WSO2 identity server email as username + forgot password reset link - wso2

I am using WSO2 for authentication. I want to use email as username so i did below change
It is working fine as expected.
Then i try to implement forgot password functionality. As per my requirement i need to send email notification with link to the user if he/she forgot the password. On doing this, i have to verify the username and get the key. My username should be to get the key, but the problem is while calling "sendRecoveryNotification(username, key, notificationType)" it is expecting the username as only email without tenant id like "".
But the actual key generated against the username "" and it is throwing exception like "javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses". When i give only email address "" it is throwing "18001 invalid confirmation code for user:".
I don't know where i am missing. Is this problem with WSO2?
The only solution i have is to use javax library directly to send email notification.
Can anyone help me to get out of this. Thanks in advance.


How should I implement email verification using restframework-simple-JWT?

I have been working on custom API token logic, that would allow me to verify users using just their email, but not username and password. How I see it:
One user send me credentials (just an email address);
Django SMTP server sends an email with verification code;
User sends its email address and verification code to the server and then gets access and refresh tokens;
I read approximately the same question, but I did not find the answer concrete enough, so I would be glad to hear any suggestion how to solve it.

AWS Cognito userpool changed email address pointless validation code?

i have set up a user pool using option 2 ( see docs here ) where i use the email address to sign in together with a password.
users are able to register and log in successfully.
users can successfully change the email address.
i then use this code to change the email address:
cognitoUser.updateAttributes(attributeList, function (err,
result) {....}
the confusion or problem is:
changing the email address automatically sends a validation code to the new email address. what do i need to do with this code as the email address is changed without validation and the user can use the new address to login without any problems.
is it necessary to validate the changed email address when the address seems to be automatically validated without using the validation code? if i don't have to use the validation code, is there any way of preventing it being sent to the user when they change the email address as they will probably be confused when they receive it seeing that the changed email address works?
Verification is needed when user will try to use forgot password. If email is not verified the code for reseting password will not be send.
You can prevent it from being sent from General settings > MFA and verifications under "Which attributes do you want to verify?"

AWS Cognito verification email not received by user account

While creating user in userpool, user invitation messages are sent with a temporary password but email verification messages is not being sent.
I was creating a very simple setup to try out aws cognito service.
Here is what I did in AWS cognito, I created a user pool with step by step as follows:
1)What do you want to name your user pool?
-> testpool
2)How do you want to create your user pool?
-> step through settings
3)How do you want your end users to sign in?
->Email address or phone number-Allow email addresses
4)What password strength do you want to require?
->Minimum length=6
5)Do you want to allow users to sign themselves up?
->Allow users to sign themselves up
6)How quickly should user accounts created by administrators expire if not used?
->Days to expire-7
7)Do you want to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
8)Do you want to require verification of emails or phone numbers?
9)You must provide a role to allow Amazon Cognito to send SMS messages
10)Do you want to customize your email verification messages?
->Verification type-link
->Email subject = Your verification link
->Email message = Please click the link below to verify your email address. {##Verify Email##}
11)Do you want to customize your user invitation messages?
->SMS message = Your username is {username} and temporary password is ->{####}.
->Email subject = Your temporary password
->Email message = Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.
12)Do you want to customize your email address?
13)Do you want to add tags for this user pool?
14)Do you want to remember your user's devices?
15)Which app clients will have access to this user pool?
->none(will simulate from create user option in genral setting-user and group)
16)Do you want to customize workflows with triggers?
17)Review page - this page shows summary of whatever I selected
Create pool
Now after pool creation went ot genral setting-user and group and clicked create user
A Create user pop-up shows:
Username (Required): myEmailAddress
Send an invitation to this new user?: check
Temporary password: left blank
Phone Number: empty(not required)
Mark phone number as verified? unCheck
Email: myEmailAddress
Mark email as verified? unCheck
Click on Create User
A mail is received into my account form via,with subject: Your temporary password with message as: Your username is and temporary password is agsjyk.
This is okay.
But I didnot receive any verification mail link before previous mail.
Not sure if you're missing this particular setup....Domain name is require for link verification.
Under "Tab integration" then "Domain name"
A mail is received into my account form via,
with subject: Your temporary password
with message as: Your username is and temporary password is > agsjyk.
Looking at this it seems you are creating the user via the Cognito API by the AdminCreateUser method, and that's why you are receiving a temporary password.
The confirmation email you are expecting will only be sent if the user registers itself, so you should use the SignUp method.
verification mail link is for when users sign themselves up, they will receive a link to ask them to verify the email address instead of a code. In your case, you are send a temporary password to the user, so the link wont show up.
You need to add a domain in this section of the Incognito Service:
Also, if you are not getting the email, click on the user, and check their email, it could be wrong.
If anyone else is facing this issue, it appears that you cannot send verification emails if you use SAML or a federated identity provider. Cognito sets the cognito user to EXTERNAL_PROVIDER and no Cognito API calls allow sending a verifcation code or link. The cognito user is automatically created on initial sign-in. I have my user pool set to validate email address but it is always set to false.
The only way that I know to confirm the user via SSO is to use an external verification process outside of cognito.
With Cognito, if you have added both email and phone number then you should allow both as verification methods(In the SignUp experience Tab) as below:
Otherwise the email verification link or code is not sent

How to design email and username login

I have two question about usernames and emails
1. I judge username is a Email if '#' in username, and auth it follow:
email_user = User.objects.get(email__iexact=username)
Is that a good way that you recommended? or you may have a better advice?
I know a AbstractBaseUser can do it, but I think use User is more reasonable.
2. Should I store the user's email within the field?
Imagine if I sign up a new user with:
username: '123'
email: ''
and when I signup success, then I find that my email is wrong,
and now another user that email is '' can't signup again.
I just want to a email is verified that can associate with the user.
what's your advice?
If you want to use email as your unique sign in key, it would save you a lot of trouble in future development of your website if you make a custom User model using AbstractBaseUser. If you want i can post a sample working code
In reference to your second question - You can use Cryptographic signing in Django ( to produce a key. Further send this key as a link (eg and send it as a link to user's email address. This key will contain user id and time stamp. If you receive a request on that link, it means that email is legit. You may find a package that does a similar task maybe.
Implementation (short way) - As the user signups on your website, Immediately ask him/her to verify account using the link you have sent to the given email. If you do not receive a response from that email within a given time (say 20 mins), delete that user entry. This means that you can not let the user access your website until he/she verifies the account.
Flaw - Consider a situation where the user has submitted a wrong email. It is obvious that the user will never be able to verify it but for those 20 mins if co-incidentally the actual user with that same email tries to signup on your website, he won't be able to access. This is very unlikely. Also this user will receive an email from your website saying that user has signed-up on a website (so here you can provide another link, 'if this was not you, please click here' kind of thing)
Unless you have a burning desire to write your own custom user model, which will let you replace the username field with the email, I would recommend using something like Django AllAuth. It includes email verification (as outlined in your question), and can be set to use email as username fairly easily. It's a well established library with lots of support, and will be more immediately usable than rolling your own.
(That said - rolling your own is an illuminating experience, and RA123's point is the answer you should accept if you're going down that road.)

how to get a users email?

I am trying to find out if a user has an email for messaging but can not see where to request that I do request perms for their regular email and can get that, but can't see where to get their email. It's not included in and since there's no guarantee that they have set one up I can't assume that it's based on their username
If a user has a email address it will be their {username} However, just because a user has a username setup, doesn't mean there's a corresponding email for it. I've had a username since Facebook landrushed them, and just the other day I setup an email for it. There's no way to tell if they've set it up. Your best bet is to ask the user for an email address that your app can use.
Just go to your privacy settings and from there act as you are editing you email address then there is a Facebook email button setup there.