Needed info for libcurl, cross-platform - c++

I want to implement an auto-update or update notification method for my open-source project. My searches often lead me to libcurl.
I search much about HTTP-libs - and many times I ended up with libcurl ... but can I use it for Linux and Windows together?
My wish is to include only header-files (same header for Linux & WIndows, if possible) and add only OS-spefic lib flags with cmake or visual-studio project files. That way, I can compile the same code on both platforms.
Is that possible in general with libcurl? If yes, how do I do that directly?

Yes you can.
An application can use libcurl on both Linux and Windows with the source code parts that do the HTTP transfers being identical. libcurl provides the same API and it works the same on a vast amount of different operating systems.


Accesing Win32 API from FlasCC (aka Crossbridge)

I have to compile a C++ project using FlasCC to create a swf. I am able to compile all the CPP files except those that uses Win32 API ("Windows.h", DirectX,etc). I have seen the api libraries on the cygwin folder /usr/include/w32api but not on FlasCC sdk folder. How can I link them?
You can't. Flascc uses FreeBSD API so nothing windows specific can be used at all unless you write it. And even the libc provided is somewhat limited and lot of the API is dummy. Most of the IO and system dependent code needs to be rewritten to be used with flascc.

Unable to open the socket program header in VS2008

idevs.h, netinet/in_systm.h, netinet/ip.h, netinet/tcp.h openssl/ssl.h sys/socket.h
These header files can work in Linux but in visual studio 2008 compile error says unable to open header file. These are socket program related headers. (I am unable to get any proper result from web search)
Please let me know any dll I have include for these headers or any other equivalent headers are available ?
Thanks in advance.
In windows environment you need to include the windows specific headers like winsock.h and others ( You need to switch between headers using the #ifdef statements when doing builds for different platforms.
Nobody ever promised that windows implementation of the sockets concept is 100% identical to the one of Unix. These implementations have a lot in common, but differences are also present.
Sockets are not part of the C++ standard and are implemented in different ways in Linux and Windows. That means, that the native socket libraries are different in both OSes, and Windows has other headers for its socket API than Linux. So you will not only have to include other headers but might also need to use other functions.
Depending on what you want to achieve, you might want to use a library that wraps the OS specific parts and provides a portable interface. There are several more or less portable networking libraries, one of the best known might be Boost.Asio

Is it possible to use same DLL for clients using both Windows and Linux

I am looking to create a C++ library that can be used by both Linux and Windows clients. The OS specific functionality will be hooked up by the client by implementing the interfaces provided by the library.
Is this possible to achieve? Do I need to recompile the C++ project again in linux.
P.S: I am using CodeBlocks IDE
The short answer is no, you still need to compile your library for each targetted platform -- however, assuming your code is written such that it is cross-platform, you can set up your build to target both Windows and Linux environments with little fuss. I do this now using CMake to generate both Visual Studio projects for Windows environments and Makefiles for Linux environments.
I'm pretty confident that Linux will not accept a .dll :) And yes, you will need to recompile. Unless you run windows as a virtual machine under linux which sort of preempts the question.
It certainly cannot be the same binary file: shared objects ELF format on Linux, DLL "PE" format on Windows. And dynamic loading has different semantics on both systems. See Levine's linker and loader book for details.
You could, if done carefully, have the same source code giving the two different files (the DLL on Windows, the dynamic shared object on Linux).
But you probably would need some conditional compilation tricks like #ifdef WINDOWS etc...
You might use libraries providing you a common abstraction for such things. For instance, both GTK/Glib and Qt have some mechanism giving a common abstraction of dynamically linked (or dynamically loaded - ie dlopen-ed) libraries.
You probably want to read the Program Library Howto (at least for Linux).

Compiling linux library for mingw

I have been using a socket library for C++. Some other info: 32 bit Linux, Codelite and GCC toolset. I want to be able to compile my program for Windows using the windows edition of Codelite. The socket library I have been using doesn’t have a mingw32 build of the library, but it’s open source. So how can I make a mingw32 build of the socket library so I can make a windows build using the source provided?
Most open source linux libraries are built with the make build system (although there others like jam etc, and custom written scripts for building). MinGW comes with the make utility, it's mingw32-make.exe. It may be possible (if you're lucky) to simply rebuild your library by making it on Windows.
The more usual scenario is that you will need to configure the project before you can build it though. The windows shell doesn't support the scripting requirements required to configure, but there's another part of the MinGW project that does called MSYS. If you install msys and all the required tools you need for it, you'll be able to ./configure your project before running make.
Of course, the above will only work if the library is written to be portable. There are some breaking difference between the linux socket implementation (sys/socket.h), and the windows implementation (winsock2.h). You may be forced to edit chunks of the code to ensure that it is versioned correctly for the platform (or that any dependencies required are also built for Windows).
Also, there is the chance that the library may already be built for Windows, but using a different compiler like MSVC, which produces .lib and .dll files. Mingw requires .a files for libraries, but a clever feature is the ability to link directly against a .dll, without the need for an imports library, so you can often use an existing windows library that was not built against Mingw (Although this won't help for static linking). There is also a tool, dlltool, which can convert .lib to .a.
If you give detail on the specific library you're working with, I may be able to pick out for you what needs to be done to run it on Win.
You port it to the new platform. :)
You're fortunate that it is opensource, because then it would be practically impossible to port it (You'd have to pay $$$'s to get a copy of the code for a particular license, or rewrite the entire product).
Alternatively, they may well already have a port... Check the documentation for the library you are using.
First off your going to need to make sure that you aren't including any Linux specific libraries.

Include only certain libraries on an operating system

When writing an app that one wants to have compile on mac, linux and windows, what is the best way of managing the different libraries that will need to be included on the various operating systems. For example, using the glut opengl toolkit requires different includes on each operating system.
Your question is actually two questions in one:
1) How do I write my C++ code to include the right include files on the right platform?
2) How do I write my Makefile to work on different platforms?
The C++ code question is already answered - find the platform-specific defines and use them to figure out what platform you're on.
Automake or scons are quite complex, and are worth your time only if you intend to release your code to a wide audience. In the case of in-house code, a "generic" makefile with per-platform include is usually sufficient. For Windows, you can get GNU Make for Windows (available from here, or use nmake and limit yourself to the subset of syntax common between all platforms.
If you just need to worry about header files, then the preprocessor will do everything you need. If you want to handle differing source files, and possibly different libraries you'll need a tool to handle it.
Some options include:
The Autotools
My personal favorite is CMake. The Autotools uses a multi-stage process that's relatively easy to break, and scons just feels weird to me. Cmake will also generate project files for a variety of IDEs, in addition to makefiles.
There is a good article on Macros. One of the answers how to use conditional compilation based on OS/COmpiler (its near the top).
The use of the Autoconfiguration tools is a nice addition on top of this but is not needed for small projects where it may be easier to detect the OS explicitly, though for larger projects that may need to run on many different types of OS you should also explore the Available autoconfiguration tools mentioned by Branan
Several projects I've worked on use an autoconf-based configure script which builds a Makefile, hence the reason you can build all of them from source with a simple:
make install
Scons has a configuring mechanism that will do a lot of what autotools do without as much complexity, and is pretty darn portable (although not as portable as autotools).
The compiler should have a set of preprocessor symbols it will provide that you can use. For example linux for gcc on a Linux system, _WIN32 for VC++. If you need something more complex then look at autoconf, but that works best for Unix based code.
I'd recommend checking out how some of the larger OpenSource projects handle this. See AutoSense.hpp from (an old release of) Apache Xerces.
If the libraries offer the same API on the different platforms, I would create a "proxy" include file containing all the necessary #ifdefs. That 'platform-independent' include file is then included in your client code instead of cluttering it with numerous and ugly-reading preprocessor commands. These will be contained in the ugly and cluttered platform-independent include.
If the API differs across platforms, you will need to create your own abstraction.
Perhaps this is a cop-out answer, but have you looked at how boost handles this? They build on quite a few platforms without autoconf, although they do have their own build system - bjam - that probably handles some of the same situations. They also do a nice auto-linking trick on windows that automatically selects the right version of libraries for linking depending on the version of the MSVC compiler. Based on your initial description, it sounds like just macro defs checking for various platforms/compilers might do the trick, but perhaps there is more to your problem that would prevent this.