Why is not saving the changes in the variable? - c++

I'm kind of noobie when it comes to OOP, so I'm probably making a mistake, but I can't find it, here's the part of the code that fails:
The util file is just a file with the error messages
In main.cc:
int main(){
Ship imperialDestroyer(IMPERIAL);
Ship rebelShip(REBEL);
cout<<imperialDestroyer<<endl; //this just print the ship, you can ignore it
imperialDestroyer.improveFighter(); //this is what fails
In Ship.cc:
bool Ship::improveFighter(){
int num, cantidad, cost;
char option, respuesta;
bool improved = false;
cout << "Select fighter number: ";
cin >> num;
num = num-1;
if(num > this->fleet.getNumFighters() || num < 0)
cout << "What to improve (v/a/s)?";
if(option!='v' && option!='a' && option!='s')
cout << "Amount: ";
cin >> cantidad;
if(option == 'v')
cost = 2 * cantidad;
else if(option == 'a')
cost = 3 * cantidad;
else if(option == 's')
cost = (cantidad + 1) / 2;
if(this->fleet.getCredits() < cost)
cout << "That will cost you "<< cost <<" credits. Confirm? (y/n)";
cin >> respuesta;
if(respuesta == 'y'){
this->fleet.improveFighter(num, option, cantidad, cost);
improved = true;
return improved;
In Fleet.cc:
void Fleet::improveFighter(int nf, char feature, int amount, int cost){
if(feature == 'v'){
else if(feature == 'a'){
else if(feature == 's'){
In Fighter.cc:
Fighter Fleet::getFighter(int n) const{
return fighters[n];
void Fleet::improveFighter(int nf, char feature, int amount, int cost){
if(feature == 'v'){
else if(feature == 'a'){
else if(feature == 's'){
For some reason when I try to improve some feature, it won't get saved.

Fighter Fleet::getFighter(int n) const
return fighters[n];
This returns a copy of the Fighter at position n. Modifying a copy won't affect the original.
You could return a Fighter& (i.e. a reference), but since your function is const, that won't work. You're going to have to decide what you want this function to be.


Infix to Postfix using Stacks w/ Professor's Algorithm

Been scratching my head for hours already and I have no clue what my mistake is. I'm following my professor's derived algorithm step by step and I don't know why it isn't working properly.
Here's the derived Algorithm:
Here's the code that I tried to make:
#include <iostream>
#include "ecpe202.h"
#define Max 100
using namespace std;
int getICP(char x){
if (x == ')'){
return 0;
else if (x == '^'){
return 4;
else if (x == '*' || x == '/'){
return 2;
else if (x == '+' || x == '-'){
return 1;
else if (x == '('){
return 4;
int getISP(char x){
if (x == ')'){
return 0;
else if (x == '^'){
return 3;
else if (x == '*' || x == '/'){
return 2;
else if (x == '+' || x == '-'){
return 1;
else if (x == '('){
return 0;
bool isOperator(char ch){
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '^' || ch == '*' || ch == '(' || ch == ')'){
return (true);
return (false);
int main(){
char infix[Max];
char ch;
int length;
myQueue que;
myStack stk;
cout << "Enter an infix Expression: ";
cin >> infix;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "The postfix Expression: ";
length = strlen(infix);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
addQ(que, infix[i]);
while (!isEmptyQ(que)){
ch = retrieveQ(que);
//start of infix to postfix algo
//1. push
if (ch == '('){
pushS(stk, ch);
//2. if scanned is operand
if (!isOperator(ch)){
cout << ch;
//2.1 push if...
if (isEmptyS(stk) || getICP(ch) > getISP(topS(stk)) || topS(stk) == '('){
pushS(stk, ch);
//2.2. pop all operators
while(!isEmptyS(stk) && getISP(topS(stk)) >= getICP(ch) || topS(stk) == '('){
cout << popS(stk);
pushS(stk, ch);
//3. If scanned ')'
bool loop = true;
if (ch == ')'){
if (ch == '('){
loop = false;
cout << popS(stk);
}while(loop == true);
//repeat 1-3
cout << endl;
For the ecpe202.h:
#define FOREVER true
#define MAXSTACK 100
#define MAXQUEUE 100
using namespace std;
struct myStack{
int tos;
char s[MAXSTACK];
struct myQueue{
int head, tail, q[MAXQUEUE];
void createS(myStack &S){
void pushS(myStack &S, char item){
S.s[++S.tos] = item;
char popS(myStack &S){
char topS(myStack S){
return (S.s[S.tos]);
bool isFullS(myStack S){
if(S.tos == MAXSTACK - 1)
return true;
return false;
bool isEmptyS(myStack S){
if (S.tos == -1)
return true;
return false;
void createQ(myQueue &Q){
Q.head = 0;
Q.tail = 0;
void addQ(myQueue &Q, char item){
Q.q[Q.tail++] = item;
Q.tail %= MAXQUEUE;
char retrieveQ(myQueue &Q){
char temp;
temp = Q.q[Q.head++];
Q.head %= MAXQUEUE;
return temp;
bool isFullQ(myQueue Q){
if (Q.tail == MAXQUEUE)
return true;
return false;
bool isEmptyQ(myQueue Q){
if (Q.tail == Q.head)
return true;
return false;
void gotoxy(int x, int y){
COORD coord;
coord.X = x;
coord.Y = y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void clrscr(){
The output that my code:
What seems to be wrong in my program? tried re-reading it a couple of times and I still can't fix it.

Infix/Postfix evaluator terminating issue

I've got a few different functions that on their own work fine. Now I am trying to put them together into one file. My debugger is throwing segmentation faults in the infixToPostfix function.
When I watch the ns variable, it does not show anything getting assigned to it, but it prints out the postfix expression when I actually run the code. When ns passes into PostfixEvaulation, it runs to the top member function of TemplateStack and crashes with:
terminate called after throwing an instance of "std::string"
This only happens when I pass a string with an operator. When I pass a string of just numbers, everything runs fine,
but it still does not seem to call PostfixEvaluation.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
//Class Template Stack declaration
template <class T>
class TemplateStack {
typedef T type;
max_size_ = 50;
TopOfStack = 0;
data_ = new T[max_size_];
} //Default Constructor taking no parameters
void push(T element)
if (TopOfStack == max_size_)
throw string("Stack's underlying storage is overflow");
data_[TopOfStack] = element;
void pop() {
if (TopOfStack == -1)
throw string("Stack is empty");
T top() {
if (TopOfStack == -1)
throw string("Stack is empty");
return data_[TopOfStack];
int TopOfStack; //Generic data type for the top element of stack
size_t max_size_;
T* data_;
//Function to Evauluate the Postfix notation expresion
int PostfixEvaulation(string input){
//string input;
int operand1, operand2, result,number;
stringstream temp;
int i=0;
while (i < input.length())
if (isdigit(input[i]))
operand2 = operation.top();
temp << operation.top();
operand1 = operation.top();
temp << operation.top();
case '+': result=operand1 + operand2;
case '-': result=operand1 - operand2;
case '*': result=operand1 * operand2;
case '/': result=operand1 / operand2;
cout << "The result is: "<<temp.str()<<endl;
//cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
return 0;
//Function to return precedence of operators
int prec(char c)
if(c == '^')
return 3;
else if(c == '*' || c == '/')
return 2;
else if(c == '+' || c == '-')
return 1;
return -1;
//Function: Convert Infix to Postfix
void infixToPostfix(string s)
TemplateStack<char> st;
int l = s.length();
string ns;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
// If the scanned character is an operand, add it to output string.
if ((s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') || (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z')) {
ns += s[i];
// If the scanned character is an ‘(‘, push it to the stack.
else if (s[i] == '(') {
// If the scanned character is an ‘)’, pop and to output string from the stack
// until an ‘(‘ is encountered.
else if (s[i] == ')') {
while (st.top() != 'N' && st.top() != '(') {
char c = st.top();
ns += c;
if (st.top() == '(') {
char c = st.top();
//If an operator is scanned
else {
while (st.top() != 'N' && prec(s[i]) <= prec(st.top())) {
char c = st.top();
ns += c;
//Pop all the remaining elements from the stack
while (st.top() != 'N') {
char c = st.top();
ns += c;
cout << "Here is the ns variable: "<< ns << endl;
PostfixEvaulation(ns);//Call the PostFixEvaluationFunction with the ns (postfix notation) variab
//Function: User inputs Expression
void GetInput(){
string input;
cout << "Enter Infix Expression: ";
getline(cin, input);
int main()

STUCK! Validation with integers, character to integer conversion, ASCII and MIDI

Ok so my C++ knowledge is so little, i've been slowly piecing together a code but in all honesty i'm surprised i've got this far.
Just to outline my task. The user is asked to enter in several notes (musical notes, C-B including Sharps, across 9 octaves) to create a melody line and then again but a bass line. After a note has been entered, a note length must also be
#‎include‬ <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int notenumber;
struct noteStorage
string noteName;
int midiNumber;
int noteLength;
bool ValidateNote(string note)
// Step 1: If note name length is less than 2 OR more than 3, return false
if (note.length() <2 || note.length() >3)
cout<<"Note length must be 2 or 3 characters\n";
return false;
//Step 2: If true, the note must be/(or be) between A and G
else if(tolower(note[0])<'a' || tolower(note[0]) >'g')
cout<<"Note must be A-G\n";
return false;
//Step 3: If true, the last character must be a digit
else if(isdigit(note[note.length()-1]) == false)
cout<<"Last character must be a digit\n";
return false;
//Step 4: If note length is 3 note[1] (character 2) must be '#'.
else if(note.length() == 3 && note[1] != '#')
"Invalid sharp note\n";
return false;
return true;
bool ValidateNoteLength (int length)
//Step 1 - If notelength is not a digit, return FALSE
if (length == false)
cout<<"Note length must be a digit/number, please re-enter";
return false;
//Step 2 - If notelength is less than or equal to 0 or more than 16, return FALSE
if (length <= 0 || length > 16)
cout<<"Note length value cannot be less than 1 or more than 16, please re-enter";
return false;
return true;
int CalculateNoteNumber(string tempName)
int Octave;
int Note;
tempName[0] = toupper(tempName[0]);
Octave = ((tempName[tempName.length()-1]) -48) * 12;
if (tempName.length() == 2)
if(tempName[0] == 'C')
return notenumber = 0;
else if(tempName[0] == 'D')
return notenumber = 2;
else if(tempName[0] == 'E')
return notenumber = 4;
else if(tempName[0] == 'F')
return notenumber = 5;
else if(tempName[0] == 'G')
return notenumber = 7;
else if(tempName[0] == 'A')
return notenumber = 9;
return notenumber = 11;
else if (tempName.length() == 3)
if(tempName[0] == 'C')
return notenumber = 1;
else if(tempName[0] == 'D')
return notenumber = 3;
else if(tempName[0] == 'F')
return notenumber = 6;
else if(tempName[0] == 'G')
return notenumber = 8;
return notenumber = 10;
int main();
noteStorage noteData[8];
//string note;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
cout<<"Please enter note: " << i << ": ";
while (1)
string tempName;
int noteNumber = CalculateNoteNumber(tempName);
if (ValidateNote(tempName) == true)
noteData[i].noteName = tempName;
cout << "Please enter correctly: ";
} //end first while
cout<<"Please enter note length: ";
while (1)
int tempLength;
if (ValidateNoteLength(tempLength) == true)
noteData[i].noteLength = tempLength;
cout << "Please enter correctly: ";
}//end while 2
cout<<"Thank you\n";
} //end for
cout<<"Your note and note lengths are: "<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
cout<<noteData[i].noteName<<"Length: ";
return 0;
entered (with a value in milliseconds). Once the note names and note lengths have been entered, the console then converts the notenames to the corresponding midi numbers, and outputs said midi numbers, note length and note names back to the user.
I've been having the same problem for two days now; everytime I build the solution it comes back with the same error:
"Fatal error C1075, end of file found before last brace '{' was
If anyone could point me the right way to solving this it would be much appreciated!!
You missed a } at the end of int CalculateNoteNumber(string tempName).
You will also have to remove the ; after int main() for your program to compile.
If you would have formatted your code properly you could have fixed these errors on your own.

Infix to Postfix notation C++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert from an infix expression to postfix (C++) using Stacks
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Hello Stack I'm curently atempting to write a RPN converter and I'm new to C++. But I'm running into problems. Hopefully I can explain the problems in detail. Im using an array for stacking my operators. Lets use the example "5 + 8" When I get down to:
else if(infix[i] == '+' or infix[i] == '-' or infix[i] == '*' or infix[i] == '/' or infix[i] == '^'){
while(isp(stack1.top()) >= icp(infix[i])){
postfix += stack1.pop();
if(isp(stack1.top()) < icp(infix[i])){
For some reason it will push the operator onto the stack but then it wont add the operator to the postfix string variable that im adding my elements too. the out put woul be like "5 8" I looked at my pop function and that seems to be correct but im stumped. if you can lead me in the right direction that would be great.
This is my full code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#define DEFAULT_SIZE 100
using namespace std;
class Stack{
char *array;
int tos, capacity;
void push(char a);
char pop();
char top();
int get_size();
bool is_empty();
bool is_full();
void display();
array = new char[DEFAULT_SIZE];
tos = 0;
capacity = DEFAULT_SIZE;
delete[] array;
void Stack::push(char a){
array[tos++] = a;
char Stack::pop(){
return array[--tos];
char Stack::top(){
return array[tos];
int Stack::get_size(){
return tos;
bool Stack::is_empty(){
if(tos == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool Stack::is_full(){
if(tos == capacity)
return true;
return false;
void Stack::display(){
if (tos == 0)
cout<<"The stack is empty"<<endl;
for (int i=0; i<tos;i++)
cout<<array[i]<<" ";
int isp(char a){
if(a == '^'){
return 3;
else if (a == '*' or a == '/'){
return 2;
else if(a == '+' or a == '-'){
return 1;
else if(a == '('){
return 0;
return -1;
int icp(char a){
if(a == '^'){
return 4;
else if (a == '*' or a == '/'){
return 2;
else if(a == '+' or a == '-'){
return 1;
else if(a == '('){
return 4;
int main(){
string infix, postfix;
Stack stack1;
cout << "This is a Infix to Postfix Expression converter." << endl;
cout << "Enter your Infix Expression: ";
cin >> infix;
for(int i=0;i<infix.length();i++){
if(isdigit(infix[i]) or isalpha(infix[i])){
postfix += infix[i];
else if(infix[i] == '+' or infix[i] == '-' or infix[i] == '*' or infix[i] == '/' or infix[i] == '^'){
while(isp(stack1.top()) >= icp(infix[i])){
postfix += stack1.pop();
if(isp(stack1.top()) < icp(infix[i])){
cout << postfix;
return 0;
Also if you know anygood resource sites on C++ RPN converter feel free to share because it would be a very big help! Im going off a random algo. that I found on google.
With your example, you're just pushing the "+" sign on the stack, but you never pop it because after processing the symbol "8", you've left the for loop. I think you need another while loop to empty your stack at the end.
for(int i=0;i<infix.length();i++){
if(isdigit(infix[i]) or isalpha(infix[i])){
postfix += infix[i];
else if(infix[i] == '+' or infix[i] == '-' or infix[i] == '*' or infix[i] == '/' or infix[i] == '^'){
while(isp(stack1.top()) >= icp(infix[i])){
postfix += stack1.pop();
if(isp(stack1.top()) < icp(infix[i])){
// Fetch the remaining operators from the stack
postfix += stack1.pop();
cout << postfix;
Beware of bugs, as I couldn't test this code myself.

Infix to Postfix calculator, implement sin cos and X&Y variables?

I'm pretty green at C++, and I have to make an infix to postfix calculator that supports sin() and cos(), and it has to be a 2 variable function, something like z=3x*sin(3+4y), I already got the parser from infix to postfix, but I don't know how to implement sin and cos, I've been told that I could set them as operator, like +, -, /, etc. and to set a specific token for them, like "s" for sin() and "c" for cos() but I don't exactly know how, and I don't know either how to implement the variables x & y, I know that this is not something I should be asking, but I'm just tired and desperate.
Here's the code I have. I'm using Ubuntu 11:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#define MAX_SIZE 20
using namespace std;
template<class T> class Stack
T item[MAX_SIZE];
int top;
top = -1;
void push(T data)
item[++top] = data;
cout << "Stack Error" << endl;
T pop()
return item[top--];
cout << "Stack is Empty" << endl;
int size()
return top + 1;
bool is_empty()
if(top == -1)
return true;
return false;
bool is_full()
if(top == MAX_SIZE - 1)
return true;
return false;
void display()
for(int i = 0; i < this->size(); i++)
cout << item[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
T return_top()
return item[top];
class Convert
bool num_flag;
bool two_digit_flag;
string return_with_bracket(string infix);
void to_Postfix(string infix,char postfix[]);
bool prcd(char op1, char op2);
int isOperand(char op);
int isOperator(char op);
bool return_flag()
return num_flag;
this->num_flag = false;
this->two_digit_flag = false;
string Convert::return_with_bracket(string infix)
return("(" + infix + ")");
bool Convert::prcd(char op1, char op2)
if((op1 == '+' || op1 == '-' || op1 == '*' || op1 == '/') && op2 == '(')
return true;
if(op1=='+' && op2=='+')
return true;
if(op1=='-' && op2=='-')
return false;
if(op1=='-' && op2=='+')
return false;
if(op1=='+' && op2=='-')
return false;
if(op1=='/' && op2=='/')
return false;
if(op1=='/' && (op2=='-' || op2=='+'))
return true;
if(op1=='*' && (op2=='+' || op2=='-'))
return true;
if((op1 == '-' || op1 == '+') && (op2 =='*' || op2 == '/'))
return false;
if((op1 == '$' || op1 == '+') && (op2 =='*' || op2 == '/' || op2=='-'))
return true;
if((op1 == '-' || op1 == '+' || op1 =='*' || op1 == '/')&& op2=='^')
return false;
if(op1 == '^' && ( op2 == '+' || op2 =='*' || op2 == '/' || op2=='-'))
return false;
int Convert::isOperand(char op)
return(op >= '0' && op <= '9');
int Convert::isOperator(char op)
return(op =='+' || op =='-' || op == '/' || op =='*' || op =='^');
void Convert::to_Postfix(string infix, char postfix[])
int position, outpos=0;
char c;
int count = 0;
char temp;
char stacktop;
Stack<char> stack;
for(position = 0; (c = infix[position]) != '\0'; position++)
postfix[outpos++] = c;
this->num_flag = true;
if(count >= 2)
this->two_digit_flag = true;
else if(this->isOperator(c))
count = 0;
if(isOperator(infix[position]) && isOperator(infix[position + 1]))
cout << " '\' aMissing argument in between " << infix[position] << " and " << infix[position + 1] << " in column " << position + 1 << endl;
if(this->prcd(c, stacktop))
stacktop = stack.return_top();
stacktop = c;
temp = stack.pop();
postfix[outpos++] = temp;
stacktop = stack.return_top();
if(prcd(c, stacktop) || stacktop == '(')
stacktop = stack.return_top();
else if(c == '(')
count = 0;
stacktop = stack.return_top();
else if(c == ')')
count = 0;
if(stack.size() == 0)
cout << "Warning!! Number of ')' is greater than '('" << endl;
temp = stack.pop();
if(temp != '(')
postfix[outpos++] = temp;
stacktop = stack.return_top();
cout << "Invalid input";
if(infix[position] == ')' && infix[position + 1] == '(')
stacktop = stack.return_top();
if(stack.size() != 0)
cout << "Warning!!Number of '(' is greater than ')'" << endl;
// exit(6);
cout << "You must Enter Numeric value for calculation" << endl;
cout << "This program cannot perform operations on variables";
cout << "Sory! Althoug u may have entered right string" << endl;
cout << "this program is only for single digit operation" << endl;
postfix[outpos] = '\0';
class Evaluate
double eval(char expr[], Convert &);
double oper(int symb, double op1, double op2);
double Evaluate::oper(int symb, double op1, double op2)
case '+': return (op1 + op2);
case '-': return (op1 - op2);
case '*': return (op1 * op2);
case '/': return (op1 / op2);
case '^': return (pow(op1, op2));
double Evaluate::eval(char expr[], Convert &convert)
int c, position;
char temp1;
int count = 0;
double opnd1, opnd2, value;
Stack<double> stack;
for(position = 0; (c = expr[position]) != '\0'; position++)
temp1 = double(c - '0');
opnd2 = stack.pop();
if(stack.size() == 0)
cout << "This program cannot process unary operation";
opnd1 = stack.pop();
value = oper(c, opnd1, opnd2);
if(stack.size() >= 2)
cout << "Sory! this program cannot calculate this" << endl;
cout << "Enter +, *, /, - or ^ between bracket" << endl;
return (stack.pop());
int main()
Convert convert;
Evaluate evaluate;
string bracketted_infix;
char infix[50], postfix[50];
char choice;
cout << "Enter string: ";
cin >> infix;
cout << endl;
cout << "Entered String: " << infix << endl;
bracketted_infix = convert.return_with_bracket(infix);
convert.to_Postfix(bracketted_infix, postfix);
cout << "Equivalent Postfix string: " << postfix << endl;
cout << "RESULT: ";
cout << evaluate.eval(postfix, convert);
cout << "\nCalculate another string?(y/n) ";
cin >> choice;
cout << endl;
if(choice == 'n')
return 0;