Split words in R Dataframe column - regex

I have a data frame with words in a column separated by single space. I want to split it into three types as below. Data frame looks as below.
one of the
i want to
I want to split it into as below.
Text split1 split2 split3
one of the one one of of the
I am able to achieve 1st. Not able to figure out the other two.
my code to get split1:
new_data$split1<-sub(" .*","",new_data$Text)
Figured out the split2:
df$split2 <- gsub(" [^ ]*$", "", df$Text)

We can try with gsub. Capture one or more non-white space (\\S+) as a group (in this case there are 3 words), then in the replacement, we rearrange the backreference and insert a delimiter (,) which we use for converting to different columns with read.table.
df1[paste0("split", 1:3)] <- read.table(text=gsub("(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)",
"\\1,\\1 \\2,\\2 \\3", df1$Text), sep=",")
# Text split1 split2 split3
#1 one of the one one of of the
#2 i want to i i want want to
df1 <- structure(list(Text = c("one of the", "i want to")),
.Names = "Text", class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))

There might be more elegant solutions. Here are two options:
Using ngrams:
library(dplyr); library(tm)
df %>% mutate(splits = strsplit(Text, "\\s+")) %>%
mutate(split1 = lapply(splits, `[`, 1)) %>%
mutate(split2 = lapply(splits, function(words) ngrams(words, 2)[[1]]),
split3 = lapply(splits, function(words) ngrams(words, 2)[[2]])) %>%
Text split1 split2 split3
1 one of the one one, of of, the
2 i want to i i, want want, to
Extract the two grams manually:
df %>% mutate(splits = strsplit(Text, "\\s+")) %>%
mutate(split1 = lapply(splits, `[`, 1)) %>%
mutate(split2 = lapply(splits, `[`, 1:2),
split3 = lapply(splits, `[`, 2:3)) %>%
Text split1 split2 split3
1 one of the one one, of of, the
2 i want to i i, want want, to
With regular expression, we can use back reference of gsub.
gsub("((.*)\\s+(.*))\\s+(.*)", "\\1", df$Text)
[1] "one of" "i want"
gsub("(.*)\\s+((.*)\\s+(.*))", "\\2", df$Text)
[1] "of the" "want to"

This is a bit of hackish solution.
Assumption :- you are not concerned about number of spaces between two words.
> library(stringr)
> x<-c('one of the','i want to')
> strsplit(gsub('(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(.*)', '\\1 \\1 \\2 \\2 \\3', x), '\\s\\s+')
#[1] "one" "one of" "of the"
#[1] "i" "i want" "want to"


Split or substitute strings with wildcards in R [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Split data frame string column into multiple columns
(16 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have the following vector:
a <- c("abc_lvl1", "def_lvl2")
I basically want to split into two vectors:
("abc", "def") and ("lvl1", "lvl2). I know how to substitute with sub:
sub(".*_", "", a)
[1] "lvl1" "lvl2"
I think this translates into "Search for any number of any characters before "_" and replace with nothing." Accordingly - i thought - this should give me the other desired vector:
sub("_*.", "", a), but it removes just the leading character:
[1] "bc_lvl1" "ef_lvl2"
Where do i mess up?
This is essentially the equivalent for the "text-to-columns"-function in excel.
There are several ways to do this. Here are a few, some using packages, and others with base R.
a <- c("abc_lvl1", "def_lvl2")
Here are some options:
do.call(rbind, strsplit(a, "_", TRUE))
matrix(scan(what = "", text = a, sep = "_"), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
scan(text = a, sep = "_", what = list("", "")) ## a list
cSplit(data.table(a), "a", "_")
setDT(tstrsplit(a, "_"))[]
data_frame(a) %>%
separate(a, into = c("this", "that"))
colsplit(a, "_", c("this", "that"))
t(stri_split_fixed(a, "_", simplify = TRUE))
mstrsplit(a, "_") # Matrix
dstrsplit(a, col_types = c("character", "character"), "_") # data.frame
read.pattern(text = a, pattern = "(.*)_(.*)")
We can use read.csv/read.table and specify the sep="_". It will split the strings into two columns.
read.csv(text=a, sep="_", header=FALSE)
Just to build on the initial comments
a <- c("abc_lvl1", "def_lvl2")
a1 <- do.call(c, lapply(a, function(x){strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]}))
a2 <- do.call(c, lapply(a, function(x){strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]}))
[1] "abc" "def"
[1] "lvl1" "lvl2"

String split in R skipping first delimiter if multiple delimiters are present

I have "elephant_giraffe_lion" and "monkey_tiger" strings.
The condition here is if there are two or more delimiters, I want to split at the second delimiter and if there is only one delimiter, I want to split at that delimiter. So the results I want to get in this example are "elephant_giraffe" and "monkey".
mystring<-c("elephant_giraffe_lion", "monkey_tiger")
"elephant_giraffe" "monkey"
You can anchor your split to the end of the string using $,
unlist(strsplit(mystring, "_[a-z]+$"))
# [1] "elephant_giraffe" "monkey"
The above only matches the last "_", not accounting for cases where there are more than two "_". For the more general case, you could try
mystring<-c("elephant_giraffe_lion", "monkey_tiger", "dogs", "foo_bar_baz_bap")
tmp <- gsub("([^_]+_[^_]+).*", "\\1", mystring)
tmp[tmp==mystring] <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[tmp==mystring], "_"), `[[`, 1)
# [1] "elephant_giraffe" "monkey" "dogs" "foo_bar"
You could also use gsubfn, to process the match with a function
f <- function(x,y) if (y==x) strsplit(y, "_")[[1]][[1]] else y
gsubfn("([^_]+_[^_]+).*", f, mystring, backref=1)
# [1] "elephant_giraffe" "monkey" "dogs" "foo_bar"
As I posted an answer on your other related question, a base R solution:
x <- c('elephant_giraffe_lion', 'monkey_tiger', 'foo_bar_baz_bap')
sub('^(?|([^_]*_[^_]*)_.*|([^_]*)_[^_]*)$', '\\1', x, perl=TRUE)
# [1] "elephant_giraffe" "monkey" "foo_bar"

String split with conditions in R

I have this mystring with the delimiter _. The condition here is if there are two or more delimiters, I want to split at the second delimiter and if there is only one delimiter, I want to split at ".Recal" and get the result as shown below.
"MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"
You can do this using gsubfn
f <- function(x,y,z) if (z=="_") y else strsplit(x, ".ReCal", fixed=T)[[1]][[1]]
gsubfn("([^_]+_[^_]+)(.).*", f, mystring, backref=2)
# [1] "MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"
This allows for cases when you have more than two "_", and you want to split on the second one, for example,
"MODY_116.5.ReCal_asdfsadf_1212_asfsdf", # split by second "_", leaving ".ReCal"
gsubfn("([^_]+_[^_]+)(.).*", f, mystring, backref=2)
# [1] "MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"
# [5] "MODY_116.4" "MODY_116.5.ReCal" "MODY"
In the function, f, x is the original string, y and z are the next matches. So, if z is not a "_", then it proceeds with the splitting by the alternative string.
With the stringr package:
str_extract(mystring, '.*?_.*?(?=_)|^.*?_.*(?=\\.ReCal)')
[1] "MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"
It also works with more than two delimiters.
Perl/PCRE has the branch reset feature that lets you reuse a group number when you have capturing groups in different alternatives, and is considered as one capturing group.
IMO, this feature is elegant when you want to supply different alternatives.
x <- c('MODY_60.2.ReCal.sort.bam', 'MODY_116.21_C4U.ReCal.sort.bam',
'MODY_116.3_C2RX-1-10.ReCal.sort.bam', 'MODY_116.4.ReCal.sort.bam',
'MODY_116.4_asdfsadf_1212_asfsdf', 'MODY_116.5.ReCal_asdfsadf_1212_asfsdf', 'MODY')
sub('^(?|([^_]*_[^_]*)_.*|(.*)\\.ReCal.*)$', '\\1', x, perl=T)
# [1] "MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"
# [5] "MODY_116.4" "MODY_116.5.ReCal" "MODY"
[1] "MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"
You can simply do using gsub without using any complex regex.Just replace by \\1.See demo.
A little longer, but needs less regular expression knowledge:
indx <- str_locate_all(mystring, "_")
for (i in seq_along(indx)) {
if (nrow(indx[[i]]) == 1) {
mystring[i] <- strsplit(mystring[i], ".ReCal")[[1]][1]
} else {
mystring[i] <- substr(mystring[i], start = 1, stop = indx[[i]][2] - 1)
gregexpr can search for a pattern in strings and give the location.
First, we use gregexpr to find the location of all _ in each element of mystring. Then, we loop through that output and extract the index of second _ within each element of mystring. If there is no second _, it'll return an NA (check inds in the example below).
After that, we can either extract the relevant part using substr based on the extracted index or, if there is NA, we can split the string at .ReCal and keep only the first part.
inds = sapply(gregexpr("_", mystring, fixed = TRUE), function(x) x[2])
substr(mystring, 1, inds - 1),
sapply(strsplit(mystring, ".ReCal"), '[', 1))
#[1] "MODY_60.2" "MODY_116.21" "MODY_116.3" "MODY_116.4"

Truncate words within each element of a character vector in R

I have a data frame where one column is a character vector and every element in the vector is the full text of a document. I want to truncate words in each element so that maximum word length is 5 characters.
For example:
a <- c(1, 2)
b <- c("Words longer than five characters should be truncated",
"Words shorter than five characters should not be modified")
df <- data.frame("file" = a, "text" = b, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
file text
1 1 Words longer than five characters should be truncated
2 2 Words shorter than five characters should not be modified
And this is what I'm trying to get:
file text
1 1 Words longe than five chara shoul be trunc
2 2 Words short than five chara shoul not be modif
I've tried using strsplit() and strtrim() to modify each word (based in part on split vectors of words by every n words (vectors are in a list)):
x <- unlist(strsplit(df$text, "\\s+"))
y <- strtrim(x, 5)
[1] "Words" "longe" "than" "five" "chara" "shoul" "be" "trunc" "Words" "short" "than"
[12] "five" "chara" "shoul" "not" "be" "modif"
But I don't know if that's the right direction, because I ultimately need the words in a data frame associated with the correct row, as shown above.
Is there a way to do this using gsub and regex?
If you're looking to utilize gsub to perform this task:
> df$text <- gsub('(?=\\b\\pL{6,}).{5}\\K\\pL*', '', df$text, perl=T)
> df
# file text
# 1 1 Words longe than five chara shoul be trunc
# 2 2 Words short than five chara shoul not be modif
You were on the right track. In order for your idea to work, however, you have to do the split/trim/combine for each row separated. Here's a way to do it. I was very verbose on purpose, to make it clear, but you can obviously use less lines.
df$text <- sapply(df$text, function(str) {
str <- unlist(strsplit(str, " "))
str <- strtrim(str, 5)
str <- paste(str, collapse = " ")
And the output:
> df
file text
1 1 Words longe than five chara shoul be trunc
2 2 Words short than five chara shoul not be modif
The short version is
df$text <- sapply(df$text, function(str) {
paste(strtrim(unlist(strsplit(str, " ")), 5), collapse = " ")
I just realized you asked if it is possible to do this using gsub and regex. Even though you don't need those for this, it's still possible, but harder to read:
df$text <- sapply(df$text, function(str) {
str <- unlist(strsplit(str, " "))
str <- gsub("(?<=.{5}).+", "", str, perl = TRUE)
str <- paste(str, collapse = " ")
The regex matches anything that appears after 5 characters and replaces those with nothing. perl = TRUE is necessary to enable the regex lookbehind ((?<=.{5})).

Eliminating the characters that are not a date in R

I have some data frame, df with a column with dates that are in the following format:
01/01/13 00:00:00
03/01/13 00:02:03
04/03/13 00:10:15
I would like to eliminate the timestamp, just leaving the date (e.g. 01/01/13 for the first row). I have tried both using sapply() to apply the strsplit() function, and tried to filter the content using a regex, but don't seem to have quite gotten it right in either case. This:
sapply(pv$day, function(x) strsplit(toString(x), ' '))
gives me the column with the correct split, but indexing with either [1] or [[1]] does not return the first element of the split.
What is the best way to go about this?
You can use sub:
vec <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00", "03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
sub(" .+", "", vec)
# [1] "01/01/13" "03/01/13" "04/03/13"
A simple, flexible solution is to use strptime and strftime. Here is an example that uses your dates from the example above:
# Your dates
t <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00","03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
# Convert character strings to dates
z <- strptime(t, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%OS")
# Convert dates to string, omitting the time
z.date <- strftime(z,"%d/%m/%y")
# Print the first date
Here's a nice way to use sapply, it uses strsplit to split at the space
> d <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00", "03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
> sapply(strsplit(d, " "), `[`, 1)
# [1] "01/01/13" "03/01/13" "04/03/13"
And also, you could use stringr::word if you just want a character vector.
> library(stringr)
> word(d)
# [1] "01/01/13" "03/01/13" "04/03/13"
Here is an approach using a look around assertion:
vec <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00", "03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
gsub(pattern = "(?=00).*$", replacement = "", vec, perl = TRUE)
[1] "01/01/13 " "03/01/13 " "04/03/13 "
The pattern looks for anything at the end of a string that begins with double 00, and removes it.