django + IIS fastcgi, some problems - django

I've successfully managed to setup django + IIS with fastcgi using this guide:
I've came across some problems:
1. I can't find a way to see error log - the python traceback, in apache with wsgi the traceback can be found in error.log, how can the same be done with IIS?
I've noticed that once in a while, after the site is "inactive" (no connections for a while), the next first request will be very slow. I've found related questions like this:
IIS and ISAPI-WSGI = very slow
But the accepted answer isn't going to be very useful to me, since I need to run it on IIS. /

1. your WSGI_LOG location needs to be writable by the user your site runs under (the application pool user), so check the file permissions.
2: what's your IIS version? A slow application start-up is normal, but starting from IIS 7.5 you can enable AlwaysRunning as the application pool Start Mode, so the application pool is automatically started after a shut down. Do check your Idl Time-out (minutes) and Idle Time-out Action settings as well.


django same localhost not responding in another browser or second instance

my new created django project working fine with this information
Django version 2.1.7, using settings 'django_server_api.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
running fine
then i opened in one browser is loaded quickly working quickly.
but if i open same local host in another browser it is taking more than 5 minutes, i dont know what is the issues? may be django is like this? or do i need to change any config in the setting,py file ?
Some browsers (Firefox) has a problem browsing to localhost on some Windows machines.
You can solve it by switching off ipv6, which isn't really recommended.
Using directly is another way round the problem.
Note : If there are heavy media is can also slow downs django

Django development server hangs and suddenly does all requests on CTRL+C

I am using django for a REST API at my company and have a few people using the first small part of my app via a Samsung tablet. They connect via WiFi to a angular front-end on Apache, that makes API requests to my django development server.
But every now and again the server just freezes intermittently. The front end would work and you can navigate it, but no API calls are going through. And then when ever I press CTRL+C on the development server console, suddenly all the request go through. Depending on how long someone have struggle, there may be 20 API requests that all go through.
At these moments even when I change something in Django in vs-code, nothing happens server side, but when I press CTRL+C suddenly even ALL the server restarts also go through. So I can see that all the request are standing in line just waiting for the server to wake up and then they are all processed. It also looks to me if this mostly happens with the tablet (and not my desktop), where we are using Chrome.
I read that the server is now multi threaded, so that can not be the problem, and I also do not have anti-virus that can stop the server requests.
I do not really know what else to say, it has been 2 weeks of frustration now and continual searching for answer with no luck.
I suspect that the issue is with you using the dev server, where one request is taking too long. If you already have apache installed you can use mod_wsgi to connect to Django like described here
Django With Apache

ColdFusion Site Keeps Crashing Every Day

I have a Windows Server 2008 with IIS 6. There are 5 ColdFusion 9 sites running on the server. There are 2 specific sites that keep crashing every day and I am not able to track down the cause of the crash. The site simply stops responding to any requests. At the time of crash the SQL server looks good (no deadlocks found).
In order to bring the site back online I just need to restart the ColdFusion server or IIS services. ColdFusion logs look good and there is no error found in the IIS logs of the site. There is enough space on the 'C' drive so that the logs can grow.
What else am I missing? Please help me to find the cause of crash.
If you are using apache server there might be location that was missing or wrongly declared. try to see the config or log files. if you are using IIS then there might be a connector problem. Try to create a new application pool

External request limit on IIS

I have deployed django application on IIS. The application requests external link (API) to extract some data.
What I have seen is, it makes requests but fails to complete full request. It goes for about 4 request sometimes it goes further 9 requests and stops there. No sign of error is shown.
While I perform same task from django shell, all requests are made. So I guess this is something related to IIS.
I am new to IIS and windows server app deployment.
I tried googling about this but I could not find any relevant answer.
Did anyone of you here faced similar problem? If so what can be the solution. Also can you guide me on this?

SL Out of browser app - SecurityException

My SL5 out-of-browser application works on one computer, but not on another computer.
On both computers the application is built in, and started from, VS2012 running as Administrator.
The SecurityException occurs here:
A possibly related issue: On the computer that throws the exception, the app runs in the default browser, while on the other computer the app runs out-of-browser.
Any insights will be appreciated...
The related issue is spot on: you can't access local folders with a standard Silverlight in browser app, but you can with an OOB one.
So you have either to restrict your functionality to Out-of-Browser mode or enable elevated priviledges in browser (which is quite painful, see various questions on SO: search results).