I'm trying to convert VMDK to VDI by clonehd, and I'm getting the following errors:
"VBoxManage.exe: error: Invalid medium storage format '.vdi'"
Try to run
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonehd "VMHDD.vmdk" "VMHDD.vdi" --format vdi
When I am trying to copy a file from my Windows local to google compute engine (Rhel 6), using gcloud command I am getting network error as given below:
Fatal: Network error: Connection timed out
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.copy-files) [C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud SDK\google-clo
ud-sdk\bin\sdk\scp.EXE] exited with return code [1].
Here is the command I used -
C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud SDK\java>gcloud compute copy-files --plain test.txt [userid#DEST_instance:~/directory_name] --zone us-central1-f
Could anyone point out what is causing this error?
I have tried installing docker on windows 7 (using boot2docker).
However the console just exists abruptly and I am unable to see the error, much less run any commands.
In the installation I have tried both installing and not installing the VirtualBox.
I have also tried un-installing and re-installing both docker and virtualbox. Nothing seems to work.
Here are the console errors I see when I run boot2docker -v up:
Boot2Docker-cli version: v1.3.0
Git commit: deafc19
2014/10/26 20:47:11 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe showvminfo boot2docker-vm --machinereadable
2014/10/26 20:47:12 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe guestproperty set boot2docker-vm /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountPrefix /
2014/10/26 20:47:12 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe guestproperty set boot2docker-vm /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountDir /
2014/10/26 20:47:12 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm --name c/Users --hostpath C:\Users --automount
VBoxManage.exe: error: Shared folder named 'c/Users' already exists
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_IN_USE (0x80bb000c), component SessionMachine, interface IMachine, callee IUnknown
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "CreateSharedFolder(Bstr(name).raw(), Bstr(hostpath).raw(), fWritable, fAutoMount)" at line 1009 of file VBoxManageMisc.cpp
2014/10/26 20:47:12 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe setextradata boot2docker-vm VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/c/Users 1
2014/10/26 20:47:12 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm boot2docker-vm --type headless
Waiting for VM "boot2docker-vm" to power on...
VBoxManage.exe: error: VT-x is disabled in the BIOS. (VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component Console, interface IConsole
2014/10/26 20:47:15 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe showvminfo boot2docker-vm --machinereadable
error in run: Failed to start machine "boot2docker-vm": exit status 1
Please check your BIOS for a VT-x setting. According to the log you provided, there is an error: VBoxManage.exe: error: VT-x is disabled in the BIOS. (VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED)
As sangil said, the error was in your BIOS.This afternoon my laptop splash same error about VT-x dissabled on Bios
I can't make my VirtualBox VM manually restart after a blackout (it was running before the power went off).
This is the error I get:
vbox#chebasti:~/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry$ VBoxHeadless --startvm "DockerRegistry" -e "TCP/Ports=4444"
Oracle VM VirtualBox Headless Interface 4.0.4
(C) 2008-2011 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.
Error: failed to start machine. Error message: UUID {20afee16-bf06-43c4-ab02-770106ce3498} of the medium '/home/vbox/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64-disk1.vdi' does not match the value {4c6a8bcb-3766-4581-9f45-0de031c65c95} stored in the media registry ('/home/vbox/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml')
I already tried to search the error online and tried to follow different instructions but none worked.
You can find the output of VBoxManage showvminfo DockerRegistry --details here (I did not pasted it here because it is very long).
The output of VBoxManage showhdinfo ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64-disk1.vdi is:
vbox#chebasti:~/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry$ VBoxManage showhdinfo ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64-disk1.vdi
UUID: 4c6a8bcb-3766-4581-9f45-0de031c65c95
Accessible: no
Access Error: UUID {20afee16-bf06-43c4-ab02-770106ce3498} of the medium '/home/vbox/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64-disk1.vdi' does not match the value {4c6a8bcb-3766-4581-9f45-0de031c65c95} stored in the media registry ('/home/vbox/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml')
Logical size: 0 MBytes
Current size on disk: 0 MBytes
Type: normal (base)
Storage format: VDI
Format variant: dynamic default
In use by VMs: DockerRegistry (UUID: 952200e9-db58-420a-8fe1-ef49523def3d)
Location: /home/vbox/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64-disk1.vdi
I don't know if it is of any use but here you are the output of VBoxManage showhdinfo \{4d495022-b596-47c0-8f38-f16c6c5d7f63\}.vdi:
vbox#chebasti:~/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry/Snapshots$ VBoxManage showhdinfo \{4d495022-b596-47c0-8f38-f16c6c5d7f63\}.vdi
UUID: 4d495022-b596-47c0-8f38-f16c6c5d7f63
Accessible: yes
Logical size: 0 MBytes
Current size on disk: 564 MBytes
Type: normal (differencing)
Storage format: VDI
Format variant: differencing default
In use by VMs: DockerRegistry (UUID: 952200e9-db58-420a-8fe1-ef49523def3d)
Location: /home/vbox/VirtualBox VMs/DockerRegistry/Snapshots/{4d495022-b596-47c0-8f38-f16c6c5d7f63}.vdi
Auto-Reset: off
I just had this problem with my boot2docker VM after running low on power on my macbook.
$ boot2docker start -v
Using virtualbox driver
2014/09/04 18:00:42 executing: VBoxManage showvminfo boot2docker-vm --machinereadable
2014/09/04 18:00:42 executing: VBoxManage startvm boot2docker-vm --type headless
Waiting for VM "boot2docker-vm" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: UUID {0caf9f04-5159-403a-828c-0dd9be68e1a0} of the medium '/Users/-/VirtualBox VMs/boot2docker-vm/boot2docker-vm.vmdk' does not match the value {07ad4be9-d2d0-4ac5-bb8a-e992e816ed19} stored in the media registry ('/Users/-/Library/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml')
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component Medium, interface IMedium
What seemed to fix it for me was to "boot2docker stop", remove the .vmdk from VirtualBox Storage settings, run this command (mentioned in http://www.vleeuwen.net/2012/10/virtualbox-uuid-mismatch):
VBoxManage closemedium disk ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/boot2docker-vm/boot2docker-vm.vmdk
then reattach the disk and "boot2docker start".
Just leaving a reply for future (unlucky) people.
I couldn't find a solution and even on the VirtualBox forum anybody could help me. I reinstalled the machine.
I want to use Docker on a machine that has VT-x disabled (and cannot be enabled). Is this possible?
I'm using Boot2Docker on Windows 7 x64, there's no mention of requirements there, or in the Docker instructions either.
I get this output from Boot2Docker start:
Welcome to Git (version 1.9.0-preview20140217)
Run 'git help git' to display the help index.
Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.
2014/06/20 08:43:04 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe showvminfo boot2docker-vm --machinereadable
2014/06/20 08:43:05 Virtual machine boot2docker-vm already exists
2014/06/20 08:43:05 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe showvminfo boot2docker-vm --machinereadable
2014/06/20 08:43:05 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm boot2docker-vm --type headless
Waiting for VM "boot2docker-vm" to power on...
VBoxManage.exe: error: VT-x is disabled in the BIOS. (VERR_VMX_MSR_VMXON_DISABLED)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component Console, interface IConsole
2014/06/20 08:43:06 executing: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe showvminfo boot2docker-vm --machinereadable
2014/06/20 08:43:06 Failed to start machine "boot2docker-vm" (run again with -v for details)
2014/06/20 08:43:06 Failed to get machine "boot2docker-vm": exit status 1
Is it possible, or is there a workaround with VirtualBox settings that can make it work?
You can fill a bug report on github: https://github.com/boot2docker/windows-installer. boot2docker should not require VT-x.
In the meantime, you can switch to any other os, like CoreOS (lightweight, docker already installed) or raw ubuntu then install docker.
You might as well want to take a look at Vagrant. CoreOS provides vagrantfiles and it is as easy as vagrant up to spawn a VM with docker enabled.
No it is not possible. I'm stuck with a similar situation with a Q8200 core 2 duo. Doesn't support VT-x which flat out means no 64 bit virtual machines. Doesn't matter which stack.
I'm trying to convert VMDK obtained from AWS to RAW but VBoxManage fails and throws back to "VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED" error!
Is there any solution?
CentOS 6.5
VBoxManage 4.3.8r92456
[root#dhcp-xxx-xx-xx-xx Disks]# **VBoxManage clonehd downloadedImage.vmdk foo.img --format RAW**
VBoxManage: error: Could not get the storage format of the medium '/home/swapniku/Documents/Disks/downloadedImage.vmdk' (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005), component Medium, interface IMedium, callee nsISupports
VBoxManage: error: Context: "OpenMedium(Bstr(pszFilenameOrUuid).raw(), enmDevType, enmAccessMode, fForceNewUuidOnOpen, pMedium.asOutParam())" at line 178 of file VBoxManageDisk.cpp
Found the root cause. VBoxManage fails to identify latest versions of VMDK. So I used qemu-img to convert VMDK to RAW. I hope this helps!