Can I skip implementing tessellation shader in OpenGL? - opengl

Yesterday,I bought a book about OpenGL 4.5 and the thing is that the project I am now working on doesn't require any tessellation features in order to pass. So I want to skip implementing tessellation shader among many other stages of OpenGL pipelines. Is it okay to skip it or not?
Thanks in advance!

The Vertex Shader is the only mandatory shader. Geometry, Tessellation Control, Tessellation Evaluation and Fragment Shaders are all optional. Though in most cases you don't want the Fragment shader to be optional.
If you do use Tessellation, the TCS is optional (you can define OpenGL sided defaults) and only the TES is absolutely necessary. But there is no flag or anything to activate Tessellation, OpenGL will "think" you're using Tessellation if you compile a TES along with the other shaders.
So yes, you can skip Tessellation if you want to. Check this for more info OpenGL tessellation


OpenGL, C++, In Out variables

I need to pass some variables directly from vertex shader to fragment shader but my pipeline also contains a TCS a TES and A GS that simply do passthrough stuff.
I already know that fragment shader expects to recieve values for its "in" variables from the last linked shader of the program, in my case the Geometry Shader, but I don't want to do MVP and normal calculations there.
How can I output a variable directly to the fragment shader from vertex shader? (skipping the rest of the shaders in the middle)
Is that even possible?
How can i output a variable directly to the fragment shader from vertex shader? (skipping the rest of the shaders in the middle)
You don't.
Each stage can only access values provided by the previous active stage in the pipeline. If you want to communicate from the VS to the FS, then every stage between them must shepherd those values through themselves. After all:
my pipeline also contains a TCS a TES
If you're doing tessellation, then how exactly could a VS directly communicate with an FS? The fragment shaders inputs are per-fragment values generated by doing rasterization on the primitive being rendered. But since tessellation is active, the primitives the VS is operating on don't exist anymore; only the post-tessellation primitives exist.
So if the VS's primitives are all gone, how do the tessellated primitives get values? For a vertex that didn't exist until the tessellator activated, from where would it get a vertex value to be rasterized and interpolated across the generated primitive?
The job of figuring that out is given to the TES. It will use the values output from the VS (sent through the TCS if present) and interpolate/generate them in accord with the tessellation interpolation scheme it is coded with. That is what the TES is for.
The GS is very much the same way. Geometry shaders can take one primitive and turn it into twenty. It can discard entire primitives. How could the VS possibly communicate vertex information to a fragment shader through a GS which may just drop that primitive on the floor or create 30 separate ones? Or convert triangles into lines?
So there's not even a conceptual way for the VS to provide values to the FS through other shader pipelines.

OpenGL: Fragment vs Vertex shader for gradients?

I'm new to OpenGL, and I'm trying to understand vertex and fragment shaders. It seems you can use a vertex shader to make a gradient if you define the color you want each of the vertices to be, but it seems you can also make gradients using a fragment shader if you use the FragCoord variable, for example.
My question is, since you seem to be able to make color gradients using both kinds of shaders, which one is better to use? I'm guessing vertex shaders are faster or something since everyone seems to use them, but I just want to make sure.
... since everyone seems to use them
Using vertex and fragment shaders are mandatory in modern OpenGL for rendering absolutely everything.† So everyone uses both. It's the vertex shader responsibility to compute the color at the vertices, OpenGL's to interpolate it between them, and fragment shader's to write the interpolated value to the output color attachment.
† OK, you can also use a compute shader with imageStore, but I'm talking about the rasterization pipeline here.

Why is the geometry shader processed after the vertex shader?

In both the OpenGL and Direct3D rendering pipelines, the geometry shader is processed after the vertex shader and before the fragment/pixel shader. Now obviously processing the geometry shader after the fragment/pixel shader makes no sense, but what I'm wondering is why not put it before the vertex shader?
From a software/high-level perspective, at least, it seems to make more sense that way: first you run the geometry shader to create all the vertices you want (and dump any data only relevant to the geometry shader), then you run the vertex shader on all the vertices thus created. There's an obvious drawback in that the vertex shader now has to be run on each of the newly-created vertices, but any logic that needs to be done there would, in the current pipelines, need to be run for each vertex in the geometry shader, presumably; so there's not much of a performance hit there.
I'm assuming, since the geometry shader is in this position in both pipelines, that there's either a hardware reason, or a non-obvious pipeline reason that it makes more sense.
(I am aware that polygon linking needs to take place before running a geometry shader (possibly not if it takes single points as inputs?) but I also know it needs to run after the geometry shader as well, so wouldn't it still make sense to run the vertex shader between those stages?)
It is basically because "geometry shader" was a pretty stupid choice of words on Microsoft's part. It should have been called "primitive shader."
Geometry shaders make the primitive assembly stage programmable, and you cannot assemble primitives before you have an input stream of vertices computed. There is some overlap in functionality since you can take one input primitive type and spit out a completely different type (often requiring the calculation of extra vertices).
These extra emitted vertices do not require a trip backwards in the pipeline to the vertex shader stage - they are completely calculated during an invocation of the geometry shader. This concept should not be too foreign, because tessellation control and evaluation shaders also look very much like vertex shaders in form and function.
There are a lot of stages of vertex transform, and what we call vertex shaders are just the tip of the iceberg. In a modern application you can expect the output of a vertex shader to go through multiple additional stages before you have a finalized vertex for rasterization and pixel shading (which is also poorly named).

GLSL - A do-nothing vertex shader?

So I have an opengl program that draws a group on objects. When I draw these objects I want to use my shader program is a vertex shader and a vertex shader exclusively. Basically, I am aiming to adjust the height of the model inside the vertex shader depending on a texture calculation. And that is it. Otherwise I want the object to be drawn as if using naked openGL (no shaders). I do not want to implement a fragment shader.
However I haven't been able to find how to make it so I can have a shader program with only a vertex shader and nothing else. Forgetting the part about adjust my model's height, so far I have:
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMain * Position;
It transforms the object to the correct position alright, however when I do this I loose texture coordinates and also lighting information (normals are lost). What am I missing? How do I write a "do-nothing" vertex shader? That is, a vertex shader you could turn off and on when drawing a textured .obj with normals, and there would be no difference?
You can't write a shader with partial implementation. Either you do everything in a shader or completely rely on fixed functionality(deprecated) for a given object.
What you can do is this:
// draw objects with shader
// draw objects with fixed functionality
To expand a little on the entirely correct answer by Abhishek Bansal, what you want to do would be nice but is not actually possible. You're going to have to write your own vertex and fragment shaders.
From your post, by "naked OpenGL" you mean the fixed-function pipeline in OpenGL 1 and 2, which included built-in lighting and texturing. Shaders in OpenGL entirely replace the fixed-function pipeline rather than extending it. And in OpenGL 3+ the old functionality has been removed, so now they're compulsory.
The good news is that vertex/fragment shaders to perform the same function as the original OpenGL lighting and texturing are easy to find and easy to modify for your purpose. The OpenGL Shading Language book by Rost, Licea-Kane, etc has a whole chapter "Emulating OpenGL Fixed Functionality" Or you could get a copy of the 5th edition OpenGL SuperBible book and code (not the 6th edition) which came with a bunch of useful predefined shaders. Or if you prefer online resources to books, there are the NeHe tutorials.
Writing shaders seems a bit daunting at first, but it's easier than you might think, and the extra flexibility is well worth it.

GLSL shader detechment

i am trying to add GLSL shader and i am successfully added that to get per fragment lighting,
but can it possible to detach shader dynamically from geometry and getting the OpenGL basic effects for that.
you can use 2 different programs (one with and one without per fragment lighting) and swap between them
or create a uniform boolean that will disable perfragment lighting in the shader