Fatal error in reader: makefile, unexpected end of line seen [duplicate] - c++

I am having some issues with a makefile I am creating for a school project. I am compiling and assembling a C file and a SPARC assembly file (respectively) and linking them. I'm working in a Unix environment. Here is the makefile:
proj09.exe: proj09.driver.o proj09.support.o
<tab>gcc -Wall proj09.driver.o proj09.support.o -o proj09.exe
proj09.driver.o: proj09.driver.c /user/cse320/Projects/project09.support.h
<tab>gcc -Wall -c proj09.driver.c /user/cse320/Projects/project09.support.h
proj09.support.o: proj09.support.s
<tab>gcc -Wall proj09.support.s
When I try to make it, though, I get a reader error, specifically:
"Fatal error in reader: proj09.makefile, line 2: Unexpected end of line seen"
Now I know that usually this means that something is formatted incorrectly, but I have no idea what it could be in this case. Also, I am not 100% sure that this is the correct code for the makefile (specifically the assembling of my support.s file, and the linking of both files). I apologize if this is a repeat question, I looked through the archives beforehand and couldn't find anything of use. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I don't see why this would make a difference, but I am using gedit to actually write the code and then transferring the files into SSH for linking.

As Joachim told you, the lines should be indented by tab, not by spaces, so the second line should look like:
[TAB]gcc -Wall proj09.driver.o proj09.support.o -o proj09.exe[NEWLINE]
where [TAB] means TAB character.
Also there shouldn't be any spaces after the command. That's why I've put [NEWLINE] char.

Aside from the spaces and tabs, this doesn't generate an object file, shouldn't even compile (unless it has main()):
gcc -Wall proj09.support.s
You should use -c here too:
gcc -Wall -c proj09.support.s
Note: if you're working on Unix/Linux lose the .exe


Compile Pro*C in AIX 7 (64bit)

I try to migrate the old Pro*C program from HP to AIX, after changed some setting, I can make the binary file but fail to execute. Seems I now facing wrong library used (lib32/libclntsh.a).
Here is the error
0509-036 Cannot load program PROGNAME because of the following errors:
0509-150 Dependent module SOMEPATH/lib32/libclntsh.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
0509-103 The module has an invalid magic number.
I build the program by setting object mode to 64
export OBJECT_MODE=64
Here is the full image when I make the binary
/PATHA/bin/oraxlc -O3 -q64 -DSS_64BIT_SERVER -I. -c MYPROG.c "MYPROG.c", line 2051.25: 1506-342 (W) "/*" detected in comment.
/PATHA/bin/oraxlc -o GLMJLUSB GLMJLUSB.o -L/PATHA/lib/ -lclntsh -lld -lm `cat /PATHA/lib/sysliblist` -lm -lc_r -lpthreads +DD64
/PATHB/bin/.orig/xlc: 1501-228 (W) input file +DD64 not found
Is there any way I can specify not to use the problem library, and use the 64bit version instead?
I don't know much about Pro*C and AIX, so any help is welcome. Thanks.
(Not really an answer yet, expect many edits).
Do you have a Makefile? If not, create one:
PROC = ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/proc
PROCFLAGS = code=ansi lines=yes
Keep improving it, until you can successfully precompile your *.pc files into *.c files.
Note: it is way easier, if you have GNU!make instead of prehistoric!make

can you create a c++ file from an .o object file with makefile?

What I'm trying to do is create a c++ file from an object file but I cannot figure out a way to do so.
INCLUDEDIR = ../headers
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 -I $(INCLUDEDIR) -Wall -Wfatal-errors -O2
primeFactors.o: primeFactors.cpp $(INCLUDEDIR)/primeFactors.h
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
When I try to build this I get
make: *** No rule to make target 'primeFactors.cpp', needed by
'primeFactors.o'. Stop.
which I understand but when I take out the primeFactor.cpp argument I then get told there is nothing to be done with the make file. So is there a way to do this?
In general; no, you cannot do that. An object file (.o file) is the result of the code passing through the compiler front-end (to parse the language) the optimizer (to make it run fast) and the compiler back-end (to produce code that will run on your CPU).
This process is not reversible. You cannot go from compiled code back to source.
can you create a c++ file from an .o object file with makefile?
A makefile will allow you to do that only if you have an underlying tool to do it. make, which uses makefiles to do its job, does not have any built-in mechanisms to pull that off.
Your makefile has a rule for building primeFactors.o.
primeFactors.o: primeFactors.cpp $(INCLUDEDIR)/primeFactors.h
It says that primeFactors.cpp and $(INCLUDEDIR)/primeFactors.h are needed to build primeFactors.o. If you don't have those files, or no rules to build them, there is no way for make to build primeFactors.o.

g++ switch to not include own symbolic function names (and debugging data) -?

Haven't found one, but is there a switch to exclude any debugging data as well as clear-text references to local (own) functions in generated code?
Simple example:
void setenv( char* in_str ) {
...gives me a readable "setenv" name in the executable, which is really not needed, unless it's an interpretive language.
Also in the executable - text names of variables, which is even stranger.
So far tried Solaris strip, GNU strip, g++ -O0 and -s switches. The only way to remove the symbols in question was "strip --strip-all" from the object file (but not the executable), but then it won't link.
So it looks like Richard C is right, and this is indeed needed for lib* runtimes.
You can either use the gnu strip command line tool, or link with the gcc -s flag. Note though, the only benefit will be decreased file size. This part of the binary is only loaded into memory if you run the app in a debugger or you generate a stack trace. I prefer to use the strip command, because you can save the debug info separately and load if it you want to get a stack trace for some reason.
g++ -o myexecutable ...
strip --strip-unneeded myexecutable
g++ -s -o myexecutable a.o b.o c.o ...

makefile to compile an executable in linux shell script [duplicate]

This question already exists:
writing a Makefile that compiles an executable [closed]
Closed 9 years ago.
Apologize in advance, I asked a similar question earlier but I didn't get a clear answer and I'm desperate since I've been trying to figure it out for 6 hours without a teacher and since my assignments due tonight I just can't take it any more. I have directory with just one file in it: "proj1.cpp" with a lot of code on it. I need to use a file 'makefile' in the same directory (it's named makefile), in order to "compile an executable called: proj1.x". (I have to do this in Linux by the way, through an SSH shell).
I'd really appreciate if someone could sort of walk me through step my step instructions how / why to do this for my situation and not just redirect me to a different page? I only ask because I know the solution is easy to an experienced programmer.
You can do the job very simply:
proj1.x: proj1.cpp
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o $# proj1.cpp
That's two lines of makefile. There must be a Tab at the start of the second line. The first line says that proj1.x depends on proj1.cpp; if proj1.cpp is newer than proj1.x (or proj1.x does not exist), then do the actions on the second line. The second line runs the C++ compiler to produce proj1.x (that's the $#; you could write proj1.x there if you wanted to, though $# is better in the long run). I'm assuming your make uses ${CXX} for the C++ compiler, and ${CXXFLAGS} for the compiler options. If you need extra libraries, you can add those. Etc.
That's a completely bare-bones makefile. It will probably get you going. (Incidentally, 188 lines of code is not a lot.)
Adding libraries:
LDLIBS = -lxyz -lpqr
proj1.x: proj1.cpp
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o $# proj1.cpp ${LDFLAGS} ${LDLIBS}
Note that many (probably most) people use the alternative $(VAR) notation in preference to ${VAR}. I prefer the curly brace notation, so that's what I use unless there's a coding standard to the contrary — but you've been informed of the alternative.
Note that source files and object files are listed before libraries unless you've got a very good reason to do otherwise.

F77: problem to compile with g77 a program which was normally compiled with Absoft compiler

I am not a Fortran programmer (just a short experience), but I need to compile a program partly written in F77. Someone has compiled it with Absoft compiler before me, but now I need to repeat the procedure on another machine with g77. For Absoft, the makefile has
f77 -f -w -O -B100 -B108 -c *.f
mv *.f flib && mv *.o olib
f77 -B100 -o runme olib/*.o clib/*.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -L$PVM_ROOT/lib/$PVM_ARCH -lfpvm3 -lpvm3 -L$ABSOFT/lib -lU77
I have modified these lines to be
g77 -w -O -B100 -B108 -c *.f
mv *.f flib && mv *.o olib
g77 -B100 -o runme olib/*.o clib/*.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -L$PVM_ROOT/lib/$PVM_ARCH -lfpvm3 -lpvm3 -lgfortran -lgfortranbegin
But I get the following error messages
somefile.f:(.text+0x93): undefined reference to `for_open'
somefile.f:(.text+0xf4): undefined reference to `for_write_seq_fmt'
somefile.f:(.text+0x128): undefined reference to `for_write_seq_fmt_xmit'
somefile.f:(.text+0x454): undefined reference to `for_read_seq'
How can I fix this?
If I add -libifcore to the end of the last line (linker), then I get
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -libifcore
I have located the library
$ find /opt/intel/* -name 'libifcore*'
But even if I do the following in the source directory
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/fce/9.1.036/lib/
$ ln -s /opt/intel/fce/9.1.036/lib/libifcore.so
it is not found.
Moreover, it is the same machine where I get another problem How to pass -libm to MPICC? libimf.so: warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail
It seems that the compiler should find the library, if needed
Absoft accepted an extended version of Fortran 77 that is not completely compatible with the extended version of Fortran 77 accepted by g77.
So there is no guarantee that you can do this without editing the code. I seem to recall that the Absoft compiler accepted a handy initialization syntax that can not be replicated with g77.
If you want to compile & link using g77, the easiest way is to use the command "g77". (What compiler does f77 invoke on your computer? Try "f77 -v" or similar to find out...) It should automatically find the g77 Fortran-specific libraries. You should not need to explicitly link to Fortran libraries, and especially not to the libraries of gfortran, which is a different compiler. You could also compile & link with gfortran -- it will probably recognize that the source code is Fortran 77 and compile appropriately if the files have the correct file type, otherwise you will have to use options -- for this compiler, use the command "gfortran".
With g77 and gfortran it should not need Intel libraries -- maybe f77 is connected to ifort, the Intel compiler, on your computer?
Edited later:
I suggest trying something simpler first to test your setup.
Try this FORTRAN 77 program as file "junk.f"
write (6, *) "Hello World"
Try this command:
g77 junk.f -o junk.exe
Run it via:
This will test whether g77 is working.
it looks like you are trying to link with libifcore.
You can include this library by adding
'-lifcore' to your compiler options. To quote the gcc tutorial
In general, the compiler option -lNAME will attempt to link object files with a library file ‘libNAME.a’ in the standard library directories.
why do you use g77 and not gfortran?
what do you mean with multiprocessing? openmp or vectorized?
you can use openmp with the gfortran compiler and when you want to use vector mode like the ifort compiler does, you have to specify sse explicitly in the compiler options.
It seems that the problem was in an error in one of the source files, which wasn't a big deal for Absoft compiler. g77 was giving a warning about it, but compiling this file and producing the original errors (mentioned in the question) without a binary.
When I tried ifort, compilation of that file was aborted, but other files were compiled and a binary was created.
fortcom: Error: somefile.f, line 703: An extra comma appears in the format list. [)]
& (1p5e12.3,5h ...,))
compilation aborted for somefile.f (code 1)
When I removed the extra comma, then both compilers have compiled everything and created binaries, although ifort produced a number of warnings.
Then, when I tried to run both binaries, the one made by Intel comiler was working fine, but the one by g77 was behaving very strange and didn't really do what I wanted.
So now the original problem is resolved, however the code doesn't run in multiprocessing mode, so the binary is unfortunately useless for me.