Haskell - caesar cipher - non exhaustive pattern - list

Execution of the following code results in non-exhaustive pattern error. I can't figure it out why. Please help. Thanks.
module Cipher where
import Data.Char
caesar :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
caesar n [] = []
caesar n st = go n st
where go nn (x:xs)
| (x:xs) == [] = []
| ((+nn) $ ord x) > 122 = (chr $ (+nn) 96) : go nn xs
| ((+nn) $ ord x) >= 97 && ((+nn) $ ord x) <=122 = (chr.(+nn) $ ord x) : go nn xs
| otherwise = error "input error"

I think the error lies in the following line(s)
where go nn (x:xs)
| (x:xs) == [] = []
the match (x:xs) == [] will never be true as the first one is always a list with a (real) head and a (maybe empty) tail
you can fix this by
where go _ [] = []
go nn (x:xs) | ((+nn) $ ord x) > 122 = (chr $ (+nn) 96) : go nn xs
| ((+nn) $ ord x) >= 97 && ((+nn) $ ord x) <=122 = (chr.(+nn) $ ord x) : go nn xs
| otherwise = error "input error"
Though this style is highly unreadable - i recommend changing from (+nn) $ ord x to something like ord x + nn as well as chr (ord x + nn).
Moreover you are not accounting for
whitespace in your transformation as well as
negative numbers and
upper case letters!
As this seems to be a homework/exercise I won't give the idiomatic solution, but only a hint that there is a function called map that you should definitely look up and use!
Also your function go is not necessary you can write the algorithm completely without it:
caesar :: Int -> String -> String
caesar _ [] = []
caesar n (x:xs)
| 122 < ord x + n = chr (96 + n) : caesar n xs
| 97 <= ord x + n && ord x + n <=122 = chr (ord x + n) : caesar n xs
| otherwise = error "input error"
Please test with "Alea, iacta esto!" and not "foo" - you'll find more bugs with the first test case.
the idiomatic way to solve a problem, where you have a list and transform every element with a function is using map, so for example
> map (\x -> x + 3) [1..3]
thus you need a function
cipher :: Int -> Char -> Char
cipher n x
| isDigit x = chr $ ord '0' + (ord x - ord '0' + n'') `mod` 10
| isLower x = chr $ ord 'a' + (ord x - ord 'a' + n' ) `mod` 26
| isUpper x = chr $ ord 'A' + (ord x - ord 'A' + n' ) `mod` 26
| otherwise = x
where n' = n `mod` 26 -- for the letters
n'' = n `mod` 10 -- for the digits
caesar :: Int -> String -> String
caesar n xs = map (cipher n) xs

Your go function doesn't have a case that matches an empty list. The otherwise guard doesn't help here since the pattern go nn (x:xs) doesn't match to begin with.
Try this:
caesar :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
caesar n [] = []
caesar n st = go n st
where go nn (x:xs)
| (x:xs) == [] = []
| ((+nn) $ ord x) > 122 = (chr $ (+nn) 96) : go nn xs
| ((+nn) $ ord x) >= 97 && ((+nn) $ ord x) <=122 = (chr.(+nn) $ ord x) : go nn xs
| otherwise = error "input error"
go _ _ = error "fix me"


This expression has type 'a list -> 'a list but an expression was expected of type int

let rec first_part n l =
if n = 0 then
match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> x :: first_part n-1 xs
let rec second_part n l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
if n = 0 then l
else second_part n-1 xs
let rec split n l =
match n with
| 0-> ([], l)
| n -> (first_part n l , second_part n l)
This isn't a very well posed question. You don't show the details of the error or ask a specific question. You also didn't format the code in a readable way (I improved it for you).
Your problem is that
first_part n-1 xs
is parsed like this
(first_part n) - (1 xs)
Function calls in OCaml (juxtaposed expressions) have high precedence. So you need parentheses around (n - 1) in two places.

Why is this OCaml code resulting in a runtime error?

I am trying to run the following code on a coding question website and it says there is a runtime error, but running it on the top-level ocaml seems to work fine. Could there be any source of error in the code? Thanks in advance
The question is to find the number of 'good segments' within the given list and a specific number. A good segment is defined as follows:
A and B are positive integers such that A < B.
x that satisfies A <= x <= B is not an element of the given list.
The following are the inputs.
n, which is the number of elements in the list that will be given.
a, b, c, ... which are the elements of the list.
t, which is the number that must be included in the segment.
The output should be a single number printed out.
Edited Code:
let rec drop_value l to_drop =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl ->
let new_tl = drop_value tl to_drop in
if hd = to_drop then new_tl else hd :: new_tl
let rec find_start li t cur_min =
match li with
| [] -> cur_min
| hd :: tl -> let new_min = abs (t - hd) in
if new_min = 0 then find_start tl t new_min
else if new_min < cur_min && t > hd then find_start tl t new_min
else find_start tl t cur_min
let rec find_end li t cur_min =
match li with
| [] -> cur_min
| hd :: tl -> let new_min = abs (t - hd) in
if new_min = 0 then find_end tl t new_min
else if new_min < cur_min && t < hd then find_end tl t new_min
else find_end tl t cur_min
let rec contains_value l value =
match l with
| [] -> false
| hd :: tl -> if hd = value then true else contains_value tl value
let nums = ref [];;
let n = read_int () in
for i = 1 to n do
Scanf.scanf " %d" (fun a ->
nums := a :: !nums)
Scanf.scanf " %d" (fun t ->
if contains_value !nums t then print_int 0
else let start = if List.length !nums = 1 then 1 else abs (find_start !nums t 1001 - t) in
let finish = find_end (drop_value !nums start) t 1001 + t in
if t > start && t < finish then (if start = 1 && List.length ! nums = 1 then print_int ((t - start + 1) * (finish - t) - 1) else print_int ((t - start) * (finish - t) - 1))
else let start = 1 in print_int ((t - start + 1) * (finish - t) - 1))
4 8 13 24 30
should give
=> [9, 10], [9, 11], [9, 12], [10, 11], [10, 12]
You don't describe the exact input format that your code is going to get. This makes it pretty much impossible to debug your code.
When I compile and run your code (as m.ml) using the input you describe I see this:
$ ./m
5 4 8 13 24 30 10
Fatal error: exception Failure("int_of_string")
In fact no matter what format I try for the input I get the same result.
So that is probably what is happening at the website.
In my experience it always causes more harm than good to use scanf. Combining it with other input functions is probably going to make things worse.
If you describe the expected format of the input carefully, somebody on StackOverflow can recommend a way to get your numbers.
In the meantime here's a way to read all the numbers on one line:
let rec split_at list n =
if n = 0 then
([], list)
match list with
| [] -> ([], [])
| h :: t ->
let (a, b) = split_at t (n - 1) in (h :: a, b)
let (nums, t) =
let line = read_line () in
let nstrs = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t][ \t]*") line in
match List.map int_of_string nstrs with
| [] -> failwith "no numbers"
| n :: rest ->
if List.length rest <> n + 1 then
failwith "bad count"
let (nums, tlist) = split_at rest n in
(nums, List.hd tlist)
. . .

Haskell List Comprehensions with Arbitrary number of Generators

So what I have so far is something like this:
combs :: [[Char]]
combs = [[i] ++ [j] ++ [k] ++ [l] | i <- x, j <- x, k <- x, l <- x]
where x = "abc"
So this is the working function for n = 4, is there any way to make this work for an arbitrary number of generators? I could program in for n = 1, 2, 3 etc.. but ideally need it to work for any given n. For reference, x is just an arbitrary string of unique characters. I'm struggling to think of a way to somehow extract it to work for n generators.
You can use replicateM:
replicateM :: Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
generate :: Num a => Int -> [[a]]
generate = flip replicateM [1,2,3]
to generate all possiible lists of a given length and consisting of elements 1..3.
As far as I know, you can not construct list comprehension with an arbitrary number of generators, but usually if you do something with arbitrary depth, recursion is the way to do it.
So we have to think of solving this, in terms of itself. If you want all possible strings that can be generated with the characters in x. In case n = 0, we can generate exactly one string: the empty string.
combs 0 = [""]
so a list with one element [].
Now in case we want to generate strings with one characters, we can of course simply return x:
combs 1 = x
and now the question is what to do in case n > 1. In that case we can obtain all the strings with length n-1, and and for each such string, and each such character in x, produce a new string. Like:
combs n = [ (c:cs) | c <- x, cs <- combs (n-1) ]
Note that this makes the second case (n = 1) redundant. We can pick a character c from x, and prepend that to the empty string. So a basic implementation is:
combs :: Int -> [[Char]]
combs 0 = [""]
combs n = [(c:cs) | c <- x, cs <- combs (n-1)]
where x = "abc"
Now we can still look for improvements. List comprehensions are basically syntactical sugar for the list monad. So we can use liftA2 here:
import Control.Applicative(liftA2)
combs :: Int -> [[Char]]
combs 0 = [""]
combs n = liftA2 (:) x (combs (n-1))
where x = "abc"
we probably also want to make the set of characters a parameter:
import Control.Applicative(liftA2)
combs :: [Char] -> Int -> [[Char]]
combs _ 0 = [""]
combs x n = liftA2 (:) x (combs (n-1))
and we do not have to restrict us to characters, we can produce a certesian power for all possible types:
import Control.Applicative(liftA2)
combs :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
combs _ 0 = [[]]
combs x n = liftA2 (:) x (combs (n-1))
First I would translate the comprehension as a monadic expression.
x >>= \i -> x >>= \j -> x >>= \k -> x >>= \l -> return [i,j,k,l]
With n = 4 we see we have 4 x's, and generally will have n x's. Therefore, I am thinking about a list of x's of length n.
[x,x,x,x] :: [[a]]
How might we go from [x,x,x,x] to the monadic expression? A first good guess is foldr, since we want to do something with each element of the list. Particularly, we want to take an element from each x and form a list with these elements.
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
-- Or more accurately for our scenario:
foldr :: ([a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]) -> [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
There are two terms to come up with for foldr, which I will call f :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]] and z :: [[a]]. We know what foldr f z [x,x,x,x] is:
foldr f z [x,x,x,x] = f x (f x (f x (f x z)))
If we add parentheses to the earlier monadic expression, we have this:
x >>= \i -> (x >>= \j -> (x >>= \k -> (x >>= \l -> return [i,j,k,l])))
You can see how the two expressions are looking similar. We should be able to find an f and z to make them the same. If we choose f = \x a -> x >>= \x' -> a >>= \a' -> return (x' : a') we get:
f x (f x (f x (f x z)))
= (\x a -> a >>= \a' -> x >>= \x' -> return (x' : a')) x (f x (f x (f x z)))
= f x (f x (f x z)) >>= \a' -> x >>= \x' -> return (x' : a')
= f x (f x (f x z)) >>= \a' -> x >>= \l -> return (l : a')
= (f x (f x z) >>= \a' -> x >>= \k -> return (k : a')) >>= \a' -> x >>= \l -> return (l : a')
= f x (f x z) >>= \a' -> x >>= \k -> x >>= \l -> return (l : k : a')
Note that I have reversed the order of i,j,k,l to l,k,j,i but in context of finding combinations, this should be irrelevant. We could try a' ++ [x'] instead if it was really of concern.
The last step is because (a >>= \b -> c) >>= \d -> e is the same as a >>= \b -> c >>= \d -> e (when accounting for variable hygiene) and return a >>= \b -> c is the same as (\b -> c) a.
If we keep unfolding this expression, eventually we will reach z >>= \a' -> … on the front. The only choice that makes sense here then is z = [[]]. This means that foldr f z [] = [[]] which may not be desirable (preferring [] instead). Instead, we might use foldr1 (for non-empty lists, and we might use Data.NonEmpty) or we might add a separate clause for empty lists to combs.
Looking at f = \x a -> x >>= \x' -> a >>= \a' -> return (x' : a') we might realise this helpful equivalence: a >>= \b -> return (c b) = c <$> a. Therefore, f = \x a -> x >>= \x' -> (x' :) <$> a. Then also, a >>= \b -> c (g b) = g <$> a >>= \b -> c and so f = (:) <$> x >>= \x' -> x' <$> a. Finally, a <*> b = a >>= \x -> x <$> b and so f = (:) <$> x <*> a.
The official implementation of sequenceA for lists is foldr (\x a -> (:) <$> x <*> a) (pure []), exactly what we came up with here too. This can be further shortened as foldr (liftA2 (:)) (pure []) but there is possibly some optimisation difference that made the implementors not choose this.
Last step is to merely come up with a list of n x's. This is just replicate replicate n x. There happens to be a function which does both replication and sequencing, called replicateM replicateM n x.

Haskell: Pattern Matching with Lists

I'm trying to make a function that takes in a list, and if one of the elements is negative, then any elements in that list that are equal to its positive counterpart should be changed to 0. Eg, if there is a -2 in a list, then all 2's in that list should be changed to 0.
Any ideas why it only works for some cases and not others? I'm not understanding why this is, I've looked it over several times.
changeToZero [] = []
changeToZero [x] = [x]
changeToZero (x:zs:y:ws) | (x < 0) && ((-1)*(x) == y) = x : zs : 0 : changeToZero ws
changeToZero (x:xs) = x : changeToZero xs
changeToZero [-1,1,-2,2,-3,3]
-- [-1,1,-2,2,-3,3]
changeToZero [-2,1,2,3]
-- [-2,1,0,3]
changeToZero [-2,1,2,3,2]
-- [-2,1,0,3,2]
changeToZero [1,-2,2,2,1]
-- [1,-2,2,0,1]
I think a list comprehension is both clearer and easier to get right here.
changeToZero xs = [if x > 0 && (-x) `elem` xs then 0 else x | x <- xs]
If you need something more efficient, you can build a set of the negative elements and check that instead of using elem.
import qualified Data.Set as Set
changeToZero' xs = [if (-x) `Set.member` unwanted then 0 else x | x <- xs]
where unwanted = Set.fromList $ filter (< 0) xs
you don't anctually remember which negative symbols you found in the list
import qualified Data.Set as S
changeToZero :: [Int] -> [Int]
changeToZero [] = []
changeToZero xs = reverse . snd $ foldl f (S.empty,[]) xs
f (negs,res) x | x < 0 = (S.insert (-x) negs, x:res)
| S.member x negs = (negs,0:res)
| otherwise = (negs,x:res)
Well, building on the answer from #jdevelop, if the negative has to appear before the positive in order to count, then you can build the result with a single pass over the input, without the need to reverse it:
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.State
changeToZero :: [Int] -> [Int]
changeToZero xs = evalState (mapM f xs) S.empty where
f x | x < 0 = modify (S.insert (-x)) >> return x
| otherwise = gets (S.member x) >>= \hasNeg -> return $ if hasNeg then 0 else x
In this way, you can get an answer to
take 4 $ changeToZero $ 1 : (-2) : 3 : 2 : undefined
where the other solutions will fail.
** Edit **
Here is the same thing, but without the State monad, which makes it easier to understand:
changeToZero' :: [Int] -> [Int]
changeToZero' = go S.empty where
go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs) | x < 0 = x : go (S.insert (-x) s) xs
| S.member x s = 0 : go s xs
| otherwise = x : go s xs

Combine 2 list functions into 1?

How would I combine the following 2 functions:
replaceNth n newVal (x:xs)
| n == 0 = newVal:xs
| otherwise = x:replaceNth (n-1) newVal xs
replaceMthNth m n v arg = replaceNth m (replaceNth n v (arg !! m)) arg
into a single function?
Is it possible?
This is pretty hideous but it does the job:
replacemn 0 0 z ((x : xs) : xss) = (z : xs) : xss
replacemn 0 n z ((x : xs) : xss) =
let (ys : yss) = replacemn 0 (n-1) z (xs : xss)
in ((x : ys) : yss)
replacemn m n z (xs:xss) = xs : replacemn (m-1) n z xss
Function composition
Functions in Haskell may be composed at no cost. E.g. given two functions, f and g, you can compose them into a new function: f . g, which applies g to an argument, then applies f to the result. You should be able to use composition in the same way here.
Ok, here it is with no other named functions in the global namespace, or using any where or let clauses or any other global functions.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables,RankNTypes #-}
module Temp where
newtype Mu a = Mu (Mu a -> a)
replaceMthNth :: Int -> Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
replaceMthNth = (\h (f :: Int -> forall b . b -> [b] -> [b]) -> h f f)
( \replaceNth replaceNth' ->
-- definition of replaceMthNth in terms of some replaceNth and replaceNth'
\m n v arg -> replaceNth m (replaceNth' n v (arg !! m)) arg
-- y combinator
((\f -> (\h -> h $ Mu h) $ \x -> f $ (\(Mu g) -> g) x $ x) :: (a -> a) -> a) $
(\replaceNth ->
-- definition of replaceNth given a recursive definition
(\(n::Int) newVal xs -> case xs of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> if n == 0 then newVal:xs else x:replaceNth (n-1) newVal xs
I don't understand what the question is at all :), but here is how I would implement it:
modifyNth :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
modifyNth n f (x:xs)
| n == 0 = f x : xs
| otherwise = x : modifyNth (n-1) f xs
replaceNthMth :: Int -> Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
replaceNthMth m n v = modifyNth m (modifyNth n (const v))
This way you don't need to traverse the list twice (first time with !!, second time with replaceNth)
Here's a grotesque implementation that rebuilds the 2d list structure with nested list comprehensions over zips with infinite lists:
replaceMthNth :: Int -> Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
replaceMthNth m n v ass = [[if (x,y) == (m,n) then v else a
| (y, a) <- zip [0..] as]
| (x, as) <- zip [0..] ass]