C++ / Qt - Passing self to pthread_create - c++

I am working on a Qt GUI that will handle a single client. I am NOT using the Qt TCP libraries or the Qt thread library. I am creating my own Server class (more or less for the experience/learning).
I wanted to make sure what I am doing with the pthread handler isn't going to come back to haunt me in the future. My question is... Is it bad practice to pass this into the pthread_create function? Could this cause problems? It seems to work ok but I am always weary about problems lurking when working with threads.
I will be happy to share more code if it is needed. Thanks for taking a look.
class Server : public Socket{
TCPSocket *accept() throw(SocketException);
static void *listen_for_clients(void *);
void start() throw(SocketException);
void set_listen() throw(SocketException);
pthread_t listen_thread;
void HandleTCPClient(TCPSocket *sock);
TCPSocket *Server::accept() throw(SocketException)
int new_conn_sd;
if ( (new_conn_sd = ::accept(socket_descriptor, NULL, 0)) < 0)
throw SocketException("Server: accept failed", true);
return new TCPSocket(new_conn_sd);
void *Server::listen_for_clients(void *ptr)
Server * p = (Server *)ptr;
for (;;)
return 0;
void Server::start() throw(SocketException)
if(pthread_create(&listen_thread, NULL, listen_for_clients, this)) {
throw SocketException("Server: cannot create listen thread", true);
void Server::set_listen() throw(SocketException)
if (listen(socket_descriptor, queue_length) < 0)
throw SocketException("Server: set listening socket failed", true);
void HandleTCPClient(TCPSocket *sock) {
std::cout << "Handling client ";
delete sock;


Boost Message queue Not receiving across two processes

I wrote a small test app to use the Boos Message_Queue to send data between two processes. That all worked correctly and I was able to print the data that I sent.
I moved my test code into my main project and now the main project is not waking from the Receives. The main project runs as systems so I tracked down one error and saw that the message_queue was not checking the same memory location for some reason. I defined BOOST_INTERPROCESS_SHARED_DIR_PATH and then the main project was able to open the queue created by the test app. But when the test app sends the main project never woke from its receive. The main project should be running as system and the test app as a user. But I figured since it is sharing the memory location it should work correctly?
If I open the queue in the test app again it wakes and receives all of the messages right away. Am I missing something or is this a limitation on BOOST message_queue?
The code from the test app:
MessageQueue::MessageQueue(int, boost::interprocess::permissions perm) :
mq(boost::interprocess::create_only, "TestChannel", 100, sizeof(QueueData), perm)
MessageQueue::MessageQueue(bool) :
mq(boost::interprocess::open_only, "TestChannel")
int num = mq.get_num_msg();
wprintf(_T("sent: %d\n"), num);
void MessageQueue::SetCommand(int i)
QueueData qd;
qd.fakeInfo = i;
qd.exit = false;
mq.send(&qd, sizeof(qd), 0);
OLECHAR* uidOleStr;
if (StringFromCLSID(qd.msgGuid, &uidOleStr) != S_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown error occurred when trying to convert a GUID to string!");
// Copy the ole str into a CString and then free it immediately, so we don't have to worry about it.
CString guidString(uidOleStr);
wprintf(_T("sent: %d, %s\n"), qd.fakeInfo, guidString);
void MessageQueue::WaitForCommand()
QueueData qd;
size_t size, pri;
mq.receive(&qd, sizeof(qd), size, pri);
if (qd.fakeInfo == 2)
OLECHAR* uidOleStr;
if (StringFromCLSID(qd.msgGuid, &uidOleStr) != S_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown error occurred when trying to convert a GUID to string!");
// Copy the ole str into a CString and then free it immediately, so we don't have to worry about it.
CString guidString(uidOleStr);
wprintf(_T("Recieved: %d, %s\n"), qd.fakeInfo, guidString);
if (qd.exit)
void MessageQueue::sendExit()
QueueData qd;
qd.exit = true;
mq.send(&qd, sizeof(qd), 0);
wprintf(_T("Sent Exit"));
.h file:
#pragma once
#define BOOST_INTERPROCESS_SHARED_DIR_PATH "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Users"
#include <boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/permissions.hpp>
class QueueData
int fakeInfo;
GUID msgGuid;
bool exit;
class MessageQueue
MessageQueue(int, boost::interprocess::permissions perm);
boost::interprocess::message_queue mq;
void SetCommand(int);
void WaitForCommand();
void sendExit();
test app running code: (I have been using breakpoints)
void waiter()
MessageQueue mq(true);
void sender()
boost::interprocess::permissions perm;
MessageQueue mq(2, perm);
catch (boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception e)
int main() {
The code from the main project: (To test I did have it use the wait of the above code and still nothing)
void MemoryChannel::WaitForCmd( const std::function< void ( MemoryChannelCmd cmd, const char *pData, TCHAR *tempPath, GUID msgGuid ) > func )
QueueData mcObject;
size_t size, pri;
while (true)
pMCD->dataQueue.timed_receive(&mcObject, sizeof(mcObject), size, pri, boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(30000));
size_t num = pMCD->dataQueue.get_num_msg();
//func(MemoryChannelCmd::MEMORY_CHANNEL_RUN_SQL_SELECT, "", _T(""), mcObject.msgGuid);
Doesn't seem to be a code issue since it works in the test app but not in the main project even sharing code.
I am at a loss.
For inter-process communication the higher privilege process must start first. Only then can lower privilege processes can connect.
In your example system process should start the queue, test app connects and then they can communicate. This is why it works when restarting the test app.
It's designed this way to prevent lower privilege users to access higher privilege user memory without permission.

Cant put Accept() (CSocket) in its own thread

I use blocking server-client to do a FTP homework.
But i got stuck when try to put Accept into a thread. (Everytime i run the CServer , it crahses and shut down)
Anyone know the answer or can suggest me sth else. i really appreciate it.
I really want to use blocking and CSocket ,so dont't suggest me non-blocking
I also took a look at p_thread, but i still won't if any chance my code works
void CServerDlg::OnBnClickedListen()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
if (listen.Create(PORT, SOCK_STREAM, _T("")) == 0) {
showMessage("Failed to init socket");
else {
if (listen.Listen(1) == FALSE) {
showMessage("Can't listen to the port");
connectThread = thread(&CServerDlg::ThreadMain, this);
void CServerDlg::ThreadMain() {
int cnt = -1;
CSocket* client;
while (1)
client = new CSocket();
if (listen.Accept(*client)) // it crashes everytime i got here
char * id = Converter::StringToChar(Converter::NumberToString(*client));
showMessage("Found a connection with client " + Converter::CharToString(id));
Thread here
threads.push_back(thread(&CServerDlg::ThreadProc, this, cnt));
else break;

Thread does not do anything

I try to use a thread to tell the user the COM port for serial communication he entered was wrong. I have a thread class which tries to establish the connection and a function in my main, that should tell the user.
The compiler does not complain, but my program never enters the function. Maybe anyone can spot the mistake I made.
WindowsDgpsGUIFrame::WindowsDgpsGUIFrame(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id)
Bind(wxEVT_THREAD, &WindowsDgpsGUIFrame::onConnectionFailed, this, wxID_EXIT);
void WindowsDgpsGUIFrame::OnButtonStartClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
NavigationThread* navigationThread = new NavigationThread(this, m_usedVariables);
m_navigationThread = navigationThread;
wxThreadError err = m_navigationThread->Create();
if(err != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR)
StaticStatusText->SetLabel("Could not create NavigationThread.");
StaticStatusText->SetLabel("Thread created");
err = m_navigationThread->Run();
if(err != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR)
StaticStatusText->SetLabel("Could not run thread.");
void WindowsDgpsGUIFrame::onConnectionFailed(wxThreadEvent& event)
wxThread::ExitCode NavigationThread::Entry()
Serial serial;
int resultGnss = serial.Open(m_gnssPort, STANDARD_BAUDRATE);
wxThreadEvent event(wxEVT_THREAD, wxID_RETRY);
if(resultGnss != 0)
event.SetString("Connection to GNSS box not possible. Try with another COM port.");
event.SetString("Connection successful");
return 0;
The thread gets created and starts running, but even though the event is thrown in the thread the program never reaches onConnectionFailed().

POCO connection gets stuck

I am using POCO reactor pattern for handling incoming tcp connections. Connections might take from couple of seconds to minutes depending on the request type as follows:
ServerSocket serverSocket(port);
reactor = new SocketReactor();
ParallelSocketAcceptor<BFSTcpServiceHandler,SocketReactor> acceptor(serverSocket, *reactor);
//Start Reactor
LOG(ERROR)<<"ERROR in initializing TCPServer:"<<e.message();
And here is the Handler:
BFSTcpServiceHandler::BFSTcpServiceHandler(StreamSocket& _socket,
SocketReactor& _reactor): socket(_socket),reactor(_reactor) {
//Set Keeep Alive for socket
//Register Callbacks
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ReadableNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onReadable));
/*reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
WritableNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onWriteable));*/
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ShutdownNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onShutdown));
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ErrorNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onError));
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
TimeoutNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onTimeout));
/*reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
IdleNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onIdle));*/
BFSTcpServiceHandler::~BFSTcpServiceHandler() {
//Unregister Callbacks
reactor.removeEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ReadableNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onReadable));
//Close socket
try {
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onReadable(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ReadableNotification>& pNf) {
//Read and process request
} catch(Exception &e){
LOG(ERROR)<<"Error in reading request:"<<e.message();
delete this;
//So after a connection is served just close it!
delete this;
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onShutdown(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ShutdownNotification>& pNf) {
//Call destructor of this class
delete this;
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onWriteable(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::WritableNotification>& pNf) {
static bool once = true;
if(once) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"onWritable:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString()<<" keepAlive?"<<socket.getKeepAlive()<<" isBlocking?"<<socket.getBlocking()<<" noDeley?"<<socket.getNoDelay();
once = false;
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onTimeout(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::TimeoutNotification>& pNf) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"\nTIMEOUT! onTimeout:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString();
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onError(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ErrorNotification>& pNf) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"\nERROR! onError:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString();
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onIdle(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::IdleNotification>& pNf) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"\nIDLE! onIdle:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString();
The code works fine; however, after a while it gets stuck meaning that the server does accepts connections but onReadable is not called at all anymore. For example, after it gets stuck I can telnet to the server but when I send data onReadable is not fired. Using netstat I realized some data are being kept in the RCV_QEUEUE and reactor does not fire onReadable event.
I thought it's due to hitting connection/file limits of systems but it is not actually many connections open when the system gets stuck.
Any comment or help is appreciated.
The problem was using a faulty NIC/driver. I changed the code to regular POSIX sockets and had the same issue and switching the NIC solved the issue. I am not sure if it was a driver or hardware issue.

ZMQ recv() is blocking even after the context was terminated

I did my best to follow the instructions in the ZMQ termination whitepaper, but so far I'm failing miserably.
I have a parent class, which spawns a listener thread (using win32-pthreads).
Accoring to the whitepaper, when terminating, I should set the _stopped flag, delete the context, which in turn would call zmq_term() and release the blocking recv(). Instead, what I get is either:
calling delete _zmqContext crashes the application (probably with a segmentation fault)
replacing the delete with zmq_term(_zmqContext) does not release the blocking recv()
I'm adding a partial code sample, which is long because I'm not sure which part may be important.
class AsyncZmqListener
AsyncZmqListener(const std::string uri);
bool Start();
void Stop();
static void* _threadEntryFunc(void* _this);
void _messageLoop();
bool _stopped;
pthread_t _thread;
zmq::context_t* _zmqContext;
AsyncZmqListener::AsyncZmqListener(const std::string uri) : _uri(uri)
_zmqContext = new zmq::context_t(1);
_stopped = false;
void AsyncZmqListener::Start()
int status = pthread_create(&_thread, NULL, _threadEntryFunc, this);
void AsyncZmqListener::Stop()
_stopped = true;
delete _zmqContext; // <-- Crashes the application. Changing to 'zmq_term(_zmqContext)' does not terminate recv()
pthread_join(_thread, NULL); // <-- This waits forever
void AsyncZmqListener::_messageLoop()
zmq::socket_t listener(*_zmqContext, ZMQ_PULL);
zmq::message_t message;
listener.recv(&message); // <-- blocks forever
I'm aware of this related question, but none of the answers quite match the clean exit flow described in the whitepaper. I will resolve to polling if I have to...
ZMQ recv() did unblock after its related context was terminated
I was not aware that recv() throws an ETERM exception when this happens.
Revised code that works:
void AsyncZmqListener::_messageLoop()
zmq::socket_t listener(*_zmqContext, ZMQ_PULL);
zmq::message_t message;
catch(const zmq::error_t& ex)
// recv() throws ETERM when the zmq context is destroyed,
// as when AsyncZmqListener::Stop() is called
if(ex.num() != ETERM)