regex_error. What's wrong with my regex - c++

I'm getting regex_error for some reason. I also tried it the regular way of using escape characters (this method eliminates the need for escape sequences in c++ 11 by putting R"(something)" )
By the way if anyone was wondering, they are for recognizing lines in xml
When I use a web based regex tester it works fine.
string sstart = R"(\w*+(> ? +[^\\])++>)";
string send = R"(.*<\\\w\w[^m-o][^_]++)";
string sdata = R"([^>]++>[^ ]++)";
regex endtag(send);
regex taganddata(sdata);
regex starttag(sstart);

Syntax of you regular expressions is incorrect because of '++' part.
.+ matches one or more occurrences. But what do you try to match with .++ ?


GAS Regex, Can someone turn make this regex to work in App Script?

From this page,(What is a good regular expression to match a URL?)
we can use regular expression to match a lot of URL,( it works as testing in regex website. somehow it is not working in GAS(Google App Script ) since using it as
var rx = 'https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()#:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)';
regex= string.match(rx)
It always return null as
Info null
However this regex works on this page How can we make it works with GAS?
How can we match something like this in GAS?
Your code is not working because it is not using a regex. It is simply matching one text string against another.
To make it work, use a regex literal, like this:
const rx = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9#:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()#:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)/i;
If you need to use a text string literal for some reason, double escape the text string using \\ in place of \, and apply the RegExp() constructor to make a regex of it.

matching beginning of string and excluding end of string in regex

I have some strings like the following:
and I want to get those only with the "abc4" but without the "pre". So far, my regex is:
But, when I ran this, I got the error:
error parsing regexp: invalid or unsupported Perl syntax: `(?!` .
I now know that this is because lookaheads are not supported in go.
But, I cannot figure out what expression I should use instead of ?!. Does anyone know what will work?
you can do this by multi negated character as
Regex Demo

Does mongo regex query have character limit, if the regex search string is more than that limit it throws error

I am seeing mongo regex query not returning result when the regex searched string is very big, instead its throwing error. I have a scenario where I append lot of names to do a regex and thus my regex search string goes beyond 40000 characters.
{"name":{"$regex" :"name1 | name2 | name3", "$options":"-i"}}
Can you explain why you are doing this?
The idea of a regex is to create a expression with which you match (multiple) value(s).
example expression:
will match on all "namex" vales where x is a decimal.
The idea will be to create a single expression to fullfill your query requirement.
When you want to match on multiple string values you can use $and operator
Yes, mongoDB regex has character limit, originates from perl regex limit.
Because "MongoDB uses Perl compatible regular expressions (i.e. “PCRE” ) version 8.41 with UTF-8 support."MongoDB v3.2
You can see the limitation is 32764 characters:MongoDB add assert of regular expression length
I recently met this issue, and the solution was to use $in query operator instead. $in does not have characters limit. This suits my problem, since it was exact match rather than pattern matching in such long input case.

How do I craft a regular expression to exclude strings with parentheses

I have the following SDDL:
Unfortunately I keep getting this:
And what I want is just (A;;CCDCSW;;;WD).
My regex is: (\(A;.+;WD\)) : find "(A;" some characters ending in ";WD)"
I've tried making the match lazy and I've tried excluding the ")(" pair of characters based on a search of the stackoverflow regex tag looking for examples where others have answered similar questions.
I'm really confused why the exclusion of the parens isn't working:
(\(A;.+[^\(\)]*.+;WD\)) : find "(A;" followed by some characters where none of them are ")('' followed by other characters ending in ";WD)"
And this was my guess at using negative look around:
which didn't match anything.
I'm also doing this in PowerShell v3.0 with the following code:
$RegExPattern = [regex]"(\($ACE_Type;.*;$ACE_SID\))+?"
if ($SDDL -match $RegExPattern) {
$MatchingACE = $Matches[0]
Where in this instance $ACE_Type = "A" and $ACE_SID = "WD".
You almost had the solution with your second regex pattern. The problem was that you included too many . wildcards. This should be all you need:
And of course if you just want to capture the string in between A; and ;WD:
Then just replace with \1.
I simplified this a lot and then added lookarounds so that you only matched the intended string (in between A;...;WD). This looks behind for A;, then matches 1+ non-parenthesis characters, while looking ahead for ;WD.

mongodb regular expressions matching

i am having these kind of strings
where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is some string...
i want to write regular expression which should only match "abc?ref1=app" types of strings and should not match any other string like "abc?ref1=app&xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..i mean it should only and only match "abc?ref1=app" type of strings...
i have written some thing like this /abc\?ref1=app/ ..but this will also match "abc?ref1=app&xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
please tell me how to write regular expression which will only match "abc\?ref1=app"
You do not even need regex here, since mongoDB uses lexographical comparison
a simple
{ "myStr" : { $lte : "abc?ref1=app" }
where myStr is your db key
will work
a string like abc?ref1=app&xyz would be counted as greater than your query.
Add an end-of-line ($) token