I am trying to convert a base64 string into an image in ColdFusion, but it is not working. From what I have read, this can be done with the ImageReadBase64 function:
<cfset myImage = ImageReadBase64("/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQA..............")>
So I tried retrieving a base64 image string from my database:
<cfquery name="GetSignImage" datasource="#application.ds#">
from T_APPT_sign
<cfif GetSignImage.SIGNIMGBINARY neq "">
<cfimage source="#ImageReadBase64(GetSignImage.SIGNIMGBINARY)#" name="signImage" action="resize" width="65%" height="55%">
<cfimage source="#signImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
But I get this error:
The Base64 data is not in proper format. Data should be in the format understood by the <img> tag in HTML, which is "data:image/jpg;base64,[base64 data]"
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?
I'm in the process of trying to convert an old CF script. The only problem is I am using CommandBox and I can't seem to get Fiddler to show me what this request looks like when it's actually posted. Does anyone know what the Post request this sends out would look like?
I've tried a variety of options so far and nothing has worked.
Any help would be appreciated
Cold Fusion 4.0.1
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<cfif isdefined("Form.thisid")>
<!--- Input Form Parameters --->
<cfset InputPbn = Form.thisid>
<h1>Raw XML data for #thisid#</h1>
<h1>A valid thisid was not provided</h1>
<!--- Assemble the user's input into structure --->
// New request structure to pass
Request = StructNew();
Request.thisid = "#Inputthisid#";
host_url = "http://myurl/get_info_wddx.cfm";
Request["LINK_KEY"] = "1234";
<!--- Convert the structure to WDDX Packet --->
<cfoutput>RequestAsWDDX #HTMLEditFormat(RequestAsWDDX)#<br/></cfoutput>
<!--- Post the WDDX Packet to the host page as a form field --->
<CFHTTP URL="#host_url#" METHOD="POST">
<!--- Extract recordset from WDDX Packet in host's response --->
<cfif FindNoCase("<META",CFHTTP.FileContent) >
<cfset pos = FindNoCase(">",CFHTTP.FileContent)>
<cfset wddx_strg = Right(CFHTTP.FileContent,(Len(CFHTTP.FileContent)-pos-1))>
<cfset wddx_strg = CFHTTP.FileContent>
I was severely overcomplicating this ha, just had to use "WDDXContent" as the Key and the WDDXContent value as the value.
Edit: I have no code for this at this point, just was able to get fiddler to reproduce it by adding a header key "WDDXContent" and value
<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header/><data><struct><var name='link_key'><string>1234</string></var><var name='id'><string>[id here]</string></var></struct></data></wddxPacket>
I am trying to read a csv file that is using a | delimiter instead of ,.
I am using
<cffunction name="loadCSVfile" access="public" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="filename" required="yes" default="">
<cffile action="read" file="#filename#" variable="csvData">
<cfreturn csvData>
which works fine with files that are , delimiter but does not work with |. Is there anything else that I need to do for this function to work?
This is how I'm calling the function:
csvloaderCFC = CreateObject("component","AlscCSVloader");
<cfset csvfilename = DataDirectory&q_DataDirectory.name>
<!--- backup CSV file ---->
<cffile action= "copy" source = "#csvfilename#"
destination = "#DataDirectorybackup#">
<!--- Load CSV data ---->
csvData = csvloaderCFC.loadCSVfile(csvfilename);
<cfdump var="#csvData#">
The cfdump in the end it doesn't show at all
Pipe-delimitted sample
Location|patient_ID|First Name|Last Name|
111|468454|Eric |Gallegos |
Comma-delimitted sample
Location,patient_ID,First Name,Last Name,
111,468454,Eric ,Gallegos ,
There is quite a bit more you have do do than just a CFFile call to get a CSV as a struct of some kind. CFFile foes not do this on it's own. (although strangely CFHttp does) Honestly your best bet may be to be to use a Java library. There are several available from Apache: http://commons.apache.org/csv/
These should give you back something fairly easy to deal with.
If you want a "pure" coldfusion CSV option you can look at this blog post for a specific impl:
basically you need to read the entire content and then parse it.
I'm using Coldfusion8 and need to fetch images from a remote server, which I'm doing like this:
<cfhttp timeout="45" throwonerror="no" url="#variables.testFilePath#" method="get" useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/" getasbinary="yes" result="variables.objGet">
<cfset variables.objImage = ImageNew(variables.objGet.FileContent)>
I now need to save the image to Amazon S3, but the function I want to use:
<cfset result = s3.putObject(url.b,file.serverFile,file.contentType,'300',form.cacheControl,'30',form.acl,form.storageClass,form.keyName,GetTempDirectory())>
Requires the directory where my generated image can be found in.
Is there a way to get the directory of an image file pulled with cfhttp and converted to an image using imageNew? Or do I need to save the file to disk first? I also need to resize before storing, so I might not be able to get by without saving to disk first.
Thanks for pointers!
I got it working like this:
<!--- getAsBinary --->
<cfhttp timeout="45"
<!--- validate --->
<cfif len(variables.testFilePath) EQ 0>
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "FILE NOT FOUND" >
<cfif len(objGet.Filecontent) EQ 0>
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "COULD NOT LOAD IMAGE">
<cfelseif NOT listfindnocase(variables.allow, variables.fileExt) >
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "WRONG FILE TYPE">
objImage = ImageNew(objGet.FileContent);
<!--- resize/crop --->
variables.keyName = Session.loginid & "_S_";
<!--- convert modified image back to binary --->
<cfset variables.filekey = toBase64( objImage )>
<!--- pass to s3.cfc --->
<cfset result = s3.putObject(variables.bucketName, variables.filekey, variables.contentType, variables.httptimeout, variables.cacheControl, variables.cacheDays, variables.acl, variables.storageClass, variables.keyName, variables.imageSrc, "true" )>
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "NO IMAGE">
I need to re-convert the cropped image to binary, because the s3.putobject will otherwise do another cffile action="readBinary" and breaks on trying to construct the image file path (the image is still in temp) right here:
<cffile action="readBinary" file="#arguments.uploadDir##arguments.fileKey#" variable="binaryFileData">
While I can get the temporary file path using this trick and set uploadDir it doesn't help, because CF docs say the path must be either an absolute path starting with drive letter or slash, otherwise the www-root temp directory will be taken.
In my case the temp www-root directory was on C:/ while the temp file CFFile-Servlet was on E:/ and a relative path did not work either (file not found). So as I found no way to re-read the image from the s3.cfc, I'm now converting back to binary before calling S3.cfc. I pass another parameter (1/0) telling s3.cfc, that I'm already sending the binary image and there is no need to re-read it.
Like so:
<!--- if encoded is true, filekey already is the encoded image --->
<cfif arguments.encoded EQ "true">
<!--- already sending binary image --->
<cfset binaryFileData = arguments.fileKey>
<!--- Default --->
<cffile action="readBinary" file="#arguments.uploadDir##arguments.fileKey#" variable="binaryFileData">
I'm not sure if this is the smartest way performance wise, but it seems to work pretty smooth. Comments are welcome!
I guess you could use path and file attributes instead of result. Generate some temporary path using GetTempDirectory() + CreateUUID(), fetch and then drop it. Plus it may be a bit more memory-efficient thatn fetching content to the variable, then writing to the intermediate file.
Cfhttp result stores the data in a memory variable.
ImageNew creates a 'ColdFusion' image meaning it's resident in memory only also. You'd have to save it to make it a physical file to send either in cfhttp or imagewrite, etc.
Without saving it to a physical file you must use cffile action = "writetobrowser" to send it to a browser but that ends up saving it in a temp location for the browser to access but wouldn't do you much good here I don't think.
AmazonS3Client has a putObject method that takes an InputStream, so you can wrap the binary data in a ByteArrayInputStream and pass it in without worrying about the backing file.
Something like this:
<cfhttp method="get" url="#local.url#" result="local.httpResult" getAsBinary="true"/>
<cfif local.httpResult.statusCode eq "200 OK">
<cfset var fileInputStream = createObject("java", "java.io.ByteArrayInputStream" ).init(local.httpResult.fileContent) />
<cfset var objectMetadata = createObject("java", "com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectMetadata" ).init() />
<cfset application.S3UTIL.s3Client.putObject("some.bucket", "folder/file.ext", local.fileInputStream, local.objectMetadata)/>
I have an base64 picture string in coldfusion.
How can I save this image blob into the database without storing to filedisk?
My function.
<cfset base64string="base64picturestring">
<cfimage source="#ImageReadBase64("data:image/png;base64,#base64string#")#"
destination="c:\picture.png" action="write" overwrite="true">
<cffile action="readbinary" file="c:\picture.png" variable="ImageData"/>
INSERT INTO imagedb (imageblob)
VALUES (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_blob" value="#ImageData#" />)
But I don't want to save image on the hard drive.
I need this.
Any help?
You could use the in-memory filesystem:
<cfset base64string="base64picturestring">
<cfimage source="#ImageReadBase64("data:image/png;base64,#base64string#")#"
destination="ram://src/picture.png" action="write" overwrite="true">
<cffile action="readbinary" file="ram://src/picture.png" variable="ImageData"/>
<cffile action="delete" source = "ram://src/picture.png">
INSERT INTO imagedb (imageblob)
VALUES (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_blob" value="#ImageData#" />)
Calculates the binary representation of Base64-encoded data
I have a service on a Coldfusion 9 server that creates image banners on the fly for us. A separate machine has to save these files with something like:
wget http://myserver.com/services/local/bannerCreator/250x250-v3.cfm?prodID=3&percentSaving=19
The problem is that I can't think of how to get coldfusion to write out binary data without using a temporary file. At the minute the image is just displayed as an image tag like this:
<cfimage action = "writeToBrowser" source="#banner#" width="#banner.width#" height="#banner.height#" />
Any ideas? Or should I just use a temporary file?
I can't test because you're not giving any example code for how your images are generated, but have you tried something along this line?
<cfcontent reset="true" variable="#imageData#" type="image/jpg" />
Update: So I went ahead and created my own image; I'll assume you're doing something similar. This works perfectly for me:
<cfset img = imageNew("",200,200,"rgb","red") />
<cfcontent variable="#toBinary(toBase64(img))#" type="image/png" reset="true" />
This works without writing to file, and without using a virtual file system ("ramdisk")
If you have the binary bytes of an file/image, you can replace the output buffer with it's contents like so:
// eg. this is how you get a file as a binary stream
// var fileBytes = fileReadBinary( '/path/to/your/file.jpg' );
// get the http response
var response = getPageContext().getFusionContext().getResponse();
// set the appropriate mime type
response.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'image/jpg' );
// replace the output stream contents with the binary
response.getOutputStream().writeThrough( fileBytes );
// leave immediately to ensure no whitespace is added
Pretty much what <cfcontent> does when you use reset="true"
The advantage of this method over <cfcontent> is that we can write it inside our cfscript based cfcs.
I found the solution above
<cfcontent variable="#toBinary(toBase64(img))#" type="image/png" reset="true" />
to not quite work for me.
Setting type="image/png" is just setting the mime type of the response. I don't think it's necessarily encoding the image as PNG. As such, generating a transparent png (image type "argb") was giving me odd colours, when compared to the <cfimage action = "writeToBrowser"...> method.
I figured that somehow I needed to explicitly encode the image data as PNG and output the binary data directly.
With some digging around in the underlying java, I came up with this, which so far seems to work for me.
This example draws a transparent png with a black circle.
<!--- create the image and draw it --->
<cfset img = ImageNew("", 23, 23, "argb")>
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(img, "black")>
<cfset ImageDrawOval(img, 0, 0, 21, 21, true)>
<!--- get the response object --->
<cfset response = getPageContext().getFusionContext().getResponse()>
<!--- set the response mime type --->
<cfset response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')>
<!--- get the underlying image data --->
<cfset bImage = ImageGetBufferedImage(img)>
<!--- get the magical object to do the png encoding --->
<cfset ImageIO = createObject("java", "javax.imageio.ImageIO")>
<!--- encode the image data as png and write it directly to the response stream --->
<cfset ImageIO.write(bImage, "png", response.getResponse().getOutputStream())>
I hope that helps someone!
Take out the height and width attributes and add the format attribute:
<cfimage action = "writeToBrowser" source="#banner#" format="png" />
wget should honor the redirection to the physical file CF creates in the CFFileServlet folder but if it doesn't there is a flag you can set to make it --max-redirect=10.
And as you suggest, a temporary file would work too. Just write the file and use cfheader and cfcontent to write it out. Just make sure to make the temp file name more unique.
<cfimage action="write" destination="tempfile.png" source="#banner#" format="png" />
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=banner.png" />
<cfcontent file="tempfile.png" deletefile="true" type="image/png" />
I do a similar thing, and you need to combine using tags and cfscript. There are image functions that are required. There are a lot of image functions available, once you have an image in memory as a variable. You can get the image into memory using CFFILE or CFHTTP or a number of other ways.
In my case, I read an image file into memory using CFIMAGE tag, then manipulate it with CFSCRIPT image functions by adding text to the bottom, then outputting the resulting image as a .png (or a .jpg if you prefer) to the browser. The only file stored on the server is the original image file. In your case instead of reading in an image you'd call it using a cfhttp tag as you already do. Here's my code:
<!---Get the image for processing ...--->
<cfimage action="read" source="#application.approotABS#\webcam\webcam.jpg" name="CamImage" />
<!--- prepare the text for overlay --->
attr.font = "Arial";
attr.size = 15;
ImageSetDrawingColor(CamImage, "white");
ImageDrawText(CamImage, 'LIVE FROM STUDIO 1', 18,(ImageGetHeight(CamImage)-54), attr);
ImageDrawText(CamImage, '#ShowOnNow.showname#', 18,(ImageGetHeight(CamImage)-36), attr);
ImageDrawText(CamImage, datestring,18,(ImageGetHeight(CamImage)-18), attr);
<!--- further down the page, output the manipulated image: ---->
<div class="webcam">
<cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#Camimage#" >
You can see it in action at http://hawkesburyradio.com.au/index.cfm?pid=111538
(I am using CF9 with Windows Server )