Check Dialog is open or not in MFC VC ++ - mfc

I have an application (Manager) used to send commands to another application (Instructor) through sockets. From the first application I will have configure some data which is useful to invoke and run the second application. Same time im getting reports from the second application to first application.
Let me explain my question, I have the set of exercises which has to be run in second application. Either I can invoke it from First app or from the second app by invoking the exercise dialog. Once I invoked, I can get the report. For that I have one button in my first app.
Here whats happening,before the exercise dialog get invoked,when i press this button, it shows error.
So, I just want to know whether that dialog is opened or not.
I use GetSafeHwnd(), but once the object created for that dialog class, these handle get some value even the dialog is not open.
Here I pasted the code, once I get the button press 'GenXL' command from first app.
extern CPerfScore *oPerfScore;
void CMainFrame::ProcessPendingRead(void)
int nRead;
CString strBuf;
CString sCmd;
nRead = m_pCltSocket->Receive( &m_pRecPacket, sizeof(Packet));
if(nRead > 0)
// read the message
sCmd = m_pRecPacket.sMessage;
if (sCmd.CompareNoCase("CLOSE") == 0)
if (sCmd.CompareNoCase("GENXL") == 0)
if(oPerfScore->GetSafeHwnd() == 0)
AfxMessageBox("Exercise dialog not open");

A handle will be valid even if the window isn't currently being shown, as long as it has been created. I think you're looking for the API call IsWindowVisible(). I believe MFC wraps this as a member.


C++ Global Hotkeys with platform APIs

I'm working on an application for taking screenshots on Windows, OSX and Linux in C++/Qt. Now I need to set global hotkeys, so the user can take screenshots when the application is running in the background. I tried with Qxt and UGlobalHotkey, which are both Qt libraries, but neither of them seemed to work.
I tried to implement it for OSX with Carbon (tutorial), but I need to call a class member function, which just doesn't work. Could someone provide me with an example? You can find my code here. The function i need to call is new_screenshot().
Or is there any other way to achieve something like this? I really need my application to take a screenshot from the background, otherwise it's pretty useless (yes, I should probably have implemented it at the very beginning to see if it even works). Would it maybe be better to have a separate client for every platform (Cocoa Swift for OSX, GTK for Linux, C# client for Windows)? I have often thought about this the past few days.
Do I understand correctly that you want to call new_screenshot from the hot key event handler? If so, InstallApplicationEventHandler lets you pass a pointer to user data in 4th argument. Pass a pointer to your MainWindow instance (based on code from the tutorial):
MainWindow *mainWindow = ... // get main window somehow
Then you can use it in the event handler.
OSStatus MyHotKeyHandler(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler,EventRef theEvent, void *userData)
//Do something once the key is pressed
return noErr;
I did something in the past with MFC and WIN32 it only works on Windows...but pressing ALT+F10 was able to hide/show a window...
void CWinHideDlg::OnButtonActive()
CString tmp;
if(0 == strcmp(tmp.GetBuffer(tmp.GetLength()),"Activate"))
int err=RegisterHotKey(this->GetSafeHwnd(),m_myAtom,MOD_ALT,VK_F10);
CButton *pBtn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_UNHIDE);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_INFO,"Set the mouse over the window \nand press ALT + F10 to hide it...");
CButton *pBtn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_UNHIDE);
Basically this code activates/deactivates the hot key ALT+F10, once it activates you can hide/unhide a running window on the system by setting the mouse pointer over the window and press ALT+F10...
This is from the WindowProc function:
if(message == WM_HOTKEY)
CString tmp;
HWND hwnd=::WindowFromPoint(pc);
You can use the code to register your own HOT Key and use it to take a screenshot...
Hope it helps...

C++ Windows System Tray wont display message

I have been stuck here for 4 days. I made a function that puts a program in the system tray but the problem here is that it wont show balloon title and message. What Am I doing Wrong? I even made a separate function to determine what windows os we are running on and initialize cbSize based on the Os detected. Any help will be appreciated. Bellow is the function.
EDIT: I am using Windows 7 and the Icon shows up in the system tray but wont show the message or title. I am also doing this Console Application right now as this will be used as a plugin in Unity3D. I want a solution that uses windows api but not windows form as I don't want any new window to open from this.
void createSystemTray()
HWND wHandler = GetDesktopWindow();
if(getOsVersion()=="Windows Vista" || getOsVersion()=="Windows 7" || getOsVersion()=="Windows 8" || getOsVersion()=="Windows 8.1")
iData.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA);
else if (getOsVersion()=="Windows XP"||getOsVersion()=="Windows XP Professional x64 Edition")
else if (getOsVersion()=="Windows 2000")
else if (getOsVersion()=="UNKNOWN OS")
//Assume we have old Windows Os such as Me,95....
iData.hWnd = wHandler;
iData.uID = 100;
iData.uVersion = NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4;
iData.uCallbackMessage = WM_MESSAGE;
iData.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL,(LPCTSTR)IDI_WARNING);
lstrcpy(iData.szTip,"My First Tray Icon");
lstrcpy(iData.szInfo,"My App Info");
lstrcpy(iData.szInfoTitle,"My Info Title");
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_SETVERSION,&iData); //called only when usingNIM_ADD
I added NIF_INFO to the uFlags and the problem is gone. Now it displays everything including text, title and info title.
The code below is what solved it.
Your biggest problem with the code in the question is that you pass the wrong window handle. You have to pass one of your window handles. But instead you pass the window handle of the desktop.
You will need to create a window and use its handle. The window does not need to be visible. I believe that you can use a message only window.
You must also call NIM_SETVERSION after NIM_ADD.
I'm very sceptical of your version switching being based on string equality testing. Your code will break on Windows 9 for instance. Use the version helper functions.
You also perform no error checking. This isn't the easiest function to call but your failure to check for errors makes things even harder than they need to be. Please read the documentation and add error checking code.

How to insert my program to MFC dialog?

I am a new comer in MFC programming. I have already wrote a program, and I want to display the program in a graphical interface. So I use MFC dialog to realize it, but it does not work when runs.
Once the OK button is clicked :
void CTest1Dlg::OnBnClickedOk()
FILE *stream;
freopen_s( &stream, "", "w", stdout ); // reopen stream as .ps
if (mode == 1) //main() in my code
else if (mode == 0)
My code is in converter.cpp, so first I change converter.cpp to converter.h and include it in Test1Dlg.cpp. And then when the OK button click run the main() in my code.
However, I discover that it seems the parameter does not transfer from the graphical interface to my code, although I relevant the edit control box to every parameter. So the dialog does not work. Could some one help me?
The eight edit control boxes are the parameters I used in my coverter.cpp.
My code is aim to use eight parameters to generate some strings, these strings are saved in a file named as out_file which format is .ps.
There are two basic ways you get data from dialog controls to "your code"... if you're using the Visual Studio dialog editor and adding the controls there, it will generate code inside of virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) for you to move data to and from your controls when the dialog gets initialized and terminates. You'll have a line like DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_DIGITS, m_Digits); that the IDE adds that does the exchange. You can also just set and get the data directly if you wanted, e.g. GetDlgItem( IDC_DIGITS )->GetWindowText( m_Digits );

UpdateData works, then data changes?

Language: C++
Development Environment: Microsoft Visual C++
Libraries Used: MFC
Background: So I've created an application that is basically a large preference dialog where the user can configure a number of pages, each with a bunch of different settings. When the user is finished, he/she has three options for saving the preferences (as XML): Save Current [page], Save These, and Save All.
I'm working with the Save These function right now. When the user chooses this option, a dialog appears with check boxes for each page, allowing them to choose which pages they wish to output. Once they choose the directory into which they wish the files to be saved, the magic happens and the XML files are written.
Problem: I have a function (UpdatePageData) that will detect which page is being displayed and update the current page's data by calling UpdateData. I have put in a break point to watch to make sure the variables are being filled with the user's inputted values, and everything is dandy and working correctly. However, when the program jumps from the checkbox dialog (where I call UpdatePageData) to the classes for the pages I'm saving, suddenly all of the values are wrong.
Below I've included some code that will help you guys understand the program flow.
NOTE: In SaveThese, I am currently just working on saving a single page...I will have it update all pages selected once I figure out the problem I'm having.
Location: Main Dialog
void CSAPrefsDialog::OnSaveThese()
int msgboxID = ::MessageBox(
(LPCSTR)"Are you sure you want to save?",
(LPCSTR)"Save These",
switch (msgboxID)
case IDOK:
CSaveThese m_sT;
Location: Main Dialog
void CSAPrefsDialog::UpdatePageData()
if ((m_iCurPage >= 0) && (m_iCurPage < m_pages.GetSize()))
pageStruct *pPS = (pageStruct *)m_pages.GetAt(m_iCurPage);
if (pPS)
if (pPS->pDlg)
if (!pPS->pDlg->UpdateData()) // THIS WORKS. THE DATA IS UPDATED.
AfxMessageBox("Did not update data.");
Location: SaveThese Class
void CSaveThese::OnBnClickedOk()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
UpdateData(TRUE); // figures out which boxes are checked for saving
CDirDialog dir;
CSAPrefsDialog prefsDialog;
prefsDialog.m_strDirectorySavePath = dir.m_strPath;
// [ other if-statements like the one below to check the check boxes ]
FSC_Main m_FS;
Location: FSC_Main Class
void FSC_Main::Save(CString dirPath)
dirPath += "\\FS_Config.xml";
FILE *fp = fopen(dirPath, "w+");
By the time it gets to WriteXML, the values have either reverted back to their initialized values (empty strings and -1 for all combo boxes), or have strange values (empty for strings, and large numbers for combo boxes).
I imagine I just have something in the wrong place. I'm just not sure why this is happening, and it's really the biggest hurdle between me and really getting this project rolling.
Jon, Very hard to understand your code. What i understood is you have a member variable m_pages in CSAPrefsDialog dialog class which you are updating by calling UpdateData. And then you are creating a local variable CSaveThese m_sT and calling DoModal. Do you expect CSaveThese class should hold the values of m_Pages?

CDockingManager GetPaneList() causes assertion failure in wincore.cpp?

So I thought this would be pretty simple, but I forgot it's MFC. Instead of registering a notification listener for data model changes that would possibly require a GUI update on each individual control I figure why not register it once and then send a message to all the open dock panes and allow them to update their controls as needed on their own terms for efficiency.
My callback function for handling the notification from the server looks something like this:
void CMainFrame::ChangeCallback(uint32_t nNewVersion, const std::vector<uint32_t>& anChangedObjectTypes)
CObList panes;
GetDockingManager()->GetPaneList(panes); // assert failure
if (!panes.IsEmpty())
POSITION pos = panes.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos)
CDockablePane* pPane = dynamic_cast<CDockablePane*>(panes.GetNext(pos));
if (pPane)
pPane->PostMessage(DM_REFRESH, nNewVersion);
The error I am getting is an assertion failure on line 926 of wincore.cpp
CHandleMap* pMap = afxMapHWND();
ASSERT(pMap != NULL); // right here
There is a comment below this saying this can happen if you pass controls across threads however this is a single threaded MFC application and this is all being done from the main frame.
Does anyone know what else can cause this?
If there is another way to go about sending a message to all the open CDockablePane derived windows in MFC that works as well ...
Here's the obvious workaround that I didn't want to have to do but after hours of debugging and no response here I guess this is a viable answer:
I added std::vector<CDockPane*> m_dockList; to the members of CMainFrame
Now after each call to AddPane in various places that can create and open new dock panes I make a subsequent call to push_back and then I override CDockablePane::OnClose like so:
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = reinterpret_cast<CMainFrame*>(AfxGetMainWnd());
if (pMainFrame)
std::vector<CDockPane*>::const_iterator found(
std::find(pMainFrame->DockList()->begin(), pMainFrame->DockList()->end(), this));
if (found != pMainFrame->DockList()->end())
Now this list will only contain pointers to open dock panes which allows me to handle the event notification in my callback and simply do a for loop and PostMessage to each.