TransactionManagementError While Executing Unittest in Django Rest Framework - django

I have written a test which checks whether IntegrityError was raised in case of duplicate records in the database. To create that scenario I am issue a REST API twice. The code looks like this:
class TestPost(APITestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
def tearDown(self):
def test_duplicate_record(self):
# first time
response ='/api/v1/trees/', dict(alias="some name", path="some path"))
# same request second time
response ='/api/v1/trees/', dict(alias="some name", path="some path"))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_RREQUEST)
But I get an error stack like this
"An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't "
django.db.transaction.TransactionManagementError: An error occurred in the current transaction. You can't execute queries until the end of the 'atomic' block.
How can I avoid this error this is certainly undesirable.

I've come across this issue today, and it took me a while to see the bigger picture, and fix it properly. It's true that removing self.client.logout() fixes the issue, and is probably not needed there, but the problem lies in your view.
Tests which are subclasses of TestCase wrap your test cases and tests in db transactions (atomic blocks), and your view somehow breaks that transaction. For me it was swallowing an IntegrityError exception. At that point, the transaction was already broken, but Django didn't know about it, so it couldn't correctly perform a rollback. Any query that would then be executed would cause a TransactionManagementError.
The fix for me was to correctly wrap the view code in yet another atomic block:
with transaction.atomic(): # savepoint which will be rolled back # the operation which is expected to throw an IntegrityError
except IntegrityError:
pass # swallow the exception without breaking the transaction
This may not be a problem for you in production, if you're not using ATOMIC_REQUESTS, but I still think it's the correct solution.

Try removing self.client.logout() from the tearDown method. Django rolls back the transaction at the end of each test. You shouldn't have to log out manually.


Commit SQL even inside atomic transaction (django)

How can I always commit a insert even inside an atomic transaction? In this case I need just one point to be committed and everything else rolled back.
For example, my view, decorator contains with transaction.atomic() and other stuffs:
def my_view(request):
return ...
def my_core_function():
# many sql operations that need to rollback in case of error
except MyException:
insert_activity_register_on_db() # This needs to be in DB, and not rolled back
raise MyException()
I would not like to make another decorator for my view without transaction atomic and do it manually on core. Is there a way?

Using django select_for_update without rolling back on error

I'm trying to utilize django's row-level-locking by using the select_for_update utility. As per the documentation, this can only be used when inside of a transaction.atomic block. The side-effect of using a transaction.atomic block is that if my code throws an exception, all the database changes get rolled-back. My use case is such that I'd actually like to keep the database changes, and allow the exception to propagate. This leaves me with code looking like this:
with transaction.atomic():
user = User.objects.select_for_update.get(id=1234)
except Exception as e:
exception = e
exception = None
if exception is not None:
raise exception
This feels like a total anti-pattern and I'm sure I must be missing something. I'm aware I could probably roll-my-own solution by manually using transaction.set_autocommit to manage the transaction, but I'd have thought that there would be a simpler way to get this functionality. Is there a built in way to achieve what I want?
I ended up going with something that looks like this:
from django.db import transaction
class ErrorTolerantTransaction(transaction.Atomic):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
return super().__exit__(None, None, None)
def error_tolerant_transaction(using=None, savepoint=True):
Wraps a code block in an 'error tolerant' transaction block to allow the use of
select_for_update but without the effect of automatic rollback on exception.
Can be invoked as either a decorator or context manager.
if callable(using):
return ErrorTolerantTransaction('default', savepoint)(using)
return ErrorTolerantTransaction(using, savepoint)
I can now put an error_tolerant_transaction in place of transaction.atomic and exceptions can be raised without a forced rollback. Of course database-related exceptions (i.e. IntegrityError) will still cause a rollback, but that's expected behavior given that we're using a transaction. As a bonus, this solution is compatible with transaction.atomic, meaning it can be nested inside an atomic block and vice-versa.

Multi-DB Transactions

Django Version 1.10.5 with Postgres 9.6.1
For the last year I've been working in a multi-schema default database environment. However things are beginning to grow to the point I've decided to split the single database into 3 databases.
I've got things working with a master/slave router for all 3 databases.
I am not using the 'default' database key. Instead I have 'db1', 'db2', and 'db3'
The part I am confused about is with transactions in this multi-database environment.
In this example it fails as expected. Caused of course by not using #transaction.atomic(using='db1') which is clear to me.
def edit(self, context):
:param dict context: Context
:return: None
# Check if employee exists
result = Passport.objects.get(pk=self.user.employee_id)
except Passport.DoesNotExist:
return False = context.get('name')
However I have this strange example, simply because I'm trying to understand... I would have expected this to fail but it does not:
def edit(self, context):
:param dict context: Context
:return: None
# Check if employee exists
result = Passport.objects.get(pk=self.user.employee_id)
except Passport.DoesNotExist:
return False = context.get('name')
with transaction.atomic(using='db2'):
The model Passport does not exist in DB2 models at all.
My router is setup so that all writes go to each respected DB.
So what is the purpose of setting the using='db1' in the atomic transaction? I've looked at the source and I see it defaults to default when not "using".
In the above example I even made another transaction inside of the initial transaction but this time using='db2' where the model doesn't even exist. I figured that would have failed, but it didn't and the data was written to the proper database.
I bring this up because there will be situations where I need to interact with all 3 databases and if a single problem occurs when writing to all 3 databases, all 3 need to be rolled back or if on success of everything, then committed of course.
Perhaps someone can help break this down for me so I can understand?
You're interpreting transaction.atomic(using='X') to mean: run the following database commands on X, inside a transaction.
In fact, it just means: open a transaction on database X, and then either commit it or roll it back at the end of the block.
Or, as the documentation puts it:
Under the hood, Django’s transaction management code:
opens a transaction when entering the outermost atomic block;
commits or rolls back the transaction when exiting the outermost block.
The question of which database to use for a given command is determined by your router, not the using clause. So your transaction.atomic(using='db2') block is pointless (it will simply open a transaction on db2 and then close it), but not an error.

Issuing a rollback() in an atomic block

I'm attempting to update my code that uses commit_manually to atomic to go to Django 1.7 then 1.8 but I'm having issues not being able to rollback while in an atomic block. The issue stems from a flag we added to out import routines, dry_run. In the prior Django versions #commit_manually allowed us to do the following:
if self.dry_run:
If I attempt to preform a roll back in an atomic block it throws an error:
TransactionManagementError : "This is forbidden when an 'atomic' block is active."
To get this to work I tried to make use of set_autocommit
def do_some_import(self)
#import routine
if self.dry_run:
But this feels wrong any suggestions or insights?
Have you tried set_rollback()? I think that will solve your problem.
def do_some_import(self):
#import routine
if self.dry_run:

Django test case db giving inconsistent responses, caching or transaction culprit?

I am seeing some really surprising and frustrating behavior with Django testing. Model objects are being "found" by a related lookup, but no model objects exist. (I apologize for the weird description here...the behavior is bizarre enough that I don't know quite how to describe it. Do the objects exist? Do I exist? Do you??)
I need them to exist, so I have a method in place that creates them if they don't exist. The problem is that on one line, Django finds that they do exist, and therefore they are not created...and then on the next line we can confirm that no such objects exist.
My tests are giving Errors in test_something() related to the absence of the necessary TaskMetadata object.
#the model
class TaskMetadata(models.Model):
task = models.OneToOneField(ContentType)
#the test
class SimpleTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_something(self):
...something that requires TaskMetadata...
def some_utility_function():
task = ...whatever...
ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(task)
except TaskMetadata.DoesNotExist:
...create TaskMetadata...
print "Created TaskMetadata object for %s" % task.__name__
print "TaskMetadata object already exists for %s" % task.__name__
print ctype.taskmetadata
print "ALL OF THEM!! %s" % TaskMetadata.objects.all()
and the printed result of some_utility_function():
TaskMetadata object already exists for SomeTask
some task
In summary: "Yes, TaskMetadata object exists. Yes, TaskMetadata object exists. No, there are no TaskMetadata objects at all!!"
So, seriously, what on earth is going on here? Is this a cache problem? I tried clearing the cache (wild guess; I don't have CACHES configured in
def setUp(self):
Does not help. Transactions maybe? I'm stumped. How do I even debug this?
See a minimal django project that replicates the issue here.
When the first testcase runs, TaskMetadata.objects.all() is NOT an empty queryset (it is in fact populated with objects, as I would expect); when the second testcase (exactly the same as the first) runs, it is empty.
I suspect this has something to do with database flushing between testcases that is clearing out the TaskMetadata objects, but the related lookup is cached, and so the next time some_utility_function() is called for the next testcase, it doesn't create any TaskMetadata objects. 1) Is that plausible? 2) How to work around it? 3) This is a Django bug, right?
Django bug ticket
In your tearDown method you need to call ContentType.objects.clear_cache(). This is because Django caches calls to ContentType.objects.get_for_model. Having a one-to-one to content type is a bit weird, so I don't think django needs to make any changes for this, especially as it should be a one line fix for you.
The problem here is the "finally" clause.
A finally clause is always executed before leaving the try statement, whether an exception has occurred or not.
So, the finally clause containing the print statements will always be executed.