See Publication Date for Items in Sitecore - sitecore

I'm trying to figure out how to know when an Item was published in Sitecore. I've looked at the History table in SQL Server and I see when the Item was changed, and also when it moved through every step in the workflow. But I don't see anything that looks like a "Publication" event.

Unfortunately you can't get a published date. You need to implement a custom way to track when items are published.
Please check this blog post:

If tracking the item published date using the History Table, note that the History Table is cleaned-up every 4hrs by default. So, you may end up having no values for the item.
Normally, once an item has been modified, it is inserted into the publish queue table. You may instead track the last published that occurred. You may refer to my blog post:


Power Automate: how to catch which column was updated in Dataverse Connector

I'm starting from a "When a row is added, modified or deleted" connector, i'm passing in a switch connector that controls if the row is added, modified or deleted.
I'm then using the mail node to notify myself if a row is added, modified or deleted, in the case a row is added i have to include in the mail which fields of that row have been modified.
I can't find if this control is possible (check the row and compare it with the pre-modified version) and how to do it.
This is the embrional flow
As requested i'll try to be more detailed.
Please note that this is a POWER AUTOMATE FLOW so there is almost no code.
The CRUD connector takes 3 arguments:
-Change type (When an item is Added, Modified or Deleted)
-The table name (It's the Dataverse table name)
-The scope (Business Unit)
So i need to know if (for example in the output of this connector) there is a variable or other connector that contains which column changed and caused the trigger)
It's a question about the output or possible connectors related to the Dataverse CRUD node so there is NO CODE involved and no more "after-issue" flow specification needed to understand my request
A solution is to create a new field that keeps the current value of the original field and use trigger conditions to make your flow run only when those two fields don't match, meaning that the original field is updated and that its value has changed.

Can we restrict publish subitems count in sitecore if items more than 20

Want to restrict to publish items ,if items count is more than 20.
You could do this with an item validator, so that "the 21st" item and onward would fail validation so that it cannot transition to the final workflow step.
Another, more intrusive, alternative could potentially be having a item:saved processor that could set __Never publish to 1 to the surplus items, so they can't be published.
As a general recommendation, I'd say you should avoid changing the publishing pipeline. Try having all the items in a "good/valid" state instead, like the solutions above, where you don't change the behavior of Sitecore - rather just keep the content in a state that's in line with the application requirements.

Model Post and Topic through DynamoDB

Heres the relation I'm trying to model in DynamoDB:
My service contains posts and topics. A post may belong to multiple topics. A topic may have multiple posts. All posts have an interest value which would be adjusted based on a combination of likes and time since posted, interest measures the popularity of a post at the current moment. If a post gets too old, its interest value will be 0 and stay that way forever (archival).
The REST api end points work like this:
GET /posts/{id} returns a post-object containing title, text, author name and a link to the authors rest endpoint (doesn't matter for this example) and the number of likes (the interest value is not included)
GET /topics/{name} should return an object with both a list with the N newest posts of the topics as well as one for the N currently most interesting posts
POST /posts/ creates a new post where multiple topics can be specified
POST /topics/
creates a new topic
POST /likes/ creates a like for a specified post (does not actually create an object, just adds the user to the given post-object's list of likers, which is invisible to the users)
The problem now becomes, how do I create a relationship between topics and and posts in DynamoDB NoSql?
I thought about adding a list of copies of posts to tag entries in DynamboDB, where every tag has a list of both the newest and the most interesting Posts.
One way I could do this is by creating a cloudwatch job that would run every 10 minutes and loop through every topic object, finding both the most interesting and newest entries and then replacing the old lists of the topic.
Another job would also have to regularly update the "interest" value of every non archived post (keep in mind both likes and time have an effect on the interest value).
One problem with this is that a lot of posts in the Tag list would be out of date for 10 minutes in case the User makes a change or deletes the post. Likes will also not be properly tracked on the Tags post list. This could perhaps be solved with transactions, although dynamoDB is limited to 10 objects per transaction.
Another problem is that it would require the add-posts-to-tags job to load all the non archived posts into memory in order to manually sort them by both time and interest, split them up by tag and then adding the first N of both sets to the tag lists every 10 minutes.
I also had a another idea, by limiting the tags of a post that are allowed to 1, I could add the tag as a partition key, with the post-time as the sort key, and use a GSI to add Interest as a second sort key.
This does have several downsides though:
very popular tags may be limited to a single parition since all the posts share a single partition key
Tag limit is 1
A cloudwatch job to adjust the Interest value of posts may still be required
It would require use of a GSI which may lead to dangerous race conditions
But it would have the advantage that there are no replications of the post objects aside from the GSI. It would also allow basically infinite paging of all posts by date instead of being limited to just the N newest posts.
So what is a good approach here? It seams both of my solutions have horrible dealbreakers. Is this just one of those problems that NoSQL simply can't solve?
You are trying to model relational data using a non relational DB ,
to do this I would use 2 types of DB ,
I would store in dynamo the post information
in your example it would be :
GET /posts/{id}
POST /posts/
POST /likes/creates
For the topic related information I would use Elastic search (Amazon Elasticsearch Service)
GET /topics/{name} : the search index would stored the full topic info as well post id's that , and the relevant fields you want to search for (in your case update date to get the most recent posts)
what this will entail is background process (in dynamoDB this can be done via streams) that takes changes to the dynamoDB for new post's , update to like count etc.. and populates the search index.
Note: this can also be solved using graphDB but for scaling purposes better separate the source of the data (post's ) and the data relations (topic).

My test script is not finding items in dynamic web list control - list in code not updated with current info

I am having a problem in QTP with selection of a web list box and I have exhausted what I know to do to resolve it. I am hoping someone can help.
There are 5 controls in a container, 2 webedit controls and 3 weblist controls. Together, they allow entry of accounts associated with a customer, and there can be 16 accounts for any customer. There are only ever five controls active at any time, whether editing or entering information for an account. When the information for an account is entered and accepted, it changes to a read-only table row and a new set of controls appears below it for entry of the next account.
The information entered in these controls is the account number, type, description, designation, and status. The status value is contingent on the designation, and the items in the list change dynamically depending on what the user specifies for the designation. The status list is not enabled until the designation is specified.
After some experimenting with timing, I was able to get past an issue where the status list for the first account was seen by QTP as disabled even though it was clearly enabled. I was then able to advance to entry of the second account.
I change the designation on the second account and try to select an appropriate item (specified in a data table) in the status list. My specification from the data table is never found. I figured it was a problem with verbiage differences and also that I should probably anticipate that and address it now, so I wrote a function to accept three parameters, the list and up to two search items. My function searches the listbox passed to it and looks for a match (full or partial) on the search items it receives. Here is where I encountered a significant problem.
The list of the control my function received was from the previous iteration of the test, corresponding to the designation of that account. This is why my function was not finding the selection item. The list on the screen shows the appropriate items, which suggests that I am looking at the wrong object. I also get the ‘object is disabled’ message when I put my data table value directly into the list with the select statement.
The active controls are displayed below the readonly presentation of the previously entered accounts. I am very new to QTP, but I also read documentation. My only theory at this point is that ATP is not passing the right list to my function… that perhaps that how it was learned included the position, which will change each time. However, the spy identifies the screen control as the same item I processed for the preceding account, which makes my theory suspect. In addition, the other four controls, which are not dynamically changing, do not present the same problem. I can put the information in them consistently.
I apologize for the length of this question, but I wanted to be as thorough and clear as possible. Can anyone help me get past this obstacle.
There are many possiblities why it is exposing this behaviour, so let's start with something simple:
Did you try a myWebList.Refresh call before you do something with the listbox? Refresh re-identifies the object.
Have you put a break point (red dot) inside the custom function. Just see what is happening there. With the debug viewer you can enter a realtime command in the scope of that function like msgbox myWebList.exist(0) or myWebList.Highlight
Can you see how the disabled property is propagated to the webpage? If you can 'Object Spy' it as TO property, you can add it in the GUI Map description.
A more sophisticated aproach is to create a Description with the weblist properties. If you can read the disabled property as an RO property from the 'Object Spy', you can use it as an identifier like "attribute/customDisabledProperty:=false".
If you cannot correctly read the disabled property, you can create a description object and do a count on the amount of items that match that description on that page with numberOfLists = Browser("my browser").Page("my page").ChildObjects(myDescription).Count and get the last list with Set lastList = Browser("my browser").Page("my page").ChildObjects(myDescription)(numberOfLists-1)
Keep us informed. Depending on how this works out, we can work into a direction for a solution.
I figured this out early this morning. There are 4 different list boxes used, each made visible or enabled dependent on the selection of the previous list. This is why the spy found the one listed when I was using it and also why the items in the list were not appropriate to what I had selected and also why it appeared disabled to QTP but enabled to me.
I was selecting the same designation when trying to spy it. It was intuitive that the controls were all the same. I am also a windows programmer and I would have populated the same list each time with the appropriate list items, and I presumed that was what the web developer was doing. It was not and it took some time to figure that out. Now that I figured it out, everything is working fine, and I came back to report that. This was a significant, time-intensive lesson.
Thank you very much for your input. It is still useful because I am very new to QTP and every thing I learn is of value.

Sitecore: Get child items of parent item when the items are in publish restricted period

I am trying to get the children items of a Item.,of which some of the child items applied publish restrictions and there end date had expired.
I want to collect all the child items, whether it's end expired or not.
when i debugged my code i got only those items which have end date in time.
I have used following code
var childItems=item.GetChildren();
the child items collection is collecting only those child items which have there end date in time.
is there any method to collect all the items??
I have asked in sitecore forum, they asked to get child items from master database, but that approach also not working. i have tried following code also.
Sitecore.Data.Database master = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Item parentNode= master.GetItem("ItemNAme");
var childItems=parentNode.GetChildren();
The childitems is only collecting those child items whose end date is not expired
Please suggest me some solution for this
Thanks in advance
What you said about going to the master database is correct, as the master contains all versions of all pieces of content, not just publicly published content. I would wrap your code in a SecurityDisabler() in case that is somehow interfering with getting the right items.
using(new SecurityDisabler()) {
Sitecore.Data.Database master = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Item parentNode= master.GetItem("ItemNAme");
var childItems=parentNode.GetChildren();
The reason you find this problem is not related to security.
When IsPreview is true (cookie based) and Filtering on the site config is allowed you will not get Items with publishing restrictions. This functionality is from the implementation of the PageEditor Preview where you need to browse the master database as if published items where not visible.
See the answers on Sitecore Publishable flag makes it impossible to GetItem() from Master database