via a QUdpSocket, I know I'll receive datas which will contain only this struct:
typedef struct myStruct
int nb_trame;
std::vector<bool> vBool;
} myStruct;
but when I receive new datas, I receive a QByteArray right ?
So how can I use the received-struct ?
You can't entity-serialize a vector (your way of sending the struct is called entity-serialization). I mean, you can serialize it, but if you attempt to deserialize it this way you will not get a valid object.
You need to implement proper serialization.
I would like to send the following struct over msgpack.
struct MyStruct {
std::string name{""};
int* val{nullptr};
MSGPACK_DEFINE( name, val );
Thus far in all of my projects, the only way I've streamed with msgpack is using MSGPACK_DEFINE, then writing the struct to msgpack::sbuffer (and sending it). the MSGPACK_DEFINE macro complains that that perhaps I missed the "->" so I'm guessing it doesn't detect that it's a pointer.
Smart pointers seem to work though:
struct MyStruct {
std::string name{""};
std::shared_ptr<int> val{nullptr};
MSGPACK_DEFINE( name, val );
The caveat is that the receiver on the other end needs val to be a raw pointer. I would like to do this without converting on the receiving side. Any ideas?
You failed to explain why you wish to do this. Pointers are never meaningful when serialized (otherwise it is in-process data and there is no need to serialize).
Just pass the value that the pointer points to. If you need to represent "a number or NULL", then pass a struct containing an integer and boolean.
struct NullableInt {
int value{0};
bool null{true};
Originally, We have two applications communication with TCP/IP, and both of them are implemented by C++. The messages between them are custom message type.
Now the client program will be changed to web application based on nodejs and the communication between them will be changed to message bus such as rabbitmq
So the message type between them should be changed.
JSON comes to my mind first, however the custom messages are too complicated, which are defined by template and inheritance. It seems that convert the custom message to JSON is not a good option. Am I right?
class Address {
int network;
int addressType;
class MsgType{
unsigned char msgSeq;
unsigned int msgLen;
class Message{
Address destination;
Address source;
MsgType msgType;
template <typename T, int RESPONSE_TYPE>
class ResponseMessage : public Message{
typedef struct{
int number;
int type;
class CfgResp : public ResponseMessage<ConfigResp, CONFIG_REQUEST>
Protocol Buffers is another option for me to do that. What should I do?
redefine the custom message into protocol buffer? no no
Here is my solution: Just wrap the whole original custom message (binary type) into protocol buffer as one message in the server side, then decode the custom message(binary type) in client side. Is that possible?
It looks like you are structuring your application to become more extensible. Not using a nice message format is completely counter to that aim.
Don't embed your binary format inside a protocol buffer chunk. You'll gain nothing - you'll need to rewrite parsing and writing code for each component that wants to use the message bus. Thats wasted time and effort.
There is pain in mapping your C++ structures to JSON or protocol buffers. But it will make hooking into those messages using node.js or other things peeking into the message bus much easier later.
Personally I'd use protocol buffers - since they're more type safe. And there are differences between handling of various types in JSON libraries, because the JSON format is (intentionally) lax. In particular I've found handling of long integers problematic.
Typically I write a helper template struct for each class I need to convert - then conversion becomes a lot of boilerplate. Something like
template<typename T> class ProtocolBufferHelper {
template<> class ProtocolBufferHelper<Address> {
typedef address_buffer protocol_buffer_type;
void writeToProtocolBuffer( const Address &a, address_buffer & buffer) {
template<> class ProtocolBufferHelper<Message> {
void writeToProtocolBuffer( const Message &m, address_buffer & buffer) {
::writeToProtocolBuffer(buffer.getDestination(), m.destination);
::writeToProtocolBuffer(buffer.getSource(), m.source);
template<typename T> void writeToProtocolBuffer( const T &value, ProtocolBufferHelper<T>::protocol_buffer_type & buffer ) {
ProtocolBufferHelper<T>::writeToProtocolBuffer(value, buffer);
You'll have to forgive me for not remembering exactly what the protocol buffer syntax is in C++ (its been a while...). but hopefully its enough to get you started.
I'm currently working on a Client/Server application, sending packets via TCP.
To read the incoming packet, I do something like this:
struct SomeRandomStruct
int nVal1;
int nVal2;
SomeRandomStruct* pStruct = reinterpret_cast<SomeRandomStruct*>(pBuffer);
Right now there's a small problem. Let's say I have a struct like this
struct SomeNewStruct
int nNameLen;
int nPassLen;
char szName[];
char szPass[];
Since the size/length of szName & szPass is sent in the same packet, is there a way I can set its size ,,within the reinterpret_cast" or do I have to read the packet manually?
Friendly warning:
Consider something like google protocol buffers to encode messages for you in a cross-platform and safe way.
Here are some reasons why:
How big is an int? On your machine? today? tomorrow? It's undefined in the c++ standard.
What is the binary representation of an int? Is it the same on the machine sending and the machine receiving? Will it always be? (If you think 'yes' then you're wrong). Again the c++ standard has nothing to say on the matter.
What is the padding between data members in the struct? Is it the same for all compilers on all hosts? (answer: no)
ask yourself why functions like htons() exist. They are there because not all machines are the same, but the communication between them must be.
I could go on...
As your question is tagged C++, I'd propose you to do dynamic allocation in constructor and deallocation in destructor. That way, you could have simply pointers in your struct :
struct struct SomeNewStruct {
int nNameLen;
int nPassLen;
char *szName;
char *szPass;
SomeNewStruct(int nameLen , int passLen) {
// set and alloc...
SomeNewStruct(SomeNewStruct &src) {
// alloc and copy
~SomeNewStruct() {
// dealloc ...
You could even use std::string for szName and SzPass letting the STL deal with those low level allocation details :
struct struct SomeNewStruct {
int nNameLen;
int nPassLen;
std::string szName;
std::string szPass;
Is there a standard way to get rid of the switch/case block in a read loop?
enum msg_type
//msg types
struct header
msg_type _msg_type;
uint64_t _length;
struct message1
header _header;
struct message2
header _header;
//socket read loop
void read(//blah)
//suppose we have full message here
char* buffer; //the buffer that holds data
header* h = (header*)buffer;
msg_type type = h->_msg_type;
case msg_type_1:
message1* msg1 = (message1*)buffer;
//Call handler function for this type
this means that I have to inherit from a handler container base class which is of the form:
class handler_container_base
virtual void handle(message1* msg){}
virtual void handle(message2* msg){}
and pass an object of that type to where the message loop can see and ask him to call those back.
One problem is, even when I want to implement and register only one handler for a single type I have to inherit from this class.
Another is this just looks ugly.
I was wondering if there are existing libraries which handle this problem (should be free). Or is there no better way of doing this rather than like this?
Other approaches that avoid inheritance are:
For a closed set of types:
Use a variant:
variant<message1_t, message2_t> my_message;
With a visitor you can do the rest. I recommend boost.variant.
You can also use a boost::any, for an open set of types, and copy the messages around at runtime.At some point you will have to cast back to the original type, though.
Another solution goes along the lines of Poco.DynamicAny, which will try to convert, to the type on the left in an assignment, similar to a dynamic language. But you need to register converters yourself for your types.
I'm working on a basic client server application in C++ using sockets that will run a game of battleship. All communication between client and server is in the form of a simple object hierarchy that looks something like this:
namespace Message {
enum MessageType { BASE, RESULT };
class BattleshipMessage {
virtual MessageType get_type() { return BASE; }
virtual ~BattleshipMessage() {}
class ResultMessage : public BattleshipMessage {
char _attackResult;
ResultMessage( char result ) : _attackResult( result ) {}
virtual MessageType get_type() { return RESULT; }
~ResultMessage() {}
When receiving an object sent through the socket, I would like to be able to receive it as a generic BattleshipMessage and then based on the MessageType returned by get_type() cast it to the appropriate child class to retrieve whatever additional information I might need to process the message. I'm afraid that C# has made me soft as I've done this sort of thing with easy syntax like ResultMessage result = message as ResultMessage however I'm stuck trying to get my C++ implementation working.
BattleshipMessage* message;
recv( hAccepted, reinterpret_cast<char*>( &message ), sizeof(message), 0 );
switch ( message->get_type() ) {
case RESULT:
if ( ResultMessage* result = dynamic_cast<ResultMessage*>(message)) {
std::string celebration = "HOORAY!";
I get Access violation reading location when I dereference the pointer and try to call get_type(). Can anyone point me in the right direction?
gives the size of the pointer, which is typically 32-bit or 64-bit depending on your machine. You want
which gives the size of the class. Even then, I'm not sure this is the right approach since each class object will contain a pointer to the vtable which handles the dynamic dispatch/virtual function calls, and sending the class across machines using the raw casting approach that you use will invalidate that pointer.
I think you should first serialize your object (i.e. convert it to a stream of characters) before sending it across the network, then deserialize to reconstruct the class:
Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?
Get rid of all the virtual methods, and store MessageType as a member variable in BattleshipMethod. Then your code should work.