I have two functions foo and bar that should be mutually exclusive since they operate on the same data. However foo duplicates a lot of code from bar, so I would like to refactor foo to make a call to bar.
This is a problem because then I can't use a single mutex for both functions, because then foo would deadlock when it calls bar. So rather than "mutually exclusive" I only want "mutually exclusive from different threads".
Is there a pattern for implementing this? I'm using C++ and I'm okay with C++14/boost if I need something like shared_mutex.
Define a private "unlocked" function and use that from both foo and bar:
void bar_unlocked()
// assert that mx_ is locked
// real work
void bar()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mx_);
void foo()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mx_);
// stuff
// more stuff
another way - this has the advantage that you can prove that the lock has been taken:
void bar_impl(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock)
// real work
void bar()
void foo()
// stuff
// more stuff
std::mutex is not (mandated by the standard to be) moveable, but a std::unique_lock<std::mutex> is. For this reason, we can move a lock into a callee and return it back to a caller (if necessary).
This allows us to prove ownership of the lock at every stage of a call chain.
In addition, once the optimiser gets involved, it's likely that all the lock-moving will be optimised away. This gives us the best of both worlds - provable ownership and maximal performance.
A more complete example:
#include <mutex>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
struct actor
// public interface
// perform a simple synchronous action
void simple_action()
/// perform an action either now or asynchronously in the future
/// hander() is called when the action is complete
/// handler is a latch - i.e. it will be called exactly once
/// #pre an existing handler must not be pending
void complex_action(std::function<void()> handler)
impl_complex_action(take_lock(), std::move(handler));
// private external interface (for callbacks)
void my_callback()
auto lock = take_lock();
_condition_met = true;
// private interface
using mutex_type = std::mutex;
using lock_type = std::unique_lock<mutex_type>;
void impl_simple_action(const lock_type& lock)
// assert preconditions
// actions here
void impl_complex_action(lock_type my_lock, std::function<void()> handler)
_handler = std::move(handler);
if (_condition_met)
return impl_condition_met(std::move(my_lock));
else {
// initiate some action that will result in my_callback() being called
// some time later
void impl_condition_met(lock_type lock)
_condition_met = false;
auto copy = std::move(_handler);
// unlock here because the callback may call back into our public interface
auto take_lock() const -> lock_type
return lock_type(_mutex);
mutable mutex_type _mutex;
std::function<void()> _handler = {};
bool _condition_met = false;
void act(actor& a)
// other stuff...
// note: calling another public interface function of a
// during a handler initiated by a
// the unlock() in impl_condition_met() makes this safe.
I have a struct instance that gets used by multiple threads. Each thread contains an unknown amount of function calls that alter the struct member variable.
I have a dedicated function that tries to "reserve" the struct instance for the current thread and I would like to ensure no other thread can reserve the instance till the original thread allows it.
Mutexes come to mind as those can be used to guard resources, but I only know of std::lock_guard that are in the scope of a single function, but do not add protection for all function calls in between lock and unlock.
Is it possible to protect a resource like that, when I know it will always call reserve and release in that order?
Snippet that explains it better:
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <thread> // std::thread
#include <mutex> // std::mutex
struct information_t {
std::mutex mtx;
int importantValue = 0;
// These should only be callable from the thread that currently holds the mutex
void incrementIt() { importantValue++; }
void decrementIt() { importantValue--; }
void reset() { importantValue = 0; }
} protectedResource; // We only have one instance of this that we need to work with
// Free the resource so other threads can reserve and use it
void release()
std::cout << "Result: " << protectedResource.importantValue << '\n';
protectedResource.mtx.unlock(); // Will this work? Can I guarantee the mtx is locked?
// Supposed to make sure no other thread can reserve or use it now anymore!
void reserve()
int main()
std::thread threads[3];
threads[0] = std::thread([]
threads[1] = std::thread([]
// do nothing
threads[2] = std::thread([]
for (auto& th : threads) th.join();
return 0;
My suggestion per comment:
A better idiom might be a monitor which keeps the lock of your resource and provides access to the owner. To obtain a resource, the reserve() could return such monitor object (something like a proxy to access the contents of the resource). Any competing access to reserve() would block now (as the mutex is locked). When the resource owning thread is done, it just destroys the monitor object which in turn unlocks the resource. (This allows to apply RAII to all this which makes your code safe and maintainable.)
I modified OPs code to sketch how this could look like:
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <thread> // std::thread
#include <mutex> // std::mutex
class information_t {
std::mutex mtx;
int importantValue = 0;
class Monitor {
information_t& resource;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock;
friend class information_t; // to allow access to constructor.
Monitor(information_t& resource):
resource(resource), lock(resource.mtx)
{ }
std::cout << "Result: " << resource.importantValue << '\n';
Monitor(const Monitor&) = delete; // copying prohibited
Monitor& operator=(const Monitor&) = delete; // copy assign prohibited
// exposed resource API for monitor owner:
void incrementIt() { resource.incrementIt(); }
void decrementIt() { resource.decrementIt(); }
void reset() { resource.reset(); }
friend class Monitor; // to allow access to private members
Monitor aquire() { return Monitor(*this); }
// These should only be callable from the thread that currently holds the mutex
// Hence, they are private and accessible through a monitor instance only
void incrementIt() { importantValue++; }
void decrementIt() { importantValue--; }
void reset() { importantValue = 0; }
} protectedResource; // We only have one instance of this that we need to work with
#if 0 // OBSOLETE
// Free the resource so other threads can reserve and use it
void release()
protectedResource.mtx.unlock(); // Will this work? Can I guarantee the mtx is locked?
#endif // 0
// Supposed to make sure no other thread can reserve or use it now anymore!
information_t::Monitor reserve()
return protectedResource.aquire();
using MyResource = information_t::Monitor;
int main()
std::thread threads[3];
= std::thread([]
MyResource protectedResource = reserve();
// scope end releases protectedResource
= std::thread([]
try {
MyResource protectedResource = reserve();
throw "Haha!";
// scope end releases protectedResource
} catch(...) { }
= std::thread([]
MyResource protectedResource = reserve();
// scope end releases protectedResource
for (auto& th : threads) th.join();
return 0;
Result: 2
Result: -1
Result: 0
Live Demo on coliru
Is it possible to protect a resource like that, when I know it will always call reserve and release in that order?
It's not anymore necessary to be concerned about this. The correct usage is burnt in:
To get access to the resource, you need a monitor.
If you get it you are the exclusive owner of the resource.
If you exit the scope (where you stored the monitor as local variable) the monitor is destroyed and thus the locked resource auto-released.
The latter will happen even for unexpected bail-outs (in the MCVE the throw "Haha!";).
Furthermore, I made the following functions private:
So, no unauthorized access is possible. To use them properly, an information_t::Monitor instance must be acquired. It provides public wrappers to those functions which can be used in the scope where the monitor resides i.e. by the owner thread only.
This question has been asked multiple times but mine is a slightly different case. Say I have a std::vector of observers which I notify when a certain event happens:
void SomeClass::doThing() {
// do things ...
// notify observers
for (auto* o : mObservers) {
What if in the implementation of thingHappened the observer calls a method in SomeClass to remove itself from the observers? What are some of the best ways to handle this?
One possibility is to make a copy of mObservers before the for loop and use it instead, but the extra copy can be wasteful.
Another possibility is to delegate changes to the array to be run after the loop is finished, perhaps setting a lock (just a boolean) before the loop starts and while this lock is set, the methods that mutate the vector delegate themselves to be called after the loop is done when lock is set to false (could be done with a vector of lambdas... quite cumbersome).
If you have control over the signature of thingHappened(), you can change it to return a bool indicating whether it should be removed. Then, you can remove all the values which return true (or false; depends on the semantics you want).
Luckily for us, std::remove_if and std::partition are guaranteed to call the predicate exactly once per object in the range.
void SomeClass::doThing() {
// do things ...
// notify observers
auto newEnd = std::remove_if(mObservers.begin(), mObservers.end(), [](auto *o) {
return o->thingHappened();
// assuming mObservers is a vector
mObservers.erase(newEnd, mObservers.end());
One way to work around this is to change the data structure. With a std::list the removal of a element only invalidates iterators/references/pointers to that element. Since the rest of the list remains intact all we need to do is get an iterator to the next element before we process the current one. That would look like
for (auto it = the_list.begin(); it != the_list.end();)
auto next = std::next(it);
it = next;
What if in the implementation of thingHappened the observer calls a method in SomeClass to remove itself from the observers? What are some of the best ways to handle this?
The following method has worked for me in the past.
Note that your are going to iterate over the observers.
When a client requests to remove an observer to be removed, check whether you are in the middle of iterating over the observers. If you are, set it aside in another vector. If not, remove it from the observers.
After you are done iterating over the observers, remove all the observers that need to be removed.
Note that you are done iterating over the observers.
void SomeClass::removeObserver(Observer* o) {
if ( this->isIterating )
// Code for real removal of the observer
void SomeClass::doThing() {
this->isIterating = true;
for (auto* o : mObservers) {
for ( auto* o : observersToRemove )
// Code for real removal of the observer
this->isIterating = false;
R Sahu's answer provides a flexible technique for solving this problem. The one thing that concerns me about it is the introduction of several variables that you have to manage. However, it's totally possible to wrap the functionality in a utility class.
Here's a sketch of what you could do:
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// Note that this is not threadsafe
template <typename Type>
class MutableLock {
bool locked = false;
Type value;
// std::function gives us a more general action,
// but it does come at a cost; you might want to consider using
// other techniques.
std::vector<std::function<void(Type&)>> actions;
class AutoLocker {
MutableLock& lock;
friend class MutableLock<Type>;
explicit AutoLocker(MutableLock& lock)
: lock{ lock }
MutableLock() = default;
// The [[nodiscard]] is a C++17 attribute that
// would help enforce using this function appropriately
[[nodiscard]] AutoLocker lock()
locked = true;
return AutoLocker{ *this };
void unlock()
for (auto const& action : actions) {
locked = false;
template <typename F>
void action(F&& f)
if (!locked) {
} else {
// There needs to be some way to expose the value
// not under the lock (so that we can use it when
// we call `lock()`).
// Even if your `Type` is not a range, this would
// be fine, as member functions of a template class
// aren't instantiated unless you call them.
// However, you may want to expose other ways to
// access the value
auto begin() { return std::begin(value); }
auto end() { return std::end(value); }
auto begin() const { return std::begin(value); }
auto end() const { return std::end(value); }
Using it would look something like this:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
class Observer {
virtual void thingHappened() = 0;
~Observer() = default;
class SomeClass {
MutableLock<std::vector<Observer*>> observers;
void addObserver(Observer* observer)
observers.action([observer](auto& observers) {
void remove(Observer const* observer)
observers.action([observer](auto& observers) {
observers.erase(std::remove(observers.begin(), observers.end(), observer), observers.end());
void doSomething()
auto lock = observers.lock();
for (auto* observer : observers) {
// when `lock` goes out of scope, we automatically unlock `observers` and
// apply any actions that were built up
class Observer1 : public Observer {
SomeClass* thing;
void thingHappened() override
std::cout << "thing 1\n";
int main()
SomeClass thing;
Observer1 obs;
obs.thing = &thing;
On Coliru
I want a member std::future<void> to continuously call a function inside a loop until the parent object is destroyed.
My current solution involves wrapping the future in a class with a boolean flag and setting the flag to false on destruction.
class Wrapper
std::future<void> fut;
bool wrapperAlive{true};
Wrapper() : fut{std::async(std::launch::async, [this]
while(wrapperAlive) doSomething();
})} { }
wrapperAlive = false;
Is there a more idiomatic way of doing this?
This is a data-race free version of your code:
class Wrapper {
std::atomic<bool> wrapperAlive{true}; // construct flag first!
std::future<void> fut;
Wrapper() :
fut{std::async(std::launch::async, [this]
~Wrapper() {
wrapperAlive = false;
fut.get(); // block, so it sees wrapperAlive before it is destroyed.
the next thing I'd do is write:
template<class F>
struct repeat_async_t {
F f;
// ...
using repeat_async = repeat_async_t<std::function<void()>>;
template<class F>
repeat_async_t<std::decay_t<F>> make_repeat_async(F&&f){
return {std::forward<F>(f)};
which takes a task to repeat forever, and bundle it up in there, rather than mixing the flow logic with what is executed logic.
At this point, we will probably want to add in an abort method.
Finally, it is very rarely a good idea to busy-loop a thread. So we'd add in some kind of wait-for-more-data-to-consume system.
And it ends up looking a lot different than your code.
How do you initialize an object inside a RAII scope, and use it outside of that scope?
I have a global lock which can be called with lock() and unlock().
I have a type, LockedObject, which can only be initialized when the global lock is locked.
I have a function, use_locked(LockedObject &locked_object), which needs to be called with the global lock unlocked.
The usage scenario is
LockedObject locked_object;
For various reasons, I moved to a RAII encapsulation of the global lock. I would like to use this everywhere, primarily as creating LockedObject can fail with exceptions.
The problem is that
GlobalLock global_lock;
LockedObject locked_object;
fails, as locked_object is created in the inner scope.
Set-up (mostly not important):
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
bool locked = false;
void lock() {
locked = true;
void unlock() {
locked = false;
class LockedObject {
LockedObject(int i) {
std::cout << "Initialized: " << i << std::endl;
void use_locked(LockedObject locked_object) {
class GlobalLock {
GlobalLock() {
~GlobalLock() {
Original, non RAII method:
void manual() {
LockedObject locked_object(123);
Broken RAII methods:
void raii_broken_scoping() {
GlobalLock global_lock;
// Initialized in the wrong scope
LockedObject locked_object(123);
void raii_broken_initialization() {
// No empty initialization
// Alternatively, empty initialization requires lock
LockedObject locked_object;
GlobalLock global_lock;
locked_object = LockedObject(123);
And a main function:
int main(int, char **) {
// raii_broken_scoping();
// raii_broken_initialization;
For what it's worth, in Python I would do:
with GlobalLock():
locked_object = LockedObject(123)
I want the equivalent of that. I mention my current solution in an answer, but it feels clumsy.
The specific (but simplified) code to be executed follows. With my current lambda-based call:
boost::python::api::object wrapped_object = [&c_object] () {
GIL lock_gil;
return boost::python::api::object(boost::ref(c_object));
} ();
auto thread = std::thread(use_wrapped_object, c_object);
class GIL {
GIL(const GIL&);
PyGILState_STATE gilstate;
GIL::GIL() {
gilstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
GIL::~GIL() {
boost::python::api::objects must be created with the GIL and the thread must be created without the GIL. The PyGILState struct and function calls are all given to me by CPython's C API, so I can only wrap them.
Allocate your object on the heap and use some pointers:
std::unique_ptr<LockedObject> locked_object;
GlobalLock global_lock;
locked_object.reset(new LockedObject());
Here is a complete list of options from my perspective. optional would be what I would do:
The proposed post-C++1y optional would solve your problem, as it lets you construct data after declaration, as would heap based unique_ptr solutions. Roll your own, or steal ot from boost
A 'run at end of scope' RAII function storer (with 'commit') can also make this code less crazy, as can letting your locks be manually disengaged within their scope.
template<class F>
struct run_at_end_of_scope {
F f;
bool Skip;
void commit(){ if (!Skip) f(); Skip = true; }
void skip() { Skip = true; }
template<class F>
run_at_end_of_scope<F> at_end(F&&f){ return {std::forward<F>(f), false}; }
auto later = at_end([&]{ /*code*/ });
and you can later.commit(); or later.skip(); to run the code earlier or skip running it.
Making your RAII locking classes have move constructors would let you do construction in another scope, and return via move (possibly elided).
LockedObject make_LockedObject(){
GlobalLock lock;
return {};
My current solution is to use an anonymous function:
void raii_return() {
LockedObject locked_object = [&] () {
GlobalLock global_lock;
return LockedObject(123);
} ();
The advantage of this approach is that it avoids pointers and thanks to copy elision it should be quite fast.
One downside is that LockedObjects don't necessarily support copying (use_locked would in that case take a reference).
For example I've an EventGenerator class that call IEventHandler::onEvent for all registered event handlers:
class IEventHandler {
public: virtual void onEvent(...) = 0;
class EventGenerator {
std::vector<IEventHandler*> _handlers;
std::mutex _mutex; // [1]
void AddHandler(IEventHandler* handler) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_mutex); // [2]
void RemoveHanler(IEventHandler* handler) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_mutex); // [3]
// remove from "_handlers"
void threadMainTask() {
while(true) {
// Do some work ...
// Post event to all registered handlers
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_mutex); // [4]
for(auto& h : _handlers) { h->onEvent(...); )
// Do some work ...
The code should be thread safe in the following manner:
one thread is executing the EventGenerator::threadMainTask
many threads might access EventGenerator::AddHandler and EventGenerator::RemoveHandler APIs.
To support this, I have the following synchonization (see comment in the code):
[1] is the mutex that protects the vector _handlers from multiple thread access.
[2] and [3] are protect adding or removing handlers simultaneously.
[4] is preventing from changing the vector while the main thread is posting events.
This code works until... If for some reason, during the execution of IEventHandler::onEvent(...) the code is trying to call EventManager::RemoveHandler or EventManager::AddHandler. The result is runtime exception.
What is the best approach to handle registration of the event handlers and executing the event handler callback in the thread safe manner?
>> UPDATE <<
So based on the inputs, I've updated to the following design:
class IEventHandler {
public: virtual void onEvent(...) = 0;
class EventDelegate {
IEventHandler* _handler;
std::atomic<bool> _cancelled;
EventDelegate(IEventHandler* h) : _handler(h), _cancelled(false) {};
void Cancel() { _cancelled = true; }
void Invoke(...) { if (!_cancelled) _handler->onEvent(...); }
class EventGenerator {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventDelegate>> _handlers;
std::mutex _mutex;
void AddHandler(std::shared_ptr<EventDelegate> handler) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
void RemoveHanler(std::shared_ptr<EventDelegate> handler) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
// remove from "_handlers"
void threadMainTask() {
while(true) {
// Do some work ...
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventDelegate>> handlers_copy;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_mutex);
handlers_copy = _handlers;
for(auto& h : handlers_copy) { h->Invoke(...); )
// Do some work ...
As you can see, there is additional class EventDelegate that have two purposes:
hold the event callback
enable to cancel the callback
In the threadMainTask, I'm using a local copy of the std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventDelegate>> and I'm releasing the lock before invoking the callbacks. This approach solves an issue when during the IEventHandler::onEvent(...) the EventGenerator::{AddHandler,RemoveHanler} is called.
Any thoughts about the new design?
Copy-on-Write vector implemented on atomic swap of shared_ptr's (in assumptions callback registration is occurring far less frequently than events the callbacks are notified about):
using callback_t = std::shared_ptr<std::function<void(event_t const&)> >;
using callbacks_t = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<callback_t> >;
callbacks_t callbacks_;
mutex_t mutex_; // a mutex of your choice
void register(callback_t cb)
// the mutex is to serialize concurrent callbacks registrations
// this is not always necessary, as depending on the application
// architecture, single writer may be enforced by design
scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
auto callbacks = atomic_load(&callbacks_);
auto new_callbacks = std::make_shared< std::vector<callback_t> >();
new_callbacks->reserve(callbacks->size() + 1);
*new_callbacks = callbacks;
atomic_store(&callbacks_, new_callbacks);
void invoke(event_t const& evt)
auto callbacks = atomic_load(&callbacks_);
// many people wrap each callback invocation into a try-catch
// and de-register on exception
for(auto& cb: *callbacks) (*cb)(evt);
Specifically on the subject of asynchronous behavior when callback is executed while being de-registered, well here the best approach to take is remember of the Separation of Concerns principle.
The callback should not be able to die until it has been executed. This is achieved via another classic trick called "extra level of indirection". Namely, instead of registering user provided callback one would wrap it to something like the below and callback de-registration apart from updating the vector will call the below defined discharge() method on the callback wrapper and will even notify the caller of de-registration method of whether the callback execution finished successfully.
template <class CB> struct cb_wrapper
mutable std::atomic<bool> done_;
CB cb_;
cb_wrapper(CB&& cb): cb(std::move(cb_)) {}
bool discharge()
bool not_done = false;
return done_.compare_exchange_strong(not_done, true);
void operator()(event_t const&)
if (discharge())
I can't see a right thing here. From your update I can see a problem: you are not synchronizing the invoke method with callback removal. There's an atomic but it's not enough. Example: just after this line of code:
if (!_cancelled)
Another thread calls the remove method. What can happen is that the onEvent() is called anyway, even if the removed method has removed the callback from the list and returned the result, there's nothing to keep synchronized this execution flow. Same problem for the answer of #bobah.