executing a SCUFL xml in Taverna Workbench - taverna

I am relatively new to the workflow management system and was exploring taverna. I understand Taverna workbench is a GUI for building and editing workflows, but if I have a SCUFL xml which is the underlying language that the graphical workflow represents, then is there a provision in the taverna workbench that allows me to directly import and execute the given XML ?.
Or is this something that i must do with the taverna command line tool?, I tried to find this in the documentation but could not find a reference.


Does anyone know how to retrieve the list of tasks in Camunda 8, without using tasklist?

I am currently evalauting Camunda, having previously used version 7 in the past which seems to be significantly more open source than version 8.
I am aware that tasklist and an official tasklist-api exist, however they are only permitted during development and testing without a license.
In Bernd Rücker's medium post How Open is Camunda Platform 8?, there is a section:
A path to production with source-available software
Additionally, you will need to find solutions to replace the tools you cannot use.
You will need to implement your own task management solution based on using workers subscribing to Zeebe as described in the docs. That also means you have to build your own persistence to allow task queries, as the Tasklist API is part of the Tasklist component and is not free for production use.
I have tried to search the zeebe source for any hints, but the only job/task related APIs I seem to be able to find are:
I do not believe that these could be the endpoints that tasklist uses as the jobs have to be manually claimed by user interaction from the UI.
Does anyone know how this is achieved?
Your own zeebe exporter allows you to export any events the engine produces, such as user task state updates. You could store this information in a data sink of your choice and and implement an API on top of it.
See, e.g. https://camunda.com/blog/2019/05/exporter-part-1/

I'm learning Camunda . How to save a process XML document into act_ge_bytearray without deploying?

I want to save my process definition. But so far, I only know that my process files will be saved when deploying.
But I just want to save without deploying.
How can I do this ?
Your requirement is not fully clear. If you just want to save the file without deploying it, then you can save it to the location of your choice in the Desktop Modeler or download it from the web modeler, both without deploying it.
There is no need to store this file in the Camunda runtime if you do not want to deploy and use it. Feel feel to store it e.g. in Git.
You should not write something to Camunda tables directly, circumventing the API, as Jan already pointed out.
You can use the Camunda Web Modeler to manage and store process models and other artifacts without deploying them. For Camunda 7 you can use Cawemo.com. for Camunda 8 you can use the Saas version of the web modeler available under camunda.io, or a beta version of the web modeler for self-managed installation (https://docs.camunda.io/docs/self-managed/web-modeler/installation/).
It is just an xml file ... just save it wherever you want. Typically, it will be stored in a git repository because the model is versioned part of your codebase.

Testing a app script

I have created a script via Drive|New|App Script
Now I want to test it. This must be so fundamental that it must be obvious, but it is not to me.
My script is for a Document. I used the code example from this "Translate" example, https://developers.google.com/apps-script/quickstart/docs
I have tried creating a new document and then from the menu Tools|Script-editor I have gone looking for my saved project, but the "Open recent projects" is empty.
How do you test/run a saved app script project for a Apps Document?
Thank you in advance.
If created Via Google Drive you can type the following in the search whilst in Drive (Drive.google.com)
This should return all the scripts created manually which are not attached to specific Sheets/Docs/Forms (i.e you have used the Drive tool to create a script or used the URL Script.google.com)
If you have created it this way and want to run a function to interact with a Google Sheet/Doc see the following example.
SpreadsheetApp.openById('SHEETS ID GOES INBETWEEN THESE BRACKETS').getSheetByName('Sheet1')
All tests on appscript are run using the '>' play icon or 'RUN' then select your function.
Don't create your script in "Drive|New|App Script". Open a new Google Doc, open "Tools|Script editor..." and write your code in this new app script project.
Normally this must work!
Short answer
Follow the referred tutorial instructions.
The path that you followed to create the script project, creates a stand-alone script project, but the referred tutorial is about a Google Document bounded-script. The code include triggers and methods that only work on this kind of script project.

interfacing with hadoop services in c++

From a c++ application, what are the best ways to connect to various service components of hadoop, like namenode, datanodes, jobtracker etc., so that its configuration can be changed or monitored.
Is it that one need to create JVMs for each of these components to interact with them from c++ application or the web interfaces these component provide, allow configuration of parameters dynamically for example changing the replication factor, updating xml files, reporting status of job etc. ?
You should checkout
Hadoop Streaming.
Hadoop Streaming basically provides an interface to hadoop for any language which can input from stdin and output to stdout.

What GUI tool can I use for building applications that interact with multiple APIs?

My company uses a lot of different web services on daily bases. I find that I repeat same steps over and over again on daily bases.
For example, when I start a new project, I perform the following actions:
Create a new client & project in Liquid Planner.
Create a new client Freshbooks
Create a project in Github or Codebasehq
Developers to Codebasehq or Github who are going to be working on this project
Create tasks in Ticketing system on Codebasehq and tasks in Liquid Planner
This is just when starting new projects. When I have to track tasks, it gets even trickier because I have to monitor tasks in 2 different systems.
So my question is, is there a tool that I can use to create a web service that will automate some of these interactions? Ideally, it would be something that would allow me to graphically work with the web service API and produce an executable that I can run on a server.
I don't want to build it from scratch. I know, I can do it with Python or RoR, but I don't want to get that low level.
I would like to add my sources and pass data around from one service to another. What could I use? Any suggestions?
Progress DataXtend Semantic Integrator lets you build WebServices through an Eclipse based GUI.
It is a commercial product, and I happen to work for the company that makes it. In some respects I think it might be overkill for you, as it's really an enterprise-level data mapping tool for mapping disparate data sources (web services, databases, xml files, COBOL) to a common model, as opposed to a simple web services builder, and it doesn't really support your github bits, anymore than normal Eclipse plugins would.
That said, I do believe there are Mantis plugins for github to do task tracking, and I know there's a git plugin for Eclipse that works really well (jgit).
Couldn't you simply use Selenium to execute some of this tasks for you? Basically as long as you can do something from the browser, Selenium will also be able to do. Selenium comes with a language called "selenese", so you can even use it to programmatically create an "API" with your tasks.
I know this is a different approach to what you're originally looking for, but I've been using selenium for a number of tasks, and found it's even good to execute ANT tasks or unit tests.
Hope this helps you
What about Apache Camel?
Camel lets you create the Enterprise Integration Patterns to implement routing and mediation rules in either a Java based Domain Specific Language (or Fluent API), via Spring based Xml Configuration files or via the Scala DSL. This means you get smart completion of routing rules in your IDE whether in your Java, Scala or XML editor.
Apache Camel uses URIs so that it can easily work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF Bus API together with working with pluggable Data Format options.