validation of clojure schema - if-statement

i have a problem in validation of clojure prismatic schema. Here is the code.
:Some_Var1 {:Some_Var2 s/Str
:Some_Var3 ( s/conditional
#(= "mytype1" (:type %)) s/Str
#(= "mytype2" (:type %)) s/Str
I am trying to validate it using the code:
"Some_Var1": {
"Some_Var2": "string",
"Some_Var3": {"mytype1":{"type":"string"}}
but it is throwing me an error:
"errors": {
"Some_Var1": {
"Some_Var3": "(not (some-matching-condition? a-clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap))"
It is a very basic code i am trying to validate. I am very new to clojure and still trying to learn basics of it.

Welcome to Clojure! It's a great language.
In Clojure, a keyword and a string are distinct types i.e. :type is not the same "type". For example:
user=> (:type {"type" "string"})
(:type {:type "string"})
However, I think there is a deeper issue here: from looking at your data, it appears you want to encode the type information in the data itself and then check it based on that information. It might be possible, but it would be a pretty advanced usage of schema. Schema is typically used when the types are known ahead of type e.g. data like:
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(def data
{:first-name "Bob"
:address {:state "WA"
:city "Seattle"}})
(def my-schema
{:first-name s/Str
:address {:state s/Str
:city s/Str}})
(s/validate my-schema data)
I'd suggest that if you need validate based on encoded type information, it'd probably be easier to write a custom function for that.
Hope that helps!
An an example of how conditional works, here's a schema that will validate, but again, this is a non-idiomatic use of Schema:
;; % is the value: {"mytype1" {"type" "string"}}
;; so if we want to check the "type", we need to first
;; access the "mytype1" key, then the "type" key
#(= "string" (get-in % ["mytype1" "type"]))
;; if the above returns true, then the following schema will be used.
;; Here, I've just verified that
;; {"mytype1" {"type" "string"}}
;; is a map with key strings to any value, which isn't super useful
{s/Str s/Any}
{:some-var3 {"mytype1" {"type" "string"}}})
I hope that helps.


GET returning only true params (Clojure)

I'm trying to return 'profile' that were created with :public-profile true.
This is my schema:
(s/defschema profile
{:id s/Int
:name s/Str
:last-name s/Str
:age s/Int
:origin {:country s/Str
:city s/Str}
:public-profile Boolean
And this is my GET:
:get {
:responses {http-status/ok {:schema [profile]}}
:handler (fn [_] (ok (vals #profiles)))}}))
I'm kind of newbie programmer on Clojure and I would like to know how to make my get return only public-profile that were true. Just looking for a simple function to make it happen...
Assuming #profiles is a map where values are profiles, then you can return only profiles where :public-profile is true with filter. For example:
(fn [profile] (:public-profile profile))
(vals #profiles))
In clojure keywords are actually functions and return the value corresponding to them when applied to maps, so a more concise (and I believe idiomatic) way of writing this would be:
(filter :public-profile (vals #profiles))

Clojure: Ensure data integrity when creating a Record from a Map?

I'm learning Clojure and enjoying it but find an inconsistency in Records that puzzles me: why doesn't the default map constructor (map->Whatever) check for data integrity when creating a new Record? For instance:
user=> (defrecord Person [first-name last-name])
#<Class#46ffda99 user.Person>
user=> (map->Person {:first-name "Rich" :last-name "Hickey"})
#user.Person {:first-name "Rich" :last-name "Hickey"}
user=> (map->Person {:first-game "Rich" :last-name "Hickey"})
#user.Person {:first-game "Rich" :first-name nil :last-name "Hickey"}
I believe the Map is not required to define all the fields in the Record definition and it is also allowed to contain extra fields that aren't part of the Record definition. Also I understand that I can define my own constructor which wraps the default constructor and I think a :post condition can then be used to check for correct (and comprehensive) Record creation (have not been successful in getting that to work).
My question is: Is there an idiomatic Clojure way to verify data during Record construction from a Map? And, is there something that I'm missing here about Records?
Thank you.
I think your comprehensiveness requirement is already quite specific, so nothing built-in I know of covers this.
One thing you can do nowadays is use clojure.spec to provide an s/fdef for your constructor function (and then instrument it).
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
'[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest])
(defrecord Person [first-name last-name])
(s/fdef map->Person
:args (s/cat :map (s/keys :req-un [::first-name ::last-name])))
(stest/instrument `map->Person)
(map->Person {:first-name "Rich", :last-name "Hickey"})
(map->Person {:first-game "Rich", :last-name "Hickey"}) ; now fails
(If specs are defined for ::first-name and ::last-name those will be checked as well.)
Another option is to use Plumatic Schema to create a wrapper "constructor" function specifying the allowed keys. For example:
(def FooBar {(s/required-key :foo) s/Str (s/required-key :bar) s/Keyword})
(s/validate FooBar {:foo "f" :bar :b})
;; {:foo "f" :bar :b}
(s/validate FooBar {:foo :f})
;; RuntimeException: Value does not match schema:
;; {:foo (not (instance? java.lang.String :f)),
;; :bar missing-required-key}
The first line defines a schema that accepts only maps like:
{ :foo "hello" :bar :some-kw }
You wrapper constructor would look something like:
(def NameMap {(s/required-key :first-name) s/Str (s/required-key :last-name) s/Str})
(s/defn safe->person
[name-map :- NameMap]
(map->Person name-map))
(s/defn safe->person-2
(assert (= #{:first-name :last-name} (set (keys name-map))))
(map->Person name-map))

How to transform object keys and values in Clojure

I'm using Datomic, although it doesn't particularly matter for this question. But it typically returns namespaced keys (and enum values are returned as namespaces keywords also). I want to translate the potentially nested structure to strip the namespaces from the keys and from values (and also string-ify the values of enums). I'm doing this because I'll return the result in a JSON REST API and the namespacing doesn't make much sense in that context. Here's a simple example structure:
:person/name "Kevin"
:person/age 99
:person/gender :gender/M
:person/address {
:address/state :state/NY
:address/city "New York"
:address/zip "99999"
And I'm hoping to translate to:
:name "Kevin"
:age 99
:gender "M"
:address {
:state "NY"
:city "New York"
:zip "99999"
One thing I know I can do is use (postwalk-replace {:person/name :name :person/age :age :person/gender :gender :person/address :address :address/city :city :address/state :state :address/zip :zip} the-entity) and that covers the keys, but not the values.
What other options do I have?
You can use clojure.walk/postwalk. Simple version doesn't differentiate between keywords as keys or values in a map, simply converts all keys to strings:
(def data {:person/name "Kevin"
:person/age 99
:person/gender :gender/M
:person/address {:address/state :state/NY
:address/city "New York"
:address/zip "99999"}})
(fn [x]
(if (keyword? x)
(name x)
;; => => {"name" "Kevin", "age" 99, "gender" "M", "address" {"state" "NY", "city" "New York", "zip" "99999"}}
To implement exactly what you want you need to handle keys and values in a map separately:
(defn transform-keywords [m]
(into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
(let [k (if (keyword? k) (keyword (name k)) k)
v (if (keyword? v) (name v) v)]
[k v]))
(fn [x]
(if (map? x)
(transform-keywords x)
;; => => {:name "Kevin", :age 99, :gender "M", :address {:state "NY", :city "New York", :zip "99999"}}
As a side note: in my experience, the impedance mismatch between namespace-qualified and non-namespace-qualified keys at the boundary of your system can be an ongoing pain; what's more, having namespaced-qualified keys has significant advantages regarding code clarity (very good data traceability).
So I wouldn't give up namespace-qualified keys too readily. If EDN's syntax for namespacing (with dots and slashes) doesn't suit the consumers of your API, you may even want to use something more conventional like underscores (e.g :person_name instead of :person/name); a bit uglier, but it still gives you most of the benefits of namespace-qualified keys, you will not even need to transform the data structures, and Datomic won't mind.

Meaningful error message for Clojure.Spec validation in :pre

I used the last days to dig deeper into clojure.spec in Clojure and ClojureScript.
Until now I find it most useful, to use specs as guards in :pre and :post in public functions that rely on data in a certain format.
(defn person-name [person]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::person person)]
:post [(s/valid? string? %)]}
(str (::first-name person) " " (::last-name person)))
The issue with that approach is, that I get a java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: (s/valid? ::person person) without any information about what exactly did not met the specification.
Has anyone an idea how to get a better error message in :pre or :post guards?
I know about conform and explain*, but that does not help in those :pre or :post guards.
In newer alphas, there is now s/assert which can be used to assert that an input or return value matches a spec. If valid, the original value is returned. If invalid, an assertion error is thrown with the explain result. Assertions can be turned on or off and can even optionally be omitted from the compiled code entirely to have 0 production impact.
(s/def ::first-name string?)
(s/def ::last-name string?)
(s/def ::person (s/keys :req [::first-name ::last-name]))
(defn person-name [person]
(s/assert ::person person)
(s/assert string? (str (::first-name person) " " (::last-name person))))
(s/check-asserts true)
(person-name 10)
=> CompilerException clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Spec assertion failed
val: 10 fails predicate: map?
:clojure.spec/failure :assertion-failed
#:clojure.spec{:problems [{:path [], :pred map?, :val 10, :via [], :in []}], :failure :assertion-failed}
I think the idea is that you use spec/instrument to validate function input and output rather than pre and post conditions.
There's a good example toward the bottom of this blog post: . Quick summary: you can define a spec for a function, including both input and return values using the :args and :ret keys (thus replacing both pre and post conditions), with spec/fdef, instrument it, and you get output similar to using explain when it fails to meet spec.
Minimal example derived from that link:
(spec/fdef your-func
:args even?
:ret string?)
(spec/instrument #'your-func)
And that's equivalent to putting a precondition that the function has an integer argument and a postcondition that it returns a string. Except you get much more useful errors, just like you're looking for.
More details in the official guide: ---see under the heading "Spec'ing functions".
Without taking into account if you should use pre and post conditions to validate function arguments, there is a way to print somewhat clearer messages from pre and post conditions by wrapping your predicate with clojure.test/is, as suggested in the answer below:
How can I get Clojure :pre & :post to report their failing value?
So then your code could look like this:
(ns pre-post-messages.core
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(defn person-name [person]
{:pre [(t/is (s/valid? ::person person))]
:post [(t/is (s/valid? string? %))]}
(str (::first-name person) " " (::last-name person)))
(def try-1
{:first-name "Anna Vissi"})
(def try-2
{::first-name "Anna"
::last-name "Vissi"
::email ""})
(s/def ::person (s/keys :req [::first-name ::last-name ::email]))
pre-post-messages.core> (person-name try-2)
would produce
"Anna Vissi"
and evaluating
pre-post-messages.core> (person-name try-1)
would produce
FAIL in () (core.clj:6)
expected: (s/valid? :pre-post-messages.core/person person)
actual: (not (s/valid? :pre-post-messages.core/person {:first-name "Anna Vissi"}))
AssertionError Assert failed: (t/is (s/valid? :pre-post-messages.core/person person)) pre-post-messages.core/person-name (core.clj:5)
This is useful when you don't want to use s/assert, or can not enable s/check-assserts. Improving on MicSokoli's answer:
:pre simply cares that the values returned are all truthy, so we can convert the return value "Success!\n" to true (for strictness) and throw an error with the explanation and the input data in case the output is not successful.
(defn validate [spec input]
(let [explanation (s/explain-str spec input)]
(if (= explanation "Success!\n")
(throw (ex-info explanation {:input input}))))
A variation of this could be this one, but it would run the spec twice:
(defn validate [spec input]
(if (s/valid? spec input)
(throw (ex-info (s/explain spec input) {:input input}))))
(defn person-name [person]
{:pre [(validate ::person person)]}
(str (::first-name person) " " (::last-name person)))

Clojure read object from a file and extract data

I am very new to closure so I am not fully sure how to do this. If I have a file data.txt with the following:
{:name "Steve"}
{:name "Issac"}
{:name "Lucas"}
I want to be able to read the contents of each :name tag and do something with the return value (in this case it will be printing to the console). I looked up online and found there is a method called reader and I understand how to open a file.
The Closure syntax confuses me slightly so I am not sure how to do this.
there should be 2 possiblities:
1) raw clojure by means clojure.core/read-string
(read-string "['q 2 \"test\"]")
;; [(quote q) 2 "test"]
2) via clojure.edn/read-string
(clojure.edn/read-string "['q 2 \"test\"]")
;; ['q 2 "test"]
the 2nd one should be faster and safer (but does not eval and stuff),
but is only for edn format (this is a subset of clojure code)
the string dummy (i.e from your data.txt)
;; a string, just for demo
(def s "[{:name \"Steve\" email: \"\" }
{:name \"Issac\"}
{:name \"Lucas\"}]")
the rest is plain clojure, if you have trouble with clojure maps here is the doc
(doseq [name (map :name (clojure.edn/read-string s))]
(println name))
;; Steve
;; Issac
;; Lucas
;; nil