Word Automation Service BatchGetSyncJobStatus fails when requesting security token - sharepoint-2013

I'm running a SharePoint 2013 on-premise server on which I have deployed a simple WCF service as a farm solution. The service accepts simple Http post requests that contain single MS Word documents as payload and returns these files converted into PDFs.
The service is accessible via Http to anonymous users. The WordAutomationService is running as Administration user account of the SharePoint server.
The service class creates an new instance of the Microsoft.Office.Word.Server.Conversions.SyncConverter and passes the proxy of the SharePoint's running WordAutomationService into the constructor (together with some ConversionJobSettings). Finally it calls the Convert method on the SyncConverter with the input stream (the Word document) and output stream (the web response which will contain the resulting PDF document produced by the WordAutomationService).
When creating the SyncConverter I don't set the UserToken property because the access to the service is by anonymous users. According to the remarks here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.word.server.conversions.syncconverter.usertoken.aspx this seems to be fine:
The default value for this property is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), which is anonymous.
This setup works fine for small Word documents with a couple of pages and returns the expected PDF files. But as soon as the execution time of the WordAutomationService on the SharePoint exceeds a certain time threshold (around 5 seconds) the service fails because it never returns (which leads to a read timeout on the client).
According to the logs it seems the reason for this is that after some time the synchronous conversion job moves the work into a background process:
Sync Stream job conversion takes too long. Don't wait anymore. Check its status later
It then polls the status of this job on a regular basis by calling ConversionServiceApplicationProxy.BatchGetSyncJobStatus. Unfortunately this call fails because internally it tries to create a new channel to talk to this process and for that asks for a security token. The SecurityTokenService however cannot complete the token request and throws an exception:
An unhandled exception has occurred. The security token request cannot be completed. System.InvalidOperationException: The security token request cannot be completed.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurityContext.SecurityTokenForServiceContext(Uri contextUri)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPChannelFactoryOperations.InternalCreateChannelActingAsLoggedOnUser[TChannel](ChannelFactory`1 factory, EndpointAddress address, Uri via)
at Microsoft.Office.ConversionServices.Service.ConfigChannelFactory`1.CreateChannel(EndpointAddress address)
at Microsoft.Office.ConversionServices.Service.ConversionServiceApplicationProxy.GetChannel(Uri uri)
at Microsoft.Office.ConversionServices.Service.ConversionServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(Uri endpointAddress, Action`1 action)
at Microsoft.Office.ConversionServices.Service.ConversionServiceApplicationProxy.BatchGetSyncJobStatus(ICollection`1 ucids, Uri endpointAddress)
at Microsoft.Office.ConversionServices.Service.BatchGetStatusPollingThread.Run()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() StackTrace:
at onetnative.dll: (sig=37460b31-4453-4365-92f5-3a11c267be48|2|onetnative.pdb, offset=28F56) at onetnative.dll: (offset=15735)
I'm at a loss now how to get rid of the token issue so that the system can create the necessary channel to poll the conversion job status. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks!
(I can't post the full log because it registers as spam)

I’ve found that, if you were to install SharePoint 2013 on a Domain Controller (a topology that Microsoft said is only good for development but not for production), then the default anonymous user in IIS (IUSR) will not work reliably, and any WCF solution which is accessed via an IIS site that has Anonymous Access configured to use the IUSR account will fail when it attempts to access Security Token Service.
In this case the most expedient solution is to reconfigure IIS to use another anonymous identity, namely the identity tied to the Application Pool.
For example if your site is called NameOfSite, you can run this in an elevated PowerShell:
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `
-Filter /system.WebServer/security/authentication/AnonymousAuthentication `
-Name username `
-Value "" `
-location "NameOfSite"
This solves the immediate problem at hand which is that SecurityTokenForServiceContext fails. However, if you’ve installed SharePoint 2013 on Windows 2012 R2 as a Domain Controller, then it is not over: WordServerWorker actually will not start in this configuration.
I can also confirm, however, that if you were to install SharePoint 2013 on a standalone server (with <Setting Id="SERVERROLE" Value="SINGLESERVER"/> role in the unattended config file), then the entire solution works end-to-end, and WordServerWorker will actually start properly.
Previously, the most relevant (and unanswered) question on this must be this MSDN posting, “The security token request cannot be completed”. I would assume that in that case, the service was only in a meta-stable state, and one of the IIS workers would have previously obtained credentials via NTLM during local testing.

Usually when sharepoint service applications interact with each other, these services maintaining current user context trough wcf calls by using service application framework (SAF). Its allows these services to use SPContext.Current, preserve correlation id between call in logs and so on. When this context is lost, services stopping being able to communicate each other. For example this happens if we have a code that starts a new thread but didn't setup user for newly created thread context.
According to your description your service is anonymous and didn't use SAF to maintain user context, but uses some services that requires existence of that context
The possible solution would be is to use SAF(which is tricky configured WCF in a nutshell) instead of plain WCF services with no authentication
One more possible solution may be is wrap your code with RunWithElevatedPrivileges to make your services connects sharepoint with application pool identity


CoRegisterClassObject returns error (session 0?)

A customer is running one of our programs, usually run as a service, as an application. The customer is getting the following error on CoRegisterClassObject():
The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller.
It looks like some type of session 0 error, but why should CoRegisterClassObject() care about session 0? COM should allow both services (session 0) and apps (session > 0) and not care what registers what, shouldn't it?
Also, I don't like the fact that it's not in the list of errors returnable by CoRegisterClassObject(), as per the Microsoft doc webpage.
The error code in question is CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY (0x80004015).
Per this page:
COM security frequently asked questions
Q6 Why does CoRegisterClassObject return CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY? When launching my ATL 1.1 server service as an .exe file, I receive CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY from CoRegisterClassObject. (The class is configured to run as a security ID different from the caller.) This seems to occur whether I skip the CoInitializeSecurity or not. It fails running as a service or as an .exe file.
A. Many services are debugged by running them as console applications in the interactive user identity. Because the service is already registered to run in a different identity (configurable by the Services control panel applet), OLE fails the CoRegisterClassObject and RunningObjectTable::Register(ROTFLAGS_ALLOWANYCLIENT) calls by returning CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY to enforce security and to prevent malicious servers from spoofing the server. To debug by running in the interactive user's identity, make the following changes in the server's registry entries to prevent these failures:
• To prevent CoRegisterClassObject failure, remove the following named value:
• To prevent a IRunningObjectTable::Register(ROTFLAGS_ALLOWANYCLIENT) failure, follow these steps:
Remove the following named value:
Then add the following named value:
"RunAs"="Interactive User"
You muist restore the modified registry entries after debugging.
I am assuming you would have to replace {0bf52b15-8cab-11cf-8572-00aa00c006cf} with your COM object's actual CLSID instead.

CICS web service requestor GET CONTAINER returns neither data nor error

I am developing a CICS web service requestor application to consume a distributed web service.
I used the web services assistant DFHWS2LS to transform the wsdl to copybooks successfully.
I have no problem issuing the PUT CONTAINER and INVOKE SERVICE api commands, but when I issue GET CONTAINER I am not receiving any containers or data. No response codes or error messages, but no data. Any ideas on how to debug this would be greatly appreciated.
I have never seen RESP be DFHRESP(NORMAL) and RESP2 be zero and have nothing returned by the server.
Verify the WSDL specifies that something is, in fact, returned by the web service.
Check the RESP and RESP2 values returned by the INVOKE SERVICE API. You don't mention these explicitly, and I presume the former is DFHRESP(NORMAL) and the latter is 0, but you might have coded NOHANDLE so I thought I'd ask.
Take a look in the TD queue mapped to CSSL (the default is the MSGUSR DD) for your CICS region. This is where CICS logs messages when it runs into an error while processing your SOAP request. Look for messages prefixed DFHPI.
Try pinging the endpoint from a TSO session running on the same LPAR as your CICS region, it's possible you're being stopped by a firewall.
In your comment you indicate the requestor is "seeing whitespace on the <SOAP-ENV:Envelope tag>". This isn't something under your direct control. The CICS "plumbing" code takes care of formatting the SOAP message. You may want to ask your CICS Systems Programmer to look for APARs related to the problem and install any associated PTFs.
You could verify the requestor's claim by using the transport handler in Appendix A.3 of this redbook. You'll have to modify your pipeline configuration file to execute the handler.

Truncated Java object when passing through JAX-WS WebService

I am currently working on a project that uses JAX-WS webservices in Java.
The global topic is this : the user creates locally an object, let's say an Agent. He calls a first webservice and passes its Agent to the webservice. The webservice treats the Agent (modifies its properties : e.g. lifepoints), and passes it to another webservice. This call is made from the first webservice, so the user has nothing to do in the process.
After a chain of several webservices, the user retrieves the Agent that has been modified.
The aim of my project is to design 2 parts:
a framework that specifies the behaviour previously described : webservices, Agents and the process of migration
a demo application using my framework. The main difference is the addition of a GUI and a new class Avatar, that extends Agent. So the migration process is still being done "by the framework", with Agent objects.
The following code shows a simple example of how I call my webservice, host my Avatar, then retrieves the agent from the service :
// connection to the server
URL endpoint= new URL("http://SERVER/tomcat/KiwiBidonDynamique/ServiceWebBidonDeDadou?wsdl");
QName serviceName=new QName("http://avatar/","ServeurKiwiBidonService");
Service service = Service.create(endpoint, serviceName);
WebService port = service.getPort(WebService.class);
Avatar myAvatar = new Avatar(1, "Jack the Ripper");
// some process on the service...
Avatar myAvatarTransformed = (Avatar) port.getAgent("AgentNumberOne");
When I do that, I get an exception on the final line :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: agent.Agent cannot be cast to avatar.Avatar
After a lot of log reading, I guess the reason is the way the webservice works. When being called, my Avatar given in parameter is marshalled in my JVM then unmarshalled on the service, but the service only constructs an Agent when it unmarshalles. Doing so, it truncates the data specific to the Avatar. Then when I try to retrieve my Agent from the service, it cannot be cast to an Avatar.
Is there a way to keep the Avatar information while processing as an Agent on the service ?
Can I write my own marshalling/unmarshalling somehow ?
Thanks a lot.
If your webservice has Agent element defined as incoming data, then no it is not possible to unmarshall it into an inherited class. I guess it would be possible to write your own marshaller but it is not as easy as it sounds (I would advise against it). Either write a separate WS for each class (messy) or make the incoming data have an element that can store additional structures, like type:any (also messy). The truth is WS are not exactly OO.

Timestamp of server from a web service call

Is there a way that I can retrieve the timestamp of a web service call? I'm trying to get the time of the server hosting the web service.
Easiest thing to do is to just log them in the server implementation of your service contract, you can use PostSharp to make some attributes to take of this aspect.
For instance, you can write a Trace attribute which simply logs a debug message when a method is invoke. Here's one I wrote a while back which tracks how long a method takes and log a warning message if it takes longer than a set threshold:
I came across some 'trace' attribute example before, if you want I can look for it for ya.

API Design: How should distinct classes of errors be handled from an asynchronous XMLHTTP call?

I have a legacy VB6 application that needs to make asynchronous calls to a web service. The web service provides a search method allows end-users to query a central database and view the results from within the application. I'm using the MSXML2.XMLHTTP to make the requests, and have written a SearchWebService class that encapsulates the web service call and code to handle the response asychronously.
Currently, the SearchWebService raises one of two events to the caller: SearchCompleted and SearchFailed. A SearchCompleted event is raised that contains the search results in a parameter to the event if the call completes successfully. A SearchFailed is raised when any type of failure is detected, which can be anything from an improperly-formatted URL (this is possible because the URL is user-configurable), to low-level network errors such as "Host not found", to HTTP errors such as internal server errors. It returns a error message string to the end-user (which is extracted from the web service response body, if present, or from the HTTP status code text if the response has no body, or translated from the network error code if a network error occurs).
Because of various security requirements, the calling application does not access the web service directly, but instead accesses it through a proxy web server running at the customer site, which in turn accesses the actual web service through via a VPN. However, the SearchWebService doesn't know that the calling application is accessing the web service through a proxy: it's just given a URL and told to make the request. The existence of the proxy is a application-level requirement.
The problem is that from an end-user perspective, it's important that the calling application be able to distinguish between low-level network errors versus HTTP errors from the web service, and to distinguish proxy errors from remote web server errors. For example, the application needs to know if a request failed because the proxy server is down, or because the remote web service that the proxy is accessing is down. An application-specific message needs to be presented to the end-user in each case, such as "Search web service proxy server appears to be down. The proxy server may need to be restarted" versus "The proxy is currently running but the remote web server appears to be unavailable. Please contact (name of person in charge of the remote web server)." I could handle this directly in the SearchWebService class, but it seems wrong to generate these application-specific error messages from such a generic class (and the class might be used in environments that don't require a proxy, where the error messages would no longer make sense).
This distinction is important for troubleshooting: a proxy server problem can usually be resolved by the customer, but a remote web server error has to handled by a third party.
I was thinking one way to handle this would be to have the SearchWebService class detect different types of errors and raise different events in each case. For example, instead of a single SearchFailed event, I could have a NetworkError event for low-level network errors (which would indicate a problem accessing the proxy server), a ConfigurationError event for invalid properties on the SearchWebService class (such as passing an improperly-formatted URL), and a ServiceError for errors that occur on the remote web server (implying that the proxy is working properly but the remote server returned an error).
Now that I think about it, there is also an additional error scenario: it could be possible that the proxy server is running properly, but the remote web server is down, or the proxy server has been misconfigured.
Is the approach of using multiple error events to classify different classes of error a reasonable solution to this problem? For the last scenario (the proxy is running but the remote server cannot be reached), I'm guessing I may have to set up the proxy to return a specific HTTP error code so that client can detect this situation (i.e. something more specific than a 500 response).
Originally I kept the single SearchFailed event and simply added an additional errorCode parameter to the event, but that got messy quickly, especially in cases where there wasn't a logical error code to use (such as if the VB6 raises a "real" error, i.e. if the XMLHTTP class isn't registered).
I think that some ideas I've used with Java exceptions may apply here.
Having a large number of different Exceptions gets pretty messy, yet we need to give enough detail to the user so we don't want to lose information.
Hence I have a small number of specific Exceptions, which I guess would correspond to your Events:
InvalidRequestEvent: Used when the user specifies bad information
TransientErrorEvent: used when there's infrastructure issues when a retry might work.
I tend to work in environments where we have clusters of servers so if a user request hits a dying server then if he resubmits he'll probably get a good one, hence from his perspective a simple retry often works. However sometimes the error is with a service such as the Network or Database and in which case the user needs diagnostic information to report to the helpdesk. Hence we need to decide on the extra information to put into the exception. This is (if I understand you correctly) your question.
In the case of InvalidRequestException we would bet giving some information about the problems with the input. It could be on the lines of "Mismatched parenthese" or "Unknown column CUTSOMER in table ORDER". In the case of TransientErrorException it could be "Proxy server is down".
Now depending upon your exact requirments you may not actually choose to put that text in the Exception, but rather an error number which the presentation layer converts to a locale-specific string (English, French ...).
So either Exception might contain something like this (sorry for that Java syntax, but I hope the idea is clear):
BaseException {
String ErrorText; // the error text itself
// OR if you want to allow for internationaliation
int ErrorCode; // my application specific code, corresponds to text held by the UI
String[] params; // specific parameters to be substitued in the error text
// CUTSOMER and ORDER in my example above
int SystemErrorCode; // If you have an underlying error code it goes here
String SystemErrorText; // any further diagnoistic you might need to give to
// the user so that they can report the problem to the
// help desk.
// OR instead of the text (this is something I've seen done)
int SystemErrorTag; // A unique id for this particular error problem.
// This server systems will label their message in the
// server logs. Users just tell the help desk this number
// they don't need to read detailed server error text.