How to implement a payment gateway from credit card to bitcoins - web-services

I am looking for an API to allow customers to pay a service in bitcoins by inputting their credit card number or via bank transfer. Ideally the gateway would buy the bitcoins with the credit card and deposit them on a provided bitcoin wallet address.
I found some services like, but their api ( is not offering the payment through credit card option.
Any idea what would be the best way to implement something like this?

The IS the solution. However, the customer would have to spend the bitcoin - you cannot take a credit card, convert it Bitcoin and pay yourself. In essence you want to create a cash transaction from a credit card. Not possible I believe - nor legal possibly. The Bitcoin would have to go to the customer's wallet, and then THEY would need to send it to another Bitcoin address


PayPal/Stripe - Allow one user to pay another through Website

Goal: Allow a user on my website to pay another user(merchant) for a service via either PayPal or Stripe. I would like to take a percentage of the purchase amount and the remaining percentage would go to the merchants account.
I've successfully added both Stripe and PayPal to my Django app, and successfully integrated a payment portal, but the default use-case appears to be for the user to send a payment to owner of the website (owner of the paypal/stripe account) via a client ID. For paypal, I figured out how to specify the payee as the merchant, rather than myself, but there is still not a clear way to split the payment. I would not like to accept 100% of the payment and then pay the merchant. The only payment I should receive is the percent of the payment at the time of the transaction..
Is it possible to implement this type of payment schema through Stripe Merchant onboarding? The only route to achieve this through paypal as far as I can tell is PayPal partnership (paypal marketplace), which is for larger businesses.
Split funds from a single charge between different sellers using Connect
Stripe does not support the splitting of funds from a single charge
among multiple sellers for compliance reasons. As a platform using
Connect, you will need to ensure that there is still a one-to-one
relationship between a charge and one of your connected accounts.
PayPal User Agreement
4.5 No Surcharges. You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge
a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as
long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not
higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.
You will have to be the middleman and take payment, split it and then send the rest to the paypal user or make two charges, 1. The cost 2. Your fee.
The only route to achieve this through PayPal as far as I can tell is PayPal partnership (paypal marketplace), which is for larger businesses.
That's correct. Without that type of partnership, you would need to accept the whole payment and use something like Payouts, which of obviously does not meet your requirement of only accepting some percent.
(There was a very old way to do it -- Adaptive Payments Chained Payments, but you can forget it ever existed; no longer ever available)
I suppose, technically, the deprecated EC Parallel Payments is still open and "usable", but that's an observable split and designed for use cases like paying for a Hotel and Airfaire at once. Really not good for marketplace use, and it's also quite old and may go away soon due to that deprecation. I would not recommend using it for anything, much less marketplaces -- just covering the bases.

How to check the balance of merchant and customer

I am very new to Authorize.Net and i am having some difficulty in learning the business domain and logic for the Authorize.Net. I have read the documentation much as I could but did not find the answer of my question that :
Although sandbox provides me the testing environment for the merchant but how i will charge the customer credit card. From where and to where i can get and applied the customer credit cards like the credit card number for test.
Secondly how I will check that this amount is remaining in that credit card and where to check the account earnings or test money it is getting from charging that credit cards.
From where and to where i can get and applied the customer credit cards like the credit card number for test.
You can get test credit card numbers and information about testing using Authorize.Net from their testing guide.
How i will check that this amount is remaining in that credit card and where to check the account earnings or test money it is getting from charging that credit cards.
You can't. This information is not available through their API or any other API you can have access to.

Trying to sign up for a free trial

I am trying to deploy my nodejs app to google cloud. To do that you need to set up your billing account. I live in India and I've read some blogs online saying that google doesn't accept debit cards from India because they require Verified By Visa authentication and google doesn't implement that. What can I do? Do I NEED to get a credit card (credit cards work apparently)
If you don't have a credit card, please try to sign up with your debit card (assuming it has the Visa or Mastercard logo) as per below information.
If it does not work and you have further issues, please contact Google Cloud Platform billing with questions, as it will require discussing sensitive financial information that you shouldn't post on Stack Overflow.
Q1: do you need a billing account to sign up for free trial?
Per the billing docs:
Do I pay anything for the free trial?
No, the trial is free and you will not be billed. When your trial ends, your account will be paused and you'll have the option to upgrade to a paid account.
Per the Google Cloud Platform free trial FAQ:
You Won’t be Billed
When you sign up for the free trial, you are asked to provide your credit card information. This information is used only to verify your identity and let us know you’re not a robot. Your credit card is not charged during your free trial unless you upgrade to a paid account.
Q2: will debit cards work or do you need to use a credit card?
Per billing docs, you can pay via debit cards if they have the Visa or Mastercard logo. Also:
The payment methods available to you will depend on your currency and country. You'll see what payment methods are available to you when you sign up for Google Cloud billing.
Note that instant verification mentioned below is only available for US-based bank accounts at the time of this writing (20 Sep 2015). Otherwise, you can verify your bank account via trial deposits.
For more details, see the help page:
Choose a payment method
A payment method is what you use to pay for your costs, such as a credit card or bank account. The payment methods available to you will depend on your currency and country. You'll see what payment methods are available to you when you sign up for Google Cloud billing.
Credit cards and debit cards
Credit card and debit card payments allow you to specify a credit or debit card that will be used as a primary or backup funding source for monthly automatic or manual payments. We accept debit cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo.
Note: Prepaid cards are not accepted for payment.
Bank account (also known as direct debit)
Bank account payments allow you to specify a bank account that will be used as the primary funding source for monthly automatic payments. Your account won't be active until you've verified your bank account. Verification of your bank account may take up to 10 days. For information about instant bank verification, see Verify your bank account with instant bank verification.
Backup credit cards
If your primary form of payment doesn't work for some reason, a backup credit card makes sure your services keep running.
#Misha Brukman gives nice answer for this question but i just want to append some more information. I have checked #Mishra Brukman's answer and try to active my free trial Google Cloud Platform account and add card information in payment method but its not work with normal card. I have tried with VISA card and Master Card but not working.
Now i spent more then 5 hours and then found that we can open(active) account by using VISI debit card or Master Card also but Please make sure that the card should be supported for international transaction.
I have added VISI debit card detail which is supported international transaction and it works fine for me.

Working with my credit card company, daily charges API

I want to build an app that, for personal use and fun, that monitors my credit card transactions daily, and sends me a text based on the transaction.
Exactly what I am doing is not important, I'm asking how to get started to see if my credit card company has a service that would allow me to build an application that would get my daily transactions.
The application would monitor my transactions, via their service, and I would consume the info do what I need to do.
Any help in pushing me in the right direction to see if my credit card company has a service that I could use?

How do scripts communicate with banks?

What options exist to facilitate payments to banks or credit card companies? Are there programmatic APIs for banks that, say, perform the same actions as paypal might? I'm looking for libraries or options that aren't through an existing provider; that could be developed on their own.
Basically, lately I've become interested in ecommerce and I'm wondering how the communication between a website and a bank or credit card company is made.
I've looked around a bit, but I'm not really sure about the terminology in the field; any resources you could point me at, or good books about the subject would be awesome. Thanks!
You get a merchant account with a bank, then sign up with a merchant processor like Cybersource or Litle. The merchant processor provides an webservice API to process authorizations, payments, credits, and voids. You implement the processor's API and then you can do online payments. They act as a go-between for you and the credit card company. You're not likely going to get permission to communicate directly with the credit card's network.
Maybe use this link as a starting point. This is cybersource's API documentation.