Adding CDialog inside CDockablePane and application becomes unresponsive - mfc

I want to add a CDialog control inside CDockablePane. When I use CDialog.DoModal() to display the dialog window, it makes the MFC application unresponsive and waiting for the CDialog result.
How can I make the application display the dialog and continue running without waiting for the CDialog result?

You cannot use DoModal to display the dialog. That displays a modal dialog, which prevents interaction with any other windows in your application until the dialog has been dismissed. Just like a message box does.
To display a non-modal dialog, you call the Create member function. Use the instance of your CDockablePane as the dialog's parent. You will also need to ensure that the dialog itself is a child window, without a border.
It might be easier to use a class derived from CFormView or CPaneDialog.


Focus not returning to CView after dismissing Message box

Within a derived CView class' method, I am calling the CWnd's MessageBox method. This is a docked view, not an MDI child. Upon return from MessageBox, focus goes to the Active MDI child, not back to the docked view.
Thinking this was an MFC behavior "anomaly", I tried changing the code to use the Win32 ::MessageBox and pass in the view's GetSafeHwnd() for the parent HWND paraneter, and the view STILL doesn't get focus upon dismissal of the MessageBox, but the Active MDI child gets focus, just like the MFC call.
Also, I see similar behavior with CDialog-based windows from the view, not just MessageBox's.
I did a work-around by calling SetFocus() AFTER returning from MessageBox, and that works. However, I don't want to have to programatically ALWAYS set focus back to me (there's some situations where the view or one of its children do NOT have focus BEFORE the dialog/message box, so I actually need to test for that BEFORE the dialog/message box, then restore focus only if I HAD focus, AFTER the call to DoModal/MessageBox).
Is this an MDI Windows behavior bug? Is this not a bug but a "desired feature" of MDI apps? Am I doing something wrong? Anybody have any ideas or comments?

Adding event handler to user defined window classes

I am using MFC MDI. I create a window the main document window. I create another window(lets call it second window) as child of MDI Window View, then I create child window(third window) of second window. Again I need to create another window, child window of third window. I have a button on the ribbon and I want to call message handler in the third window to handle this command. I have added message map and all required stuff but it is not calling the message handler. If I define the message handler in MDI window view, it catches the event. If I dont delare the message handler in my main CWinApp class or MDI window View class the button appears disabled.
All my child view classes are inherited from CWnd and main MDI window is derived from CView. Please let me know what I am missing here.
I am at the loss here. You are using MFC; why using events? use command messages and command message handlers instead events.
Use MFC implemented and well working command routing.
MFC doesnt route messages generated by clicking Ribbon buttons to child windows. If we want to send messages to child windows of MDI windows we need to do it ourselves. Ribbon button's messages are either passed to active MDI window or CWinApp class.

Tab Order with CTabCtrl and child CFormViews

In my application I have a CFormView with a CTabCtrl, I also have 4 CFormViews that are children of the main CFormView and that are shown/hidden when the user changes the selected tab.
However, I can't find a way to make the Tab Order to work properly. If the CTabCtrl has the focus, pressing the Tab key has no effect and if one of the child CFormView has the focus the Tab key will move the focus only around the controls inside the CFormView.
I tried changing the z-order of the visible child CFormView to be right after the CTabCtrl with SetWindowPos, changed the child CFormViews styles to WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT but nothing seems to work.
You've started out from the wrong implementation: you shouldn't make a CFormView with a CTabCtrl and then stuff more CFormViews into it. This isn't going to work right. Instead, you should work with CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage, where focus handling has already been taken care of. You will still be able to access the CTabCtrl owned by the CPropertySheet by calling GetTabControl(), but MFC will take care of the problems you've encountered.
Briefly: derive classes from CPropertySheet for each of the dialog windows you want to show (e.g., CConfigPage1, CConfigPage2). Create a Dialog resource in the Resource Editor for each of them, and do all of the other standard CDialog setup.
Next, derive a class from CPropertySheet (e.g., CProps), and (optionally) handle WM_SIZE and TCN_SELCHANGE.
Finally, derive a class from a CView descendent, like CScrollView (e.g., CViewMyAwesomeStuff). Then add member variables for the CPropertySheet and CPropertyPages, and handle WM_CREATE where you Add() each page to the property sheet and then Create(this,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE) the property sheet.
Bonus: You can forward the CView::OnUpdate to each child CPropertyPage by calling GetPage() in a loop and calling a function on each of them, or you can send a message to each of them (use a user-defined message, like WM_APP+1). They can discover their parent's CDocument by calling GetParent()->GetParent()->GetDocument().

MFC DoModal Dialog

Okay, so I will admit I have no knowledge of windows API or even MFC.
I've got an error window popping up when things go hairy (illegal character in a filename string) and I want the error box to be modal.
For the life of me I can't figure out why it crashes when it hits doModal.
Here is the code where I think this can be fixed. This code is in the event handler of a button in the main window.
CDialog *BadFileD = new CDialog();
BadFileD->Create(IDD_STATUS, this);
Am I just being borderline retarded?
MFC dialog divides two pattern, modal dialog and modeless dialog.
(1) Modal dialog usage:
CDialog dlg;
(2) Modeless dialog usage:
CMyDialog *pDlg = new CMyDialog();
pDlg->Create(ID_DLG, this);
As you can see, we need a new pointer, but do not delete it. So, you need to do the following in our CMyDialog class:
Add DestroyWindow() method in OnOk() and OnCancel().
Add "delete this;" in PostNcDestroy() method.
If you do not, your code may cause a memory leak. BadFileD is a class member, and you delete it in destructor. I suggest use Modeless dialog.
For display modal dialog you should use DoModal method only
CDialog *BadFileD = new CDialog(IDD_STATUS, this);
You can read remarks from article
If you desire to just display an error message, it may be that rather than creating your own dialog you can just use AfxMessageBox(). See Microsoft Developer Network - AfxMessageBox.
If you want to do your own dialog box typically with an MFC project you would normally:
create a dialog box template using the resource editor
create a class encapsulating the dialog box with the class wizard implementing the behavior desired
insert the code to create and display the dialog box into the appropriate place
However with a simple dialog box that requires no supporting class for complex behavior you can skip the step of creating the encapsulating class with the class wizard and just use CDialog directly.
One question that needs to be answered is the lifetime of the dialog as well as whether it is to be modal or modeless. A modal dialog box requires the user to do something for the application to continue past the modal dialog box. A modeless dialog box does not block the application the way a modal dialog box does. There is also a system modal dialog box style.
Since you say it will be a modal dialog then the lifetime will be short so the entire construction, display, and destruction will probably be in a series of lines of code. For instance in a CView class with a command handler displaying a modal dialog box you might have:
void CViewThing::OnCommandMenuItem ()
CDialog BadFileD(IDD_STATUS);
int iRetStatus = BadFileD.DoModal();
// check for status such as IDOK, etc.
// do whatever is necessary.
What the above does is create a dialog box using the dialog resource template IDD_STATUS and displays it as a modal dialog box. Since it is local object, when the variable BadFileD goes out of scope, the dialog box destructor will be triggered and resources cleaned up for you.
You can also have a modeless dialog box. In the case of a modeless dialog box you need to consider the variable lifetime because as soon as the variable goes out of scope, the destructor will trigger and the dialog box will disappear.
So for a modeless dialog box being used with some view class, perhaps providing a tool box of some kind, the CDialog variable will be a member of the CView class which is using it. After the modeless dialog box is created, it is displayed or not by using the ShowWindow() member function of the CDialog class (actually a member of the CWnd class from which CDialog is derived).
void CViewThing::OnCommandMenuItem ()
BadFileD.Create(IDD_STATUS, this);
BadFileD.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // display the dialog
and in the CViewThing class you would have a member variable CDialog BadFileD;.
Additional considerations
In all of the above examples we are not using pointers so that when the CDialog variable goes out of scope, either from exiting a member function or when the object using the dialog box is destroyed then the dialog box is as well. This object management is done for us.
One thing that you must take into consideration with a modeless dialog box is how to destroy it when you no longer need it.
Since a modal dialog box is usually a short term object, often created as a local variable on the stack, you normally just let it go out of scope to take care of everything dealing with destruction.
However the lifetime of a modeless dialog box requires that the DestroyWindow() method be used to destroy the dialog box when it is no longer needed. See Microsoft Developer Network - Destroying the Dialog Box.
A third usage scenario - embedding a dialog box
There is a third usage of a dialog box that sometimes comes in handy, embedding the dialog box into another window as a control.
In the above examples, the dialog box template specifies the WS_POPUP style for the dialog which is the standard style for a dialog box since the normal way that a dialog box is used is to display as a separate window.
However if you change the WS_POPUP style to WS_CHILD you can then embed the dialog box into another window as a control. You can remove the other style settings such as WS_SYSMENU, DS_MODALFRAME, and WS_CAPTION and remove the CAPTION line from the dialog template to further change the dialog box. So you will end up with something like:
IDD_STATUS DIALOGEX 0, 0, 435, 266
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1
LTEXT "this is some static text to display on this dialog.",IDC_STATIC,81,63,200,32
Then just use the resulting dialog box similar to how you would a modeless dialog box with ShowWindow().
If you need to reposition the embedded dialog box within its container window, you can use the SetWindowPos() method to do so. For instance the following would move the dialog box window within its containing window to be 20 pixels from the left and 10 pixels from the top of the containing window.

Parent notification in MFC Dialog

I have a first dialog with a simple button on it and while clicking the button, a second dialog is created using CDialog::Create(IDD,this). I would like the parent to be notified when the second dialog is destroyed but without adding any code to the second dialog i.e., without adding a m_pParent->Notify() line in OnDestroy method.
I have tried OnParentNotify, PreTranslateMessage, SubclassWindow in the parent dialog with no success. I have not used the WS_CHILD style for the second dialog. Any idea?
To complete: in fact, I have a ComboBox derived class (but the issue is the same with buttons) and I'm displaying a modeless Dialog instead of displaying the listbox. But I would like the control to be as generic as possible so that any modeless dialog could be used. That's why I do not want to add a specific notification in the second dialog. If I'm obliged, I will use this trick but I asked for a more generic solution. PreTranslateMessage only catches WM_PAINT, WM_NCMOUSELEAVE and WM_NCMOUSEMOVE.
Use a base class and have your parent refer to the modeless child by base class only. In the base PostNcDestroy have it post to the parent.
It doesn't make sense to have the parent do a bunch of filtering / spying on all messages. It does make sense to implement behavior in a base class that you want to have common to all the different future flavors you might have of the modeless child.
OnParentNotify() is not called since dialog2 is not a child of dialog1.
PreTranslateMessage() should help here (although I don't like this bullet). The trick is that a modeless dialog doesn't destroy itself when it's closed. If you want the dialog to die, it must call DestroyWindow() when it closes, such in an OnCancel() override.
Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is t wonder why you don't want to add custom notification in your modeless dialog code.
EDIT: Another method would consist in installing a message hook (for the current thread, Not the whole system!). This would help you catch all messages for all windows associated to the same thread as dialog1. See SetWindowsHookEx()
How about posting a main parent form event to the message queue?