How to pass an object(type a) to a private object(type a) of another object(type b) through function of friend - c++

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Flight;
class Time {
private :
int hour;
int minute;
public :
Time(int hour,int minute){
this->hour = hour;
this->minute = minute;
int getHour(){
return hour;
int getMinute(){
return minute;
class Passenger{
string name;
int age;
public :
Passenger(string name , int age){
this->name = name;
this->age = age;
void printDetails(){
cout << "Name: " << name << "\t";
cout << "Age: " << age <<"\t";
friend void addPassenger(Passenger *p,int num,Flight f);
friend Flight;
class Flight {
private :
string id;
string destination;
Time *depart;
Time *arrival;
vector<Passenger> passengerList;
Passenger *pass;
public :
Flight(string id, string destination, Time *t, Time *a){
this->id = id;
this->destination = destination;
depart = t;
arrival = a;
id = 3;
void printInfo(){
cout<< "Flight Number : " << id << endl;
cout<< "Destination : " << destination << endl;
cout<< "Desparture : " << depart->getHour() << ":" << depart->getMinute()<< endl;
cout<< "Arrival : " << arrival->getHour() << ":" << arrival->getMinute() << endl;
void printList(){
cout << pass->name[0];
friend class Passenger;
friend void addPassenger(Passenger *p,int num,Flight f);
void addPassenger(Passenger *p,int num,Flight f){
// for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
// f.passengerList.push_back(p[i]);
f.pass->name = p->name;
// }
int main(){
int num_passenger;
int temp_age;
string temp_name;
vector<int> passenger_age;
vector<string> passenger_name;
Time t(2,4);
Time t2(2,3);
Flight ff("3","4",&t,&t2);
cout<< "Enter the number of passenger" << endl;
cin>> num_passenger;
cout<< endl;
Passenger *pas[num_passenger];
for(int i=0;i < num_passenger; i++){
cout<< "Enter the name of adult "<< i+1 << endl;
cin>> temp_name;
cout<< "Enter the age of adult "<< i+1 << endl;
cin>> temp_age;
for(int p=0; p < num_passenger; p++){
pas[p] = new Passenger(passenger_name[p],passenger_age[p]);
return 0;
I need to pass array object of Passenger Class into private array object of Passenger Class that inside object of Flight Class through function addPassenger.
Everything compile fine, but I can't get printList(object Flight) work, it simply jumps out and terminates the console.
Sorry it quite complicated due to requirement of project.
Hope to have some helps, Thanks.

Problem 1
The main problem is at line
f.pass->name = p->name;
The source of the problem is that the member variable pass of Flight is not initialized properly and then you go on to use f.pass as though it is a valid pointer.
Problem 2
The function addPassenger takes a Flight object as input. When you call the function, the function gets a copy of the original Flight object. Any changes made to the Flight object in addPassenger are to the local copy, not the object from main.
With the following changes, I was able to run your program without any problem.
Changed the member of variable of Flight to:
string id;
string destination;
Time *depart;
Time *arrival;
vector<Passenger> passengerList;
Removed the member varible pass.
Changed the signature of addPassenger to.
void addPassenger(std::vector<Passenger> const& plist, Flight& f);
and changed its implementation to
void addPassenger(std::vector<Passenger> const& plist, Flight& f)
for(auto& p : plist ){
Changed the implementation of Flight::printList to:
void printList(){
for(auto& p : passengerList ){
cout << << endl;
Changed the type of pas in main to:
std::vector<Passenger> pas;
Other things needed to be changed to account for these changes. Here's the complete program:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Flight;
class Time {
private :
int hour;
int minute;
public :
Time(int hour,int minute){
this->hour = hour;
this->minute = minute;
int getHour(){
return hour;
int getMinute(){
return minute;
class Passenger{
string name;
int age;
public :
Passenger(string name , int age){
this->name = name;
this->age = age;
void printDetails(){
cout << "Name: " << name << "\t";
cout << "Age: " << age <<"\t";
friend void addPassenger(std::vector<Passenger> const& plist, Flight& f);
friend Flight;
class Flight {
private :
string id;
string destination;
Time *depart;
Time *arrival;
vector<Passenger> passengerList;
public :
Flight(string id, string destination, Time *t, Time *a){
this->id = id;
this->destination = destination;
depart = t;
arrival = a;
id = 3;
void printInfo(){
cout<< "Flight Number : " << id << endl;
cout<< "Destination : " << destination << endl;
cout<< "Desparture : " << depart->getHour() << ":" << depart->getMinute()<< endl;
cout<< "Arrival : " << arrival->getHour() << ":" << arrival->getMinute() << endl;
void printList(){
for(auto& p : passengerList ){
cout << << endl;
friend class Passenger;
friend void addPassenger(std::vector<Passenger> const& plist, Flight& f);
void addPassenger(std::vector<Passenger> const& plist, Flight& f)
for(auto& p : plist ){
int main(){
int num_passenger;
int temp_age;
string temp_name;
vector<int> passenger_age;
vector<string> passenger_name;
Time t(2,4);
Time t2(2,3);
Flight ff("3","4",&t,&t2);
cout<< "Enter the number of passenger" << endl;
cin>> num_passenger;
cout<< endl;
std::vector<Passenger> pas;
for(int i=0;i < num_passenger; i++){
cout<< "Enter the name of adult "<< i+1 << endl;
cin>> temp_name;
cout<< "Enter the age of adult "<< i+1 << endl;
cin>> temp_age;
for(int p=0; p < num_passenger; p++){
addPassenger(pas, ff);
return 0;
See it working at


Why do I get the error "use of deleted function 'class : : class()"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class student
string name;
int roll;
int age;
student(string n, int r, int a)
name = n;
roll = r;
age = a;
class test : public student
int sub[5];
void marks()
cout << "Enter marks in 5 subjects: " << endl;
cin >> sub[0] >> sub[1] >> sub[2] >> sub[3] >> sub[4];
void display()
cout << "Name : " << name << "\nRoll number : " << roll << "\nAge: " << age << endl;
cout << "Marks in 5 subjects : " << sub[0] << ", " << sub[1] << ", " << sub[2] << ", " << sub[3] << ", " << sub[4] << endl;
class sports
int sportmarks;
sports(int sm)
sportmarks = sm;
class result : public test, public sports
int tot;
float perc;
void calc()
tot = sportmarks;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tot = tot + sub[i];
perc = (tot / 600.0) * 100;
cout << "Total: " << tot << "\nPercentage: " << perc << endl;
int main()
student ob1("Name", 781, 19);
sports ob2(78);
result ob;
I've been asked to use parameterized constructors to do this problem and notice I get these errors when I use constructors. Sorry if this post is inconvenient to read. In what way can I run this code while creating objects from parameterized constructors?
use of deleted function 'result::result()'
use of deleted function 'test::test()'.
no matching function for call to 'student::student()'
no matching function for call to 'sports::sports()'
student and sports have user-defined constructors, so the compiler does not generate default constructors for them.
test and result have no user-defined constructors, so the compiler will generate default constructors for them. However, since student and sports have no default constructors, the generated default constructors are marked delete'd as they are not usable. That is why you get errors.
To make your main() compile as-is, you need to define your own default constructors for test and result which pass explicit parameter values to their base classes, eg:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class student
string name;
int roll;
int age;
student(string n, int r, int a)
name = n;
roll = r;
age = a;
class test : public student
int sub[5];
test() : student("", 0, 0) {}
void marks()
cout << "Enter marks in 5 subjects: " << endl;
cin >> sub[0] >> sub[1] >> sub[2] >> sub[3] >> sub[4];
void display()
cout << "Name : " << name << "\nRoll number : " << roll << "\nAge: " << age << endl;
cout << "Marks in 5 subjects : " << sub[0] << ", " << sub[1] << ", " << sub[2] << ", " << sub[3] << ", " << sub[4] << endl;
class sports
int sportmarks;
sports(int sm)
sportmarks = sm;
class result : public test, public sports
int tot;
float perc;
result() : test(), sports(0) {}
void calc()
tot = sportmarks;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tot = tot + sub[i];
perc = (tot / 600.0) * 100;
cout << "Total: " << tot << "\nPercentage: " << perc << endl;
int main()
student ob1("Name", 781, 19);
sports ob2(78);
result ob;
Online Demo
However, this is not very useful, so I would suggest tweaking result's constructor to take the student and sports objects you have already created beforehand, and pass them to the base class copy constructors, which the compiler will generate for you, eg:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class student
string name;
int roll;
int age;
student(string n, int r, int a)
name = n;
roll = r;
age = a;
class test : public student
int sub[5];
test(const student &s) : student(s) {}
void marks()
cout << "Enter marks in 5 subjects: " << endl;
cin >> sub[0] >> sub[1] >> sub[2] >> sub[3] >> sub[4];
void display()
cout << "Name : " << name << "\nRoll number : " << roll << "\nAge: " << age << endl;
cout << "Marks in 5 subjects : " << sub[0] << ", " << sub[1] << ", " << sub[2] << ", " << sub[3] << ", " << sub[4] << endl;
class sports
int sportmarks;
sports(int sm)
sportmarks = sm;
class result : public test, public sports
int tot;
float perc;
result(const student &s, const sports &sp) : test(s), sports(sp) {}
void calc()
tot = sportmarks;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tot = tot + sub[i];
perc = (tot / 600.0) * 100;
cout << "Total: " << tot << "\nPercentage: " << perc << endl;
int main()
student ob1("Name", 781, 19);
sports ob2(78);
result ob(ob1, ob2);
Online Demo

The code compiles it does not read staff.txt

The code compiles it does not read staff.txt. Not sure how to fix in the code. the error must be in reading the staff.txt of the code. Does anyone have an idea? output is in the image provided. Background on the question:
You are tasked to create 2 ADTs: customers and staff. Each customer will have a first and last name, an indication if the customer is enrolled in the “preferred” program, the car they are driving, and the amount of money owed to the company. On the other hand, each staff member will have a first and last name, the car they are driving, and their salary. In a real-world problem, there would obviously be more records associated with each staff member and customer.
ODU rentals would like you to automatically process txt files and print the information to the console screen. When you perform this process, ensure that your member variables are private. In addition, be sure to use getter and setter functions to manipulate and print your data. You may print your data in any format as long as it is organized. An example of correct output can be seen below.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class Customer {
string fname;
string lname;
int enroll;
string car;
float amount;
//Defining the customer ADT
void setFirstName(string fnm);
void setLastName(string lnm);
void setEnroll(int e);
void setCarName(string cnm);
void setAmount(float amt);
string getFirstName();
string getLastName();
int getEnroll();
string getCarName();
float getAmount();
void printData();
Customer::Customer() {
fname = lname = car = "";
enroll = 0;
amount = 0;
void Customer::setFirstName(string fnm) {
fname = fnm;
void Customer::setLastName(string lnm) {
lname = lnm;
void Customer::setEnroll(int e) {
enroll = e;
void Customer::setCarName(string cnm) {
car = cnm;
void Customer::setAmount(float amt) {
amount = amt;
string Customer::getFirstName() {
string Customer::getLastName() {
int Customer::getEnroll() {
string Customer::getCarName() {
float Customer::getAmount() {
void Customer:: printData() {
cout << left << setw(25) << getFirstName()+" "+getLastName() << left <<setw(15) << getEnroll();
cout << left << setw(15) << getCarName() << left << setw(15) << fixed << setprecision(2) << getAmount() << endl;
class Staff {
string fname;
string lname;
string car;
float salary;
//Defining staff ADT
void setFirstName(string fnm);
void setLastName(string lnm);
void setCarName(string cnm);
void setSalary(float sal);
string getFirstName();
string getLastName();
string getCarName();
float getSalary();
void printData();
Staff::Staff() {
fname = lname = car = "";
salary = 0;
void Staff::setFirstName(string fnm) {
fname = fnm;
void Staff:: setLastName(string lnm) {
lname = lnm;
void Staff::setCarName(string cnm) {
car = cnm;
void Staff::setSalary(float sal) {
salary = sal;
string Staff::getFirstName() {
string Staff::getLastName() {
string Staff::getCarName() {
float Staff::getSalary() {
void Staff:: printData() {
cout << left << setw(25) << getFirstName()+" "+getLastName() << left << setw(15);
cout << getCarName() << left << setw(15) << fixed << setprecision(2) << getSalary() <<endl;
//Main function
//Read txt files
int main() {
string fnm, lnm, carnm;
float amt, sal;
int e, i=0, recno;
ifstream fstaff("staff.txt");
if(!fstaff) {
cout << "File can not be opened" << endl;
fstaff >> recno;
Staff s[recno];
cout << left<<setw(25) << "Name" << left << setw(15) << "Car" << left << setw(15) << "Salary" <<endl;
cout << "____________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
for(i=0; i<recno; i++) {
ifstream fcust("customers.txt");
if(!fcust) {
cout << "File can not be opened"<<endl;
fcust >> recno;
Customer c[recno];
cout << endl << endl;
cout << left << setw(25) << "Name" << left << setw(15) << "Preferred" << left << setw(15) << "Car" << left << setw(15) << "Bill" << endl;
cout <<"____________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
for(i=0; i<recno; i++) {
fcust >> fnm >> lnm >> e >> carnm >>amt;
return 1;
Code Output

To convert multi level to hierarchy inheritance in c++

When I tried to convert it the class result can't get the data from class marks even if I made the data variables of marks public I don't know why. I also declared a object of class marks in result and then tried to access it but failed again I am new to coding so don't know all the syntax correctly your help will be of great use
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class student {
int rl;
char nm[20];
void read();
void display();
class marks : public student {
int s1;
int s2;
int s3;
void getmarks();
void putmarks();
class result : public marks {
int t;
float p;
char div[10];
void process();
void printresult();
void student::read() {
cout << "enter Roll no and Name " << endl;
cin >> rl >> nm;
void student::display() {
cout << "Roll NO:" << rl << endl;
cout << "name : " << nm << endl;
void marks ::getmarks() {
cout << "enter three subject marks " << endl;
cin >> s1 >> s2 >> s3;
void marks ::putmarks() {
cout << "subject 1:" << s1 << endl;
cout << "subject 2 :" << s2 << endl;
cout << "subject 3:" << s3 << endl;
void result::process() {
t = s1 + s2 + s3;
p = t / 3.0;
p >= 60 ? strcpy(div, "first")
: p >= 50 ? strcpy(div, "second")
: strcpy(div, "third");
void result::printresult() {
cout << "total = " << t << endl;
cout << "per = " << p << "%" << endl;
cout << "div = " << div << endl;
int main(){
result x;;
using namespace std;
class marks // parent class
int s1;
int s2;
int s3;
void getmarks();
void putmarks();
class student : public marks // child class
int rl;
char nm[20];
void read();
void display();
class result : public marks// child class
int t;
float p;
char div[10];
void process();
void printresult();
void student::read()
cout<<"enter Roll no and Name "<<endl;
void student:: display()
cout <<"Roll NO:"<<rl<<endl;
cout<<"name : "<<nm<<endl;
void marks ::getmarks()
cout<<"enter three subject marks "<<endl;
void marks ::putmarks()
cout <<"subject 1:"<<s1<<endl;
cout<<"subject 2 :"<<s2<<endl;
cout <<"subject 3:"<<s3<<endl;
void result::process()
t= s1+s2+s3;
p = t/3.0;
p>=60?strcpy(div,"first"):p>=50?strcpy(div, "second"): strcpy(div,"third");
void result::printresult()
cout<<"total = "<<t<<endl;
cout<<"per = "<<p<<"%"<<endl;
cout<<"div = "<<div<<endl;
int main()
result x;
student y;;

C++ Operator Overloading always false

So I was able to fix it, however, the operator doesn't seem to be comparing them both since I always get false. There seems to be an error with the pLoan where it is not comparing both of them.
My code is
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
//Vehicle Class
class Vehicle {
void setPrice(double a);
void setMpg(int a);
double getPrice() const;
int getMpg() const;
void printVehicle() const;
Vehicle(double price, int mpg);
double price;
int mpg;
//Loan Class
class Loan {
void setBank(string a);
void setLoan(double a);
string getBank() const;
double getLoan() const;
void printLoan() const;
Loan(string bank = "", double loan = 0);
string bank;
double loan;
//Car Class
class Car : public Vehicle {
Car(double price = 0, int mpg = 0, string bank = "", double loan = 0, string name = "", int element = 0);
void setName(string a);
void setLoan(string b, double l, int element);
string getName() const;
void printFull() const;
void setNbrOfLoans(int a);
int getNbrOfLoans() const;
Loan* getpLoan() const;
string name;
Loan* pLoan;
int nbrOfLoans;
bool operator==(const Car &car1, const Car &car2) {
Loan* pLoan1 = car1.getpLoan();
Loan* pLoan2 = car2.getpLoan();
return ((car1.getPrice() == car2.getPrice()) && (car1.getMpg() == car2.getMpg()) && (car1.getName() == car2.getName())
&& (car1.getNbrOfLoans() == car2.getNbrOfLoans()) &&
(pLoan1[0].getBank() == pLoan2[0].getBank()) && (pLoan1[0].getLoan() == pLoan2[0].getLoan()));
int main() {
Car car1(24800, 22, "Citi", 21600, "Mustang", 1);
Car* pCar1 = &car1;
pCar1->setLoan("Citi", 21600, 0);
Car car2;
Car* pCar2 = &car2;
cout << boolalpha;
cout << "Enter the price of the car: ";
double price;
cin >> price;
cout << "Enter the mpg: ";
int mpg;
cin >> mpg;
cout << "Enter the name of the car: ";
string name;
cin >> name;
string bank;
double loan;
int index;
cout << "Enter the amount of loans you obtained: ";
cin >> index;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
cout << "Enter the name of bank " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> bank;
cout << "Enter the amount of loan " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> loan;
pCar2->setLoan(bank, loan, i);
if (pCar1 == pCar2)
cout << "Cars are the same. ";
cout << "Cars are not the same. ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
//Vehicle class function definitions
Vehicle::Vehicle() {
price = 0;
mpg = 0;
Vehicle::Vehicle(double price, int mpg) {
price = price;
mpg = mpg;
void Vehicle::setPrice(double a) {
price = a;
void Vehicle::setMpg(int a) {
mpg = a;
double Vehicle::getPrice() const {
return price;
int Vehicle::getMpg() const {
return mpg;
void Vehicle::printVehicle() const {
cout << "Price: " << price << endl;
cout << "MPG: " << mpg << endl;
//Loan Class function definitions
Loan::Loan(string bank, double loan) {
Loan::bank = bank;
Loan::loan = loan;
void Loan::setBank(string a) {
bank = a;
void Loan::setLoan(double a) {
loan = a;
string Loan::getBank() const {
return bank;
double Loan::getLoan() const {
return loan;
void Loan::printLoan() const {
cout << "Bank: " << bank << endl;
cout << "Loan: " << loan << endl;
//Car Class function definitions
Car::Car(double price, int mpg, string bank, double loan, string name, int element) : Vehicle(price, mpg)
nbrOfLoans = element;
Car::name = name;
pLoan = new Loan[nbrOfLoans];
Loan* Car::getpLoan() const{
return pLoan;
void Car::setName(string a) {
name = a;
void Car::setLoan(string b, double l, int element) {
string Car::getName() const {
return name;
int Car::getNbrOfLoans() const {
return nbrOfLoans;
void Car::setNbrOfLoans(int a) {
nbrOfLoans = a;
if (pLoan != NULL)
delete[] pLoan;
pLoan = new Loan[nbrOfLoans];
void Car::printFull() const {
cout << endl << "Car name: " << name << endl;
cout << "Price: " << getPrice() << endl;
cout << "MPG: " << getMpg() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfLoans; i++)
cout << "Loan #" << i + 1 << "." << endl;
cout << "Bank: " << pLoan[i].getBank();
cout << endl;
cout << "Loan amount: " << pLoan[i].getLoan();
cout << endl;
Car::~Car() {
delete[] pLoan;
IS always cars are not the same even when they are
Your main code is not calling your operator ==:
if (pCar1 == pCar2)
cout << "Cars are the same. ";
cout << "Cars are not the same. ";
here you're comparing the two pointers. To compare the two pointed-to objects you need
if (*pCar1 == *pCar2) ...
One more error:
pCar1->setLoan("Citi", 21600, 0);
setNbrOfLoans must be located before setLoan:
pCar1->setLoan("Citi", 21600, 0);

Object Hierarchy employee program - dereferencing pointer for cout

I am new to c++ and am working on a project for class. I know I that some of my functions are not correct. I am trying to get to a point to where I can at least see the output to continue working on it. I have included a brief description of that I am trying to do.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Employee
char* name[50];
Employee(char* name)
strcpy(name, name);
char* getName()
return *name;
void setName(char* name)
name = name;
/*virtual ~Employee()
delete[] name;
virtual void print() = 0;
class HourlyEmployee : public Employee
float HourlySalary;
HourlySalary = 0;
HourlyEmployee(char* name, float HourlySalary)
name = name;
HourlySalary = HourlySalary;
double getHourlySalary()
return HourlySalary;
//cout << "What is your Hourly Salary" << endl;
//cin >> HourlySalary;
void setHourlySalary(double HourlySalary)
void print()
cout << "Hourly Employee Name: " << &name << endl
<< "Salary: " << &HourlySalary << "per hour" << endl;
class SalariedEmployee : public Employee
float MonthlySalary;
MonthlySalary = 0;
SalariedEmployee(char* name, float MonthlySalary)
double getMonthlyySalary()
return MonthlySalary;
//cout << "What is your Hourly Salary" << endl;
//cin >> MonthlySalary;
void setMonthlySalary(double MonthlySalary)
void print()
cout << "Hourly Employee Name: " << name << endl
<< "Salary: " << MonthlySalary << "per month" << endl;
int main() {
SalariedEmployee* S = new SalariedEmployee();
SalariedEmployee S1("Joe Bob", '4500');
HourlyEmployee* H = new HourlyEmployee();
HourlyEmployee H1("Jim Bob", '20');
delete S, H;
return 0;
From the description of your exercise I concluded that you're asking for something like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Employee
char name[50];
Employee(char* name)
strncpy_s(this->name, 49, name, 49);
char* getName()
return this->name;
void setName(char *name)
strncpy_s(this->name, 49, name, 49);
virtual void print() = 0;
class HourlyEmployee : public Employee
float hourlySalary;
hourlySalary = 0;
HourlyEmployee(char* name, float HourlySalary)
strncpy_s(this->name, 49, name, 49);
this->hourlySalary = HourlySalary;
double getHourlySalary()
return hourlySalary;
//cout << "What is your Hourly Salary" << endl;
//cin >> HourlySalary;
void setHourlySalary(double HourlySalary)
this->hourlySalary = HourlySalary;
void print()
cout << "Hourly Employee Name: " << this->name << endl
<< "Salary: " << hourlySalary << " per hour" << endl;
class SalariedEmployee : public Employee
float MonthlySalary;
MonthlySalary = 0;
SalariedEmployee(char* name, float MonthlySalary)
strncpy_s(this->name, 49, name, 49);
this->MonthlySalary = MonthlySalary;
double getMonthlyySalary()
return MonthlySalary;
//cout << "What is your Hourly Salary" << endl;
//cin >> MonthlySalary;
void setMonthlySalary(double MonthlySalary)
this->MonthlySalary = MonthlySalary;
void print()
cout << "Hourly Employee Name: " << name << endl
<< "Salary: " << MonthlySalary << " per month" << endl;
int main()
Employee * employee[2];
employee[0] = new SalariedEmployee("Joe Bob", 4000);
employee[1] = new HourlyEmployee("Jim Bob", 20);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
delete employee[i];
return 0;
First off,your name variable's gotta be of type char[50],not *char[50]. So I used strncpy(or the safe function strncpy_s) to copy the name in our constructor. Since you're dealing with chars,you cannot assign it like you did in some parts of your code,like this name = name. And I used this->name because the variable names are identical. Next off,in your main function you gotta have the Employee class and then assign it to an HourlyEmployee and SalariedEmployee , because those are the principles of polymorphism. Hope that I have helped you and if you have any questions,don't hesitate to ask.