Copy directory content - c++

I want to copy the content o directory(tmp1) to another directory(tmp2). tmp1 may contain files and others directories. I want to copy the content of tmp1 (including the mode) using C/C++. If tmp1 contains a tree of directories I want to copy them recursively.
What is the simplest solution?
I found a solution to open the directory and read every entry and copy it with cp command. Any simpler solutions?

I recommend using std::filesystem (merged to ISO C++ as of C++17!)
Shamelessly copied from
std::filesystem::copy("/dir1", "/dir3", std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive);
Read more about it:
experimental::filesystem linker error

Recently I had the same need, so I have developed the next chunk of code in order to solve the problem. I hope it helps to another people in the same situation.
#include <iostream>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
bool is_dir(const char* path);
void copyFile_(string inDir, string outDir);
void copyDir_(const char *inputDir, string outDir);
int main()
string srcDir = "C:\\testDirectory";
string destDir = "C:\\destDir";
copyDir_(srcDir.c_str(), destDir);
return 0;
void copyDir_(const char *inputDir, string outDir)
struct dirent *entry;
string tmpStr, tmpStrPath, outStrPath, inputDir_str = inputDir;
if (is_dir(inputDir) == false)
cout << "This is not a folder " << endl;
if( pDIR = opendir(inputDir_str.c_str()) )
while(entry = readdir(pDIR)) // get folders and files names
tmpStr = entry->d_name;
if( strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") != 0 )
tmpStrPath = inputDir_str;
tmpStrPath.append( "\\" );
tmpStrPath.append( tmpStr );
cout << entry->d_name;
if (is_dir(tmpStrPath.c_str()))
cout << "--> It's a folder" << "\n";
// Create Folder on the destination path
outStrPath = outDir;
outStrPath.append( "\\" );
outStrPath.append( tmpStr );
copyDir_(tmpStrPath.c_str(), outStrPath);
cout << "--> It's a file" << "\n";
// copy file on the destination path
outStrPath = outDir;
outStrPath.append( "\\" );
outStrPath.append( tmpStr );
copyFile_(tmpStrPath.c_str(), outStrPath.c_str());
bool is_dir(const char* path)
struct stat buf;
stat(path, &buf);
return S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode);
void copyFile_(string inDir, string outDir)
CopyFile(inDir.c_str(), outDir.c_str(), 1);
DWORD Error = GetLastError();


How to load all files and directory to memory in c++

I'm doing a program to management of directories and their contents and I want to run a program in determinate directory and load this directory and all the files contained to memory. And return true in case of bee successful.
Example I have a folder that contain 3 files(center.txt, main.csv, re.txt) and 2 folders(1, 2) inside folder 1 is the file(file.txt). I want load this to memory, the files and the directory( and the files that determinate directory contains).
I want to do I pre-run the directory and while find a file load them to memory.
I have this code to list the files. I want now load to memory
void Load(const string &path) {
ifstream inn;
string str;
string c = path;
const char *f = c.c_str();
struct dirent *entry;
if (pDIR = opendir(f)) {
while (entry = readdir(pDIR)) {
cout << entry->d_name << "\n";
Piece of code to loop through recursively and load file contents as strings into map. Hope this helps:
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
std::map<std::string, std::string> Load(const std::string& path) {
// Map with file name and contents
std::map<std::string, std::string> files;
const char* f = path.c_str();
pDIR = opendir(f);
if (!pDIR) {
return files;
struct dirent* entry;
while ((entry = readdir(pDIR))) {
std::string fileName = std::string(entry->d_name);
// Skip current dir and parent dir
if (fileName == "." || fileName == "..") {
// Add current path to the filename
fileName = path + "/" + fileName;
// This is directory, load recursively
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
std::cout << "Found directory: " << fileName << std::endl;
auto ret = Load(fileName);
// Merge files
files.insert(ret.begin(), ret.end());
std::cout << "Found file: " << fileName << std::endl;
// Read file contents and add it to map
std::ifstream file(fileName);
std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
files[fileName] = content;
return files;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto files = Load(".");
return 0;

issue while creating binary files

I've written this code, which it get the repository and look for the files within. it aims to create binary files for each file found so as to write some data inside it later. However, the code is not running as expected. and the binary file are not created this the issue.
the directory has two images, and the output I get is as follows :
Creating bin files
Error: failed to create file
Press <RETURN> to close this window...
I really do not know where I miss it. Any advice I'd be glad.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream> // for standard I/O
#include <string> // for strings
#include <iomanip> // for controlling float print precision
#include <sstream> // string to number conversion
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void getDir(string d, vector<string> & f)
FILE* pipe = NULL;
string pCmd = "dir /B /S " + string(d);
char buf[256];
if( NULL == (pipe = _popen(pCmd.c_str(),"rt")))
while (!feof(pipe))
if(fgets(buf,256,pipe) != NULL)
void replaceExt(string& s, const string& newExt) {
string::size_type i = s.rfind('.', s.length());
if (i != string::npos) {
s.replace(i+1, newExt.length(), newExt);
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
vector<string> files;
string path = "C:\\repo";
getDir(path, files);
vector<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
cout<<"Creating bin files "<<endl;
ofstream myOfstream;
while( it != files.end())
string fileName = (string) *it;
replaceExt(fileName, "bin");
cout << fileName << '\n';
std::stringstream ss;
ss << fileName << "" ;, fstream::binary);
if ( !myOfstream )
std::cerr << "Error: failed to create file " << '\n';
return 0;
First I have to say, if you directory you are looking for doesn't exists or is empty, the program gets locked, it would be nice to have that fixed if making a bigger program.
Then, for your case, I don't see whars the point of that stringstream, so I tried removing that, and changing it by a normal string, removing the last \n character you get from reading the filenames:
cout << fileName << '\n';
string ss = fileName.substr(0, fileName.size() - 1);, fstream::binary);
if (!myOfstream)
hope it helps
I found the issue bro, after debugging ;D
the problem is in the "newline", the string fileName has a "\n" at the end that's whats rise your error. Thus you have to erase it, I ve used this statement fileName.erase(std::remove(fileName.begin(), fileName.end(), '\n'), fileName.end());
and I included algorithm lib.
the working code is as follows :
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream> // for standard I/O
#include <string> // for strings
#include <iomanip> // for controlling float print precision
#include <sstream> // string to number conversion
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
void getDir(string d, vector<string> & f)
FILE* pipe = NULL;
string pCmd = "dir /B /S " + string(d);
char buf[256];
if( NULL == (pipe = _popen(pCmd.c_str(),"rt")))
while (!feof(pipe))
if(fgets(buf,256,pipe) != NULL)
void replaceExt(string& s, const string& newExt) {
string::size_type i = s.rfind('.', s.length());
if (i != string::npos) {
s.replace(i+1, newExt.length(), newExt);
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
vector<string> files;
string path = "C:\\repo";
getDir(path, files);
vector<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
cout<<"Creating bin files "<<endl;
ofstream myOfstream;
while( it != files.end())
string fileName = (string) *it;
replaceExt(fileName, "bin");
cout << fileName << '\n';
fileName.erase(std::remove(fileName.begin(), fileName.end(), '\n'), fileName.end());
std::stringstream ss;
ss << fileName << "" ;, fstream::binary);
if ( !myOfstream )
std::cerr << "Error: failed to create file " << '\n';
return 0;

Traversing directory and iterators in c++

I am an absolute newbie to C++ and have only started to program with it 3 days ago.
I am trying to do the folliwng:
traverse a directory for X.X files (typically .), and for each file, do the following:
Search within the file for a string (findFirst) and then search until another string (findLast) - The files will be HTML format.
In this selection, I want to perform several tasks (yet to write) - but they will be the following:
One of the strings will be the Filename I want to write to. - so extract this field and create an outputfile with this name
Some of the lines will be manufacturer part numbers - extract these and format the output file accordingly
most of it will be description of product. Again - this will be in an HTML construct - so extract this and format the output file.
So far, I have managed to get working the traverse directory, and selecting the start and finish keywords - using some help from the internet.
My problem is here
processFiles(inputFileName, "testing", "finish");
I need the inputFileName to be the name of the traversed filename.
All the examples I have found simply print the filename using cout
I need to pass this into the processFiles function.
Can someone tell me what i need to use? i have tried it->c_Str() and other variations of (*it) and .at, .begin etc
my non printing example is below:
// Chomp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
//std::ifstream inFile ( "c:/temp/input.txt" ) ;
std::ofstream outFile( "c:/temp/output.txt") ;
using namespace std;
void openFiles()
if (!(outFile.is_open()))
printf ("Could not Create Output file\n");
bool ListFiles(wstring path, wstring mask, vector<wstring>& files)
wstring spec;
stack<wstring> directories;
while (!directories.empty())
path =;
spec = path + L"\\" + mask;
hFind = FindFirstFile(spec.c_str(), &ffd);
return false;
if (wcscmp(ffd.cFileName, L".") != 0 && wcscmp(ffd.cFileName, L"..") != 0)
if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
directories.push(path + L"\\" + ffd.cFileName);
files.push_back(path + L"\\" + ffd.cFileName);
} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0);
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
return false;
return true;
void processFiles(const wchar_t *inFileName, std::string findFirst,std::string findLast )
std::string findFirst = "testing" ;
std::string findLast = "finish" ;
std::string inputLine ;
int lineNum = 0 ;
char buffer[2048];
size_t found = 0;
std::ifstream inFile; (inFileName); // Open The file
if (inFile.is_open())
while( std::getline( inFile, inputLine ))
++lineNum ;
// printf ("Line len = %d\n ", inputLine.length());
if( (found = inputLine.find(findFirst)) != std::string::npos )
std::cout << "###Line " << lineNum << " At Position [ " << found << " ]\n" ;
sprintf_s(buffer, 2048, "[%-5.5d] %s\n", lineNum, inputLine.c_str());
outFile << buffer ;
bool foundLast = 0;
while( std::getline( inFile, inputLine ))
++lineNum ;
sprintf_s(buffer, 2048, "[%-5.5d] %s\n", lineNum, inputLine.c_str());
if( (found = inputLine.find(findLast)) != std::string::npos )
outFile << buffer ;
break; // Found last string - so stop after printing last line
outFile << buffer ;
// std::cout << "=>" << inputLine << '\n' ;
printf ("Cant open file \n");
inFile.close() ; // Close The file
/// M A I N
int main()
std::ifstream inFile ;
int startLine = 0;
int endLine = 0;
int lineSize = 0;
char buffer[512];
vector<wstring> files; // For Parsing Directory structure
// Start The Recursive parsing of Directory Structure
if (ListFiles(L"C:\\temp", L"*.*", files))
for (vector<wstring>::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
printf ("Filename1 is %s\n", it->c_str());
printf ("Filename2 is %s\n", files.begin());
outFile << "\n------------------------------\n";
//outFile << it << endl;
wcout << it->c_str() << endl;
outFile << "\n------------------------------\n";
const wchar_t *inputFileName = it->c_str();
// processFiles(inputFileName, "testing", "finish");
// getchar();
Make your processFile accept a wstring, viz:
void processFiles(wstring inFileName, std::string findFirst,std::string findLast )
// Make the necessary changes so that you use a wstring for inFileName
Call it from main() using:
processFiles(*it, "testing", "finish");
You need to change processFile to use a wifstream instead of a ifstream and you should change all of your narrow strings to use wide strings (or vice versa). Narrow strings and wide strings are not compatible with each other and in order to use one with the other a conversion function must be used such as mbstowcs.
You can find an example that should compile here.

How can I automatically open the first file in a folder using C++?

How can I automatically open and read the content of a file within a given directory from a C++ application without knowing the file's name?
For example (a rough description of the program):
#include iomanip
#include dirent.h
#include fstream
#include iostream
#include stdlib.h
using namespace std;
int main()
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* entry;
printf("Directory contents: ");
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
return 0;
This will print the name of the first file in that directory. My problem is how to read that particular file's content and save it in a .txt document. Can ifstream do that? (Sorry for my bad English.)
this should do it
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace std;
void show_files( const path & directory, bool recurse_into_subdirs = true )
if( exists( directory ) )
directory_iterator end ;
for( directory_iterator iter(directory) ; iter != end ; ++iter )
if ( is_directory( *iter ) )
cout << iter->native_directory_string() << " (directory)\n" ;
if( recurse_into_subdirs ) show_files(*iter) ;
cout << iter->native_file_string() << " (file)\n" ;
void copyfiles(string s)
ifstream inFile;;
if (!inFile.is_open())
cout << "Unable to open file";
exit(1); // terminate with error
//Display contents
string line = "";
//Getline to loop through all lines in file
cout<<line<<endl; // line buffers for every line
//here add your code to store this content in any file you want.
int main()
show_files( "/usr/share/doc/bind9" ) ;
return 0;
If you're on Windows you can use the FindFirstFile in the Windows API. Here is a short example:
HANDLE myHandle;
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
myHandle = FindFirstFile("C:\\Users\\Toshiba\\Desktop\\links\\*", &findData);
do {
if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY){
cout << "Directoryname is " << findData.cFileName << endl;
cout << "Filename is " << findData.cFileName << endl;
} while (FindNextFile(myHandle, &findData));
Otherwise I'd go with ayushs answer, Boost works for unix systems as well

C++ Multi threaded directory scan code

I was looking how to write a multi threaded C++ code for scanning directory and get list of all files underneath. I have written a single threaded code which can do and below the code which can do that.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat() */
using namespace std;
int isDir(string path)
/*function... might want it in some class?*/
int getdir (string dir, vector<string> &dirlist, vector<string> &fileList)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp, *dirFp ;
if((dp = opendir(dir.c_str())) == NULL) {
cout << "Error(" << errno << ") opening " << dir << endl;
return errno;
while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
if (strcmp (dirp->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") != 0) {
string Tmp = dir.c_str()+ string("/") + string(dirp->d_name);
if(isDir(Tmp)) {
//if(isDir(string(dir.c_str() + dirp->d_name))) {
} else {
// cout << "Files :"<<dirp->d_name << endl;
return 0;
int isDir(string path)
struct stat stat_buf;
stat( path.c_str(), &stat_buf);
int is_dir = S_ISDIR( stat_buf.st_mode);
// cout <<"isDir :Path "<<path.c_str()<<endl;
return ( is_dir ? 1: 0);
int main()
string dir = string("/test1/mfs");
vector<string> dirlist = vector<string>();
vector<string> fileList = vector<string>();
#if 0
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < dirlist.size();i++) {
cout << "Dir LIst" <<dirlist[i] << endl;
//string dirF = dir + "/" + dirlist[i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++)
cout << "Files :"<<fileList[i]<< endl;
return 0;
Now issue is that it is single threaded and I need to scan say about 8000 directories under which file can be present. So I am not getting how to do so as number of directories can vary as it is decided by N dimension matrix.
Any help in this regard will be great. Thanks in advance.
boost::filesystem has directory_iterator and recursive_directory_iterator, the former will get all the contents of a directory but not recurse sub-directories, the latter will also recurse subdirectories.
With regard to thread-safety, you could lock a mutex then copy the results into a std::vector or two vector instances, one for files and one for directories, in which case you will at least have a local snapshot copy.
To actual "freeze" the file-system at that point to stop any process modifying it is not something you can normally do - well you could try setting the file attributes on it to read-only then change it back later but you will need to have permission to do that first.