obj") "aSignal()"
SLOT Class(0x7fff51901af0, name = "obj") "aSlot()"

Qt with ZeroMQ publish subscribe pattern

I would like to use ZeroMQ(4.1.2) with Qt (5.2.1).
Idea is to have zmq pub/sub (where server is outside) and sub is qt app.
Currently receive in Qt app runs once, could someone drop hint?
Should ZeroMQ receiver be implemented in some other way?
Currently my code looks like:
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();
void readZMQData();
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QSocketNotifier *qsn;
void *context;
void *subscriber;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
/***** ZMQ *****/
context = zmq_ctx_new ();
subscriber = zmq_socket (context, ZMQ_SUB);
int rc = zmq_connect (subscriber, "tcp://localhost:5556");
char *filter = "";
rc = zmq_setsockopt (subscriber, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE,filter, strlen (filter));
unsigned int fd=0;
size_t fd_size = sizeof(fd);
rc = zmq_getsockopt(subscriber,ZMQ_FD,&fd,&fd_size);
qsn = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
connect(qsn, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(readZMQData()), Qt::DirectConnection);
zmq_close (this->subscriber);
zmq_ctx_destroy (this->context);
delete ui;
void MainWindow::readZMQData()
qDebug() << "Got data!";
int events = 0;
std::size_t eventsSize = sizeof(events);
zmq_getsockopt(subscriber,ZMQ_EVENTS, &events, &eventsSize);
if(events & ZMQ_POLLIN){
qDebug() << " ====== Data to read ======";
char *string = s_recv(subscriber);
qDebug() << "DATA: " << string;
And server app is (from ZeroMQ examples):
#include "zhelpers.h"
int main (void)
// Prepare our context and publisher
void *context = zmq_ctx_new ();
void *publisher = zmq_socket (context, ZMQ_PUB);
int rc = zmq_bind (publisher, "tcp://*:5556");
assert (rc == 0);
// Initialize random number generator
srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
while (1) {
// Get values that will fool the boss
int zipcode, temperature, relhumidity;
zipcode = randof (100000);
temperature = randof (215) - 80;
relhumidity = randof (50) + 10;
// Send message to all subscribers
char update [20];
sprintf (update, "%05d %d %d", zipcode, temperature, relhumidity);
s_send (publisher, update);
zmq_close (publisher);
zmq_ctx_destroy (context);
return 0;
First tnx for helping out,
I've found the issue, when ZeroMQ notifies that there is message to read you need to read them all, not just first one.
void MainWindow::readZMQData(int fd)
int events = 0;
std::size_t eventsSize = sizeof(events);
zmq_getsockopt(subscriber,ZMQ_EVENTS, &events, &eventsSize);
if(events & ZMQ_POLLIN){
qDebug() << " ====== Data to read ======";
char *string;
while((string = s_recv_nb(subscriber)) != NULL){
qDebug() << "DATA: " << string;
The socket notifier looks like it should work. Have you read the docs on handling it properly? Especially if you are on Windows, it looks like there are special ways to handle it when doing the read... disabling, reading, etc.
Hope that helps.
As it is not clear what s_recv_nb(zmq::socket_t & socket) is, I'll provide my - slightly more detailed - implemetation of:
void MainWindow::readZMQData()
int events = 0;
std::size_t eventsSize = sizeof(events);
zmq_getsockopt(subscriber,ZMQ_EVENTS, &events, &eventsSize);
if(events & ZMQ_POLLIN){
qDebug() << " ====== Data to read ======";
char *string;
int64_t more;
size_t more_size = sizeof (more);
do {
/* Create an empty ØMQ message to hold the message part */
zmq_msg_t part;
int rc = zmq_msg_init (&part);
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zmq_msg_recv (&part, subscriber, 0);
assert (rc != -1);
/* Determine if more message parts are to follow */
rc = zmq_getsockopt (subscriber, ZMQ_RCVMORE, &more, &more_size);
assert (rc == 0);
string = (char*) zmq_msg_data(&part);
qDebug() << QString(string) ; // << "more" << more;
zmq_msg_close (&part);
} while (more);
And one more remark: in case of Windows 64 the filedescriptor fdshould be uint64_t as in zmq_getsockopt returns EINVAL on windows x64 when local address of ZMQ_FD option_val passed

QSharedMemory::create() issue

I am trying to write a SingleApplication class that will only allow one instance of the program to be running. I am implementing this using QSharedMemory
The program works fine, unless I use a key with the value "42". Is there something wrong I am doing? Is this undefined behavior?
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//QApplication a(argc, argv);
SingleApplication a(argc, argv, "42"); //Does not work with '42'. Will work for any other value.
MainWindow w;;
return a.exec();
class SingleApplication : public QApplication
SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey);
bool alreadyExists() const{ return bAlreadyExists; }
bool isMasterApp() const { return !alreadyExists(); }
bool sendMessage(const QString &message);
public slots:
//void checkForMessages();
//void messageAvailable(const QStringList& messages);
bool bAlreadyExists;
QSharedMemory sharedMemory;
SingleApplication::SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey) : QApplication(argc, argv){
//Create if one does not exist already
qDebug() << "Created!";
bAlreadyExists = false;
if(sharedMemory.error() == QSharedMemory::AlreadyExists){
qWarning() << "Program is already running!";
I propose you next solution. It's tested, but it's doesn't support sending messages between instances. And it resolves some bugs of your solution. Because it is not enough just to test memory. You need to guard a creation of shared memory.
#ifndef RUNGUARD_H
#define RUNGUARD_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QSharedMemory>
#include <QSystemSemaphore>
class RunGuard
RunGuard( const QString& key );
bool isAnotherRunning();
bool tryToRun();
void release();
const QString key;
const QString memLockKey;
const QString sharedmemKey;
QSharedMemory sharedMem;
QSystemSemaphore memLock;
#endif // RUNGUARD_H
#include "RunGuard.h"
#include <QCryptographicHash>
QString generateKeyHash( const QString& key, const QString& salt )
QByteArray data;
data.append( key.toUtf8() );
data.append( salt.toUtf8() );
data = QCryptographicHash::hash( data, QCryptographicHash::Sha1 ).toHex();
return data;
RunGuard::RunGuard( const QString& key )
: key( key )
, memLockKey( generateKeyHash( key, "_memLockKey" ) )
, sharedmemKey( generateKeyHash( key, "_sharedmemKey" ) )
, sharedMem( sharedmemKey )
, memLock( memLockKey, 1 )
QSharedMemory fix( sharedmemKey ); // Fix for *nix:
bool RunGuard::isAnotherRunning()
if ( sharedMem.isAttached() )
return false;
const bool isRunning = sharedMem.attach();
if ( isRunning )
return isRunning;
bool RunGuard::tryToRun()
if ( isAnotherRunning() ) // Extra check
return false;
const bool result = sharedMem.create( sizeof( quint64 ) );
if ( !result )
return false;
return true;
void RunGuard::release()
if ( sharedMem.isAttached() )
I would drop the whole own single application concept implemented by you from scratch personally. The qt-solutions repository has contained the QtSingleApplication class which was ported to Qt 5, too. You ought to be able to use that. There is little to no point in reinventing the wheel in my humble opinion.
Should you still insist on doing it on your own, while your idea seems to be a little strange at first about passing the key to the constructor and not to manage that inside the class transparently, this could be a workaround for your case to make the solution more robust:
SingleApplication::SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey) : QApplication(argc, argv)
if (!sharedMemory.create(5000)) {
while (sharedMemory.error() == QSharedMemory::AlreadyExists) {
// Set a new key after some string manipulation
// This just a silly example to have a placeholder here
// Best would be to increment probably, and you could still use
// a maximum number of iteration just in case.
sharedMemory.setKey(sharedMemory.key() + QLatin1String("0"));
// Try to create it again with the new key
if (sharedMemory.error() != QSharedMemory::NoError)
qDebug() << "Could not create the shared memory:" << sharedMemory.errorString();
qDebug() << "Created!";
bAlreadyExists = false;
Disclaimer: this is just pseudo code and I have never tested it, actually, not even tried to compile it myself!

Obtaining command line arguments in a Qt application

The following snippet is from a little app I wrote using the Qt framework. The idea is that the app can be run in batch mode (i.e. called by a script) or can be run interactively.
It is important therefore, that I am able to parse command line arguments in order to know which mode in which to run etc.
I am debugging using Qt Creator 1.3.1 on Ubuntu Karmic. The arguments are passed in the normal way (i.e. by adding them via the 'Project' settings in the Qt Creator IDE).
When I run the app, it appears that the arguments are not being passed to the application. The code below, is a snippet of my main() function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
try {
QApplication the_app(argc, argv);
//trying to get the arguments into a list
QStringList cmdline_args = QCoreApplication::arguments();
// Code continues ...
catch (const MyCustomException &e) { return 1; }
return 0;
I have identified the problem - for some reason, although argc is correct, the elements of argv are empty strings.
I put this little code snippet to print out the argv items - and was horrified to see that they were all empty.
for (int i=0; i< argc; i++){
std::string s(argv[i]); //required so I can see the damn variable in the debugger
std::cout << s << std::endl;
Does anyone know how I can retrieve the command line args in my application?
If your argc and argv are good, I'm surprised this would be possible as QApplication::arguments() is extremely simple. Note the source code. Filtering the #ifdefs for Linux, it's just:
QStringList QCoreApplication::arguments()
QStringList list;
if (!self) {
qWarning("QCoreApplication::arguments: Please instantiate the QApplication object first");
return list;
const int ac = self->d_func()->argc;
char ** const av = self->d_func()->argv;
for (int a = 0; a < ac; ++a) {
list << QString::fromLocal8Bit(av[a]);
return list;
That's all you've got. There's a Unicode caveat which I would not think would apply to Karmic:
"On Unix, this list is built from the argc and argv parameters passed to the constructor in the main() function. The string-data in argv is interpreted using QString::fromLocal8Bit(); hence it is not possible to pass, for example, Japanese command line arguments on a system that runs in a Latin1 locale. Most modern Unix systems do not have this limitation, as they are Unicode-based."
You might try a copy of that code against your argc and argv directly and see what happens.
Only in order to keep response up-to-date, Qt now provides a dedicated class for parsing command line:
P.S. : can only post this as response and not a comment; I'm sorry because the question was not really how to parse but how to access.
If you are writing a Console only application then you might want to consider using QCoreApplication instead of QApplicition. QCoreApplication is part of QtCore while QApplication is defined in QtGui, so you get an extra and unnecessary dependency.
here is a simple example to have the arguments in a QStringList. Assuming you start the app with argument -q -t
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;;
QString x;
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
qDebug() << x;
QStringList args = x.split("-");
qDebug() << "args="<< args;
return a.exec();
Output is as follow
x= "-q-t"
args= ("q", "t")
Now you have the arguments as a QStringList ..
and here is a complete code i wrote and use in a small application
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>
static QStringList arguments;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;;
//analyze the arguments
//-b: use buidin player and if it does not exist use mpg123 shell to play files
//-t: test the player upon startup and exit
//-s: use the following speaker ID for the test
//-f: use the following file name and path
//syntax: example:
// -b : to use build in player
// -t -s xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -f azanfile.mp3: to test upon startup playing a file
bool useBuildInPlayer;
QString x;
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
arguments << x.split("-"); arguments.removeFirst();
qDebug() << arguments;
if (arguments.indexOf("b")>=0)
bool TestSpeaker = false;
bool spkr=false; QString speaker;
bool playfile=false; QStringList testfiles;
QString filestring;
foreach (QString x, arguments)
if (x.left(1)=="s")
speaker = x.mid(1,-1); //remove the s from the beginning
if (x.left(1)=="f")
if (x=="t")
TestSpeaker = true;
if (TestSpeaker)
if (spkr)
qDebug() << "testing speaker "<< speaker;
qDebug() << "test argument needs speaker -s xx:xx:xx:xx:xx";
if (playfile)
qDebug() << "testing file "<< filestring;
qDebug() << "test file is missing";
if (TestSpeaker && spkr && playfile)
if (useBuildInPlayer) //use build in player
qDebug() << "testing using buildin player";
else // use mpg123 shell
qDebug() << "testing using mpg123 shell";
return a.exec();